
Tikal Temple I - The Mayan Calendar and the Levels of Consciousness

The Mayan Calendar and the Levels of Consciousness
Link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqUBulP7GPY
Uploaded by on Aug 12, 2011

Dr. Calleman, The Mayan Calendar and the Transfer of Consciousness - Tikal pyramid likened to Buddha statue a world apart... Tikal pyramid 1 displays the Mayan levels of consciousness. Watch and listen to the Black Jaguar, spiritual guide at Tikal, Guatemala.  (VN:  This is a very short video, but it shows the connection between the mayan temple and a statue of Buddah on the otherside of the world.  I found the similarities he points out, to be very interesting.  A coincidence?  Maybe!  You may wish to read the levels before watching the video.  They are listed below the video.  Vatic Project has done a lot of work on consciousness and its role in the elites attempts to diminish us as conscious beings, by DNA manipulation.  Will repost some of those articles to remind us of this work the elite/khazars have been doing in this area.  This blog should show you why its important to deal with it.)

List of the Levels of Consciousness taken from Calleman's (2004, 2009) books see below

Level 1 - Evolution of Celluar Consciousness was the time of step-by-step evolution of the physical universe, galaxies, stars and planets. Evolution of of chemical elements and higher cells. It began 16.4 +/- Billion Years ago at the big bang and each of the 13 days/nights lasts for 1.26 Billion Years.

Level 2 -- Evolution of Mammalian Consciousness - the evolution of multicelluar organisms, sexual polarity, -- higher mammals. Began ago 820 Million Years ago and each of the 13 days/nights/ are 61.3 Million Years in length

Level 3 -- Anthropoid or Familial Consciousness - Lemurs, monkeys, Australopithecans with the ability to walk upright and organised into families. Began -- 41 Million Years ago -- Each day/night = 3.2 million years

Level 4 -- Evolution of Hominid or Tribal Consciousness - Human beings who make complex tools and have rudimentary oral communication and are organised into tribes. Began -- 2 Million years ago -- each day/night = 158,000 years

Level 5 -- Evolution of Human or Regional Consciousness - Homo sapiens with ability to make complex tools, spokem language, art and early cultures. Began 102,000 Years ago -- Each day/night = 7,900 years

Level 6 -- Evolution of Civilized or National Consciousness - written language, major construction, organised nations. Began 5125 Years Ago. Each day/night = 394.2 Years

Level 7 - Evolution of Global or Planetary Consciousness - Materialism, industrialism. Began 256 Years ago. Each day/night 19.7 years.

Level 8 -- Evolution of Galactic Consciousness -- transcending material frameworks of life -- telepathy, genetic technology. Began January 5th, 1999. Each day/night = 360 days

Level 9 -- Evolution of Cosmic or Universal Consciousness -- No limiting thoughts, timelessness, no organising boundaries. Began Match 9th, 2011. Each day and night will only last 18 days.


Consciousness in general:

Image of the Mayan levels by:

Tikal, Guatemala

Mayan Mysteries by MayanMarkz

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