
Alert: Deep Water Horizon moments after the explosion by Dr. Tru Ott

Update info:  6/19/10 -  as you noticed, we notified you of the missing video back on 6/16.  All we had left was the picture of the fire and we are unsure how long the video had been down, but now today we saw something that was not there for all the time that only the picture had been up, and that is a purple line running through the fire and water.   We work this site many times a day as you can probably imagine, and we knew there was no artifact on that picture during all that time until today.  That means someone messed with it between last night when we signed off and this morning when we signed back on again, the purpose is to make it appear to be a camera anomoly rather than what we described above the video as to what we actually saw and there are witnesses to those two beams which did not move when the camera moved and that is a big indicator that the anomoly was NOT in the camera.   and now because of that effort on someones part, to cover up something that would implicate the government in this crime, we now are certain that the space ship launched around the same time as the blow out is what certainly did the deed.   Dr. Otts observation about the type of weapon makes perfect sense.   Mr. Salduchi's observation of the platform hole also, added to Dr. Ott, makes sense as well.   There simply is no other explanation.

Update Info:  6/16/10 - First of all the Video below that we both, Ott and I, had has been gutted and removed, so I apologize, it worked this afternoon as I double checked to make sure I was right about the beams,  but they don't want you to see it, so its gone, however, here is an email I received from a regular that I have known for some time now.   He received an email from an Australian who said this:

Got this from an Aussie friend..

Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 10:18 PM
Subject: Re: Did a Satellite-based Deuterium-Fluoride Laser Destroy "Deep Horizon"

A friend of mine was travelling through a city in Israel about 10 yrs. ago and he said that he saw a "Purple" beam rising up from one of the buildings, -- one of the military guards told him to "keep moving" -- don't know if there is any connection ?, --

Its simply confirmation that Israel could have had a part in it, if this is true, but there is no reason for someone to make a story like that up.  I trust my subscriber and he assured me he trusts his aussie friend.  This sounds very plausible.  I would not have had to do this if they had not gutted the video where you could see it for yourself,  I assure you it was real. 

Vatic Note:  (SEE VIDEO BELOW & then read the article, its enlightening) Well, we have been saying this since about May 2 that it was the space weapon we had up there that did this.  We were certainly alone in that view, but now we are joined by quite a good guy over this issue.  We did not know about the type of weapon that could have been used, but now it makes even more sense.  Thanks Dr. Ott.   That makes two great discoveries on your part including the Israeli microbiologist who outted the baxter tainted bioweapon vaccine facility in the Ukraine.  We owe you a lot, sir.  Your a genuine hero.

Here are Vatics various links to that subject that was pointed out since May 2, 2010 (now you know why we chose the name "Vatic".....lol)   Here is the second one we did where we brought up the space weapon theory and that was back in late May. http://vaticproject.blogspot.com/2010/05/bp-oil-their-wmd-is-this-war-against.html  (the link to the platform is in there where I mention matching the blue beams to the holes in the platform and how they MATCH.) First we brought up about the hole in the platform that didn't look like a regular explosion because there was no carbon footprint that explosives would have left or even fire would have left black carbon.  Read what we said and pointed out about the holes in the platform and the lack of carbon from traditional sources of destruction: http://vaticproject.blogspot.com/2010/05/gulf-oil-spill-halliburton-connection.html

We first brought it up here about the space weapons and look how early on it was that we brought it up and of course we got laughed at , lol Whats new:

Then we brought up about why the killer gas, at the time we  didn't know about the Corexit, so the benzene is what we referenced, but once we found out about the corexit it was even worse, as they owned it and were making money off of it while it was intended to destroy plant life and make humans so sick they would voluntarily leave: check it out http://vaticproject.blogspot.com/2010/05/florida-gulf-oil-spill-plans-to.html
As usual, we could be full of beans, so you review all the links and commentary, along with this article, watch the video based on the instructions just above the video and see what you decide.   Its a "unknown" whether this is true or not, but evidence is clearly there to show that at least its a series of coincidences that begs for serious consideration.  Thanks

Deep Water Horizon moments after the explosion
By A. True Ott, PhD, Contributed to Vatic Project by Randa, USA

Marine biology student Albert Andry III and his three high school buddies Ryan Chaisson, Wes Bourg, and Dustin King werefishinginAndry’s26-foot catamaran, the Endorfin, the afternoon and evening of April 20, 2010. They had experienced a great afternooncatchingblackfinsaroundBP’s“AmberjackRig109”–and had decided to spend the night 50 miles offshore under the protective shelter of the Deepwater Horizon rig, fishing for baitfish to be used the next day.

They were about 100 yards from the Deepwater Horizon when the masiverig’slights suddenly went out, and then the first of a series of massive booms shook the rig. Immediately, Andry began videotaping the sequence of events. His amazing tape can be viewed on YouTube -

(VN: Please Note that as the camera moves, the "blue" lines from the sky DO NOT MOVE with the camera rather they stay fixed above the rig,  This is important, thus it is not an artifact of the camera itself, and in fact, you can see if you look carefully the reflection of the lines in the water, BUT NOT IN THE FIRE REFLECTION in the water which would happen if it were a camera anonomly. That is a critical point to show this was by the derrick itself and part of the event as it was unfolding and the two beams location matches the holes in the platform as the link here will attest http://vaticproject.blogspot.com/2010/05/gulf-oil-spill-halliburton-connection.html )


What is unusual about Andry’s video is the massive beam of intense purple-blue light projecting skyward from the exploding Deepwater Horizon rig. As the video clearly shows, the purple-blue beam was very clear, intense and pronounced during the first 30 seconds of tape, and then faded to just a faint trace 3 minutes later at the concluding end of the video.

What could have caused this anomaly? Why did all survivors of the disaster all tell the same story – the rig’s ELECTRICITY and LIGHTING failed first, well before the explosion occurred. What massive pulse of energy would have the power to short-circuit the Deepwater Horizon’s sheath-protected generators and thickly insulated wiring built to withstand hurricanes and heavy winds, waves, and rain before any explosion occurred? How was it that the electricity failed BEFORE the explosion, not vice verse – according to ALL the eyewitness accounts?

Was the purple-bluebeam of intense light captured on Andry’s video a high-tech laser weapon designed to cause the pressurized pipe to super-heat, melt, burst and explode? If so, who would deploy such a dastardly device, and for what purpose or reason?


The simple answer to this question is yes, absolutely YES. Caledan“infrared chemical laser”, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) inconjunction with the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) not only has built such a satellite-based weapon, they deployed it years ago, both on the ground as well as on orbiting satellites.

According to Wikipedia, MIRACL, or Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser, is the only known successful directed energy weapon developed by the US Navy. It is a deuterium fluoride laser, a type of chemical laser.

The MIRACL laser first became operational in 1980. It can produce over a megawatt of output for up to 10 minutes, making it the most powerful continuous wave (CW) laser in the US. Its original goal was to be able to track and destroy anti-ship cruise missiles, but in later years it was used to test phenomenologies associated with national anti-ballistic and anti-satellite laser weapons.

The beam size in the resonator is about 21 cm (8.3 in) high and 3 cm (1.2 in) wide. The beam is then reshaped to a 14 x 14 cm (5.5 in x 5.5 in) square and when directed and energized, then expands to a 5-foot wide beam of purplish-blue energy capable of melting even the hardest metal within seconds.

CNN reported the successful test firing of the MIRACL laser back on October 20, 1997. The article explained that the laser was successfully deployed ON THE GROUND and correctly targeted a U.S. Air Force Satellite orbiting the earth. The article declares: “MIRACL produces a beam of light six feet across using millions of watts from burning fuel. An extended beam of light from the laser would be capable of burning up a target.”

“The satellite was illuminated twice for the test. The first firing lasted for less than a second to simulate an accidental illumination. The second firing lasted for about 10 seconds at various power levels.”

That longer illumination was designed to simulate an actual ground-based laser attack on a satellite and the effects on the satellite at various power levels. The MIRACL laser never went above 50 percent power during the course of the test, a military spokesman toldCNN.”ToreadCNN’sfull article, click here.

There is no doubt that just as a communications satellite can beam radio and television signals around the world, a military satellite can focus a six-feet-wide MIRACL laser beam on a massive oil rig’s piping–causing it to explode and sink. This indeed appears to be what was captured on Albert Andry’s videotape.


Most heinous crimes involving murder are done for increased monetary gain, and/or to solidify a power and influence base –especially in organized crime circles. Money and power are the oldest motives on the planet - and appear to be the case here as well.

It is now proven that Wall Street robber baron, Goldman Sachs disposed of virtually all of their BP stocks just a few weeks before the disaster, while advising their upper echelon customers to do the same, or at least “shortsale” the stocks. This shows that Goldman Sachs either has a very good crystal ball at their disposal, or they have insider information.

I find it deeply concerning that the 1966 “Reportfrom IronMountain” actually gives the “Iluminati Blueprint" for the “New WorldOrder”. One of the principle “tools” these crazed, sinister individuals would utilize is a militarized attack on the world’s environment. The report declares: “It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival of the species.” (A threat they would utilize to execute their agenda of control - Ott.)

“Poisoning of the air, and of the principal sources of food and water supply, is already well advanced, and at first glance would seem promising in this respect; it constitutes a threat that can be dealt with only through social organization and political power. But from present indications it will be a generation to a generation and a half (30-50 years) before environmental pollution, however severe, will be sufficiently menacing, on a global scale, to offer a possible basis for a solution. It is true that the rate of pollution could be increased selectively for this purpose; in fact, the mere modifying of existing programs for the deterrence of pollution could speed up the process enough to make the threat credible much sooner.”(Page 51, Report from Iron Mountain.)


Clearly, the technology to destroy a massive oil rig via a satellite directed energy weapon exists and is squarely in the hands of the Rothschild Illuminati world elitists’ “military/industrialist complex” to utilize as they alone see fit. Clearly, the socio-economic agenda of further crippling the U.S. and World economy by a massive POLLUTING EVENT of this magnitude would fulfill the agenda of the Iron Mountain report very succinctly.

Rothschild and his bankers funded Adolph Hitler into power, and Hitler’s primary agenda was a “NewOrder” on the earth. What better way to further Hitler’s Rothschild-prescribed agenda than to have this event occur on the same DAY and Even HOUR (10:00 pm) when Adolph Hitler was born. (April 20.) Moreover, the event would be causedbyanocultic“MIRACL”--- a huge and powerful ILLUMINATING BEAM OF LIGHT from the heavens.


A. True Ott, PhD June 04, 2010

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


Anonymous said...

Can't view the video so can't make a observation on the validity of it.

Vatic said...

Well, of course, why do you think they removed it? LOL

What we have learned to do is judge the validity by their reactions and this ensured our belief this is exactly what happened and like everything else in the gulf, they are hiding something besides what they SAY they are hiding.

If it were true that we have this horrible planet destroying oil problem, and they are admitting it all over the place in the BANKER CONTROLLED MSM press, and the bankers own BP, then why have a complete and total lock down on the entire area, land sea and sky, using PRIVATE CONTRACTORS WHO ARE LOYAL TO THOSE THAT PAY THEM??? FIRST ACT BY OBAMA WAS SWAT TEAMS ON ALL 30 RIGS, BUT THAT ONLY MAKES SENSE IF THEY ARE WORRIED ABOUT BEING CAUGHT AND THUS PROTECTING THEIR ASSETS.

Why not bring in experts from all over the world? Why militarize? Why not do all the things normal people would do? Because there is no blow out, it was just an excuse TO JUSTIFY USING THE DEADLY CHEMICALS , over 1 million gallons of that poison, IN THE WATER THAT WOULD POISON EVERY LIVING THING IT TOUCHES AS IT IS DOING.

That is what they do not want you to see, is the fact that its chemical warfare against us. Why they are doing it is pure speculation, but it makes sense that it would be connected to evacuation to FEMA camps just like Katrina which was the war game for this. Then reeducation into the global New World order and if you can not do it,then other options are available. (see the first video in the article on Anubis in Denver here on this site)

Remember, this is fascism in its purest form, Corporations are running the gov. Once they fema the people, they will do like they did in Katrina, go house to house and confiscate all guns, ammo and gold.

First they destroy our economy, GOLDMAN SACHS, then they destroy our military, then they destroy our environment as was written up long ago by these lizards who are not human. Get us so far down that when we get nuked frm the BANKERS BOGUS WAR, we will never recover the few million of us that are left.

Save this answer, date it, and keep it. Check back, if your still alive and see how close we came to our "vatic" prediction.

Vatic said...

Burning man festival. Very good timing on your part in presenting that. Its right after they gutted our video so you can't see the difference.

What a COINCIDENCE THAT YOU BRING THIS UP RIGHT AFTER THEY GUTTED OUR VIDEO SO WE COULD SHOW YOU HOW IT WAS DIFFERENT. Your burning man video blue lights move with the camera, becuase the reflection will move as the camera changes position relative to the fire, thus its an anomoly of the camera, HOWEVER, OURS DIDN'T DO THAT, IT WAS FIXED AND SOLID AND DID NOT MOVE WITH THE MASSIVE ACTION OF THE CAMERA FROM THE BOAT OR CATAMARAN'S WAVE ACTION AND BOUNCING.

That is what proved this was not a camera anonoly and since you did see the video that is now gutted, I am certain, you know full well what I am saying since you put that up once before on another site when the gutted video was put up and you responded exactly the same.

So, are you from Wa DC or Langley???? Maybe Tel Aviv???? LOL Busted.

Anonymous said...

The thing that argues for a camera artifact is this:

If the blue beam below the horizon was merely a reflection on the water, then it would have intermittent intensity with the angle of the refraction/reflection from the undulating waves. However, it is of solid intensity, equally, above and below the horizon.

Vatic said...

Luckily for the powers that be, they gutted the video out of here, but I am getting a copy from somewhere and when I get it it will be a permanent one and they won't be able to pull it, so then we can look at it together.

If and when we get it up, look again, the reflection in the water in fact does do that which it should do if its a reflection. There are times when the water calms and so does the blue beam and then it looks straight but the rest of the time it goes in and out as it would if water is moving. And you can almost tell by the way the boat moves as well.

I noticed it seemed that the boat would tell us when the water was getting choppy and then the beam in the water would fade or move out as the water moved. So in fact it wouldn't be an artifact of the camera. but we need that video back up and someone has offered to send it to me who downloaded it when it was up on utube and he also told me he saw what happened and immediately thought of space weapons.

Why? He said because oil blow outs, even the worse one just do not happen that way, it appeared to be a "surface" generated blowup that started with the rig and moved down and he said that when he saw the first pics of it. Then came the interviews with the workers who said that all electricity stopped and went dark just before the blowout, which would happen if the weapon used was an energy beam. After the video came out and he saw the blue lights he knew he was right. So, I am not alone on this.

I know also I am going out on a huge limb, but I think this is their biggest ever scam that they have pulled on us and they have pulled quite a few.

Vatic Master said...

well,now since this was posted we find out through scientific evidence that an energy beam was used on the twin towers and we also find out that Israel has just such a weapon. Wow, what a coincidence. lol

It appears my friend tried to send the video and they gutted it on her too and she is in britain so that tells you JFK was right, this conspiracy is vast and international and the objective of it is to bring the USA to its knees. Well, they have to get our guns first.