Is it members of our foreign occupying country? It makes sense that they would not know about our constitution since they don't have a clue what freedom means when you look at their Theocracy they run, how they brutalize and murder their citizens for sport and entertainment, and they are hoping our dumbed down education system, that they gave us under one of their minion and fully controlled Presidents, will result in the same system over here. That is the only explanation I can come up with for their total and complete lack of knowledge about our system. What I decided to do is to put the bulk of my Vatic Notes, down in the body of this document where it fits with what is being said. So, that is where to go for specifics.
What I decided to do was ignore most of the non essential elements of this document, and cut right into the meat which is somewhat further down where it can be hidden from public view, since its a total rejection of our governing document without going through the legal process to change it. We are not Israel where governance depends on mood of the leaders. Here it depends on "THE RULE OF LAW" among men, which was so stated by one of our founders Adams, who later became president.
As we are moving more and more toward fascist dictatorship, I am becoming very impressed with the wisdom, intelligence and foresight of our founding fathers. Its why this document has withstood worse assaults against it over time (last time these bankers tried this was 1929 and they failed), because of the Constitution and our form of gov, none of the fear mongering they used back then worked either. And Americans had to use their guns back then as well and we prevailed.
That is when these bankers decided this time to infiltrate the government and use our own taxes to build up our military so they would be able to withstand our resistance. Well, they are wrong. Its not the weapons, its the experience of freedom that we have tasted, and the passionate love of that freedom that will win this war. Our Constitution is an incredibly brilliantly devised document and historical in its nature and longevity and is beloved by the people who will never give it up. If I were those traitors in our government, I would pack and move to Israel where their hearts truly reside and leave here while they still can.
Its only as good as we, the people, are willing to support and enforce it. That is why our founding fathers included the ability of the citizens to step in and do so when the gov fails to do as it was created to do, to protect our inalienable rights. That is found in the Section on the "Citizens Grand Jury" authority, and it does not mention anything about a prosecutor. And the Second amendment as well, to enforce the findings of such grand juries if the gov refuses to prosecute.
I just had an excellent idea of how to face this martial law when it comes. It should be in stages and different lines of defense. This below gave me the idea. There is something to be said for Sun Tsu's "The Art of War". I will work on that and do a seperate blog on the solutions to martial law if they try it.
Law Enforcements Training Document To STOP The Sovereign Citizen Movement Sweeping America
by Josey Wales
This is Josey Wales, I am publishing this response from the comment section of my recent article SHTF In March: Veteran Law Enforcement Officer Comes Forward To Warn America (Video).
Thuthseeker has Done his home work and presented this to the public for all to see. I would like to say Thank you to Truthseeker.
For those of you who still have doubts as to whether or not this government is tyrannical, or question whether or not this government would go against the constitution. This doc should help answer all your questions.
Do you feel the people described in this document present a threat to this nation?
First, I would like to point out that maintaining and Fighting for you’re Constitutional Rights to “”Them”" is criminal! I looked up the word Sovereign, and then looked up what the opposite of that word was.
The reason I did this is from this Document I want to share with everyone,,,and to make positively sure all my ducks where in a row! HOLD ON TO YOUR SEATS, Because if you’re not their Subject Slave,,, YOUR A BAD MAN! or WOMAN!
UNIT TITLE: Sovereign Citizens (Their document is in red and italics and my Vatic Notes are in black and bold.)
Maine Criminal Justice Academy
15 Oak Grove Road
Vassalboro, ME 04989
Prepared by: Jim Birt – MCJA Staff Date: 4-5-2012
Performance Objectives
Remind the group that Sovereign Citizens is one of the MCJA mandatory
training topics for calendar year 2012. The material covered will be
addressed towards the patrol officer who will probably be the first individual
of authority to make contact with a member of the Sovereign Citizen
The basic belief of the Sovereign Citizen is that our government
is ‘illegal’ and they will not respect or adhere to any laws or authority
figures, specifically law enforcement officers, judges, taxing agencies, and
politically elected officials. The Sovereign Citizens see these individuals as
mere agents of a fraudulent and oppressive government. (VN: What he means is one who complains when the Federal gov breaks the law, (like Money laundering for the banks) Steals, (Like the TARP funds), violates the Constitution, Bill of Rights, (Like the NDAA bill and Assassination of Americans EO signed by the President) and the duly passed and signed criminal laws of the land ( Like drug running.)
After this unit of instruction the student will be able to accomplish the following
objectives as outlined in this lesson:
1.12.1 Define a Sovereign Citizen
1.12.2 List 3 of the 5 other names that refer to Sovereigns
1.12.3 State the 2 reasons why there was a resurgence of the group in 2008
1.12.4 Identify what Sovereigns believe is the highest form of government
1.12.5 Describe the organizational structure of the Sovereign Citizens
1.12.6 List 6 basic illegal activities Sovereigns are involved with
1.12.7 List 2 of the 3 vehicle marking a Sovereign may display
1.12.8 What term would a Sovereign use instead of road or street?
1.12.9 What type of firearms do Sovereigns prefer?
1.12.10 What do you do prior to stopping a suspected Sovereign vehicle?
1.12.11 What might a Sovereign claim if you request a Social Security number?
1.12.12 At a traffic stop its not uncommon for a Sovereign to claim what?
1.12.13 List the 3 items most officers request at a traffic stop
1.12.14 What should be obtained when stopping a Sovereign vehicle?
1.12.15 What is the significance of information not shared?
1.12.16 List 3 of the 4 popular forms used by Sovereigns
1.12.17 How many groups of Sovereigns have formed fictitious police agencies
1.12.18 If you had a bad encounter with a Sovereign, where might you check?
1.12.19 List 2 of the 3 offices you contact after a Sovereign encounter.
Administrative Information
Estimated Time Range:
Presentation Methods / Media
Methods Media
Material & Equipment
Student outside assignments:
Androscoggin County Sheriff’s Department
Lesson Plan Outline
2 Hours
Interactive discussion
Maine Criminal Justice Academy
Lesson Plan Outline
Outline of instructional Unit Objectives & Notes
Look for show of hands.
Domestic Terrorism –
groups or individuals
operating entirely inside the
US, attempting to influence
the government or
population to effect political
or social change by
engaging in criminal
activity. (VN: oh this is funny! The only terrorists domestically on our soil right now, are the foreign occupiers of our government who did 9-11, USS Liberty, the USS Cole, and assassinations.)
I. Introduction
A. Introduction
B. Credentials
C. Goals and Objectives
D. Attention Grabber
Ask class/audience:
How many of you really feel that the government is
working in your best interest? (VN: Oh, that is really obvious. They say NO, because we all know and its obvious that the foreign occupiers of our government are not working in our best interests and there is too much evidence to prove it. So, because even the trainees believe it, they need to have a back up for themselves in order to continue with their deeply exposed agenda. This entire document is the back up, by creating an "enemy" that does not exist, as recommended in the 1897 protocols. How ironic and how pathetic. This won't work, anymore than their pitting Christians against Muslims, or Right against left, of which this is a modified version of that attempt.)
Do you really feel that your elected officials do what
is best for you and the country?
When you vote, do you really think you made a
When asked the above questions, many state ‘no’. Many of us
will not act out against the government because we feel this way
however the Sovereign Citizens are inclined to act out, some
violently, because they feel this way. They reject the notion of US
Citizenship and the responsibilities associated with being a US
citizen. (VN: well he has a point there, those he asked if they say no, then do nothing to change it, are then fine with the government ignoring them as taxpayers who then pay for it
II. Sovereign Citizen Defined
A person whose belief and actions are anti-government and
rejects the notion of U.S. citizenship. They claim to follow
only God’s laws and the amendments found in the original
Bill of Rights. Members have said that by force or by peace, a
government overhaul will happen. The FBI considers the
sovereign movement one the nation’s top domestic terrorist
threats. (VN: oh, that must place them behind Past or Chuck Balwins supporters that these terrorists (DHS) listed as Domestic Terrorists to the Daily Kos and to the Missouri Fusia center, along with Ron Paul supporters. see? that is terrorism when you train officers to criminalize citizens who support a different political party than those designated by the state. Same with this below, not one word about how these people use the system and the laws and courts for their sovereign claims. So how come they didn't mention that or give a list of the crimes these so called sovereigns have already committed that would justify this action? Its because its just tyranny ramping up their intent to take down our protecting document and Bill of Rights)
Bill of Rights
The collective name for the first ten amendments to the
United States Constitution.
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Lesson Plan Outline
These limit the power of the U.S. Federal government in the
areas of:
Freedom of religion
Freedom of speech, or of the press
Right of people to assemble peaceably
The right to keep and bare arms
The right of the people against unreasonable searches, seizures
The right against self-incrimination.
Also Known As
Sovereign Citizens are also known as:
1. “Common Law Citizens”
2. “Freemen” – representing freedom of government control.
3. “Constitutionalists”
4. “Posse Comitatus”
5. “Preamble Citizens”
III. History of the Sovereign Citizen Movement
1970s and-1980’s Posse Comitatus – an anti-government,
extremist group blended with KKK and other radical, antigovernment
groups. (VN: Liars, it began before the revolutionary war, because of the tyranny the King of England was visiting on the citizens of the US. So it started long before the 70's, however, the water gate breakin, the abandonment of our children in Viet Nam as POW's and MIA'S, the criminal acts going on like selling drugs, buying guns to overthrow other nations leaders who were elected, but exercising soveriegnty over their own nation against oil companies and others that came in to rape and pillage their country..... all added to the desire to return to those revolutionary times when freedom became a goal and dream of our forefathers. And they wanted to throw off the yoke of the British once again who owned BP oil destroying and polluting third world countries. Racism and anti-semitism were the buzz words they used to condemn a movement that threatened their mafia empire of crimes. American officials went to jail after trial for just such criminal acts, so these people had a good point.)
This group existed for well over a decade
1983 – After a Posse adherent killed two US Marshals, the
movement largely faded. The groundwork however for
following anti-government groups was laid. (VN: I believe that was around the time that the government killed unarmed students who were protesting at their college, Kent state, which for the first time in the history of our government, the state murdered legally protesting students for exercising their rights. It set the precedence for future efforts along those lines. Shot them dead for exercising their deliniated right to assemble and freedom of speech. Well, that was the beginning of the tyranny and the gov has engaged in various false flags killing Americans ever since. USS Cole and 9-11 ring a bell, WACO, OKC. ETC.)
1990s – (early/mid) Membership in anti-government militias,
white supremacist and other radical groups grew. (VN: see how they lump legitimate Constitutionally created groups like militias with those others as they laid out in their protocols to use for the masses consumption. Fortunately the masses are waking up to the maniplation and the game)
1990s – (late) Groups developed “Redemption Theory”
A claim that federal government used citizens as collateral
against foreign debt.
2008- A resurgence of the movement.
Fueled by poor economy (VN: Not true, it was fueled by the "THREATS TO CONGRESS THAT IF THEY DID NOT PASS THE FASCIST TARP BILL IN 2008, THEN THE GOLDMAN SACHS BANKERS RUNNING THE GOV WOULD DECLARE MARTIAL LAW. Thus our elected reps, according to Rep Sherman, were TERRORIZED BY THE SEC OF TREASURY TO VOTE THE WAY THE PRESIDENT WANTED THEM TO VOTE. Homeland Security did nothing about the threats to affect a political outcome which is classic definition of terrorism. SO WHO ARE THE "REAL" TERRORISTS? Better yet, just WHAT IS THE REAL PURPOSE OF HOMELAND SECURITY IF THEY ARE NOT DOING THE "STATED" PURPOSE OF THEIR EXISTANCE "to fight terrorism on domestic soil? That act of terror by Paulson upon the congress, was recorded and is proof of treason and terrorism, SO HOW COME HOMELAND GESTAPO INSECURITY DID NOT ARREST AND PROSECUTE PAULSON?)
Outline of instructional Unit Objectives & Notes
Maine Criminal Justice Academy
Lesson Plan Outline
Outline of instructional Unit Objectives & Notes
Efficiency of Internet to spread radical ideas
Anytime the economy is down, you see a resurgence of
people blaming the government for what goes wrong. (VN: not the government, rather that Federal Reserve which is not the government. And the TARP bill proved we were right)
IV. Sovereign Citizen Beliefs
1. An individual is a government unto himself (VN: Wrong He does not believe he is a government, he believes he is born with certain inalienable rights that no one can take away, like his right to "life, liberty and pursuit of Happiness, for just one example and gov's only function (as stated in the federalist papers by our founders) is to care for those things for the common good, like infrastructure, common defence against foreign invasions and protectioins against usurpation of those citizens God Given rights.
2. No government can control an individual without that
person’s direct permission. (VN: ridiculous, these people are not idiots, that is not what they say. They say what the constitution says. The gov has limited power, as to what they can exercise control over, as "specifically outlined" in the Constitution, which also states that those powers, not delineated by the document given to the Federal Government, are then reserved for the states.
3. A person has a right to reside in country, yet not be under
control of the government. (VN: they are correct on that point. Government works for the people.... the gov does not CONTROL who, what where, of anything regarding the people. They are there to SERVE the people, not to CONTROL the people and that was made clear by the founding fathers in the Federalist papers. The gov has specifically outlined powers that do not include "control over the people" and if its not specified than they do not have the power over the people.They have the power and oath to protect and defend the people and the constitution. So those writing this are definitely in violation of their oath of office.)
4. Income tax is illegal
(VN: Well, in actuality, we do not have "income tax" in the Constitution, since it is illegal to tax wage earners and that is clearly outlined in the constitution, however, what the banker controlled law makers did was create the IRS as the collection arm of THE IMF AND WORLD BANK, which is not legal as evidenced by the fact that IRS headquarters is offshore in Puerto Rico since they are not authorized under the Constitution as one of Governments outlined responsiblities and powers, read the document yourself and see what it says. And its clearly stated that the Gov can only do what is specifically outlined within their authority by the Constitution. Income taxes were for corporations only.)
5. The county is the highest form of government (VN: To be honest, I don't remember that being the case, so I will check)
6. The Sheriff is the only law enforcement recognized since
he is elected by the people. (VN: wow, they are lying again. That is not what it says at all, nor what these movement people say it says. It says that the sheriff is the highest law enforcement officer "in the county", higher than any other enforcement officer, including the feds who are not suppose to have any law enforcement authority since that can lead to USURPATION OF STATE AUTHORITY AND POWER WITHIN THE STATE, as we now see with Homeland Security and that has been upheld by the courts when challenged since even judges cannot pretend they can't read. Its clear as a bell in that governing document.)
When a belief system motivates its members to commit
violent acts, it becomes a law enforcement problem. (VN: it becomes a local Law enforcement problem, NOT A FEDERAL ONE, since its clear in the Constitution that the feds are restricted from any law enforcement authority and power on a local level. If anyone, much less these guys, are violent, local law enforcement and courts can handle it and always have. This is about CONTROL as they said above. That is all its about, changing the Constitution without going through the legal steps to do so and changing the power of the state so they will quit nullifying the Feds acts of tyranny and treason. That is why the RULE OF LAW IS SO IMPORTANT. Now we can see why, clear as a bell. Like I said our forefathers were geniuses and its taken this actually happening to see why they wrote it the way they did. They knew the gov would abuse the system if allowed to have unlimited power which is what they are trying to take. We see it almost every day now.)
Themajority of Sovereign Citizens (estimated at 97%) are not
dangerous however the other 3 % can be VERY violent. They
see violence as the only way to bring about the change they
believe in. (VN: There are no instances that any of these people have used violence. In fact, what has these screaming mimi's so upset, is that they are winning in court using the law.) They disconnect from government, they are frustrated with the government not looking out for their best interest and are frustrated with figures of authority. (VN: here we are again, but lets look at what they said about the frustration that the feds are not looking out for their best interests and the Sovereigns are disconnected from their government. They may have something there, since the only interests the gov has shown they care about is that of their foreign occupiers and the monied lobbyists. Now do you blame them? They are disconnected from their gov, because it has disconnected itself from the people and the gov functions they are trying to expand into a tryannical control (NDAA ring a bell?) I think I have heard that said by everyone, not just the group they are trying to set up to be taken down. THIS IS JUST ANOTHER DIVIDE AND CONQUOR ATTEMPT AND IF THEY MURDER THESE PEOPLE LIKE THEY DID ON THE USS LIBERTY, WACO AND 9-11, THEN WE WILL DEFINITELY HAVE A SOLID CASE OF TREASON EVEN BIGGER THAN WE HAVE ALREADY. They live
and believe this day after day and begin to think – if a law
enforcement officer stops me today- today may be the day I’ll
kill him.(VN: first of all I started laughing, because who ever wrote this now believes he or she is a mind reader of people they have never even met, but this is a great example of why we must never give up our guns. Its this mentality, that rather than trying to heal a nation, they are trying to destroy this nation through division between groups of Americans. I do believe this will meet the same ending that all other attempts to divide us have met. Its going no where. But this is exactly what these foriegn Occupiers of our government, do in their own country to their own people.... so we are not really surprised at this pathetic attempt that will fail. Our law enforcement people are smarter than that .)
Do NOT underestimate these individuals. They will kill or
be killed for what they believe! (VN: oooh, boogie man, boogie man, are you afraid yet? will you kill them if they try to talk to you? If so, then this tactic of pumping you full of fear of and possibly willing to kill Americans who never did any such thing, until these foreign occupiers enter our government and promoted such fear and violence and used 9-11 to destroy our nation as they are doing to their own as we speak.)
V. Threats to Law Enforcement
Physical threats
Since 1990, 51 law enforcement officers have been
killed in 38 incidents in which at least one of the suspects was a
right-wing criminal extremist. (VN: that is a stat I will have to check, since it obviously did not make the MSM, which would surprise me since those doing this slander are owners also of the press. Now why is that? Because I bet it never happened. But they are trying to ensure that local law officers will be in fear for their lives from their neighbors, family and friends who are both left radicals and right conservative radicals..... 95% of 38 officer incidents since 1990 involved local or state law enforcement (VN: oh, really? Well who else is a law enforcement officer at the local level? LOL That is also suppose to scare you. There are some very good LEO blog sites that are telling their officers the truth about these people trying to get you to violate your oath of office and kill Americans you may not politically agree with. I highly recommend that you visit them and get educated as this is seriously getting out of hand. ?)
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Outline of instructional Unit Objectives & Notes
Contact may be associated with normal law enforcement operations:
1. Traffic stops
2. Protection orders
3. Warrant service
4. Domestic disturbances
VI. Organizational Structure of the Sovereign Citizen Movement
Sovereign Citizens are diffused throughout the country.
They are a loosely organized collection of groups/individuals
Estimated membership is between 100,000 and 300,000.
No one person is known to be the leader of the movement
VII. Encountering Sovereigns
Law Enforcement is encountering Sovereigns in every part of
the country – squatting in abandoned houses, driving with
strangely worded driver’s licenses and fake registrations,
resisting arrest, creating their own currency, duping clients with
empty promises of discharging tax debts or fighting
Other Illegal activities use by Sovereign Citizens include:
1. Hold illegal courts that issue warrants for judges and police
2. Clogging up the courts with frivolous lawsuits
3. File bogus liens against public official to harass them
4. Commit murder and physical assault (VN: I would need to see proof of this, however, the trainees, probably are not given such proof and this is used to condemn an entire movement that is legitimate through inflaming those in law enforcement and causing fear.
5. Threaten judges, government personnel, and law
enforcement officials
6. Impersonate police officers and diplomats
7. Print, sell, and use fake currency, passports, license plates
and driver’s licenses
8. Engineer various white-collar scams, including mortgage
9. Filing bogus tax returns claiming they are owed money.
Conduct seminars across the country and selling DVDs to
individuals providing instruction on how to accomplish their objectives.
Maine Criminal Justice Academy
Lesson Plan Outline
Outline of instructional Unit Objectives & Notes
above activities.
Vacant/Abandoned Property
In California a group of sovereign citizens simply moved into
unoccupied properties and posted notices that declared the
seized houses to be a sovereign republic, threatening violence
against anyone who entered.
Posted signs read:
“Private Property of sovereign Woman of the republic and
“Do Not Disturb Individuals who have possession of the
“All federal and state employees attempting to visit will be
treated as trespassers and face the wrath of the occupants and
their right to ‘Self Preservation – Right to repel Force by Force
– Self Defense – Justifiable Homicide.”
VIII. Encountering Sovereigns Citizens at Traffic Stops
Some Sovereign Citizens ‘advertise’ the fact that they belong to
this group.
Bogus vehicle registration plates on a vehicle may have the
1. ‘Republic of Texas’
2. ‘Kingdom of Heaven’
3. ‘Alabama republic’
4. ‘Motorized Conveyance Registration
5. ‘Moorish Nation’/ ‘Washitaw’
6. Sovereign, Christian Citizen’
7. ‘Sui Juris’ (Latin for ‘of one’s own law’)
8. ‘Ambassador’ or ‘Diplomat’
Think of this next time
you are checking a
Maine Criminal Justice Academy
Lesson Plan Outline
Outline of instructional Unit Objectives & Notes
All of the above registration are well made and may not be
detected as bogus with a quick glance. Closer examination will
indicate to an officer that they are not legitimate. These
registration plates are sold by the Sovereigns as a way to raise
Additional Vehicle Markings
Decals (or homemade signs) are sometimes found on member’s
2. An upside-down American flag in the center of the front
3. “168 to 1” (Oklahoma bombing victims to suspect)
(VN: I don't believe half of this especially about that movement, but I can see how any group such as our government and this movement might have nut cases in positions to do just this kind of crazy stuff. That is what crime laws are for, IF the governing agency is operating on behalf of the population, but even the creators of this, admit, that is not the case. I have seen it in our government as we all know but not in this soverieign movement because this is a new attack strategy they are using out of desperation, so their owned press has not had the ability to lay the ground work by bogusing up news articles saying they have done all this. I am sure that is coming next)
IX. Sovereign Citizen Statements at Traffic Stops/other Contacts
A Sovereign citizen may make odd statements during
contact such as:
1. “I am a free man traveling upon the land”
2. May cite various UCC codes
3. May question your authority as an officer
4. Use conveyance, machinery, road machine, personal
use recreational vehicle (instead of car, vehicle,
motor vehicle)
5. Guests, friends, family (instead of passengers)
6. Traveling, journeying, moving (instead of driving,
operating, transporting)
7. Public right of way (instead of road or street)
8. Abode, living, domicile (instead of residence)
9. Inhabitant, Non-Resident, Non-Domestic (instead of
10. Non-Commercial (instead of public).
Sovereigns are known to like guns. Especially those that can
easily be converted to full-automatic. The rule of thumb is that
there at least two in every vehicle. If a sovereign is encountered
outside of the vehicle, the rule of thumb is that each is carrying
(VN: Did you get that? They did not say "Sovereigns are gun owners", because some are not, but what they are training these officers in is, not in police protocol, but in brain washing and indoctrinating them into "right thinking". This has made me wonder what those officers sworn oath really is now. Has it been changed since the foreign occupiers of our government are now indoctrinating our LEO's into treating someone different as criminals and not training them in observing the victims rights as they used to do. That tells me this is about getting the officers used to ignoring the constitutional rights of anyone who thinks, acts or believes differently than the masses. I also realize with all the dumbing down of our schools, there are those who have not been drugged or intimidated into Not questioning authority which happens in a healthy free society. So this is specifically targeted to this group to try and bring them back into the indoctrinated and socially engineered society that these invaders need in order to complete their take down of this nation, as the NDAA proves.)
Maine Criminal Justice Academy
Lesson Plan Outline
Outline of instructional Unit Objectives & Notes
at a minimum one handgun and one edge weapon.
Sovereign citizens are often confused with extremists from the
militia movement. But while some sovereign citizens
sometimes use or buy weapons, guns are secondary to their
anti-government, anti-tax beliefs. On the other hand, guns and
paramilitary training are paramount to militia groups.
(VN: lol oh, so now they are throwing in the militia groups that are listed in the Constitution. Boy, our Constitution is blatantly and fully under assault like I have never seen before. Well, as someone pointed out fully, if you want to change the constitution all you have to do is pass an amendment that voids those sections you don't want inhibiting your tyranny of the people. Simple to do, so why have they avoided that? Because then they would scare the wealthy who are as vulnerable as we are. Its in the protocols. They will go after them when they are through with us. Its what these foreign occupiers of our gov did in Both Russia and German.)
If you suspect that the vehicle you are about to stop may be
operated by a sovereign citizen- CALL FOR BACKUP! (VN:Notice it doesn't say "if you have probably cause to stop the vehicle", it says if you suspect. Now here is what is really telling about this whole thing. They can now stop, according to this training manual, someone for "BEING SOMETHING", instead of probably cause of breaking a law, that is a critical and seriously important distinction.)
Do not stop the suspect vehicle until backup is on scene. The
backup officer should be positioned at a tactically correct
position with long gun at the ready.
X. Tactics that may indicate affiliation as a Sovereign Citizen at a
Traffic Stop:
1. May roll down their window just enough to be heard
2. May refuse to cooperate and exercise right to remain silent
3. When asked for driver’s license may ask is that a request or
a demand.
4. May provide strange responses to law enforcement questions
that do not make sense. Example, when asked to present a
license, they may reply, “no, not personally.”
5. May claim not to have a driver’s license, and may present
a homemade form of ID.
6. May claim that it is unconstitutional to require individuals to
have a driver’s license and obey traffic laws.
7. If an official state driver’s license is presented, they may
claim that the person in the picture is not them. They may
further claim that the person in the picture is not human, but
a non-breathing extraterrestrial. (VN: I do not believe that one for a minute, in fact what they say is "that is not me as a person, rather as the collateral used by the gov to secure debt, I am soveriegn and here is my form of ID. Ok, so?? If they do not present a valid Drivers license IF YOU STOP THEM FOR PROBABLY CAUSE OF BREAKING A LAW, and only if for that, then you site them for not having a drivers license and the court can deal with it. So what is all this hoopla over this stuff that has been going on for years and never been a problem? Its about their final attempt to take control and these last groups were not intimidated into compliance against their own governing document. That is all this is about)
8. If asked to provide a Social Security number for
identification, they may claim that the request is an invasion
of their privacy and/or a violation of their rights. (VN: actually they are right, under the law NO ONE can ask for their social security number as ID. See how easy it is to circumvent our protections and gradualism is the method for eventually circumventing our entire system if we allow it.)
9. When signing law enforcement documents, they may write
“under duress” beneath their signatures or cite various
Even a ‘minor’ traffic stop
challenges the ideology of
the Sovereigns and can
escalate to a violent
encounter. (VN: So why have we never heard of these so called violent encounters? We have drug companies murdering and/or maiming literally millions of people a year with their tainted drugs and we never hear about it either in protocols like this one or in the MSM. Just another fear manipulation to get the police to no longer protect the rights of its citizens. This is a full on assault of our Constitution, our way of life and our culture by this foreign occupied government. They are trying to do here what they so horribly do in Palestine.)
Maine Criminal Justice Academy
Lesson Plan Outline
Outline of instructional Unit Objectives & Notes
Uniform Commercial Codes
XI. Sovereign Tactics at Traffic Stops.
1. Distract the officer with paperwork
2. Claim the officer has no authority or is out of jurisdiction
3. Will claim that the vehicle belongs to a church (RED FLAG)
4. Identify self as an official of the state
5. Being uncooperative
6. Concealing loaded weapons
7. Asserting that the law does not require them to have
necessary documentation of license, title and
8. Film (video or audio record) interaction (may later be posted
to the Internet); this may be covertly or overtly done during the
9. Demand official produce an oath of office
10. Rapidly exit vehicle and approach officer in an agitated
XII. Law Enforcement Request at every Traffic Stop
As a matter of practice, every law enforcement officer, at every
traffic stop, request three items of each operator:
1. Operator’s license (issued by a state governmental entity).
2. The vehicle registration (issued by a state government)
3. A current and active insurance card for that vehicle
4. You, the officer control the stop
XIII. Law Enforcement Focus
1. Officer safety. Maintain focus on situational safety
2. Maintain professional bearing
3. Apply enforcement as appropriate
4. Full name, address and dates of birth of all vehicle occupants
5. Record sovereign, national affiliation, if provided
6. Where coming from and where going
7. Any details regarding visible contents of vehicle.
8. Pay close attention to detail. Things are not always as they seem.
9. Be thorough. The smallest bit of information can make adifference.
10. Know and follow your department policies and procedures
11. Conduct searches & seizures falling within your legal
12. Advise your supervisor of the contact – request to scene if
at all possible
13. Avoid legal arguments
14. Prepare detailed notes.
15. Secure your dash-cam recordings
16. Share information. Information not shared is intelligence
diminished. (See also section XVII Reporting).
XIV. Paper Terrorism
The following are examples of tactics used by groups to clog
the courts and harass their intended victims:
1. Liens
While filing a false document is illegal, once it’s
discovered it can’t simply be torn up and discarded. Every lien,
valid or not, becomes part of a property’s permanent record. If
the filer refuses to withdraw it voluntary, only a subsequent
legal document can validate it. This is at a great financial
expense. The filing itself usually accomplishes the schemer’s
goal of making a public official’s life miserable to setting up an
attempt to extort money in exchange for removing the lien.
Once a lien is recorded property cannot be sold even though the
lien is bogus.
2. IRS Form 8300
This form is used to report payments over $10,000.00 in
a trade or business transaction. Fraudulent submission of the
form by a sovereign citizen can result in an artificial increase in
the taxable income of the target being reported to the IRS
Forms of retaliation
directed at judges, jurors
and law enforcement
3. Lawsuits
Sovereign citizens may file lawsuits against law
enforcement or members of the court in their individual
capacity seeking civil remedies for alleged violations of their
constitutional rights.
4. Currency Transaction Reports (CTR)
Used legitimately by financial institutions in an effort to
combat money laundering, sovereigns may improperly use
FinCEN form 104 to report a target to trigger an investigation.
XV. Impersonating Law Enforcement Officers
Two Sovereign Citizen groups, the Civil Rights Task
Force and the Constitution Rangers have created fictitious law
enforcement agencies complete with fake identification cards,
badges, and even raid jackets.
The ability to custom order badges and uniforms
through mail-order catalogs and on-line make this process very
Other names found on badges/fake ID cards:
1. “Investigator – Civil Rights Task Force”
2. “Agent – Civil Rights Task Police”
3. “Special United States Marshals”
4. “Sovereign Citizen World Guard”
5. “Sovereign Cop Watch.”
Both the badges and identification cards appear very
authentic looking and may intimidate someone not familiar with
these groups.
Members of the Civil Rights Task Force have advocated
what they term “reverse intimidation,” interrogating the spouses
of law enforcement officers who have had dealings with the
group’s members.
XVI. Protecting Yourself and Your FamilyAs law enforcement conducts surveillance of extremists groups,
so too do members of these anti-government groups conduct countersurveillance.
The following may minimize your exposure to this
1. If you wear a uniform to/from work, cover with a jacket/shirt
2. Be aware of your surroundings at ALL times
3. Be mindful that you may be photographed/videotaped
entering/exiting the station, entering/exiting your cruiser, and
while on duty
4. Remind family members NEVER to accept a badge as
identification of law enforcement. If something doesn’t seem
right, its probably not!
5. Check frequently with County Clerk to determine if a false
lien may have been filed against your property especially if
you have had a bad encounter with a Sovereign
6. Act professionally and ethically at all times
7 Minimize self-exposure on social media sites
8. Check your free credit reports annually for accuracy.
XVII. Reporting
Any Maine law enforcement officer having contact with a
Sovereign Citizen is requested to pass that information onto
The following:
1. FBI Regional Office (Boston) 617-742-5533
2. Maine Information and Analysis Center 207-624-7280
3. Regional Organized Crime Information Center
Nashville, TN 1-800-238-7985
Maine Criminal Justice Academy
Lesson Plan Outline
Outline of instructional Unit Time Objectives & Notes
XVIII. Conclusion
Although the Sovereign Citizen movement does not
always rise to violence, its members’ illegal activities and past
violence – including fatal incidents against law enforcement
make it a group that should be approached with knowledge and
caution. It is important that law enforcement be aware of
sovereign citizens’ tactics, scams and other illegal activity and
understand its potential severity, and be prepared for and
against violent behavior or backlash through intimidation and
With high unemployment, foreclosures of homes, the
high cost if fuel and the growing consensus that the government
is doing nothing to help, membership in the sovereign citizen
movement is growing. The preparedness of law enforcement
should be not IF I encounter a sovereign citizen but WHEN I
encounter a sovereign citizen will I be prepared?
Criterion Test Questions
1. Define a Sovereign Citizen
A person whose beliefs and actions are anti-government
2. List 3 of the 5 other names Sovereigns are also known as
Common Law Citizens
Posse Comitatus
Preamble Citizens
3. List the two reasons why there was a resurgence of the anti-government movement in 2008
Rise of poor economy
The Internet
4. A Sovereign believes that the county is the highest form of government
5. Describe the Organizational structure of the Sovereign Citizen Movement
They are individuals and groups diffused throughout the country.
They number between 100,000 and 300,000
There is no one leader of the movement.
6. List 6 basic illegal activities that Sovereign Citizens are involved in
1. Squatting in abandoned houses 4. Resist arrest
2. Displaying fake registrations 5. Print their own money
3. Displaying bogus licenses 6. Filing fraudulent tax returns
7. List 2 of the 3 markings which may indicate a Sovereign’s vehicle
“Do Not Stop – Do Not Detain” bumper sticker
Upside down American flag on center of windshield
“168 to 1” Reference to Oklahoma City bombing. 168 victims, 1 suspect
8. What term would a Sovereign use instead of road or street?
Public right of way
9. What type of firearms do Sovereign’s prefer?
Those that can be converted to full automatic
10. If you suspect you about to stop a Sovereign’s vehicle, what do you do?
Request a backup unit prior to initiating the stop
11. If you request a Social Security number from a Sovereign Citizen what will the likely claim be?
That is an invasion of their privacy
12. At a traffic stop it is not uncommon for a Sovereign to claim what about the vehicle?
That it belongs to a (fraudulent) church
13. What are the 3 items requested by an officer of an operator of a vehicle?
Vehicle registration
Operators license
Current/valid insurance card for the vehicle
14. If you stop a vehicle operated by a Sovereign what should you obtain from passengers?
Full names
Current addresses
Dates of birth
15. What is the significance of information not shared?
It is intelligence diminished
16. List 3 of the 4 forms of Paper Terrorism that Sovereigns use to harass their victims
Liens IRS Form 8300
Lawsuits Currency Transaction Reports
17. How many groups of Sovereigns have formed fictitious law enforcement agencies?
Two, the Civil Rights Task Force and the Constitution Rangers
18. An office you will want to check with especially if you had a bad encounter with a Sovereign
County Clerk – to determine if liens have been filed against personal property
19. List 2 of the 3 agencies you report your Sovereign Citizen contact to
Maine Information and Analysis Center
FBI Regional Office
Regional Organized Crime Information Center
Bureau of Justice Assistance. Warning Signs of Terrorist Events. Bureau of Justice
Assistance, 2010. Print.
Byrnes, R. Sovereign Citizens. 2011. Print.
Criminal Aspects of the Sovereign Citizen Movement in the United States. Rep. 2012.
FBI. Sovereign Citizens: An Introduction for Law Enforcement. Rep. 2010. Print.
Federal Bureau of Investigation. Fraudulent Documentation Used by Anti-Government
Extremists. Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2009. Print.
NESPIN. Sovereign Citizen Movement. Tech. NESPIN, 2011. Print.
Regional Organized Crime Information Center. Moorish Nation – Sovereign Citizen
Movement. Publication. ROCIC, 2009. Print.
Southern Poverty Law Center. Return of the Sovereigns. Rep. No. 133. 2009, Print.
Special Research Report – Sovereign Citizen Movement. Rep. Regional Organized Crime
Information Center, 2010. Print.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
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