***fundraiser we are down to $115 needed by the first of June This is a team effort and if this has been of any value to you, we would be most grateful if you could donate at the button off to the right of the blog so we can continue doing this work.
I wish to thank those that contributed so far. I especially wish to thank a generous donor from England who went beyond the call of duty to help us stay up. Please help us, to combat these enemies of the state who are trying to bring our nation, culture and people down through this foreign enemy that has occupied our government.
We can do it. Timing is becoming an issue, as things are definitely speeding up, so we do not want to stop what we are doing at this critical point in time. I just read that DHS has been given dictatorial powers in time of distress. That alone requires we research this and find out the truth. That will be our job going down that rabbit hole.
Thank you and Bless you for all your support of our mission.
Vatic Note: Until I saw her on TV talking about Libya and Gaddafi in Libya, I had mixed feelings about her. I could tell she was brilliant, but psychopathic, which interferes with effective use of that brilliance. Why? Because all that a sociopath or psychopath cares about is themselves. So all decisions are made from that perspective.... "How does this benefit me?"
That limits the effective use of that brilliance. Well, after I saw her and her comment on Gaddaffi, I realized when she said "We came, we saw, he died", and then kackled like a Disney witch with such mirth and passion, I knew then, she had gone over the side and was completely and irretrievably insane. What a waste and what a shame.
If she had had one ounce of humanity in her, or even a smiggen of empathy and compassion or even a small moral base from which she operates from, things might have been different. There is no way to know, and since she doesn't, then we know what we got left with, which is another smack against America's image. We are becoming the new nazi's and as we saw in Germany, the same kackling and inhumane feelings when talking about others who are powerless in front of them.
To balance this off, remember, she had no say or control over the agenda of the state dept. We must begin to accept that Israel runs our country both in the White House, Congress and all major depts, such as Pentagon, and Homeland Security. If she had even tried to stand against them, she would be dead now instead of just ruined for life.
Clinton's last stand
English version of Pravda - US correspondent

Like General Custer, Hillary Clinton appears as adept at attracting publicity to herself as she is at actually doing anything tangible; like Custer, Clinton is as likely to appear in a weird dress with a weirder hairstyle as she is to leave a legacy, like Custer, she is loud-mouthed and inconvenient and like Custer, her Last Stand is ill-prepared, reckless, and doomed.
The legacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton as Secretary of State, aka the United States of America's head of diplomacy, is, in a word, disappointing. In terms of work done, the legacy she leaves is Libya, an illegal attack against a sovereign nation in which NATO took sides in an internal conflict against international law, performed a spectacular mission creep against the terms of the UNSC Resolutions covering the conflict and used military equipment against civilian structures, against the Geneva Conventions.
In practical terms, Hillary Clinton leaves the State Department after four years with the same record as Condoleezza Rice, with the same foul-mouthed, insolent references to Russia, poking their noses into the internal affairs of other countries, making references to freedom and democracy as the lobbies they represent close ranks and gain footholds, in Hillary Clinton's case, in Haiti (after the earthquake), the arms lobby in Asia and fundamentally, as AFRICOM supplants the African Union and destroys Gaddafi's Africa project (for the time being anyway).
Where Hillary Clinton steps, even under fire in a war zone in Bosnia (red carpet welcome with a band), the corporate greed which dictates policy in the United States of America follows. It stabbed Africa in the back (any African doing business with AFRICOM will gain negative political points with the rising group of young African patriots coming up through the ranks) and now manifests itself in Gaza, Hillary's last stand.
Now, how can any serious diplomat, or indeed, how can anyone who labels herself as intelligent, hope to gain anything by speaking to Binyamin Netanyahu, who everyone knows is an over-grown errand boy and always has been, doing what he is told and not asking any questions, and the Palestine Authority, which has been as hopeless at defending Palestinians on the West Bank as Hillary Clinton has been in controlling Washington's Rottweiler, Israel.
Or is it the other way round?
And how can anyone minimally engaged in the game of diplomacy hope to achieve progress on Gaza without engaging with HAMAS, the main player in Gaza and, here it comes, the democratically elected representative of the Gazan people? So what was that about democracy? What was that about terrorism, you know, the terrorists that NATO backed in Libya while still on their own lists of proscribed movements?
So bumbling Hillary Clinton, who reached her pinnacle as First Lady beside her husband, the President, reaches her Peter's Principle as an ill-prepared, disappointing and sloppy Secretary of State. Rather than forging a new path for the United States of America, she had President Obama neutered as early on as possible and spent the next four years acting as a façade for the lobbies.
OK someone had to pay her considerable bills but sometimes it is better to do nothing at all than to try to do what you are not prepared for and leave a legacy like this. Disappointing, rude, arrogant, inconvenient, Hillary Clinton belongs to the political past of the USA, while Obama represents the future.
This is why yet again the USA will fail to achieve anything in the Middle East and will continue to do so until it engages all sides, meaning a multi-lateral approach using the Quartet and not undermining it, which means using the same set of weights and measures when approaching Israelis and Palestinians, which means engaging with all sides, not a chosen few.
It means condemning Israel for attacking schools with phosphorous bombs, it means objective and realistic news reports and not trash written on paper unfit to lie in a pile beside the toilet saying the conflict was started when HAMAS fired a rocket. And what was the context of the rocket?
Has anyone checked up on the stories of the mentally challenged Gazan man murdered inside Gaza by Israelis near the fence? Or the one about the incursion inside Gaza by an Israeli tank? Or the 13-year-old child murdered inside Gaza by Israeli security forces?
No of course they haven't. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the context of Hillary Clinton's visit and her political legacy as Secretary of State. Lightweight, ill-prepared, lazy, unfit for the job and... extremely disappointing.
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You may have heard the Russian proverb that the best place to conceal a knife is in plain sight, with a spoon and fork.
That's what the author of that piece did. We all know that the Israelis created Hamas, supposedly as a counterweight to the PLA. More likely, they created Hamas as false opposition. Now this guy comes up and suggests that Hamas legitimately represents the Palestinians.
He also wrote that Obama represents the future. That remark speaks for itself.
Good Catch, AAR, I almost missed that, in fact, I did miss it as I was focusing fully on Clinton. I hate to say this, but Both Clinton and Feinstein remind me of each other and they don't look anything alike. I think its their incredible ability to keep a straight face when they are BS the American people, and ripping us off at the same time.
Clinton will get out on this, no doubt about it. Remember Eric Holder? Caught red handed selling guns to drug cartels over the border. instead they go after the whistle blowers. Same thing here, Clinton is a psychopath just like Obama, Biden, and Holder. She will get out on it like they always do.
This is by far the most corrupted government administration in U.S. history. It's saying a lot considering we had the Bush years, and then Bush Sr, Reagan, and all the corruption before them. But seriously, all that can't even make a dent on the Obama Administration and all their scandals they constantly get by with.
I honestly believe sadly that the leaders reflect the people of this country. More and more we are seeing a country that embraces narcissism and psychopathic behavior, and it starts up top with these so called leaders who are really fascist dictators.
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