I just clicked onto the link to this article we put up earlier that was up on another blog to see if it worked ok, and sure enough it went to a different article. That means no one could get to it to read it. So we are putting it up again to see if we can get it read with the link not being changed. They are seriously messing with these on the stuff they do not want you to see and this was one of them, so its going up again.....Simply input the title into the search engine and it comes up that way. Sorry about all this. I am sure its distracting and terrible for trying to read and get info. But lets try this one more time. NOW LISTEN TO THIS. THEY GUTTED ALL OF THE BLOGS WE DID ON THE RH NEGATIVE BLOOD TYPES. Now why in the world would they do that???? If anyone has a copy I would appreciate sending it to us for our archives. Thanks
***An email arrived with a very interesting theory...from a reader who had read this blog today. She said, "In keeping with the NWO's one world religion, Could it be possible for the powers that be to have Obama pretend to be killed and rise again (using the double or vice versa, use the double as the murder victim) with all the holographic technology they have right now to enhance it and make it appear he is descending from heaven three days later (I added the last part)." That would go a long way into manipulating the Zionist Christians into ecstacy and evangelical hyperbole! Then he would lead the world into a one world religion with him as the head of it. It was such a valid idea given their plans to do something along those lines that I felt it good enough to put up here as another alternative for intent and explanation for what they are doing with and to him. .
Vatic Note: Those that have been with Vatic Project should remember when Obama went to the orient and was gone a whole 12 days and I kept asking "where is he, what is going on for him to be gone so long". My very first suspicion came when he traveled to the orient by ships and a whole naval flotilla of war ships which didn't make any sense at the time.
Its quicker, cheaper and easier to fly to whereever he was scheduled to go. I even mentioned the lack of real press conferences or his daily show up somewhere to say some words that mean nothing, and no where was he to be found. Rather the press reported that he did this or he did that. Now this rabbit hole I ended down, is showing we may not be dealing with someone in control of his own mind or even his own body so someone could well be running this government who was not elected to do so and that IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.
We need an independant medical examination of him with ex-rays of his head to determine if he is HARDWIRED mind controlled, etc. Is this tied into Israel's project Blue brain???? If this is a double, then is OBAMA EVEN ALIVE??? I don't know, but something is getting even weirder and weirder, the further we dig and probe. Michelle, tell us if he is under some sort of mind control? Let us know if you have a problem with those surrounding you? SOMEBODY BETTER COME UP WITH SOME EXPLANATIONS AND PRETTY DOGGONE SOON HERE.
Obama’s Movable Features …His Newest Scar!
Posted on January 27, 2011 ,by Bridgette
Barack Obama and Michelle December, 2010
Here a Scar, There a Scar, Everywhere a New Scar! Or Does Obama Have a Twin? A Double?
The Latest Scar on Obama’s Head. But this time it appears on his left side and extends from the top of his head down to his neck. Does this explain the loss of 30 pounds that some people are reporting? Did someone go for his jugular? Does he change scars like he changes his hair color?

This original photo could be a negative reversed to show his scar on his left side when it appears to be an extension of the scar appearing here on his right side. But it does not explain the new scar that extends to his neck! There must be more to all those vacations! (VN: notice the scar is at a different angle from the photo immediately above this one. That means to me one of them is new or its two different Obama's with scars, not a good sign at all).
Note the double lobed ear at the bottom.
When will those Medical Records that were “Sealed” be Opened? Those records would shine a light on who Obama is and if these photos are of one or two people .

Can Medical Records Explain His Two Sized Hands?
Skinny, long fingers and its opposite a flat club hand. Photo was cropped to show hands. Who plays Obama’s double?

Compare the Ears on the left and Below
Who Wants an Explanation?
We the People Do!
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As soon as I saw the photo, I thought that it looked as though he'd had cranial surgery. I did an Internet search and found an image that looked similar to it.
I scrolled a little further and found a discussion thread of his scar. http://s6.zetaboards.com/Free_Thinkers/topic/8711781/3/
It's almost inescapable that he's using a double. As for the movable scar, that's almost certainly due to what newspapermen call a flop-over. They don't want the subject of a photograph looking off the page.
We've wondered for years who Obama is. Now we have reason to question which he is and whether he's still alive.
AAR, very good observations, But look at the first photo, then look at both the other photos, see how they are angled differently, so what happened to his old scare that the new one covered up? Remember when he came back from that trip where he supposedly met with China and India and had a massive floatilla of "military" ships? I asked then "Why did he go by sea?". Were those medical ships for surgery?
He usually flies everywhere in Airforce one, so why this naval way of travel on sea??? So many questions and so few answers.... I think the time has come to get some serious answers.
Think of the ramifications of this if he is not in control. WE THEN HAVE TO STOP SAYING "oBAMA THIS AND OBAMA THAT", WE HAVE TO START SAYING THE TRUTH. LANGUAGE IS NOW VERY IMPORTANT. Who is in control and start blaming whoever is in control since its becoming more and more obvious its not Obama.
If that is the case, I have some compassion for him since his whole identity and ability to make decisions for himself has been or could have been taken from him. Then he is being held accountable for what he has no control over. This is all so surrealistic, and bizarre.
Good writing.
Although it is not acceptable and we want answers, doesn’t mean we’ll ever get them...
Maybe the system that controls da prez, body doubles etc,
is the same system that rules the world, from toxic vaccines administered in
all corners of the world, to radiation spread near and far with war, bomb testing, and nuke plants,
We have to keep looking at the larger picture because the radiation levels are growing
the earth over and it does and will affect everyone. Keep in mind the USA is raising the levels of acceptable radiation... More people will get cancer and die. Doh! That’s the agenda.
What is this planetary system that seems to work together in controlling humanity and who is behind it. Viewing the movie “The Fourth Kind” might spark more thoughts...
Hope you got my “more thinking” email that answered “the sink thoughts”.
Not that it needed a reply, just hoping it made it. ;)
Good and pointed comments, Anonymous and yes, we do need to keep focused on the big picture. I mentioned what you just said a few blogs ago about the DU poisoning in Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, now Libya, and finally Japan and here. WE MUST AT SOME POINT BEGIN TO FIGHT BACK. THEN WHEN WE RID OURSELVES OF THESE WAR ENEMIES, WE CAN CLEAN UP THE RADIATION AND TRY TO GET BACK TO NORMAL.
No I did not get that email. Some get blocked if they don't like what I am getting, so please send it through artist2@skywerx.com. Thanks, it does sound intriguing.
Oh dear! Six million supporters of a video outlining a desperate plea to Obama to do a turnabout and he doesn't even exist, never mind control the world all by himself ! Plan B?
I have a comment on your comment. Surely you've read the book of Revelation. In symbolic language, it mentions three major villains: The Whore of Babylon, the Dragon (beast) with seven heads, and the Antichrist.
A word search symbolic uses of the words "whore" or "harlot" in Old Testament shows that over half the time, it refers to Israel or Jerusalem. The use of the word "Babylon" refers to evil practices that many Jews picked up during the Babylonian Captivity. (I'm tempted to believe it applies specifically to Talmudists.)
Revelation specifically says that the dragon's seven heads refers to the seven hills on which the dragon (the city) was founded. That's a clear reference to Rome, but you'll have to draw your own conclusions about what it symbolizes. When trying to decipher it, bear in mind that the Whore of Babylon is riding on the beast. (My interpretation of this is that the Whore of Babylon will use religion as a vehicle for gaining control.)
That brings us to the Antichrist. You already know most of what Revelation says about that guy, but I'd like to draw one to your attention. The Antichrist will be wounded in the head and will appear to be dead. After three days, he'll show himself alive. This "fact" will be presented as proof of his divinity.
Why do Americans blame all the bad doings of Americans on Israel? Gives the appearance of looking for a scapegoat. Personally I blame Americans.
Big question and I would love to find out what you discovered about the answer to that Question??
Anonymous, if you have to ask that question as to "WHY" we blame Israel, then you are NOT paying attention. I suggest you do a lot more reading and research like we have. In fact, we are happy to share it with you free of charge as you can see here. Simply do a search on our site for the following words....
Israel did 9-11, all the proof in the world
Dual Israeli citizens in government
USS Liberty
The Lavon Affair
USS Cole
Well, you get the idea. PAY ATTENTION and you will have the answer for yourself, unless your a troll.
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