Vatic Note: This is up because the North Koreans are beginning the movement toward WW III and at the same time that the Israeli dual citizens are TREASONOUSLY planning, funding and orchestrating moves toward WW III, the powers that be are beginning the push toward murdering millions if not billions of us through this war.... and its resulted in what we put up below in this article and my note about why they have designated us the losers and Germany to be the new arisen industrial economic global power. I bet that ticks off the Queen. LOL Oh, my goodness, I could not have asked for more proof of the conspiracy involved in throwing us into WW III and proving we are the designated losers.
You read this below and the evidence is right there and perfect for a trial of high treason among bankers, dual foreign citizens running our government in the Pentagon, military industrial complex etc. Don't forget the shipment of stolen weapons stopped by finland and it was determined the Israeli's sold them to the Chinese. Hmmm. Our ally ensuring we lose that war they have planned?? Therefore prosecution can be done by the "people" of all those involved. What do we know for sure based on this article below.....
1. Quality control is an imperative in defence spending on weapons systems etc. That includes all companies products that come into the pentagon, and especially electronics, so they knew these were faulty pieces of equipment. Once determined to be faulty or inoperative, then the company who won the contract has to redo them and replace them at no cost to the tax payer until they are right. Or worse, they intentionally did no quality control on the end products OR even worse, our treasonous leaders in the Pentagon/corporations, gave faulty plans to the Chinese intentionally. That is a major crime. High treason.
2. Goldman Sachs and other companies have a strong relationship that can be documented with the Chinese Government. Goldman Sachs is China's international brokerage firm, and unofficial consultant to Putin in Russia. Both countries top leadership were educated at Oxford, which is the school of the Illuminati. The Pentagon has contracted out much of the manufacturing of our top secret military technology jobs to China and Russia and thus has a strong business relationship with them, called A CONFLICT OF INTEREST. In fact, Goldman Sachs was instrumental in setting up our companies doing top secret business with them and giving them our high technology. What??? This company must never be allowed to operate on American soil ever again. They cannot protect every single piece of equipment they need to function globally.
3. When the Pentagon began contracting out with a potential enemy which was a communist country, people rose up warning of the sabotage China would do in such a system and the theft of our technological advancements that would be done by China and Russia to advance and improve and move their own military into preeminance globally, thereby ensuring their win over us in any potential conflict. That, not only made no difference to the "foreign occupying" traitors in the Pentagon, but it increased their dependance on China & Russia for all our manufacturing military spending. They increased their treason instead of mitigating it.
4. In reading this below, remember our senators and congressmen like McCain received campaign contributions and fundraising money from foreign gov such as Britain which is run by a major black nobility family heavily tied into Rothschilds criminal cabal. I include Mr. Lieberscum in that category, along with senators from NY that have proven who they are loyal to and its not New Yorkers. In fact, I believe personally, given a choice they would probably pick their own city to have a major hit on. No, they are loyal to ISRAEL.
5. Why is the Denver area designated as the New White House? Because they know where, what and who is going to be destroyed in this WW III that they are creating, funding, organizing and setting up for America to lose just like these zionists bankers did in Nazi Germany and Russia in 1917. If a ploy works they just keep using it over and over again and this is at least their third time doing this. .
6. We put up a blog on here proving Obama gave islands off of Alaska to Russia. OK, that gives them a forward military base to take us on. ISN'T THAT TREASON? From there they can slip into Alaska, identify targets and population and then strike once they have all the intel they need. Nasty piece of work on the part of the Satanic zionist infiltrators to our gov and military. (Obama is simply a puppet, so that is why I don't mention him that often since it reinforces his function as the bad guy, when in fact, he has no say in anything and never has.) Lets keep our eye on the ball, the real perps and never let them out of our sight or conversation.
7. Last but not least, China is importing through American companies, that are also quality controlled so those companies know about this and are committing treason as well.... that the products are full of lead and Dr. Mercola gave us that information here
I put this up on a separate blog and Rumormills picked it up and now the entire blog has been gutted. So go directly to Dr. Mercola on this issue and see how the TRAITORS ARE COOPERATING AND WORKING WITH OUR SO CALLED ENEMY TO KILL OFF AMERICANS AND POISON THEM.
Its not the "Chinese", its their OXFORD EDUCATED LEADERS WORKING FOR BRITAIN to try and reclaim their dominion over us and revert our revolution back to commonwealth status. Just so you know the game plan and then finally globalization, but WE ARE THEIR BIGGEST OBSTACLE TO THIS ACT.
US weapons 'full of fake Chinese parts'
By: Malcolm Moore,
Thousands of United States' warplanes, ships and missiles contain fake electronic components from China, leaving them open to malfunction, according to a US Senate committee.
The US Senate Armed Services Committee said its researchers had uncovered 1,800 cases in which the Pentagon had been sold electronics that may be counterfeit.
In total, the committee said it had found more than a million fake parts had made their way into warplanes such as the Boeing C-17 transport jet and the Lockheed Martin C-130J "Super Hercules".
"A million parts is surely a huge number. But I want to repeat this: we have only looked at a portion of the defence supply chain. So those 1,800 cases are just the tip of the iceberg," said Senator Carl Levin. (VN: Carl Levin, Mr. NDAA, is one of the first to be investigated for treason, so he better speak up. He has a lot to overcome, just like Lieberscum).
In around seven in 10 cases, the fake parts originated in China, while investigators traced another 20 per cent of cases to the United Kingdom and Canada, known resale points for Chinese counterfeits.
In the southern Chinese province of Guangdong, counterfeit microchips are often smuggled out of factories, or burned off old computer circuit boards before having their identifying marks sanded off and repainted as new.
In Chinese bazaars, "military grade" microchips are openly advertised, although these chips are often commercial chips that have been modified and relabelled.
Military grade chips are designed to withstand far greater extremes of temperature and humidity, and there are fears that the fake Chinese parts could suddenly fail.
"We cannot tolerate the risk of a ballistic missile interceptor failing to hit its target, a helicopter pilot unable to fire his missiles, or any other mission failure because of a counterfeit part," said John McCain, the senior Republican Senator on the committee.
Experts said the problems are not new, and have dated from a decision in the 1990s by the Clinton administration to cut costs by asking the Pentagon to buy "off-the-shelf" electronics, rather than designing its own systems.
As electronics manufacturing migrated to China, the US has been less and less able to control the quality of its military hardware. Some of the fake chips are bought by the Pentagon on the open market in order to maintain its fleet of older vehicles, which have outdated circuitry. These chips are often salvaged by Chinese scrap merchants from the dumps of electronic waste that have accumulated in the south of the country.
In 2008, an investigation by the US Commerce department found nearly 7,400 incidents of fake electronics in military hardware, while in 2005, internal Pentagon documents suggested that there had been equipment malfunctions because of fake parts.
The senate committee said China should "act promptly" and clamp down on its flourishing electronics black market.
However, Song Xiaojun, a former Peoples' Liberation Army officer who has become a nationalistic commentator in the Chinese media said the US had "got itself into the position it is in".
"The US has been dismantling its factories since the 1960s," he said. "And since the Clinton government, the US has turned a blind eye towards military requisitioning. As it keeps cutting its procurement budget, weapons dealers will keep providing cheaper quality products," he added. "This attack on China is political, given the forthcoming elections. But it should not be blaming China, this is a free market issue. The only solution the US has is to buy its components from Korea or Japan instead, but then its costs will rise a hundredfold."
In an interview with the New York Times on Sunday, Leon Panetta, the US Defence secretary, acknowledged that he may have to cut new weapons purchases as he tries to trim $450 billion (£280 billion) off the defence budget over the next decade. (VN: I told you this was intentional and here is the proof right here, even after finding this out, and the bankers stealing trillions of dollars of our wealth, they are still going to make sure we lose World War III.... well, Afghanistans low tech, leaderless resistance is blowing the high tech, highly centralized EXPENSIVE military away, so if they can do it, then we, with 800 million guns can do it because we have the passion they will lack and the willingness to die rather than live as they have planned. Also, we have hackers for those drones. That is powerful incentive and motivation to bring these suckers down. Remember, it only takes bringing the international bankers down, everywhere on the planet, OCCUPY THEIR RESIDENCES, EVERYWHERE, and that is where we must focus. That will take care of the corporations because they are owned by the bankers. Never, ever give up, no matter what. My WW II parents taught me that early on and continued to press that concept home to me and I have made that work all my life, so lets adopt that mentality and repeat it many many times. "NEVER, EVER GIVE UP, NOT EVER". )
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
You read this below and the evidence is right there and perfect for a trial of high treason among bankers, dual foreign citizens running our government in the Pentagon, military industrial complex etc. Don't forget the shipment of stolen weapons stopped by finland and it was determined the Israeli's sold them to the Chinese. Hmmm. Our ally ensuring we lose that war they have planned?? Therefore prosecution can be done by the "people" of all those involved. What do we know for sure based on this article below.....
1. Quality control is an imperative in defence spending on weapons systems etc. That includes all companies products that come into the pentagon, and especially electronics, so they knew these were faulty pieces of equipment. Once determined to be faulty or inoperative, then the company who won the contract has to redo them and replace them at no cost to the tax payer until they are right. Or worse, they intentionally did no quality control on the end products OR even worse, our treasonous leaders in the Pentagon/corporations, gave faulty plans to the Chinese intentionally. That is a major crime. High treason.
2. Goldman Sachs and other companies have a strong relationship that can be documented with the Chinese Government. Goldman Sachs is China's international brokerage firm, and unofficial consultant to Putin in Russia. Both countries top leadership were educated at Oxford, which is the school of the Illuminati. The Pentagon has contracted out much of the manufacturing of our top secret military technology jobs to China and Russia and thus has a strong business relationship with them, called A CONFLICT OF INTEREST. In fact, Goldman Sachs was instrumental in setting up our companies doing top secret business with them and giving them our high technology. What??? This company must never be allowed to operate on American soil ever again. They cannot protect every single piece of equipment they need to function globally.
3. When the Pentagon began contracting out with a potential enemy which was a communist country, people rose up warning of the sabotage China would do in such a system and the theft of our technological advancements that would be done by China and Russia to advance and improve and move their own military into preeminance globally, thereby ensuring their win over us in any potential conflict. That, not only made no difference to the "foreign occupying" traitors in the Pentagon, but it increased their dependance on China & Russia for all our manufacturing military spending. They increased their treason instead of mitigating it.
4. In reading this below, remember our senators and congressmen like McCain received campaign contributions and fundraising money from foreign gov such as Britain which is run by a major black nobility family heavily tied into Rothschilds criminal cabal. I include Mr. Lieberscum in that category, along with senators from NY that have proven who they are loyal to and its not New Yorkers. In fact, I believe personally, given a choice they would probably pick their own city to have a major hit on. No, they are loyal to ISRAEL.
5. Why is the Denver area designated as the New White House? Because they know where, what and who is going to be destroyed in this WW III that they are creating, funding, organizing and setting up for America to lose just like these zionists bankers did in Nazi Germany and Russia in 1917. If a ploy works they just keep using it over and over again and this is at least their third time doing this. .
6. We put up a blog on here proving Obama gave islands off of Alaska to Russia. OK, that gives them a forward military base to take us on. ISN'T THAT TREASON? From there they can slip into Alaska, identify targets and population and then strike once they have all the intel they need. Nasty piece of work on the part of the Satanic zionist infiltrators to our gov and military. (Obama is simply a puppet, so that is why I don't mention him that often since it reinforces his function as the bad guy, when in fact, he has no say in anything and never has.) Lets keep our eye on the ball, the real perps and never let them out of our sight or conversation.
7. Last but not least, China is importing through American companies, that are also quality controlled so those companies know about this and are committing treason as well.... that the products are full of lead and Dr. Mercola gave us that information here
I put this up on a separate blog and Rumormills picked it up and now the entire blog has been gutted. So go directly to Dr. Mercola on this issue and see how the TRAITORS ARE COOPERATING AND WORKING WITH OUR SO CALLED ENEMY TO KILL OFF AMERICANS AND POISON THEM.
Its not the "Chinese", its their OXFORD EDUCATED LEADERS WORKING FOR BRITAIN to try and reclaim their dominion over us and revert our revolution back to commonwealth status. Just so you know the game plan and then finally globalization, but WE ARE THEIR BIGGEST OBSTACLE TO THIS ACT.
US weapons 'full of fake Chinese parts'
By: Malcolm Moore,
Date: 2011-11-08

The US Senate Armed Services Committee said its researchers had uncovered 1,800 cases in which the Pentagon had been sold electronics that may be counterfeit.
In total, the committee said it had found more than a million fake parts had made their way into warplanes such as the Boeing C-17 transport jet and the Lockheed Martin C-130J "Super Hercules".
It also found fake components in Boeing's CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter and the Theatre High-Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) missile defence system.
"A million parts is surely a huge number. But I want to repeat this: we have only looked at a portion of the defence supply chain. So those 1,800 cases are just the tip of the iceberg," said Senator Carl Levin. (VN: Carl Levin, Mr. NDAA, is one of the first to be investigated for treason, so he better speak up. He has a lot to overcome, just like Lieberscum).
In around seven in 10 cases, the fake parts originated in China, while investigators traced another 20 per cent of cases to the United Kingdom and Canada, known resale points for Chinese counterfeits.
In the southern Chinese province of Guangdong, counterfeit microchips are often smuggled out of factories, or burned off old computer circuit boards before having their identifying marks sanded off and repainted as new.
In Chinese bazaars, "military grade" microchips are openly advertised, although these chips are often commercial chips that have been modified and relabelled.
Military grade chips are designed to withstand far greater extremes of temperature and humidity, and there are fears that the fake Chinese parts could suddenly fail.
"We cannot tolerate the risk of a ballistic missile interceptor failing to hit its target, a helicopter pilot unable to fire his missiles, or any other mission failure because of a counterfeit part," said John McCain, the senior Republican Senator on the committee.
Experts said the problems are not new, and have dated from a decision in the 1990s by the Clinton administration to cut costs by asking the Pentagon to buy "off-the-shelf" electronics, rather than designing its own systems.
As electronics manufacturing migrated to China, the US has been less and less able to control the quality of its military hardware. Some of the fake chips are bought by the Pentagon on the open market in order to maintain its fleet of older vehicles, which have outdated circuitry. These chips are often salvaged by Chinese scrap merchants from the dumps of electronic waste that have accumulated in the south of the country.
In 2008, an investigation by the US Commerce department found nearly 7,400 incidents of fake electronics in military hardware, while in 2005, internal Pentagon documents suggested that there had been equipment malfunctions because of fake parts.
The senate committee said China should "act promptly" and clamp down on its flourishing electronics black market.
However, Song Xiaojun, a former Peoples' Liberation Army officer who has become a nationalistic commentator in the Chinese media said the US had "got itself into the position it is in".
"The US has been dismantling its factories since the 1960s," he said. "And since the Clinton government, the US has turned a blind eye towards military requisitioning. As it keeps cutting its procurement budget, weapons dealers will keep providing cheaper quality products," he added. "This attack on China is political, given the forthcoming elections. But it should not be blaming China, this is a free market issue. The only solution the US has is to buy its components from Korea or Japan instead, but then its costs will rise a hundredfold."
In an interview with the New York Times on Sunday, Leon Panetta, the US Defence secretary, acknowledged that he may have to cut new weapons purchases as he tries to trim $450 billion (£280 billion) off the defence budget over the next decade. (VN: I told you this was intentional and here is the proof right here, even after finding this out, and the bankers stealing trillions of dollars of our wealth, they are still going to make sure we lose World War III.... well, Afghanistans low tech, leaderless resistance is blowing the high tech, highly centralized EXPENSIVE military away, so if they can do it, then we, with 800 million guns can do it because we have the passion they will lack and the willingness to die rather than live as they have planned. Also, we have hackers for those drones. That is powerful incentive and motivation to bring these suckers down. Remember, it only takes bringing the international bankers down, everywhere on the planet, OCCUPY THEIR RESIDENCES, EVERYWHERE, and that is where we must focus. That will take care of the corporations because they are owned by the bankers. Never, ever give up, no matter what. My WW II parents taught me that early on and continued to press that concept home to me and I have made that work all my life, so lets adopt that mentality and repeat it many many times. "NEVER, EVER GIVE UP, NOT EVER". )
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Thank you, Razlich, but I could not make the connection between what would be a timeline based on accidental history or planned and manipulated history. Which is it in this film? We have been living under thousands of years of planning by these bloodlines. Just wondering and if you could maybe tell us in simply language so the least educated could grasp what the point is. Thanks
What I find interesting is the fact that Levin and others on the committee are in fact Israeli controlled stooges, so what is the game plan here. I think your right about this being a bogus set up war and if so, then is that the resaon for all of this? Are they trying to get us mad at China to go to war with them or are they trying to get us mad at our government for not catching it and for allowing them to do our military manufacturing which any idiot with half a brain would have known was not a good idea if we are at odds with communism or are we???? Yeah, I guess that is the big question isn't it? I agree, kick out the bankers.
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