
Your Free Will: The Global Power Elite's Achilles Heel. Adrian Salbuchi

Vatic Note: This fits well with the blog that just came before this one.   Perfect analysis of what our battle really is and the list of who these involve. He did neglect to mention that almost all the other players he mentioned are owned by the Khazar international bankers or Israel as well as mossad involvement in black ops infiltration of these organizations such as the ADL, and other corporations. He does an excellent job in summing up the big picture of who and what we are and what we have to do. Please listen and pass around. And seriously ponder his solutions.  He is right WE ARE POWERFUL IN OUR NON COOPERATION Remember, our people to people initiative under strategy and tactics, makes that the center piece of our strategy and tactics and it takes even more courage than any other method of operating out of this mess we are in.   Thanks.

Your Free Will: The Global Power Elite's Achilles Heel. Adrian Salbuchi
Wed, January 26, By Adrian Salbuchi

As We The People come together in our global fight against the New World Order Leviathan, we need to have basic ideas and tenets firmly in mind. One of these is that the Global Power Elite NEED that we freely accept to serve them. We must therefore exercise our FREE WILL refusing to bow to them.


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