Vatic Note: This was very very interesting. Its an unusual and indirect but totally credible way to try to determine our origins. This was extremely fascinating and very credible. She used her own person bloodline tracing and matched it against some royalty bloodlines of RH neg and found a common ancestor. What a journey and fascinating as to who she found. Anyway, this is well worth the read and a great addition to other bits of research we may do or have already done. Give it a gander and check it out.
I find it interesting that many RH negs are certain they are somehow different and thus are more driven to find the answers. Positives do not normally consider themselves different and yet, Europeans with at least one RH neg gene numbers in the 60% range of Europeans, and yet we are the ones who feel different, while we are in the majority. How strange is that? LOL Enjoy, I did.
My ancestors on my mothers side came from southern france which is the basque area of France. My Dad's side came from Ireland and were "Black Irish". So he had one RH neg and one Positive.

My theory and proof of origins of RH-origin
I came across some interesting information recently while researching my own geneology and also the Royal Family geneology searching for the origins of the Rh- geneand found some interesting similarities and clues.I am blood type 0- and my family history consists of over 3000 years of Kings in succession coming from a bloodline exactly like the royal family and thought there could be a common ancestor? I always felt that if you follow the royal family bloodline and there lies secrets too the RH- factor.
Why else would they be inbreeding for years? The odds of them all being 0- blood type and a negative blood type without trying are astronomically rare. Why is it people ruled due too Bloodlines?
The Royal Family shows in their family history Blood is everything of importance but what is it?They obviously know something that we don't? Well if you look at their Blood Types their all Rh- that's the answer. But what is the given importance too being RH-? I found a clue from the old english coat of arms. It used to be a crest of Three Lions.
The Three Lions is the crest of Galamh Milesius it represented him celebrating killing 3 lions in one day in Africa dating back 1763 B.C.
Come too find out Henry, the 2nd King of England, was a descendant from him as well as Fergus Mor MacEarca who was the first King of Scotland and all the kings that proceeded them.
This connects these bloodlines too the European Throne.Every European monarch has a Blood relation too him as well as me.
Now Galamh Milesius blood line is as follows he is the 36th descendant of Adam of the Bible:
(1) Adam, his son (2) Seth, his son (3) Enos, his son (4) Cainan, his son (5) Mahalaleel, his son (6) Jared, his son (7) Enoch, his son (8) Methuselah, his son (9) Lamech, his son (10) Noah, his son (11) Japhet, his son (12) Magog, his son (VN: This Magog was who Bush Sr, was rabid about when he wanted to be baptized "Magog" at the Bohemian Grove, so do you think that Bush and that place is somehow tied into all of this?) (13) Baoth "to whom Scythia came has his lot, " his son (14) Phoeniusa Farsaidh (Fenius Farsa) King of Scythia, his son (15) Niul (who was a governor in Egypt), his son (16) Gaodhal (Gathelus), his son (17) Asruth, his son (18) Sruth (who fled Egypt to Creta), his son (19) Heber Scut (returned to Scythia), his son (20) Beouman, King of Scythia, his son (21) Ogaman King of Scythia, his son (22) Tait King of Scythia, his son (23) Agnon (who fled Scythia by sea with the majority of his people), his son (24) Lamhfionn (who led his people to Gothia or Getulia, where Carthage was afterwards built), his son (25) Heber Glunfionn King of Gothia, his son (26) Agnan Fionn King of Gothia, his son (27) Febric Glas King of Gothia, his son (28) Nenuall King of Gothia, his son (29) Nuadhad King of Gothia, his son (30) Alladh King of Gothia, his son (31) Arcadh King of Gothia, his son (32) Deag King of Gothia, his son (33) Brath King of Gothia (who left Gothia with a large band of his people and settled in Galicia, Spain), his son (34) Breoghan King of Galicia, Andalusia, Murcia, Castile, and Portugal, his son (35) Bile King of Galicia, Andalusia, Murcia, Castile, and Portugal, and his son (36) Galamh (also known as Milesius of Spain) King of Galicia, Andalusia, Murcia, Castile, and Portugal
This traces The Royal Family and every King from england and scotland too the Bible Bloodlines. (VN: So this is why the Queen of Britain sits on the "STone of Scone" during coronation? I wondered about that, but she is German and not Scottish or British, so that needs to be addressed, since the line mentioned above does not show that fact, unless the "Gothia" is the original of Gothe, which is what the Queens German name is.).
This is also where the Egyptian Monarchs forged kingdoms with the Royal family. Galamh Milesius married Scota, Queen of the Gadelians who was the Princess of Egypt and who the Scottish are named after. This is why they believe they are the entitled rulers and why Kingship has been passed on for centuries they believe their the first descendants of God so entitled and their Blood gives them that Birth right.
I am bloodtype 0- and I am an empath and have psychic abilities and have been looking into my own Family Tree for clues and answers where it came from? I believe I did. I was able too trace pretty far back farther then i ever thought possible too 1763 B.C and beyond. I was originally stuck at 848 A.D and I posted a Discussion on How far back can you trace your geneology?
The responses inspired me too dig further there had to be more and I found there was a name change among many others I had no idea about and found a treasure trove of information since i was descended from Kings it was recorded in the Irish annuls and since it was 3,000 years of straight recession I was lucky it made it easy. I can now trace my family through Generation of Kings for over three thousands years.
I can trace back to the second High King of Ireland Érimón mac Míl Espáine who was the son of Galamh Milesius 1763 B.C. who was to be the 36th descendant from Adam. I inherit my looks from him. I am what they call the Black Irish. My father was blue eyed very pale skin. My mother was very pale also along with everybody in both Families. Yet I look Spanish like him he was a Spanish King. I have dark skin and features so much i used to tell people I was Spanish and they wouldn't think twice about it.
Spanish people always come up too me speaking Spanish and are surprised when i tell them i'm not hispanic but I'm Black Irish and thier like whats that? lol.
Kingship was passed down through my Generations just like in Europe. I even found inbreeding just too make sure the bloodline survived just like the Royal Family. There's written tales in Irish folklore of my past generations having psychic abilities and other Rh- traits interestingly enough. I found that my ancestry dates back too Adam the same as the Royal Family and we have the common Blood type 0- there's something too it i believe. Wherever this Bloodline went they became Kings and stayed Kings.This also makes me related too just about every President and the Royal Family.
This is where and when it all began. Galamh Milesius sons spread through Spain, Ireland,Scotland and Europe. Without him there is no Monarchies. The Royal Family wouldn't exist and neither would I. He had to be the carrier of the Rh- gene and as a descendant from Adam that would have me believe Adam was the First Rh- gene carrier.. Galamh Milesius originated from Scythia which is close to the Mesopotamia area (VN: That is Iraq, could the land between the Tigress and Euphrates River be the Garden of Eden? Abraham also came from there from the city of Ur when it was Sumaria) which would seem the area of origin.
This is also deeply hidden from public knowledge as if they were trying too hide this bloodline fact?All the kings in my bloodline changed thier names so thier was no hint of this heritage. If they passed on the last name like we do now my last name should be by all means Milisius! I grew up Christian and reading the Bible and can't ever recount hearing about the Bloodline of Adam going too Spain, Ireland, Scotland it seems like they tried too erase this fact since nobody knows about it. (VN: Why do you think the British have tried for centuries to wipe out the Irish?)
I myself don't believe in the bible for the simple fact the dates don't add up for when man was created but research evidence shows this common linneage that we have in common originating from the same people that I can't discredit so there has to be something too it. We have a common bloodline to the bible coincedence?
Kingdoms were ruled from within these Bloodliness reigned because of bloodline and Kingdoms passed down only too people of these bloodlines somewhere there lies the truth and it has to do with blood .It made me think maybe the story of Adam was mistold! He was the first successfull hybrid Man who was RH- ,not the very First man ever made who was RH+!
Then the story of Adam makes perfect sense if looked at that way. The Families can be traced to Scythia also which covers Mesopotamia area where also the Royal family have babylonian roots also. I'm pretty sure the families migrated from there it would seem too make sense this would be the area of origin.
That's my speculation.I can trace everyone of my forefathers and this is the only Missing link that makes sense! Their was a mixing of Egyptian Blood once with Scota, Queen of the Gadelians thats a possibility but the family was kings before this and I don't believe she could have been the carrier too pass along generations ahead.
At some point we are all related we inheret the Rh- gene from the same person.Was it from an Alien, A God or Demigod a mutation? This is of coarse the million Dollar question! I think we can look at the dynamics of the 0- blood type and get somewhat of an answer.
It shows that it is clearly unique where we can give blood too all but can only recieve our own? An Rh- mother blood will fight a Rh+ babies blood like it was a foriegn virus? The only other place this occurs in nature is with interbreeding animals horses and donkeys experience this. This Shows that it would have too come from a foriegn entity that didn't originate from here and couldn't of been the first blood type ever being a recessive gene.
So my theory is we were mixed with someone or something originally not Human.I personally see and feel things that are beyond Human capabilities so i can attest to that. What is it for sure? My history says it appears too come from 1 man Adam and so does the Royal Family. I speculate the stories in History of the God's bearing children with Humans is the root of it and proof of it happening.
I traced two royal bloodlines.My own and the royal family and found we both originate from the same forefathers which bring us to the Mesopotamian area which would lead me too believe this is the origination and gives strong credence to the Annunaki. The bible stories have been proven to be taken from them.
This is mostly of course my speculation and based on my common findings through tons of research. The facts do show and prove the Bloodline history is full of nothing but Kings and Queens and President's even too this day. They are all RH- and descendant from Biblical Bloodlines and they all ruled Kingdoms because of it . What the Rh- trait actually is is debatable but History shows Kings were put into place because of it so without a doubt there is something Special about it that can't be discredited and for sure that it is passed down too us from forefathers.
Why else would they be inbreeding for years? The odds of them all being 0- blood type and a negative blood type without trying are astronomically rare. Why is it people ruled due too Bloodlines?
The Royal Family shows in their family history Blood is everything of importance but what is it?They obviously know something that we don't? Well if you look at their Blood Types their all Rh- that's the answer. But what is the given importance too being RH-? I found a clue from the old english coat of arms. It used to be a crest of Three Lions.
The Three Lions is the crest of Galamh Milesius it represented him celebrating killing 3 lions in one day in Africa dating back 1763 B.C.
Come too find out Henry, the 2nd King of England, was a descendant from him as well as Fergus Mor MacEarca who was the first King of Scotland and all the kings that proceeded them.
This connects these bloodlines too the European Throne.Every European monarch has a Blood relation too him as well as me.
Now Galamh Milesius blood line is as follows he is the 36th descendant of Adam of the Bible:
(1) Adam, his son (2) Seth, his son (3) Enos, his son (4) Cainan, his son (5) Mahalaleel, his son (6) Jared, his son (7) Enoch, his son (8) Methuselah, his son (9) Lamech, his son (10) Noah, his son (11) Japhet, his son (12) Magog, his son (VN: This Magog was who Bush Sr, was rabid about when he wanted to be baptized "Magog" at the Bohemian Grove, so do you think that Bush and that place is somehow tied into all of this?) (13) Baoth "to whom Scythia came has his lot, " his son (14) Phoeniusa Farsaidh (Fenius Farsa) King of Scythia, his son (15) Niul (who was a governor in Egypt), his son (16) Gaodhal (Gathelus), his son (17) Asruth, his son (18) Sruth (who fled Egypt to Creta), his son (19) Heber Scut (returned to Scythia), his son (20) Beouman, King of Scythia, his son (21) Ogaman King of Scythia, his son (22) Tait King of Scythia, his son (23) Agnon (who fled Scythia by sea with the majority of his people), his son (24) Lamhfionn (who led his people to Gothia or Getulia, where Carthage was afterwards built), his son (25) Heber Glunfionn King of Gothia, his son (26) Agnan Fionn King of Gothia, his son (27) Febric Glas King of Gothia, his son (28) Nenuall King of Gothia, his son (29) Nuadhad King of Gothia, his son (30) Alladh King of Gothia, his son (31) Arcadh King of Gothia, his son (32) Deag King of Gothia, his son (33) Brath King of Gothia (who left Gothia with a large band of his people and settled in Galicia, Spain), his son (34) Breoghan King of Galicia, Andalusia, Murcia, Castile, and Portugal, his son (35) Bile King of Galicia, Andalusia, Murcia, Castile, and Portugal, and his son (36) Galamh (also known as Milesius of Spain) King of Galicia, Andalusia, Murcia, Castile, and Portugal
This traces The Royal Family and every King from england and scotland too the Bible Bloodlines. (VN: So this is why the Queen of Britain sits on the "STone of Scone" during coronation? I wondered about that, but she is German and not Scottish or British, so that needs to be addressed, since the line mentioned above does not show that fact, unless the "Gothia" is the original of Gothe, which is what the Queens German name is.).
This is also where the Egyptian Monarchs forged kingdoms with the Royal family. Galamh Milesius married Scota, Queen of the Gadelians who was the Princess of Egypt and who the Scottish are named after. This is why they believe they are the entitled rulers and why Kingship has been passed on for centuries they believe their the first descendants of God so entitled and their Blood gives them that Birth right.
I am bloodtype 0- and I am an empath and have psychic abilities and have been looking into my own Family Tree for clues and answers where it came from? I believe I did. I was able too trace pretty far back farther then i ever thought possible too 1763 B.C and beyond. I was originally stuck at 848 A.D and I posted a Discussion on How far back can you trace your geneology?
The responses inspired me too dig further there had to be more and I found there was a name change among many others I had no idea about and found a treasure trove of information since i was descended from Kings it was recorded in the Irish annuls and since it was 3,000 years of straight recession I was lucky it made it easy. I can now trace my family through Generation of Kings for over three thousands years.
I can trace back to the second High King of Ireland Érimón mac Míl Espáine who was the son of Galamh Milesius 1763 B.C. who was to be the 36th descendant from Adam. I inherit my looks from him. I am what they call the Black Irish. My father was blue eyed very pale skin. My mother was very pale also along with everybody in both Families. Yet I look Spanish like him he was a Spanish King. I have dark skin and features so much i used to tell people I was Spanish and they wouldn't think twice about it.
Spanish people always come up too me speaking Spanish and are surprised when i tell them i'm not hispanic but I'm Black Irish and thier like whats that? lol.
Kingship was passed down through my Generations just like in Europe. I even found inbreeding just too make sure the bloodline survived just like the Royal Family. There's written tales in Irish folklore of my past generations having psychic abilities and other Rh- traits interestingly enough. I found that my ancestry dates back too Adam the same as the Royal Family and we have the common Blood type 0- there's something too it i believe. Wherever this Bloodline went they became Kings and stayed Kings.This also makes me related too just about every President and the Royal Family.
This is where and when it all began. Galamh Milesius sons spread through Spain, Ireland,Scotland and Europe. Without him there is no Monarchies. The Royal Family wouldn't exist and neither would I. He had to be the carrier of the Rh- gene and as a descendant from Adam that would have me believe Adam was the First Rh- gene carrier.. Galamh Milesius originated from Scythia which is close to the Mesopotamia area (VN: That is Iraq, could the land between the Tigress and Euphrates River be the Garden of Eden? Abraham also came from there from the city of Ur when it was Sumaria) which would seem the area of origin.
This is also deeply hidden from public knowledge as if they were trying too hide this bloodline fact?All the kings in my bloodline changed thier names so thier was no hint of this heritage. If they passed on the last name like we do now my last name should be by all means Milisius! I grew up Christian and reading the Bible and can't ever recount hearing about the Bloodline of Adam going too Spain, Ireland, Scotland it seems like they tried too erase this fact since nobody knows about it. (VN: Why do you think the British have tried for centuries to wipe out the Irish?)
I myself don't believe in the bible for the simple fact the dates don't add up for when man was created but research evidence shows this common linneage that we have in common originating from the same people that I can't discredit so there has to be something too it. We have a common bloodline to the bible coincedence?
Kingdoms were ruled from within these Bloodliness reigned because of bloodline and Kingdoms passed down only too people of these bloodlines somewhere there lies the truth and it has to do with blood .It made me think maybe the story of Adam was mistold! He was the first successfull hybrid Man who was RH- ,not the very First man ever made who was RH+!
Then the story of Adam makes perfect sense if looked at that way. The Families can be traced to Scythia also which covers Mesopotamia area where also the Royal family have babylonian roots also. I'm pretty sure the families migrated from there it would seem too make sense this would be the area of origin.
That's my speculation.I can trace everyone of my forefathers and this is the only Missing link that makes sense! Their was a mixing of Egyptian Blood once with Scota, Queen of the Gadelians thats a possibility but the family was kings before this and I don't believe she could have been the carrier too pass along generations ahead.
At some point we are all related we inheret the Rh- gene from the same person.Was it from an Alien, A God or Demigod a mutation? This is of coarse the million Dollar question! I think we can look at the dynamics of the 0- blood type and get somewhat of an answer.
It shows that it is clearly unique where we can give blood too all but can only recieve our own? An Rh- mother blood will fight a Rh+ babies blood like it was a foriegn virus? The only other place this occurs in nature is with interbreeding animals horses and donkeys experience this. This Shows that it would have too come from a foriegn entity that didn't originate from here and couldn't of been the first blood type ever being a recessive gene.
So my theory is we were mixed with someone or something originally not Human.I personally see and feel things that are beyond Human capabilities so i can attest to that. What is it for sure? My history says it appears too come from 1 man Adam and so does the Royal Family. I speculate the stories in History of the God's bearing children with Humans is the root of it and proof of it happening.
I traced two royal bloodlines.My own and the royal family and found we both originate from the same forefathers which bring us to the Mesopotamian area which would lead me too believe this is the origination and gives strong credence to the Annunaki. The bible stories have been proven to be taken from them.
This is mostly of course my speculation and based on my common findings through tons of research. The facts do show and prove the Bloodline history is full of nothing but Kings and Queens and President's even too this day. They are all RH- and descendant from Biblical Bloodlines and they all ruled Kingdoms because of it . What the Rh- trait actually is is debatable but History shows Kings were put into place because of it so without a doubt there is something Special about it that can't be discredited and for sure that it is passed down too us from forefathers.
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