
VATIC ALERT: Is Kokesh Cointelpro??? Read this and decide!

Vatic Note:  I just saw this on a blog that I had been commenting on about Kokesh as I felt something was wrong, from the beginning about this massive gun carrying march on Washington DC.   AT first I thought Kokesh had not thought this out enough, but then after his bogus arrest, I believed he was in on it and said so on the blog I was visiting.

The responses were similar to most when trolls appear and try to discredit you as being a conspiracy nut or paranoid, but alas, we had a commenter who   gave us much proof of the Kokesh as an insider position.  Here is the comment made and the links to go with it  proving the point.


(VN: scroll down to this comment, read the rest if you want, but at lease make sure you read this one.  Its important  if you were planning on attending the march on July 4,  make this go viral, ASAP, no march, make the evil ones break the law, without using us as cover for it.)
Comment by Truth Hurts 6 minutes ago 
This is all for show. His father is a multi millionaire venture capitalist ( and race track owner) who was charged by the SEC in a $45 mill law suit.  This is something Adam has never mentioned, ever. If you research the time line, you'll see that Adam entered the scene right about the time the Feds were wrapping up their case against his father. I can find no resolution to the case after almost 5 years.

And, of course, the more recent revelation that Kokesh has now implicated himself as being associated with Obama's 'Organizing for Action' via his weird "now you see it, now you don't", FB post. Some say it was a joke, but Kokesh never explained why it was on his page. He never said it was a joke. He never said that it was hacked. I always thought he was a "loose cannon".

But I now realize he's COINTELPRO. So was that Dip Shit who was bull horning the fed prison in Philly. BTW, where does he get the money to travel all over the place to make it to all sorts of "Patriot/Libertarian" events. He's obviously spending a lot time in the gym and doing all sorts of drugs Steroids too).

He's a Poster Child for dangerous behavior. Hallucinogenic drugs and guns. Can you think of anything that would scare people more?  He's looking to make 2nd amendment advocates look as dangerous as possible. To anyone who thinks all this is coincidence: "I have a bridge to sell you".
(VN:  this below is what I could find to support what he is saying.)
U.S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Litigation Release No. 21264 / October 28, 2009 United States Securities Exchange Commission v. Charles R. Kokesh Civil Action No. 6:09-cv-1021 (D.N.M.) (October 27, 2009) SEC Charges New Mexico Man with Misappropriating $45 Million Dollars On October 27, 2009, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“Commission”) filed a civil injunctive action against Charles R. Kokesh for his role in defrauding at least 21,000 investors in four business development companies (“BDCs”) through a variety of schemes and contrivances. The Commission’s complaint alleges that:

  • From at least 1995 through July 2007, Kokesh controlled two now-defunct Commission-registered investment-adviser firms (the “Advisers”), which in turn controlled and provided investment advice to the BDCs.
  • Acting by and through the Advisers, Kokesh misappropriated approximately $45 million of investor funds by causing the BDCs to pay illegal distributions, performance fees, and expense reimbursements to the Advisers.
  • To conceal the scheme, Kokesh caused the Advisers to distribute misleading proxy statements to BDC investors and to file false Commission reports on behalf of the BDCs.
The Commission’s complaint, filed in United States District Court in New Mexico, alleges that Kokesh violated Section 37, or in the alternative Section 57, of the Investment Company Act, and aided and abetted violations of Sections 13(a) and 14(a) of the Exchange Act and Rules 12b-20, 13a-1, 13a-13, and 14a-9 thereunder, and Sections 205, 206(1) and 206(2) of the Investment Advisers Act.

The Commission seeks a permanent injunction against further violations of the securities laws, disgorgement plus prejudgment interest, and civil money penalties.  (VN: as of this date, this is the most I could find on the case and there is not further info on the disposition or what happened with the gov actions and whether the father had to do anything or serve any  time.  Nothing!  So the commenter was right about that. 

SEC Complaint in this matter   http://www.sec.gov/litigation/litreleases/2009/lr21264.htm

VN: I have asked the commenter for verification of points 2 and 3 and will update them when I get them. Like a good son, he is probably doing this to help his father stay out of jail, since its been impossible to find out if he was charged, tried and convicted and sent to prison.  So far no one has been able to verify that. You have above what I was able to find.)

OK, here is the info on when his 'free Adam Kokesh' website was set up and it was before he got arrested.

5/12/13: Freeadamkokesh.com registered 5/18/13: Adam arrested in Philly on Saturday 5/19/13: Day one protest at Fed detention center 5/20/13: Court hearing on Monday But his arrest was unplanned and not a pr stunt for DC. Mkay. Whoops. http://whois.net/whois/freeadamkokesh.com
5/12/13: Freeadamkokesh.com registered
5/18/13: Adam arrested in Philly on Saturday

Now all we need is the posting he did on his site that disappeared.  

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


Anonymous said...

I knew this guy was a fraud all along. He is perfect posterboy material with all those pictures of him with the freaky eyes and holding his guns.

Also listen to what he is saying. He wants to see the downfall of Clinton and Obama. OK cool story bro, but what about the rest of the politicians? You know the crazy liberals are only half of the problem. The Republicans are bad too, and all those crazy people under them that think corporations should be running the world. Both parties are evil and basically the same thing; upper class.

It's all a show to demonize gun owners. People will blindly look up to and follow a leader in today's age, and that's why it is so easy for them to throw the crowd a bone. This guy is a joke however, and I knew it when I first seen a picture of him.

Anonymous said...

Vatic, who is the guy who bull horned the prison in Philly? I don't know who that is. Thanks, Cathy

Vatic Master said...

Cathy, I honestly don't know who it was. It might be in a news report somewhere, but I have not seen it. If I were not so busy going down and incredible rabbit hole right now, I might have followed up on it, but I just can't. I am only one person and this is getting to be a full time job these days especially with the research that I am doing. So much miraculous stuff coming up, so am committed to following where ever it takes me, but if you find out, let us know.

chris katko said...

Here's a cartoon on Adam and his father.
You're welcome to use it if you like, or pass it around.

Anonymous said...

Your articles don’t beat around the bushes exact t to the point.
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