Vatic Note: I bolded and enlarged the names of those coming out of the woodwork to call for gun control.... LOL Like we are soooooo surprised. NOT! But take note of those names and photos. Its important for later on down the road. If you do not see a photo its because I could not find one, but carry a notepad with you to write down names as they come up calling for gun control. Understand, if they are so willing to murder 18 people to get their agenda, try to imagine what they would do with total unopposed control of the globe.
And what is that called??? Murder in the first degree, and high treason.... why is it so hard for others to say it??? Call it what it is..... Yes, I know, the minute you say it, it becomes real and that is why many refuse to say it... then they would have to do something about it. But it is real. Its happening now and to us. So we must deal with it, whether we want to or not. Right now we are not like that little 5 year old girl talking like a 30 year old. Aging a 5 year old, losing her childhood due to animals who bark and kill, is not the life we want for our children, so we better damn well fight for what we want. We need to find her courage in us, and use it.
WE BETTER WAKE UP AND START FACING THAT REALITY, this is just a minor example of what we can expect if they take our guns. If an American is willing to commit treason then there is nothing he is not willing to do. Its hard for us from a sound moral base to understand, but we must if we are to make right choices when the time comes and it appears to be coming soon. (7/27) Then, after treason, ONCE THE HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL WITH NO THREAT FROM GUNS, THEN next will be sexual satanic ritual abuse on any child they want without asking or even hiding that they are doing it, or like in Iraq ORGAN HARVESTING BY KILLING TEENAGERS AND STEALING THEIR ORGANS. Yes, we published a blog on that.
Taking your children and putting them into the international sex slave trade..... pornography, snuff porn, etc. (Like they did in Bosnia). I think you get the point here. These are mentally ill people who have no limits internally on what they think they can do to THEIR OWNED ASSETS... like cattle. They can butcher us as they do the Palestinians etc. Last time they won, they murdered 63 million Christians in Russia and the church had to go underground to stop the slaughter. Go WATCH THE VIDEO OF THE 5 YEAR OLD POSTED TODAY AND FIND THAT KIND OF COURAGE TO DEAL WITH ALL OF THIS. Love your fellow Americans and other humans on the planet, enough to risk what you fear losing the most. That little girl was driven by "love" for her friend and she said so. Love is the key and fear is the enemy.
Friday is a short time away, so everyone has a lot of thinking and deciding to do. Ask yourself, what do they have planned that makes them afraid of our guns? What atrocity are they planning on, that would make us use our guns against them? What I am discovering about these people is they exist outside the realm of our experience. We cannot even imagine what horrors they are capable of visiting on anyone. Child, baby, pregnant woman, old people.... .there is nothing that touches their heart strings and we best begin dealing with that lack of humanity being exhibited. Its the only thing that has made me believe some of these illums like the Bush Sr., are truly lizards, and Queen elizabeth and her racist husband.
Final word....... "DO THE BEST YOU CAN AND GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF THE REST".... BUT YOU MUST DO YOUR BEST for that to happen. I am living proof that attitude works. I swear by it and its held me through incredible horrors and I prevailed in every single one of them. I am telling you that we all can do that if you believe in something beyond your three dimensional limited realilty.
Do the best you can, and KNOW AND BELIEVE YOU WILL EXPERIENCE MIRACLES. WORK LOCAL AND THINK GLOBAL.... we are all in this together,Christian, Muslim, Aethist, New Ager, right, left, independant, libertarian, we are all AMERICANS... FIRST, and other things next. Nothing has tapped my patriotism like these actions of these insane people. In a way, they did us a favor and made us look at what we have taken for granted all this time. NO MORE. Now we earn it.
Staged Batman Psy-Op Justifies Obama and the UN Confiscating Our Guns
By: Susanne Posel Occupy Corporatism
Date: 2012-07-23
The police in Aurora say that James Holmes was the gunman wore complete SWAT team gear (including a tactical armored vest, throat protector, groin protector, a gas mask and a ballistic helmet) and opened fire on a theater full of movie goers at the Batman premier on Friday.
Mainstream media (MSM) is reporting that Homes dyed his hair red, calling himself “the Joker”; the arch-enemy of the Batman character.
Those who knew Holmes, like Billy Kromka , fellow pre-med student at the University of Colorado, said: “It was just shocking, because there was no way I thought he could have the capacity to do commit an atrocity like this.”
The question of Holmes being a violent criminal hell-bent on “killing everyone” does not add up when his personality and actions are scrutinized.
First off, Holmes was conducting research into neuroscience with his partner Kromka. Holmes was cooperative and easily surrendered to law enforcement. He informed police that his apartment was “booby trapped”.
Holmes arrived at the theater in complete SWAT team gear . MSM reported, according to a law enforcement officer, that Holmes had in his possession: “One rifle, two handguns, a knife, a bullet proof vest, a ballistic helmet, a gas device, a gas mask, military SWAT clothing and unidentified explosives were also found in Holmes’ car.”
Are to believe that a pre-med student had unlimited access to military grade weaponry without ties or connections to the US armed forces? (VN: He was an ex military man and who knows what they did to him there as well. Maybe that was how he got into the mind control program at the university, or the neurosciences dept. )
Witnesses now say that Holmes was not alone when he entered the theater but there was a second and yet, unidentified person with him, assisting in the initial stages of the attack. (VN: Oh, like the panty bomber.... those mind control people can not do squat without a CIA or Mossad handler. Funny how we have deteriorated since we started holding hands with Israel)
While Holmes’ apartment was decked out with a “sophisticated” network of flammable devices, he must have had an unknown connection with access to military equipment that would assume that Holmes was not the lone gunman the MSM wants us to perceive him as; but rather a pasty controlled, most likely, by a federal agency who wants to introduce into the social meme the idea that stricter gun control legislation is necessary to prevent situations like this.
Operation Northwoods ,
a plan approved in the 1960s by the Chairman and the Joint Chiefs of
Staff called for civilians to be shot in America while violent terrorism
would be staged across the US. Pasty operatives would be framed for
bombings, planes would appear to be hijacked and evidence would be
planted to blame Castro in Cuba in an attempt to produce justification
for war with Cuba.
These false flag attacks staged by the US federal agencies such as the FBI and CIA would include:
• Planted bombs and explosive materials
• Intercepted messages with suspected terrorist organizations
• Staged hijacking attempts
• Murder of America citizens to justify US federal agency agendas
It appears that the Batman shooting has the hallmarks of these false flag staged attacks with the employment of Holmes as the patsy involved in a supposed abuse of gun laws that ultimately need to be revised for the safety of the general public.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been dropping comments about the need for gun control in America. On Friday, Bloomberg said that he was demanding that the presidential candidates “stand up and tell us what they’re going to do about” preventing mass shootings.
Bloomberg went on to say: “I mean, there’s so many murders with guns every day. It’s just gotta stop. No matter where you stand on the Second Amendment, no matter where you stand on guns, we have a right to hear from both of them, concretely, not just in generalities, specifically, what are they going to do about guns?”
Senator Ron Johnson, speaking to Fox News Sunday, asserted that additional measures to restrict ammunition purchased would infringe on the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans.
In opposition and supportive of the global Elite’s move toward destroying our 2nd Amendment, had this statement to make that ensures fear-mongering may outweigh the Constitutional rights we take for granted: “I believe people use these weapons because they can get them. I believe that a revolver, a rifle, a hand gun isn’t going to do the damage. It’s the big clips, a hundred rounds. You can’t get to him to dislodge the gun because he can fire so rapidly and has so many bullets.”
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a statement giving rise to the Batman shooting as having been in the “cards” for quite some time.
According to the press release:”An early April 2012 suicide bombing of a theater in Somalia and a violent extremist communication advocating attacks on US theaters highlight terrorists’ continued interest in attacking such venues.
(VN: Right, an "educated" American is going to take the instructions of a foreign terrorist to kill people in a theatre, Duh!!! Not! But what he will do if he is brainwashed or mind controlled is whatever his CIA/ Mossad/ MI6 handlers tell him to do, right? We have seen this a dozen times and they even wargamed it on the same day.... now, did the Somalian extremist tell them to war game it??? At an American University, which is, coincidentally, in Colorado??? If you believe that, you will buy anything)
Although we have no specific or credible information indicating that terrorists plan to attack theaters in the United States, terrorists may seek to emulate overseas attacks on theaters here in the United States because they have the potential to inflict mass casualties and cause local economic damage.”
As the month long conference in New York on the UN Small Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) wraps up, President Obama and Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State have voiced their support of the ATT that will lay plans for the abolishment of the 2nd Amendment in the US. Both have stated they will sign the ATT once it is resolved and finished on June 27, 2012.
While Senators wrote to Obama, expressing their apprehensions about ratifying a treaty that essentially shreds the US Constitution and the basis for law governing America, Obama has taken a concerted role in the creation of the ATT, while the UN commences with their conference.
The ATT, if ratified in the US Congress, will give the UN, an international body, control over our Constitutional rights; (VN: GLOBALIZING - british control of the UN) even to the extent of invalidating those rights if they do not fit in line with international mandates. (VN: That is illegal according to our constitution and thus we are legally in the right to resist. No treaty can be signed by a British President of the United States that circumvents the Constitution, its null and void on its face, that is written right in the document). The cover story is that the ATT will only regulate the trading and transfer of conventional arms across international borders. However, in globalist-speak it also includes the ambiguous language that allows the UN to force the US presidency to act in contrary to the 2nd Amendment.
The US State Department has tried to pull the wool over the American public’s eyes by publishing the Key US Redlines that supposed to make sure that the 2nd Amendment would be upheld regardless of adherence to the ATT. This lie is evidenced in the Constitution, Article VI, and clause 2 known as the “supremacy clause”. (VN: The supremacy clause ONLY refers to those items specifically deliniated as being under the perview of the federal government and nothing else. The second amendment is not outline in the constitution as being under the control and jurisdiction of the federal government so they have no authority whatsoever to do this at all. They are illegal on its face. That treaty is null and void the minute its passed)
Propaganda machines like the Arms Control Association (ACA), funded by globalist fronts the Ford Foundation and Carnegie Corporation, have released rhetoric written by ACA Executive Director Daryl Kimball and Wyatt Hoffman expounding on “allegations that an ATT would infringe on the right of US citizens to legally possess firearms amount to irresponsible demagoguery. No one, except maybe illicit arms dealers and human rights abusers, should oppose common-sense international standards for regulating the global arms trade.”
Obama is using the Batman shooting, along with the attack on House Representative Gabrielle Giffords (VN: We proved on here she was never shot, how about that? But the Judge who refuse to give the bankers access to private accounts to take their money, was shot to death during that time and it was not by some gun crazed loonie, no siree, it was some mossad agent) to give credence to his demand of Congress to ratify the UN’s ATT. His staged visit to Colorado will be nothing more than a PR stunt to convince the American public that stricter gun control legislation will stop these “senseless acts of violence.”
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the globalist think-tank has asserted their own lies to quell the general public into believing that the ATT will not destroy our Constitutional right to self-defense. Stewart M.Patrick, writer for The Internationalist claims: “The treaty is limited to the international trade of conventional arms, which pertains to the buying, selling, transshipping, transferring, or loaning across borders. . . the treaty is primarily aimed at countries in which rigorous controls and oversight are absent, in an attempt to harmonize and coordinate standards worldwide.”
Like the CFR, globalist supporters like the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) work hard to ensure the global Elite can confiscate small arms nationally and internationally by clamoring for strict gun controls, and even states that citizens do not have the right to self-defense if it means allowing regular citizens to arms themselves. IANSA is funded primarily through globalist channels like the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation.
The actions of Holmes before and after the shooting are reminiscent of all CIA mind-controlled operatives who are planted, used as obedient automatons, then arrested and vilified in the MSM to keep the general public from seeing through the staged event. The price for this psy-op is the destruction of the 2nd Amendment.
Staged terrorism is one card the US government is good at; having practiced in foreign nations under the guise of “regime change” by implanting CIA trained operatives (calling them “the opposition”) and causing their desired effect – which is control over what was once a sovereign country.
Here in the US, the psy-op is staged to create and fulfill the Hegelian Dialectic where the federal government, in conjunction with local law enforcement, creates the Problem-Reaction-Solution paradigm to ensure their agenda is the outcome of the event.
Here we see a shooter, armed with military grade weapons, killing innocent people in a staged attack for the sake of justifying the confiscation of all firearms from American citizens once the Obama administration finishes their dealings with the UN in an effort to disarm all citizens in all governments.
It is time to wake up America. (VN: And what is that called??? Murder in the first degree, and high treason.... why is it so hard for you to say it??? Call it what it is..... Yes, I know, the minute you say it, it becomes real and that is why many refuse to say it... then they would have to do something about it.)
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
And what is that called??? Murder in the first degree, and high treason.... why is it so hard for others to say it??? Call it what it is..... Yes, I know, the minute you say it, it becomes real and that is why many refuse to say it... then they would have to do something about it. But it is real. Its happening now and to us. So we must deal with it, whether we want to or not. Right now we are not like that little 5 year old girl talking like a 30 year old. Aging a 5 year old, losing her childhood due to animals who bark and kill, is not the life we want for our children, so we better damn well fight for what we want. We need to find her courage in us, and use it.
WE BETTER WAKE UP AND START FACING THAT REALITY, this is just a minor example of what we can expect if they take our guns. If an American is willing to commit treason then there is nothing he is not willing to do. Its hard for us from a sound moral base to understand, but we must if we are to make right choices when the time comes and it appears to be coming soon. (7/27) Then, after treason, ONCE THE HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL WITH NO THREAT FROM GUNS, THEN next will be sexual satanic ritual abuse on any child they want without asking or even hiding that they are doing it, or like in Iraq ORGAN HARVESTING BY KILLING TEENAGERS AND STEALING THEIR ORGANS. Yes, we published a blog on that.
Taking your children and putting them into the international sex slave trade..... pornography, snuff porn, etc. (Like they did in Bosnia). I think you get the point here. These are mentally ill people who have no limits internally on what they think they can do to THEIR OWNED ASSETS... like cattle. They can butcher us as they do the Palestinians etc. Last time they won, they murdered 63 million Christians in Russia and the church had to go underground to stop the slaughter. Go WATCH THE VIDEO OF THE 5 YEAR OLD POSTED TODAY AND FIND THAT KIND OF COURAGE TO DEAL WITH ALL OF THIS. Love your fellow Americans and other humans on the planet, enough to risk what you fear losing the most. That little girl was driven by "love" for her friend and she said so. Love is the key and fear is the enemy.
Friday is a short time away, so everyone has a lot of thinking and deciding to do. Ask yourself, what do they have planned that makes them afraid of our guns? What atrocity are they planning on, that would make us use our guns against them? What I am discovering about these people is they exist outside the realm of our experience. We cannot even imagine what horrors they are capable of visiting on anyone. Child, baby, pregnant woman, old people.... .there is nothing that touches their heart strings and we best begin dealing with that lack of humanity being exhibited. Its the only thing that has made me believe some of these illums like the Bush Sr., are truly lizards, and Queen elizabeth and her racist husband.
Final word....... "DO THE BEST YOU CAN AND GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF THE REST".... BUT YOU MUST DO YOUR BEST for that to happen. I am living proof that attitude works. I swear by it and its held me through incredible horrors and I prevailed in every single one of them. I am telling you that we all can do that if you believe in something beyond your three dimensional limited realilty.
Do the best you can, and KNOW AND BELIEVE YOU WILL EXPERIENCE MIRACLES. WORK LOCAL AND THINK GLOBAL.... we are all in this together,Christian, Muslim, Aethist, New Ager, right, left, independant, libertarian, we are all AMERICANS... FIRST, and other things next. Nothing has tapped my patriotism like these actions of these insane people. In a way, they did us a favor and made us look at what we have taken for granted all this time. NO MORE. Now we earn it.
Staged Batman Psy-Op Justifies Obama and the UN Confiscating Our Guns
By: Susanne Posel Occupy Corporatism
Date: 2012-07-23
The police in Aurora say that James Holmes was the gunman wore complete SWAT team gear (including a tactical armored vest, throat protector, groin protector, a gas mask and a ballistic helmet) and opened fire on a theater full of movie goers at the Batman premier on Friday.
Mainstream media (MSM) is reporting that Homes dyed his hair red, calling himself “the Joker”; the arch-enemy of the Batman character.
Those who knew Holmes, like Billy Kromka , fellow pre-med student at the University of Colorado, said: “It was just shocking, because there was no way I thought he could have the capacity to do commit an atrocity like this.”
The question of Holmes being a violent criminal hell-bent on “killing everyone” does not add up when his personality and actions are scrutinized.
First off, Holmes was conducting research into neuroscience with his partner Kromka. Holmes was cooperative and easily surrendered to law enforcement. He informed police that his apartment was “booby trapped”.
Holmes arrived at the theater in complete SWAT team gear . MSM reported, according to a law enforcement officer, that Holmes had in his possession: “One rifle, two handguns, a knife, a bullet proof vest, a ballistic helmet, a gas device, a gas mask, military SWAT clothing and unidentified explosives were also found in Holmes’ car.”
Are to believe that a pre-med student had unlimited access to military grade weaponry without ties or connections to the US armed forces? (VN: He was an ex military man and who knows what they did to him there as well. Maybe that was how he got into the mind control program at the university, or the neurosciences dept. )
Witnesses now say that Holmes was not alone when he entered the theater but there was a second and yet, unidentified person with him, assisting in the initial stages of the attack. (VN: Oh, like the panty bomber.... those mind control people can not do squat without a CIA or Mossad handler. Funny how we have deteriorated since we started holding hands with Israel)
While Holmes’ apartment was decked out with a “sophisticated” network of flammable devices, he must have had an unknown connection with access to military equipment that would assume that Holmes was not the lone gunman the MSM wants us to perceive him as; but rather a pasty controlled, most likely, by a federal agency who wants to introduce into the social meme the idea that stricter gun control legislation is necessary to prevent situations like this.

These false flag attacks staged by the US federal agencies such as the FBI and CIA would include:
• Planted bombs and explosive materials
• Intercepted messages with suspected terrorist organizations
• Staged hijacking attempts
• Murder of America citizens to justify US federal agency agendas
It appears that the Batman shooting has the hallmarks of these false flag staged attacks with the employment of Holmes as the patsy involved in a supposed abuse of gun laws that ultimately need to be revised for the safety of the general public.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been dropping comments about the need for gun control in America. On Friday, Bloomberg said that he was demanding that the presidential candidates “stand up and tell us what they’re going to do about” preventing mass shootings.
Bloomberg went on to say: “I mean, there’s so many murders with guns every day. It’s just gotta stop. No matter where you stand on the Second Amendment, no matter where you stand on guns, we have a right to hear from both of them, concretely, not just in generalities, specifically, what are they going to do about guns?”
Senator Ron Johnson, speaking to Fox News Sunday, asserted that additional measures to restrict ammunition purchased would infringe on the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans.
In opposition and supportive of the global Elite’s move toward destroying our 2nd Amendment, had this statement to make that ensures fear-mongering may outweigh the Constitutional rights we take for granted: “I believe people use these weapons because they can get them. I believe that a revolver, a rifle, a hand gun isn’t going to do the damage. It’s the big clips, a hundred rounds. You can’t get to him to dislodge the gun because he can fire so rapidly and has so many bullets.”

According to the press release:”An early April 2012 suicide bombing of a theater in Somalia and a violent extremist communication advocating attacks on US theaters highlight terrorists’ continued interest in attacking such venues.
(VN: Right, an "educated" American is going to take the instructions of a foreign terrorist to kill people in a theatre, Duh!!! Not! But what he will do if he is brainwashed or mind controlled is whatever his CIA/ Mossad/ MI6 handlers tell him to do, right? We have seen this a dozen times and they even wargamed it on the same day.... now, did the Somalian extremist tell them to war game it??? At an American University, which is, coincidentally, in Colorado??? If you believe that, you will buy anything)
Although we have no specific or credible information indicating that terrorists plan to attack theaters in the United States, terrorists may seek to emulate overseas attacks on theaters here in the United States because they have the potential to inflict mass casualties and cause local economic damage.”
As the month long conference in New York on the UN Small Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) wraps up, President Obama and Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State have voiced their support of the ATT that will lay plans for the abolishment of the 2nd Amendment in the US. Both have stated they will sign the ATT once it is resolved and finished on June 27, 2012.
While Senators wrote to Obama, expressing their apprehensions about ratifying a treaty that essentially shreds the US Constitution and the basis for law governing America, Obama has taken a concerted role in the creation of the ATT, while the UN commences with their conference.
The ATT, if ratified in the US Congress, will give the UN, an international body, control over our Constitutional rights; (VN: GLOBALIZING - british control of the UN) even to the extent of invalidating those rights if they do not fit in line with international mandates. (VN: That is illegal according to our constitution and thus we are legally in the right to resist. No treaty can be signed by a British President of the United States that circumvents the Constitution, its null and void on its face, that is written right in the document). The cover story is that the ATT will only regulate the trading and transfer of conventional arms across international borders. However, in globalist-speak it also includes the ambiguous language that allows the UN to force the US presidency to act in contrary to the 2nd Amendment.
The US State Department has tried to pull the wool over the American public’s eyes by publishing the Key US Redlines that supposed to make sure that the 2nd Amendment would be upheld regardless of adherence to the ATT. This lie is evidenced in the Constitution, Article VI, and clause 2 known as the “supremacy clause”. (VN: The supremacy clause ONLY refers to those items specifically deliniated as being under the perview of the federal government and nothing else. The second amendment is not outline in the constitution as being under the control and jurisdiction of the federal government so they have no authority whatsoever to do this at all. They are illegal on its face. That treaty is null and void the minute its passed)
Propaganda machines like the Arms Control Association (ACA), funded by globalist fronts the Ford Foundation and Carnegie Corporation, have released rhetoric written by ACA Executive Director Daryl Kimball and Wyatt Hoffman expounding on “allegations that an ATT would infringe on the right of US citizens to legally possess firearms amount to irresponsible demagoguery. No one, except maybe illicit arms dealers and human rights abusers, should oppose common-sense international standards for regulating the global arms trade.”
Obama is using the Batman shooting, along with the attack on House Representative Gabrielle Giffords (VN: We proved on here she was never shot, how about that? But the Judge who refuse to give the bankers access to private accounts to take their money, was shot to death during that time and it was not by some gun crazed loonie, no siree, it was some mossad agent) to give credence to his demand of Congress to ratify the UN’s ATT. His staged visit to Colorado will be nothing more than a PR stunt to convince the American public that stricter gun control legislation will stop these “senseless acts of violence.”
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the globalist think-tank has asserted their own lies to quell the general public into believing that the ATT will not destroy our Constitutional right to self-defense. Stewart M.Patrick, writer for The Internationalist claims: “The treaty is limited to the international trade of conventional arms, which pertains to the buying, selling, transshipping, transferring, or loaning across borders. . . the treaty is primarily aimed at countries in which rigorous controls and oversight are absent, in an attempt to harmonize and coordinate standards worldwide.”
Like the CFR, globalist supporters like the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) work hard to ensure the global Elite can confiscate small arms nationally and internationally by clamoring for strict gun controls, and even states that citizens do not have the right to self-defense if it means allowing regular citizens to arms themselves. IANSA is funded primarily through globalist channels like the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation.
The actions of Holmes before and after the shooting are reminiscent of all CIA mind-controlled operatives who are planted, used as obedient automatons, then arrested and vilified in the MSM to keep the general public from seeing through the staged event. The price for this psy-op is the destruction of the 2nd Amendment.
Staged terrorism is one card the US government is good at; having practiced in foreign nations under the guise of “regime change” by implanting CIA trained operatives (calling them “the opposition”) and causing their desired effect – which is control over what was once a sovereign country.
Here in the US, the psy-op is staged to create and fulfill the Hegelian Dialectic where the federal government, in conjunction with local law enforcement, creates the Problem-Reaction-Solution paradigm to ensure their agenda is the outcome of the event.
Here we see a shooter, armed with military grade weapons, killing innocent people in a staged attack for the sake of justifying the confiscation of all firearms from American citizens once the Obama administration finishes their dealings with the UN in an effort to disarm all citizens in all governments.
It is time to wake up America. (VN: And what is that called??? Murder in the first degree, and high treason.... why is it so hard for you to say it??? Call it what it is..... Yes, I know, the minute you say it, it becomes real and that is why many refuse to say it... then they would have to do something about it.)
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
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