We did a blog that covered how an Israeli/British court ruled that calling someone a Zionist is not hate speech, since zionism has nothing to do with race. It has to do with a political agenda and that is not hate speech as defined in their laws. You would not believe the gymnastics they go through to manipulate the law to get what they want. Its a moral violation of the intent of the laws, yet they don't seem to enforce it or try to fix it. Instead they just find an easy answer way to get around the law.
Israel Discriminates against Jews
by Roi tov
Racists are such an inferior race! Invariably, they fail to understand that they will be hit by their own weapon.
In December 2013, Israel was hit by its own racist laws. The best lawyers in the country are now tirelessly trying to figure out how to solve the conundrum while tending their hurting wounds.
Painting Fast
The book-selling market in Israel is an oligopoly, as much of the rest of this unholy corporation. It is run by two companies, Steimatzky and Tzomet Sfarim. Kravitz, a traditional supplier of writing and painting equipment, announced recently that it will enter the market.
Steimatzky favors standalone shops in Jewish cities, or shops within large commercial centers. Younger Tzomet Sfarim ("Books' Junction") favors large shops in shopping malls areas, in their own buildings. Both avoid Palestinian towns within Israel. If asked, they will claim that this is for commercial reasons, implying that Palestinians don't read while forgetting to mention that finding Arabic books in their shops is a Herculean task.
"It is Saturday, give me a break!"
Steimatzky is by far the larger bookstores chain in the country. Some of its shops open on Saturday. This is mainly determined by the store's location. If in a secular-Jews area or in a shopping mall placed in the outskirts of a city, there is a good chance that it will operate during Saturday.
Alas! Israel forbids employers to hire Jews for working during the Jewish Sabbath. If unable to get a special permit, the employer is forced to use a Sabbath Goy. The term refers to a gentile used by the Jews to perform actions forbidden to them.+
A bookstore has little chance to be defined an essential industry by the Industry, Trade and Labor Ministry. Thus, it is unlikely to get a permit allowing Jews to work on Saturday. In December 2013, Steimatzky published an ad asking for non-Jews to join its workforce.
"Anti-Semites! They discriminate against Jews!"
The ad is reproduced above. The problem appears both explicitly and implicitly. The job description area of the ad starts "To branches of Steimatzky are needed non-Jewish workers for a permanent job that includes working on Saturday."
The message is repeated implicitly. The field named "suitable for denizens of" starts with two towns near Tel Aviv that have a significant amount of Palestinians living in them.
The 1988 Equal Employment Opportunities Law prohibits Israeli employers from discriminating between job applicants or employees on sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, fertility treatment, parenting, age, race, religion, nationality, country of origin, political views and IDF reservist duty. Steimatzky apparently violated the law by restricting the job to non-Jews.
Yet, Steimatzky did that to follow the laws forbidding Jews to work on Saturday!
In the last days of 2013, a struggle between illogical trolls is taking place. Attorney Dror Gal, expert on job-related issues claims that Steimatzky broke the law by denying the job opportunity to Jews a priori. With the shrewdness described in the footnote about the Sabbath, he claims that the legal way would have been placing ads in Palestinian towns and not on the web.
This is odd. He claims that hiding it from Jews would have made it legal. Regardless legality, this is manipulative and illegitimate.
Another lawyer, Tziyona Kenig-Yair claims that if the employer can prove that the discriminating request is derived from the character of the job, then it stands the Equal Employment Opportunities Law.
Steimatzky, the poor Goliath, claims that it tried to fulfil both contradicting laws.
The Anti-Defamation League claims to "fight anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defend democratic ideals and protect civil rights for all” and “defend the security of Israel and Jews worldwide." Their motto is: "To stop the defamation of the Jewish people…to secure justice and fair treatment to all." They are doing that tirelessly since 1913; a century of undisputed, undiscriminating professionalism.
If keeping quiet on this troubling issue, I will become an accomplice of ugly anti-Semitism by the Zionist state and one of its companies. I cannot support even the thought of that. Anti-Defamation League please prove your intellectual honesty and take the steps needed to stop this horror. Just don't do that on Saturday.
* A Jew is defined in that law as a person born Jewish (with a Jewish mother or maternal grandmother), with a Jewish ancestry (with a Jewish father or grandfather), or a convert to Orthodox Judaism.
Reform and Conservative converts are recognized only if the rites were performed outside the State of Israel, other groups are rejected. The basis for this racist law is what is known as "Jus Sanguinis" in Latin, namely "Blood Law." In ancient times, it was used to attribute citizenship on the basis of family relations.
+ "But what can one do? One wants some fun!," said the rabbi. This sentence seems to carry the message of the rabbinical interpretation of the Pentateuch, usually known as Talmud. Jews claim being redeemed by fulfilling the Mosaic Law, which makes them the Chosen People; however, the Law is impossible to fulfill as a whole. Actually its attached Covenant was violated – and thus nullified – by the formerly known as Chosen People. Nowhere is this better shown than in the interpretations regarding the Sabbath.
In Exodus chapter 20 we read: "8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."
Believing that they are redeemed by Law, Jews are forced to obey this one. It is repeated in other places, so – sadly – they can’t claim it’s a scribe’s typo. "But, what can one do? It’s not a comfy law," said the same rabbi. Let's see three hilarious interpretations of the Mosaic Law by the Jewish Clowns. Instead of giving dry interpretations, this article mimics the Pharisaic (rabbinical) methods of analysis. If you are a minor, please stop reading right now since the following paragraphs are contain morally contaminating texts.
"Mi Casa, Tu Casa"
"But, what can one do? One wants to visit his friends!," said the rabbi. Oh, yes, one wants to do that. However, that may be considered a violation of the Sabbath, since the day should be dedicated to God and not to social acquaintances. What can one do? Let’s see, is it allowed walking from the synagogue to one’s house?
Of course it is! Now, what is one’s house? This one is an easy trick: wherever my belongings are, that’s my house. Good! Now, let’s put a small item of ours – let’s say a Bible, for the irony – on our best friend’s house. Technically, his house is now also my house. "Mi casa, tu casa; tu casa, mi casa." Now the rabbi can walk from his house to his temple and back to his other house, while God is confused by all this nonsense and believes that the rabbi still fulfills the Mosaic Law.
Strangling String
"But, what can one do? One wants to visit his friends!, and his friends live far away." How long can one walk in the Sabbath. Is walking a type of work? Of course it is!
This point illustrates the way the Talmud was constructed. Topics evolved through a series of questions by the pupils and answers from the rabbis. More often than not, the answers are ambiguous, so that the rabbis keep the redemptive power in their immoral hands. A long time ago, a student asked:
"how far can I walk during the Sabbath, without the walk becoming forbidden work?" The rabbi answered: "As far as the length of a string." Another student added: "How long can the string be?" "It must be a continuous string," was the evasive answer. After many questions and answers, modern neighboring ultraorthodox communities in Israel are attached by strings running along the highways, so that the Mosaic Law Violators can walk among the communities. Many strings are attached head to tail; rumors say a superstring following Earth’s Equator line is planned for the very near future.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light
"But, what can one do? One wants to reads his comics during the Sabbath." According to rabbis, turning electricity on or off is work, and thus prohibited. Are Bnei Barak and Jerusalem dark on Friday’s nights due to this? Of course not! Pre-set timers (called "Shabbat clocks") are attached to all electric appliances, turning them on and off at the desired moment during the Sabbath.
The cause for the turning on or off is a programmed action of the person itself. The work was the result of the person’s will, not of an independent device that decided by itself on the action. The person did decide that work would be performed in the Sabbath and programmed the machine, de facto turning it on and off during the Sabbath.
The responsibility for this unlawful work is on the person. In this they commit two faults: they work in Sabbath and they are dishonest with themselves and God.
What can one do?
How to answer to this nonsense? Are they fools, or just clowns? They are not fools, and there is very little one can do, except to remind them some very wise words from Jesus:
John 9:40-41 And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also? Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
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