My behavior grades went way up. In fact, I graduated at age 13 with the highest academic grades in the history of the school (over 100 years in existance) and received gifts at graduation for it. That included all the kids in my fathers family who had graduated from there. But today, look at me. As you can see, I QUESTION EVERYTHING and can see the reality of our situation and say so openly and broadly and without fear. With flouride and ADD medication, they would have made sure I could not or would not do so as an adult. That is why they do it.
In working with children as a volunteer tutor in math, I found that these kids during their "magical" period of development (between the ages of 5 and 8) are repressed like nothing I had ever seen before. They are beginning the process of arresting and traumatizing these kids using hand cuffs and rides in police cars like they are criminals, for a playground fist fight, (what a way to indoctrinate the child into fearing authority and thus learning early compliance) rather than teaching, counselling and otherwise assessing why the fight occurred and then determining the cause, like they used to do in the schools. Then in talking to teachers and parents of ADD diagnosed children, I found this was being used by both as a convenient way to avoid both parenting and teaching. If you drug up the child, you don't have to deal with his or her "being a child".
I was very successful in my tutoring bringing children back up to better grades by teaching from the right brain, instead of the left. Its the "all children left behind program", that is ruining our education system. They are teaching them strictly from a left brain perspective. The right brain is the creative and spiritual brain and of course, the powers that be do not want that at all. I am beginning to believe that is why they criminalize any actions that result in thinking outside their anal retentive control box. Way back in the 50's and 60's a German psychologist wrote a book on raising children and how to redirect their magical period into one of left brain compliance with authority commands. It was an outrageous book and one to certainly destroy the advancement of creativity, intellectual curiosity and spirituality. Given Germany's history as an illuminati stronghold, this does not surprise me.
Needless to say, it was easily adopted by the British in their system (Which was a "caste" system that was being destroyed through evolving spirit beings coming out of the schools system) and now the federalized replacement system here in the USA we now have which has dropped our position in education from 2nd in the world, to 39th and dropping. So I guess they achieved their objective. ADD is a bogus disease and just another excuse to make our children into drug addicts for future Bush mafia and banker profits in illegal drug running when they become adults , to fund their "perverted" black ops illegal projects against humankind. Damn, this does make me mad.
Children are pure spirit until we as adults ruin them. Their normal chemical development in their brain is interrupted and replaced with the psychotropic drugs that are given to them. I haven't even touched on the side affects of these drugs. When finally taken off the drugs later in their life entering into adulthood, they have nothing chemically to replace those drugs and voila, they do not feel normal, as determined by the drugs given them. So they seek ways to feel normal and that is how they turn to illegal drugs. Society as currently constructed and controlled by the perverts, are creating the drug addicts of the future, while they are in the lower grades. NO WONDER RUSSIA AND CHINA USE SUCH violent responses to drug selling to addicts in their society. I now understand it fully. Sorry for the RANT!!!!
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Ascension
The meteoric rise of children (and adults) who were diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) makes one ponder about the spiritual relevence of this anomaly.
Children and adults with ADD and ADHD commonly feel like they have a plethora of energy and need to find creative ways to expend this energy.
The key words is "energy".
Every thought contains energy that is sent out to the universe and recreated within our societal mandlebrot as the "now". Many people diagnosed with ADD and ADHD, have a difficult time focusing on anything they find mundane, such as school, rules and authority figures (or anyone, in general) who cannot relate or understand them. There are many more undiagnosed cases of ADD and ADHD where people feel this same anomaly. (VN: Right, those who find sheep training mundane and boring, are the healthy ones, so lets make them sick by making them politically correct in their thinking, it keeps the controllers safe).
People with ADD and ADHD learn coping skills to deal with this "disorder". In school, a child can sit in front of the class, away from any windows. The teacher can tap the child on the shoulder if he or she notices the child drifting away from the subject being taught. If allowed in school, the student can chew gum which also helps people with ADD or ADHD maintain focus. (VN: This author has not been keeping up with latest..... ADD and ADHD are bogus diseases and its finally coming out).
As with any other medical issue, I would advise going with what your physician prescribes but in the case of ADD and ADHD, I believe it's an over-prescribed and diagnosed "disorder" that has a definitive spiritual purpose and can easily be controlled with coping skills.

Ironically, those with ADD and ADHD tend to think outside the box as their minds are constantly wandering. They're usually creative in the art and music field and have no problem maintaining focus when their minds are occupied on something they love to do.
They will come up with ideas that are so outside-the-box that others will initially discredit their ideas because the ideas are too advanced and cannot be described articulately enough for others to understand the end results. They are often innocently forgetful and have a difficult time remembering things, past or present.
They often have a difficult time fitting into cliques and can relate to almost every clique, but may not want to be part of any of them, distancing themselves from any possible karmic debt associated with these cliques.
Some are described as "scattered," loners or wanderers who are trying to find others who are like them or people who can accept them for who they are without conforming to societal standards.
Many feel confused as to why they have ADD or ADHD and cannot understand why other people have such an easy time remembering past or recent thoughts.

Is it a coincidence that the prevalence of ADD and ADHD has come at a time when people have incarnated to this planet with very little time to garnish and/or remember any negative karma? (VN: No, ADD etc are diagnosis intentionally used to socially engineer our children so that no one stands out in leading thoughts that are not acceptable to the cabal and thus create problems by such questioning of authority. Its written in the protocols to control the "children" as a means to structure future societies with these socially engineered children today, for tomorrows world envisioned by the evil ones. Remember, their whole focus is on how to stay safe while they tear down everything we are all about and thus provide a safe environment for themselves and that is all they care about.... controlling and being safe)
Is it a possibility that ADD and ADHD are protective insurance measures that people took out when they agreed to come to this planet to help with the ascension process without having the liability of negative karmic debt? (VN: I wish that were the case, but its not. This is nothing so escoteric, its about control and safety by socially engineering the future generations that will occupy this society. And that is all its about,,,, drugging. There is no ascension process that would involve drugging our children.)
In a world where people who have a medical diagnosis are looked at as being "different" from the norm, is this difference a blessing instead of a curse?
Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of "outside the box" professionals like myself who are willing to readdress this issue in metaphysical terms. The problem is that the APA and Big Pharma are in bed with one another, as evidenced by one of their latest disorders, orthorexia nervosa, which is basically a healthy eating disorder. You can't make this stuff up!!

Many of my clients are labeled ADD/ADHD and I've taught them the basic coping skills that I mentioned in this article. Many of the children stated they don't like how they feel when they're on their medications. Is it possible that their higher selves are giving them these messages? In my opinion, yes. The medications are taking them away from their true selves when non-medicinal options are available. Of course, Big Pharma and the APA don't want to hear this... all they want is a diagnosis and a script.
The problem with Big Pharma is that they DON'T CURE ANYTHING! They merely put a bandaid over the problem and rely on repeating, life-long business generated by the client's psychiatrist or medical practitioner. There are other options available!!
I highly encourage other therapists and counselors to take a holistic approach to this "disorder". Once you rule out any other possible mental illness and/or issue (such as dyslexia), dietary issues or possible life stressors, you can address this issue without the need for medication.
One last note for parents with children who are dx'd with ADD/ADHD: Look at what your child is eating because this may also be the cause of the problem. Try changing his or her diet to something more healthy, with less sugars and/or processed foods. (VN: Oh, my goodness, that means the parents would have to take time and care in reading labels, purchasing healthy foods "too much money", and preparing such meals..... can't have that, so just drug up the kid and get him out of my face... I am busy making money)
If you have ADD or ADHD, look inside yourself to the reasons why you have it and how you can use it to better yourself and others. You were given this "gift" for a reason... it's time to find out what that reason is.
Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form. Feel free to do whatever you want with it, including using parts of it, rewording anything within the article or claiming ownership to it. I don’t care, just share the word! :)
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Hi. Have been pouring over your blog and left another comment. Very informative, passionate, just good stuff. I will be frequenting your archives quite a bit, I imagine.
I kno this post is older but just wanted to let you know. The DSM-5 just came out (taking Abnormal Psy at Community college), and the elitist gurus of Psychiatry have removed ADD from this addition, claiming it as irrelevant and bogus. Now all of the people who have adopted the ADHD diagnosis are confused because many of them are not hyperactive. So yeah, bogus. It's so interesting that at church I have been hearing for many years that our children coming to us from the spirit world now are different from past generations because they have to be for the days that are here and coming ahead. The are evolving! I have a young son whom many would consider ADHD. He can be so aggravating and I stay home woth the kids so sometimes an entire day is consumed by his antics, and ot disrupts his older brother. But I would never want to dull that light in his eyes with legal illicit drugs. Thanks for the article.
First let me apologize for the deleted comments. I thought I was clearing out my spam account and it wasn't.... Shame on me for not paying better attention.
As for your dilemman, we definitely need to talk. I was just like your son as a kid in school. I attended a private school with high academic reputation and I broke school records. First of all I had the worse record in the history of the school in conduct and effort, both. They saw me as not only misbehaving but not even trying. Why? Because when they said something and I didn't understand it or it did not make sense to me I asked "why?" and they would say "because" and I would say "that is not an answer". And bam, I was in trouble. Trust me I would have been drugged had it been today. But here is the catch..... I also graduated with the highest grade point ever in the history of the 150 existance of that school. It was a grade shool too. The rest is a long story, but given todays environment, do not kill the spirit of your boy. Set a limited number of boundaries that you know you simply cannot tolerate, like 5 or 6 of them, then hold to them like a banchee and never back down.
Everything else, deal with him on it as if he were an adult. Sit down, talk to him and explain why or what or how come. Over look the small stuff, but teach him to relate to others sufferings, by saying to him, "DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU? My mother was a genius. When I would get mad at someone, she walked me through what that girl or guy was going through and taught me to be EMPATHETIC. Care for others sufferings, relate it back to how would I feel in the same situation. It worked. LOL There is more, but I am running out of room. Email me and I will send you my phone number so we can talk.
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