*** I don't know about anyone else, but HAARP is going crazy over our town right now. Its louder than its ever been. Just a heads up for any sign of earthquakes, volcanos, weather anomolies, like lightening and thunder that is way louder than normal etc..... Let us know if you are experiencing anything like we are right now. Its 8/16/12 at 7:25 pm Mountain time. Its been going like this for about an hour at least that I noticed which means it is louder than ever before and that has been for the last hour. If you have an analogue TV, and have any experience in cryptography, check out your TV. We notice when this happens we turn on our analogue and there are digital messages going across our screen (dots and dashes) and messing up our videos we watch. Just check it out.
Vatic Note: Amazing. Look at this guy. This is a mind controlled subject if I ever saw one. Look at his eyes. He looks just like the Colorado shooter, and I bet he looks like the sikh shooter as well. This is getting ridiculous. What are the powers that be trying to do? Check out the VN: through out the article, that support what I have said in this vatic note. At first I thought it was Gun control again, but no one is that stupid to try this three times in a row so close together for that agenda.....all it does is make the cabal look desperate...... so why? Aaaah, I know...... The civil war we are refusing to have. They tried it with mind control righties shooting up nice innocent people and that didn't work. So now its the "lefties" shooting up the righties and trying to cause civil war they keep promoting in the MSM that only tells us what the bankers want us to think. LOL I GOT IT.
I have an announcement for the cabal. NO CIVIL WAR..... NO RIGHT AGAINST LEFT, NO LEFT AGAINST RIGHT, NO MUSLIM AGAINST CHRISTIANS, NO CHRISTIANS AGAINST MUSLIMS, NO BLACK OPS "PROVOCATEURING" IN AMERICA. IT WON'T WORK. WE ARE UNITED AGAINST YOU and we are smarter than you ever gave us credit for. I said 10 years ago, that "..... their arrogance and underestimating their enemy would be their downfall" and by golly it is beginning to look as if I was right. The only war you will get is a revolution if you try to institute an illegal martial law and collect our legally authorized and protected right to bear arms, guns. You might also get it if you keep killing Americans to achieve political objectives. We don't like that very much.
I am so sorry for you.... you thought that by funding passive new age ghurus, that you would ensure your safety against violence, but you miscalculated how far that would go. Now you can't get anyone to be violent with your mind control lackies shooting people up. It won't work. Its what you get for listening to the totally insane khazars and letting them run things. lol HLS must be in a dither.... not only do they have a hot sex scandel brewing right now, but they have the SPLC and ADL trying to get, civil war, so they can call illegal martial law and collect our guns and its all back firing.. I wouldn't doubt that the SPLC and ADL are also involved somehow in that sex scandel going on there. Are they trying to get rid of Napolitano among all their other deceptions? What is it she isn't doing that they don't like?
Breaking: Family Research Council Attacked, Gunman Taken into Custody (Updated: MSNBC Reports!)
by PJ Media - Tatler, 8/15/12
The conservative Family Research Council came under attack at its Washington, D.C. headquarters today. Two people including a security guard were shot. There is no word on their condition (update: it looks like both wounded will be ok). Washington police and the FBI have reportedly responded to the shooting.
The conservative Family Research Council came under attack at its Washington, D.C. headquarters today. Two people including a security guard were shot. There is no word on their condition (update: it looks like both wounded will be ok). Washington police and the FBI have reportedly responded to the shooting.
In a statement released after the shooting, FRC President Tony Perkins said, “The police are investigating this incident. Our first concern is with our colleague who was shot today. Our concern is for him and his family.”
On any given day, the Family Research Council comes under vitriolic attack from groups on the left for its defense of traditional values and traditional marriage. The George Soros-funded Center for American Progress devotes considerable resources to “monitoring” and criticizing the group. The FRC came under sustained leftist criticism during the Chick-fil-A free speech battle that culminated on August 1.
Sources said [the suspect] is in his twenties and may have been posing as an intern.The suspect “made statements regarding their policies, and then opened fire with a gun striking a security guard,” a source told Fox News.Authorities were treating the attack as a case of domestic terrorism.
Washington has some of the tightest gun control laws in the nation.
More updates on the next page.
Update: So far, neither CNN nor MSNBC (VN: Oh, yeah? So how come the title of this article includes MSNBC as reporting? Is this suppose to prove the bias of the news? LOL What a joke, they all work for the khazars who own them. Both left and right, fox and msnbc) has mentioned the shooting at all. Both have stuck to political stories. CNN led with Obama’s amnesty, which kicked in today. MSNBC led with the now antique Romney tax returns issue.
Update: Yesterday, the gay Human Rights Campaign clubbed the Family Research Council as a “hate group.” (VN: wow what a coincidence) The HRC in turn borrowed that label from the Southern Povery Law Center. The SPLC used to do good work fighting the KKK, but as that well dried up, the SPLC crept over to labeling traditional groups like the FRC as haters. Wonder how they’ll react to today’s shooting. Probably like the MSM — barely to no reaction at all. (VN: The gay HRC announces this "hate group" just before the shooting, gee what a coincidence, timing is everything as is deception, but it does not work when you continue to go to that well time and again. People figure it out by the third effort. Notice they are calling it domestic terrorism. Wonder if they will arrest the handlers of the mind control victim? that would lead to HLS and the WH. Now those are the domestic terrorists as we have seen over the past 11 years.)
By the way: at 12:30 central CNN finally uttered its first words about the shooting. MSNBC has yet to cover it.
Update: As of 1:19 central, President Obama has not responded to the attack at the FRC, which the FBI is labeling as domestic terrorism. Mitt Romney just released the following statement. (VN: See, those on the right are suppose to get mad at the left because the left's President is not reacting.... Romney gets a free plug because he is so far down in the GOP polls, that even his family isn't voting for him, so he needed a boost and this does it. Just kidding about the family part. This is all so transparent that its like a bad comedy gone sour.)
“I am appalled by the shooting today at the offices of the Family Research Council in our nation’s capital. There is no place for such violence in our society. My prayers go out to the wounded security guard and his family, as well as all the people at the Family Research Council whose sense of security has been shattered by today’s horrific events.”
The wounded guard is a hero. He tackled the gunman, who Fox confirmed had been posing as an intern at the FRC. Were others involved in securing his internship? Fox also reports:
The suspect “made statements regarding their policies, and then opened fire with a gun striking a security guard,” a source told Fox News. WJLA-TV7 reportedthe suspect was also shot. Sources also said the gunman may have been carrying a bag from Chick-fil-A, the embattled fast-food restaurant whose president came under fire from gay activists after he said he did not agree with same-sex marriage.
Sources told Fox New that after guard took away his gun, the suspect said, “Don’t shoot me, it was not about you, it was what this place stands for.”
That’s domestic terrorism. The left has been heaping hate on the Family Research Council for years. Today, their hate nearly got people killed.
Update: At 1:51 central, MSNBC finally mentioned the FRC shooting in one of its news briefs.
Update 2:04 central: CNN is finally doing live updates, about three hours after the shooting. From 1500 miles away, we’ve been reporting since shortly after the shooting occurred. Fox says the shooter may have been carrying a Chick-Fil-A bag as he entered the building.
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