

How To Destroy Sandy Hook School Shooting Evidence

Vatic Note:  Just a quick note to mention that the "Daily Mail" of Britain is upholding the official story of the shooting and not providing any of the photos,  videos, or other evidence that this may well have been a black ops/mossad, false flag done to pressure for gun control.  Those submitting legislation for gun control are all dual Israeli citizens, just like all the other times they murdered Americans, like the USS Liberty and USS Cole, 9-11, etc etc etc. 

They have no excuse since all the photos, videos and evidence has been distributed all over the globe, so that means the daily mail is in on it and gone as well, just like our MSM.  I am beginning to wonder why they even stay open and report anything,  since no one believes them anymore as we showed on a blog recently.

60% do not trust the MSM any longer and do not even watch the news.  In fact, many are giving up TV altogether.  In fact, I just read how the Daily Mail is having financial troubles and now we know why.  Their readers no longer believe them either.

This was a good analysis below on how this was so badly handled by the police as far as evidence goes.  But then, why waste all that time and risk the scientists finding out that the perp did not do the shooting.  Thats the only explanation for why they treated evidence as poorly as they did.  Even the remaining ammo would or could have had fingerprints on it.

How To Destroy Sandy Hook School Shooting Evidence
by TheSONSOFLIBERTYMC, Before Its News
Published on Dec 15, 2012
NEWTON SCHOOL SHOOTING that how you handle evidence? Evidently the safetyNUTZI’s ..don’t understand the importance of FINGERPRINTS/etc ..even with the DEAD GUY you still need to preserve evidence: 
Needless to say, it makes ZERO SENSE that the best weapon for the killing was left in the trunk of the vehicle. and could NOT possibly have been used at the school because the dead shooter couldn’t have put it back into the trunk.  (VN:  it was also confirmed as we showed on here by the news, that the guy shot the kids with that kind of assault weapon, yet, it was not found near the body, so how did it get back into the trunk of the car?  There were only two hand guns found by his body.  Hmm, two?)

Which raises the all important question: “Say, this kid shot mommy in the face 6 times with this thing that day, how many rounds did the stupid moron [officer at the trunk] eject from the still inserted magazine onto the pavement behind the weapon?”
I’m presuming that the magazine was ‘full’ though no gun owner would ever allow any weapon to be so stored as this puts a preset into the magazine feed spring, which is a bad idea all the way around.
IF the magazine was ‘full’ at the house, and the kid didn’t calmly sit down and reload it again after killing mommy, that magazine would have a total capacity minus ’6′ or however many the guy fired into mommy’s face.
Another good reason for the trunk of the vehicle to have been ‘sealed’ immediately for the vehicle to be processed properly at the State’s crime laboratory for fingerprints and other clues. Once the trunk was opened on the car and it was ascertained that the trunk did not contain any obvious booby traps of any kind, the trunk should have been shut again very carefully, the trunk lid sealed by special evidence anti tamper tape across the trunk lid seal to the body, and indeed over the key opening, and the vehicle put on a flatbed and towed to the crime lab for extensive analysis.
My guess is that that was not done. But that’s exactly what should have been done when the police determined the car contained weapons not used in the shooting, obviously, least not at the SCHOOL. That car would have gone to the central crime lab there in Hartford for processing, not mucked with on location by morons. 
Dennis Cimino from
Sandy Hook: Huge Hoax and Anti-Gun “Psy Op”
By Jim Fetzer and Dennis Cimino

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


***Status - FUND RAISING.  Our balance deficit is still at $195, and we are running out of time right now.   We have just 3 days in which to meet our goal.  If we are unable to do so, then we must stop what we are doing since we simply are not the MSM and cannot earn the revenues we need to continue.  Should that eventuality happen,  we will leave the blog up as a resource for everyone to use since there is an enormous amount of solid information contained here in, so please continue to avail yourself of the information.  We are definitely at a cross roads right now and we would love to continue with you to the end destination, whatever that maybe, and if we can obtain our $195 by the first, then we will have that opportunity.

We depend on you to help us during this most crucial time.  If you feel you have benefitted from our work, and if you can afford it, then please  contribute off to the right hand side of the blog at the orange button.  Help keep us working toward truth and solutions (see our Jan 1 series to do with what we can do and how.  We are a team in doing this work and we do appreciate your efforts on our behalf.  Bless you and keep you healthy, and safe.  Have a Happy and prosperous New Year 

Vatic Note: Forgive the mess they are making of this blog right now.  I have tried to fix it, and hopefully  it will stay fixed, but apparently they do not want this one up... so be sure and read it all, including all the links.  I love how they tell us what they don't like. lol

When we began this blog 3 years ago, we began researching the role of Satanism in this whole mess we are in. The reason was, that we had never seen evil this intense and bountiful.   We had to find out why, at the highest levels of our civilization, our institutions were lead by the most psychopathic creatures ever to grace  our paths and we had to find out who these people were and why were they so evil.   Then we found pedophilia heavily tied into the satanic ritual practices of these people and that led us down another rabbit hole.

We found at that time, that the Satanism/Luciferianism is the greatest threat and danger to our children of anything else on the planet. We also discovered that threat to children was ancient through Molech, the god forbidden by name in the Bible, by the God of Israel. Molech required the first born child to be sacrificed in his ovens, the 7th oven.   I found out that was brought out of Egypt by the Israeli's and carried into today through the identity of satan and leaders practice it at the Bohemian grove

Now, today, over 1,000 children  are killed every single day.  That is a statistic and not a proven fact they are killed by satanic ritual, however, it can be deduced that some are.   I had no idea it was that many, further, from other sources, that currently in the United States, there are listed over 800,000 children missing which is huge, and a bigger number than it was in the 80's when we had the milk cartons and the Magog Bush as President which had much to do with those children being used sexually for satanic work at the Bohemian grove as we learned from Cathy O'Brien.

We learned much about our own countries leaders,  the Khazar Leaders of Israel and their continuation of their paganism using the structure of the Talmud, and then the royalty of Europe, Britain, Denmark, etc.   Here below we are going to learn even more about how the practice of satanism has expanded beyond what we already knew,  which included the royalty of Europe, and our own military officially allowing satanism to be practiced, and in the NDAA bill last year sodomy was made legal in the military.  

It is a practice used on children to torture and extract information from the parents of the so called enemy.  Seymour Hersh covered that in the New  Yorker and those soldiers who did that were arrested since it was a crime to do that.   Now its legal and the soldiers won't be arrested if they should do it again.  That is how far down we have come. 

IF YOU GIVE UP YOUR GUNS, and they take you to camps, you can take it to the bank, they will practice these sexual rituals on you and your children.  That is sufficient for us to fight like crazy people  to never be sent to those camps.  

The satanists are definitely coming out of the closet.  Aquino, a general, I believe, actually wears his hair and eyebrows like Satan is imaged.... and he is active duty and the 2nd in command of the Church of Satan in the US.   Yes, a lot to be proud of,  indeed.  (sarcasm intended).  Look at the photo below and see how dead these people are inside.  No soul, no spirituality, no creativity and definitely no humanity.  This is definitely a spiritual battle.  Tap into your power and use it.  

By Paul McGuire
December 24, 2012

“MindWar is the deliberate, aggressive, convincing of all participants that in a war we will win that war.” 

-General Michael Aquino and Col. Paul E. Vallely “From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory

2013 is going to be the convergence of many events that have been more or less in a holding pattern. First of all, there exists a hidden and very powerful, Satanic elite that is largely controlling world events. 

This elite which goes all the way back to Nimrod and the Tower of Babel has changed names many times. Sir Francis Bacon, a Rosicrucian (the forerunner of the Illuminati,) planned for America to be the “New Atlantis” and head of the New World Order, long before 1776.

The Illuminati was officially formed in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, the same year America was born. Many of our Founding Fathers who claimed to be Christians were actually members of the Illuminati. The architectural symbolism all over Washington D.C. is Illuminati and Freemasonry symbolism. (VN:  there is some dispute over this part of it. Another version is that the freemasonry work was perverted by the British and it forced the good masons to leave Europe and migrate to America to get away from them and the architecture was a way to ward off the evil ones remaining in Europe.  I do not know which of these arguments are correct, however, its clearly in the protocols by these luciferian/satanists, in their written word, they intended to use the freemasons and catholic church as the foils for their evil deeds and blame it on them.  Not my opinion, its actually in writing in those protocols.  Obviously, like most religions and institutions, they have been infiltrated, but that is not the same as running the show. you read and decide.)

For example, according to the historical legend of Nimrod and his wife Semiramis who built the Tower of Babel and created Babylon, there is a deep meaning behind architectural symbols such as the Washington Monument and the rest of the nation’s capital. Washington D.C. is a mirror city to the Vatican. The Washington Monument is a phallic symbol and the capital is the symbol of a womb. This is repeated in Egypt and many other cultures.

Nimrod married the beautiful Semiramis who was either a prostitute or a madam. Some legends indicate she was both Nimrod’s mother and wife. In a power struggle at Babylon, which was the world’s first one world government, one world economic system and one world religion, Semiramis murdered the powerful Nimrod. It appears Nimrod was far more than an ordinary man, he apparently was a Nephilim. 

                                                                                                                                   The Nephilim was the hybrid race that were produced when fallen angels (B’nai Elohim) had sexual relations with human women. This act of interspecies breeding, which was forbidden by God, produced a race of supermen who were called the “mighty men of old,” or the Nephilim. Apparently, they were physically giants and had highly advanced knowledge. 

The Nephilim were responsible for the advanced technology and science that produced the great megalithic structures such as the Egyptian pyramids, the Mayan and Incan ruins, Stonehenge and countless other architectural structures that would be impossible to build even with today’s technology. 

They are advanced and giant instruments of technology which transmit energy and they are constructed to line up with stars and galaxies and are built in accordance with celestial mathematical equations that modern science has yet to discover. 

In addition, they seem to indicate direct contact with advanced civilizations from outer space, an idea being considered by a growing body of scientists.

Finally these Nephilim-built structures were occult and Satanic temples of worship which involved human sacrifice. Nimrod designed the Tower of Babel to allow men to project themselves into the stars in order to become gods and to worship the hosts of heaven, which would have been stars and fallen angels.

In the Biblical account Lucifer wants to become God and leads a revolution of one third of the angels against the throne of God, so that Lucifer can seize God’s throne and become God. When Nimrod, whose DNA was a combination of fallen angel DNA and human DNA, built the Tower of Babel it was to contact and worship these fallen angels.

Throughout the Old Testament we read about the mighty men of old, which refers to the Nephilim. The giant Goliath and his brother were Nelphilim. In the story of Joshua and Caleb fighting all the giants in the land of Canaan, they were actually fighting the Nephilim. 

The Nephilim founded the Canaanite religion which was adopted by the pagan cultures of the time, and all versions included similar styles of Satanic worship. For example, the ancient Canaanites burned their children alive in the white-hot metallic hands of the god Moloch or Baal. They indulged in the most perverse sexual orgies, Satanic worship, and drug taking.

But, what is most interesting is that these Satanic religions are alive and well today and growing. The secret society ceremonies at places like the Bohemian Grove feature drug taking, orgies and the sacrifice of child-like effigies which burned in the hands of a giant statue of Moloch, who looks like an enormous owl. 

Why would Presidents, Vice Presidents, Prime Ministers, leading scientists, the wealthiest men in the world, and other members of the elite worship Moloch even in what appear to be mock ceremonies? (VN:  Why?  Because they are nothing more than low class, low level, sick perverts and nothing more.  They have us and themselves convinced that they are something special, and what we are discoving is they are lower than the cheapest thief, car thief, burglar, robber, and forgerer, who would never pedophile a child, in fact they do in those who are serving for violating little children.  So we have to rid ourselves of any notion that these people are "elite".  We need to start calling them what they are, "Perverts".  They even do their own children to intentionally make them mentally ill in order to control them. That is why I believe they are lower than the most base animal on this planet, does a slug sound right?  Apologies to the slug.)    

Geoengineered Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc around the Globe

Vatic Note:  Well, you are probably going to think I am off my rocker on this one, but after doing all the blogs we did and research on area 51 underground facilities that are verboten to anyone, and the 6 part series we did on Dulce, and my personal experience living only about 30 to 40 miles from Dulce and watching the massive growth in population down there, where there is no industry to justify it,  I am inclined to believe something is going on that we are not being told.  I am going to put out something here that might just make sense.  Crazy as it may seem, after becoming aware of all that we did not know before this stint by the evil ones who are not human,  I am going to risk it as a potential explanation for why they are doing this.

Remember, the whistleblowers confirmed the existance of aliens here on this planet, (and many who were killed)  then we discovered Admiral Byrd had a hand in this issue since 1947, and then we discovered there are 30 countries with research facilities in the antarctic with no explanation as to why.  Then we discovered the writings of the Mayans and the Simarians which are the Iraqi's.   

We also discovered that some tramatic event happened that killed off a bunch of the Mayans and disbursed them throughout central and south America.   Then we have the massive human statutes in Easter Island which have recently been excavated, and much more that we knew nothing about. What ever  you do, stay out of fear.   AT the very least understand that "we live in interesting times".   Try to see it that way for now.

Then we discovered that RH negs are highly oxygenated which means they do better at higher altitudes because of less oxygen in the air.  We also read about a tribe of Chinese in the mountains that if they come down to sea level, die from over oxygenation.  Is that why the Chinese are studying this and patenting this technology below?   Since the bankers are in tight with the Chinese as we have discussed before, are they being given this technology for their own agenda that has nothing to do with such issues?    This is a very interesting subject and needs a lot more research, but one has to put out the possibility when nothing else makes sense.

Then the work can begin to research if these things are related in some way and can be confirmed to be valid.  So far, what we have are whistle blowers, many of whom have died.  We also know that many of our leaders are very inhumane to a point of literally feeling they are absolutely not  human.  Does the Queen of England ring a bell?   Lots of info out there on lizards, or dragos, or reptilians as various names, but again, this is just something to keep in mind as you read this.  I will continue to go down that rabbit hole, if we are still able to continue our work, and try to get some more  solid answers.

I did find the "Graeda Treaty" in government records, but no explanation, description or anything to confirm what it is.  It was stated to be a treaty between Eisenhower and these aliens in Dulce and elsewhere around the globe, but I still have not been able to confirm it, but I have confirmed that whatever it is, exists for sure or it would not be listed in the Secretary States website.  When I do confirm it, I will do a blog on it.  

To make it simple, I am wondering if they are trying to deoxygenate the planet to accommodate these underground living aliens who may want to come up onto the surface without first being engineered into partial human condition in order to do so.  Crazy, I know, but after reading this below, that was the first thing that came right into my mind.    I had to put it out there.  

Or is it because I just saw the movie "The Arrival" once again after many years and it had this very issue in it.  You know how the movie moguls, who are also the same people bringing our country down, like to tell us through movies, in advance, what they have planned for us.  That made it worth throwing it out there like a rock to see if it sinks or swims.  It could actually just be something these evils ones are setting up that has nothing to do with aliens.  You know, like prepping us for their big bioweapon or something, equally insane.   You read and decide.    

Geoengineered Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc around the Globe
By Dane Wigington
December 25, 2012 

What do a mountain of data including recorded experiments, satellite imagery, lab tests of snow, observations on the ground, and existing patents, say absolutely?

Two known patents for the process of “artificial ice nucleation for weather modification” are posted at the bottom of this article.

The Chinese government has openly admitted they are creating ”artificial snow storms” but later backtracked after causing a billion dollars of damage to Beijing.

If the Chinese government can routinely create snow storms out of what should have been a rain event, how much more advanced must our government be at this same process?

When monitoring radar images of rain during a storm, it is now common to see the rain “flash out” to snow for no apparent reason. No mountains, no colliding air mass, nothing.

The “meteorologists” at the Rothschild’s military-industrial-complex-owned Weather Channel call this “turning over to snow”.  Why would rain just “turn over” to snow for no reason?

Engineered Ice Nucleation Cools Air Mass

Many of the snow events occurring around the US, even at this time of year, are amazingly still occurring at above freezing temperatures. Some are at temperatures of 10 degrees or more above freezing. How is this possible?
Have the laws of physics changed?

It is done with various processes of chemical ice nucleation. This is the same as the first aid chemical ice pack. Mix the chemicals and you have ice.

Whatever the existing temperatures of a storm and the surrounding air mass at the time the artificial nucleation is commenced, temperatures are lowered significantly further by the nucleation process. If the nucleation process is started at far above freezing temperatures, then the temps can fall to near freezing or below as the process continues.

Mind Science Kept Hidden Documentary (removed and re-uploaded)

***Status - FUND RAISING.  Our balance deficit is still at $195, and we are running out of time right now.   We have just 3 days in which to meet our goal.  If we are unable to do so, then we must stop what we are doing since we simply are not the MSM and cannot earn the revenues we need to continue.  Should that eventuality happen,  we will leave the blog up as a resource for everyone to use since there is an enormous amount of solid information contained here in, so please continue to avail yourself of the information.  We are definitely at a cross roads right now and we would love to continue with you to the end destination, whatever that maybe, and if we can obtain our $195 by the first, then we will have that opportunity.

We depend on you to help us during this most crucial time.  If you feel you have benefitted from our work, and if you can afford it, then please  contribute off to the right hand side of the blog at the orange button.  Help keep us working toward truth and solutions (see our Jan 1 series that we currently have scheduled), to show what we can do and how.  We are a team in doing this work and we do appreciate your efforts on our behalf.  Bless you and keep you healthy, and safe.  Have a Happy and prosperous New Year  

Mind Science Kept Hidden Documentary (removed and re-uploaded)
uploaded by anom01y
June 6, 2012

Vatic Note: This is a must watchListen to what the guy says about the energy field around the heart that can be created, and about the energy we can produce at any time.  This below was a part of the series we put up a long time ago but was gutted by the PTB.  Watching this is amazing.  One of the scientists discussed that what keeps us from fully experiencing our power.  He says its like a computer that has a thousand viruses accumulated over our life time. 

He says we are not just our biological systems but also physics, and heart center is the one that produces the strongest signal.  We have to nurture and respect it. They also talk about soul work.  The field, invisible forces shape the physical body.  And the aura extends way beyond the physical body.   Lots of good stuff here.  Please watch and listen and maybe even play it a second time.  I have personal experience in this subject.

I got rid of a massive lump in my breast using "mind over matter" and it worked.  None of the medical doctors, and nurses could explain why the lump disappeared in so short of time.  I didn't even know what I was doing.  I just kept remembering hearing that from my grandparents.  "mind over matter".

This video also discusses DNA which we have covered often often about consciousness and this below gets more in depth to how it works.  I haven't even touched on much of what this covers.  This used to be called "The Power of the Mind" that disappeared twice on me.   I found this one in one video instead of 9 of them and it makes it easier to follow and retain the information.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


The Hidden Meanings in the New $100 Bill

***Status - FUND RAISING.  Our balance deficit is now  down to $195, and we are most grateful to those who have contributed so far.   We have just 4 days in which to meet our goal.  If we are unable to do so, then we must stop what we are doing since we simply are not the MSM and cannot earn the revenues we need to continue.  We depend on you to help us during this most crucial time.  If you feel you have benefitted from our work, and if you can afford it, then please  contribute off to the right hand side of the blog at the orange button.  Help keep us working toward truth and solutions.  We are a team in doing this work and we do appreciate your efforts on our behalf.  Bless you and keep you healthy, and safe.  A Happy and prosperous New Year to you and yours.

Vatic Note:  Hmmm, its a very interesting interpretation of this bill, but then that means, if we believe him, that someone has either taken back control of our nation, and its currency and credit, or it means that the protocols are in play and gold was a major part of their plans.  So, what if you steal all the gold from all the central banks and store it in warehouses and replace the gold with Tungsten?   Frankly I think the bill represents them telling us, that it was through the fiat currency system that they were able to extract the gold and wealth and so it moved from the left, to the right, and that is where we will end up and if you do not have gold, you are screwed.  

Then, what if you planned on ending the fiat currency and reinstituting the gold standard and ending all central banks, leaving only the Rothschild owned and controlled BIS In switzerland as the global settlements bank?  Well, if you were smart enough and clever enough to steal all the gold in all major banks, including that which is in the ME, except for Iran of course,  then who would totally control currency and credit???  HE WHO HAS THE GOLD, MAKES THE RULES.  As Amsel once said "Give me control of nations currency and I care not who makes the laws".  

This would be the completion of at least one part of the protocol agenda, which is the extraction of all the gold.   The one we should begin worrying about is the other part of the protocol that talks about taking all the land.  Now that is an even bigger scam yet to come.  Watch for it and hang onto your guns.  They are already talking about calling in all loans on all properties and if they are not paid off, then they will forclose.  Obviously that is a pipe dream right now, but given the cowardess of Congress, it could easily be overturned by some draconian legislation.  We certainly do live in Interesting times. 

The Hidden Meanings in the New $100 Bill
by World Truth TV,  Before It's News


First of all, I must admit that I am one of those “Conspiracy Nuts” who loves to read meaning into the back of the US $1 bill like I’m trying to solve a centuries old puzzle. The “All Seeing Eye”, the pyramid, “One World Government”, Masonic symbols, the implications of the Latin words, even the words “In God We Trust” added in 1955…all of it…I’m a big fan of secret meaning. Just Google “US Dollar Hidden Meaning” and you will find almost EVERY INTERPRETATION you can imagine. 

Since I don’t know which is true…I tend to believe ALL OF THEM. More fun that way. If you think this is all hogwash and there is no meaning to the back of the $1 bill…”Duh, it’s just a nice picture”…then this article is not for you.
So, of course, I was more than excited when the new $100 bill was FINALLY announced and IT HAD ALL THAT GOLD ON IT!

I admit that I am slightly biased on this. One of the central themes of my work at the Road to Roota Letters is that there is a group of people working to end the fiat money system and return the US back to the Gold Standard. For those unfamiliar with the concept read: The Road to Roota Theory.

A subscriber tipped me off years ago that the new $100 bill would be “special” when it finally got released and he wasn’t lying. I LOVE this bill! Check out how it turns gold in the light…

Ok. So it may be a coincidence and I may have an over active imagination but bear with me while we explore further. Take a real close look at the new bill keeping in mind that the US has a special history of hidden meaning behind their bills and there’s a real possibility of a currency crash (with a return to the Gold Standard) in the very near future.

Let’s start with the most glaring difference even from the other new colored bills: that huge Blue Stripe down the right center. For those not familiar with the symbolism of the American flag colors: Red symbolizes Hardiness and Valor, White symbolizes Purity and Innocence and Blue represents Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice. Is it possible that the big Blue Stripe may have more significance that you might expect?

FDA clears way for fast-growing GM monster salmon

The Food and Drug Administration has a special present for you this holiday season: genetically modified salmon that have been developed to grow at twice the usual salmon speed. What, you didn’t put that on your list? Well, surprise!
Run, little salmon, the monsters are coming!
Run, little salmon, the monsters are coming!
USA Today reports:
The Food and Drug Administration on Friday released its environmental assessment of the AquaAdvantage salmon, a faster-growing fish which has been subject to a contentious, yearslong debate at the agency. The document concludes that the fish “will not have any significant impacts on the quality of the human environment of the United States.” Regulators also said that the fish is unlikely to harm populations of natural salmon, a key concern for environmental activists.
The FDA will take comments from the public on its report for 60 days before making it final …
Experts view the release of the environmental report as the final step before approval.
The fish was first invented (invented!) in the ’90s but has been swimming around in regulatory limbo for the last two years, with some skeptical it would ever see a dinner plate. From Slate:
[W]ithin days of the expected public release of the [environmental assessment] this spring, the application was frozen. The delay, sources within the government say, came after meetings with the White House, which was debating the political implications of approving the GM salmon, a move likely to infuriate a portion of its base …

When asked about the holdup, FDA spokeswoman Siobhan DeLancey said, “I recommend you talk to the [Office of Management and Budget] or the White House. That’s all I’m willing to say.”
AquaBounty, the company that developed and essentially owns the monster salmon, says there’s little to no risk of fish escaping their growth pens and mating with wild salmon. Food Consumer did its own math:
Ninety-five to 99 percent of AAS [AquAdvantage salmon] are sterile, said AquaBounty at FDA hearings in 2010, so they are unlikely to breed and threaten wild salmon stocks if they escape.
(If they did breed, though, it could be Jurassic Park-like since AAS eat five times more food than wild salmon and have less fear of predators, according to background materials.) Nor is 1 to 5 percent a small amount considering the 15 million eggs AquaBounty plans to grow: that could amount to 750,000 fertile fish. (VN: I put a link on the name of the company that is doing this and it contains the backgrounds of these men,  two of the three are graduates of Harvard.  That screams volumes right there.  Remember, Israeli is a big contributor to Harvard, and they are one of the "secret societies" universities.  The second one down is a previous employee of MERCK and that should tell you volumes about him.  Another one is a refugee from the financial industry.  Oh, dear, what a surprise.  This is an illuminati company and our DNA is going to be under attack, no question about it.  We must call the FDA and do as I said in the Vatic Note above.  Organic Consumers has asked us to call them.  I will try to find the number for you and post it as an update)
Besides their massive food consumption and lack of fear (!), the FDA’s report found that the AquAdvantage salmon had a high level of infection and “jaw erosion.” There’s also a disturbingly detailed protocol for how to dispose of a whole lot of dead fish in deep “burial pits” that would be covered with plastic. Hungry yet?

With frankenfish now set to be mingling with wild and farmed varieties at the market, the next question is: How will we know? Not that they’d be required to label the stuff, but I hope AquaBounty is so pleased with its frankenfish market dominance that it’ll plaster its name all over these monster salmon meats …

Susie Cagle writes and draws news for Grist. She also writes and draws tweets for Twitter.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

60% respondants in a survey said "They Do Not Trust The MSM"!

***Status - FUND RAISINGOur balance deficit is now  down to $195, and we are most grateful to those who have contributed so far.   We have just 4 days in which to meet our goal.  If we are unable to do so, then we must stop what we are doing since we simply are not the MSM and cannot earn the revenues we need to continue.  We depend on you to help us during this most crucial time.  If you feel you have benefitted from our work, and if you can afford it, then please  contribute off to the right hand side of the blog at the orange button.  Help keep us working toward truth and solutions.  We are a team in doing this work and we do appreciate your efforts on our behalf.  Bless you and keep you healthy, and safe.  A Happy and prosperous New Year to you and yours.

Vatic Note:  The reason these are up, isn't because we don't think you know about them, we do, but what we don't know, is if they are planning a false flag for each and everyone of them.  Example they use is about Volcano's going off and we all know Haarp can do volcano's, earthquakes, and storms, like Sandy that was a full fledged false flag that we proved on this blog. 

Are they not talking about them because there might be something planned down the line?  Well, its ok, we are going to be ready for anything and no one will turn  in their guns that are illegally mandated to be turned in.  If you keep in mind that the technology of today in US weaponry far surpasses anything we have within the population, that we are more than well within the law and the intent of the law as officially outlined in the Federalist papers.

So let the games begin and lets get this damn thing over with one way or the other.  I think we are all ready. 

25 Facts That The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Really Want To Talk About Right Now
By Michael Snyder
American Dream Blog
December 24, 2012

For decades, the mainstream media in the United States was accustomed to being able to tell the American people what to think. Unfortunately for them, a whole lot of Americans are starting to break free from that paradigm and think for themselves.

A Gallup survey from earlier this year found that 60 percent of all Americans “have little or no trust” in the mainstream media.  More people than ever are realizing that the mainstream media is giving them a very distorted version of “the truth” and they are increasingly seeking out alternative sources of information.

In the United States today, just six giant media corporations control the mainstream media.

Those giant media corporations own television networks, cable channels, movie studios, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, music labels and even many prominent websites. But now thanks to the Internet the mainstream media no longer has a complete monopoly on the news.

In recent years the “alternative media” has exploded in popularity. People want to hear about the things that the mainstream media doesn’t really want to talk about.  They want to hear news that is not filtered by corporate bosses and government censors. They want “the truth” and they know that they are not getting it from the mainstream media.

We are watching a media revolution happen, and many in the mainstream media are totally freaking out about it. In fact, some in the mainstream media have even begun publishing articles that mock the American people for not trusting them.

For example, a recent CNN article entitled “Still ‘paranoid’ after all these years” portrayed Americans that don’t trust the media as paranoid conspiracy theorists that have left rationality behind… Ever have the feeling you’re being lied to by the news media, the authorities, the corporate world? That somebody — or something — is out to get you?You’re not alone.

Welcome to 21st-century America.

Look around. Trust is hitting historic lows. Just a third of Americans have a favorable view of the federal government, a decline of 31% since 2002, according to the Pew Center for People and the Press.

Gallup has Congress’ approval rating is in the low 20s, after nearing single digits last summer. And the news media aren’t much better off.

“Negative opinions about the performance of news organizations now equal or surpass all-time highs on nine of 12 core measures the Pew Research Center has been tracking since 1985,” a Pew report said.

The article goes on to make it sound like it is very irrational not to trust the media, but in this day and age it is imperative that we all learn to think for ourselves. Blindly trusting someone else to do your thinking for you is very dangerous.
Anyone that does not acknowledge that the mainstream media has an agenda is not being honest with themselves. The mainstream media presents a view of the world that is very favorable to their big corporate owners and the big corporations that spend billions of dollars to advertise on their networks.

The mainstream media is the mouthpiece of the establishment, and the worldview being pushed on the big networks is going to be consistent with the economic, financial, political and social goals of the establishment.

The mainstream media loves to talk about things that fit with that agenda, and they don’t like to talk about things that suggest that there is something wrong with that agenda.

The following are 25 facts that the mainstream media doesn’t really want to talk about right now…

#1 The mainstream media doesn’t really want to talk about the fact that gun sales are absolutely skyrocketingin the aftermath of the horrific tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

#2 The mainstream media doesn’t really want to talk about the fact that disarming the population has resulted in some of the most horrific massacres in human history. The following is from the Warrior Times…

1911 – Turkey disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1915 – 1917 they murdered 1.5 million Armenians.

1929 – Russia disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1929 – 1953 they murdered 20 million Russians.

1935 – China disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1948 – 1952 they murdered 20 million Chinese.

1938 – Germany disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1939 – 1945 they murdered 16 million Jews.  (VN:  There were only 6 million Jews in all of Europe, so that number is way way off, but the point is still valid.  They murdered 6 million of their own citizens, and that is why Jews for the Preservation of Fire Arms is so active today.

1956 – Cambodia disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1975 – 1977 they murdered 1 million Educated people.

1964 – Guatamala disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1964 – 1981 they murdered 100,000 Mayan Indians.

1970 – Uganda disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1971 – 1979 they murdered 300,000 Christians.


What Special Interest Group has "Tried" to Disarm America since 1968??

***Status - FUND RAISING.  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with your family and friends.  In picking up where we left off on Monday..... our balance needed now to make our deficit is $245.  We have only 5 days in which to accomplish that task.  We really appreciate the donations we have received, given we understand its the holidays and the pressure is great.  Because of that, we value every penny sent, since we know it comes from the heart and we are grateful for it and the thought behind it. 

We hope, if you can afford it and you benefit from our work, that those of you who have not donated before, will dig down and donate what you can off to the right of the blog at the pay pal button.  We wish to thank everyone for your support not only on donations but for reading the blog and distributing this important information, since this is an information war and we must never let up.  Thanks for your support in our work and I truly believe we are winning the information war so far.  We have a blog going up this week that proves it.  So stay tuned and check it out.

Vatic Note: So, who is the real enemy of the people of the United  States? Lets remember that Gun Control was the first step in Nazi Germany in creating the fascist state and millions died for giving up their guns.  Its worth reading about how that was done and why.  History certainly does repeat itself, doesn't it? We also posted an update to the CONNeticut massacre called "UPDATE #10 which has a video that is a must see. 

That video shows what these same international bankers did to Russia and it does it in great detail with documentation to prove our involvement in that revolution.  It appears trotsky was an American which I did not know, and he was the pawn of The bankers, JP Morgan, Shiff, and others under the Rothschild global banking banner.  His real name was Bronstein. Lenin was a Russian Khazar as was Stalin.

Gun Control was part of what allowed these cretins to destroy a nation, Russia, and millions of Russian people.  We also posted another blog explaining why this may well have happened, considering they never do anything for just one reason.  Its obvious, one reason was the movement toward world domination that has been their agenda for centuries.    

The other reason was REVENGE because Russia destroyed the Khazars little extortion game on the rivers used to line their pockets with wealth in Khazaria by intimidating and threatening and repressing the indigenous population of Khazaria and surrounding countries. The resulting rebellion against these khazarians was led by the native populations that eventually became the Russians which soon chased the khazars out of their country and into eastern Europe, while the victors became "Russia". 

There are other pressing reasons, but this article deals with who has been the major players behind the continual push for gun control and its the khazar bankers.  No doubt about it and that is why the reminders of why they are doing it.  The khazars also have a revenge agenda waiting for centuries against the Muslims in the east and the Christians in the West and we are those Europeans who came over here with our Christianity and once they finish off Europe, they will simultaneously finish us off.   They have to take down America before they can do the rest of the globe.  Look at all the Ashkenazi's that have tried to bring down our guns.  Fortunately, they have spent a lot of time and not been as successful as they hope to be this time around.  

Remember, they still control Russia, and now China and that is who they will bring over here, if they haven't already, to enforce the gun control laws once implemented, using BRITAINS UN as cover.  I hope they do that because there is nothing else that would unite us as quickly as using foreign troops.

U.S. Gun Control Legislation, 1968-Present
by Mort Amsel,  Before Its News
Emanuel Celler
Emanuel Celler
1968: The Gun Control Act of 1968 comes from Rep. Emanuel Celler's House bill H.R. 17735. It expands legislation already attempted by the non-Jewish Sen. Thomas Dodd. America's biggest and most far-reaching gun law came from a Zionist.
September, 1996: The Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation provision becomes law. It is part of a larger omnibus appropriations bill. It was sponsored by Senator Frank Lautenberg.

It bans people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from ever owning a gun. 1997: Senate bill S. 54, the Federal Gang Violence Act of 1997, proposes much harsher sentences for people violating minor gun laws, including mandatory prison sentences and forfeiture of property.

It was introduced by Dianne Feinstein and Senator [Hatch], among others. It returns the idea of turning every violation of the Gun Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense.

Barbara Boxer
January, 1999: Senator Barbara Boxer AKA Barbara Levy introduces bill S.193, the American Handgun Standards Act of 1999. January, 1999: Senator Kohl introduces bill S.149, the Child Safety Lock Act of 1999. It would to require a child safety lock in connection with transfer of a handgun.

February, 1999: Senator Frank Lautenberg introduces bill S.407, the Stop Gun Trafficking Act of 1999. February, 1999: Senator Lautenberg introduces S.443, the Gun Show Accountability Act of 1999.
March, 1999: Senator Lautenberg introduces bill S.560, the Gun Industry Accountability Act of 1999. March, 1999: Senator Feinstein introduces bill S.594, the Large Capacity Ammunition Magazine Import Ban Act of 1999. May, 2000: Senate bill S. 2515, Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2000, is submitted by Senators Feinstein, Senator Barbara Boxer, Sen. Lautenberg and Sen. Schumer. It is a plan for a national firearms licensing system.

January, 2001: Senate bill S.25, Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2001, is sponsored by Feinstein, Schumer, and Boxer. It is a nation-wide gun registration plan [apparently there were two versions of that Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act bill].

May, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Schumer, Boxer and others introduce legislation that would reauthorize the 1994 federal assault weapons ban, and, close a loophole in the law that allows large-capacity ammunition magazines to be imported into the U.S. The ban is scheduled to expire in September, 2004.

Frank Lautenberg
Frank Lautenberg
October, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Lautenberg, Levin [also Jewish] and Schumer co-sponsor bill S.1774, designed to stop the sunset [ending] of the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988.

March, 2005: Senator Lautenberg introduces bill S.645, "to reinstate the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act," in other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as the "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994"] which expired in late 2004.

March, 2005: Senator Feinstein introduces bill S.620, "to reinstate the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act," in other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as the "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994"] which expired in late 2004.(VN: Her constituents know better than anyone what gun control can mean to them given WW II.  She needs to be retired before she gets herself in even deeper than she already is, in the area of Treason).
Chuck Schumer
Chuck Schumer
Apparently it's okay for Jews to possess guns, just not Goyim cattle. Oh yes, the greatest gun grabbers in US History are and have always been quite Jewish. "Gun control" in the United States is as Jewish as our liberal and self destructive immigration policies.
Howie Metzenbaum
Howie Metzenbaum
1988: Senate bill S. 1523 is sponsored by Senator Howard Metzenbaum. It proposes legislation turning every violation of the Gun Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense, allowing a gun owner to be charged with federal racketeering offenses. 1988: Senator Metzenbaum co-sponsors a bill -- S. 2180 -- to ban, or limit/restrict, so-called "plastic guns."

Herb Kohl
Herb Kohl
1990: Senator Herbert Kohl introduces bill S.2070, the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990, which bans gun possession in a school zone. The law will later be struck down in court as unconstitutional.

1993: Senate bill S.653 is sponsored by Sen. Howard Metzenbaum. It bans specific semiautomatic rifles, but also gives the Secretary of the Treasury the power to add any semiautomatic firearm to the list at a later date.

February, 1994: The Brady Law, which requires waiting periods to buy handguns, becomes effective. Senator Metzenbaum wrote the Brady Bill. Metzenbaum sponsored the bill in the Senate. The sponsor of the bill in the House was Rep. Charles Schumer. 1994: Senator Metzenbaum introduces S.1878, the Gun Violence Prevention Act of 1994, aka "Brady II." Rep. Schumer sponsored "Brady II" sister legislation [H.R. 1321] in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Dianne Feinstein
Dianne Feinstein 
(VN:  Its the eyes again.  I swear she is a full fledged Loonie)
September, 1994: The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 goes into effect, including a provision that bans the manufacture and possession of semiautomatic rifles described as "assault weapons." [Note: true assault weapons are fully automatic, not semiautomatic]. That gun-ban provision was authored in the Senate by Senator Dianne Feinstein and authored in the House by Congressman Schumer.
Arlen Specter
Arlen Specter
1995: Senators Kohl, Specter, Feinstein, Lautenberg and others introduce the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1995, an amended version of the 1990 school-zone law which was struck down in court as being unconstitutional.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

Mystery Surrounding 1.2 Billion Rounds Of Ammo Solved

***Status - FUND RAISING.  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with your family and friends.  In picking up where we left off on Monday..... our balance needed now to make our deficit is $245.  We have only 5 days in which to accomplish that task.  We really appreciate the donations we have received, given we understand its the holidays and the pressure is great.  Because of that, we value every penny sent, since we know it comes from the heart and we are grateful for it and the thought behind it. 

We hope, if you can afford it and you benefit from our work, that those of you who have not donated before, will dig down and donate what you can off to the right of the blog at the pay pal button.  We wish to thank everyone for your support not only on donations but for reading the blog and distributing this important information, since this is an information war and we must never let up.  Thanks for your support in our work and I truly believe we are winning the information war so far.  We have a blog going up this week that proves it.  So stay tuned and check it out.  
Vatic Note:  I don't usually put things like this up because I never know if its just fear pumping to keep  us out of our power or if its real.  However, given the bogus false flag attack in Connecticut, for the purposes of getting our guns, this took on a lot more significance than it did before.  FRankly, I thought those rounds of ammo that Homeland security purchased ws for them against us, but I was wrong.  Its to complete their act of treason against the American people by providing it to foreign troops to use against us.  Hows that for revolution?  Civil war, NO, Revolution, yes, if they try to arm russian troops with that ammo.

I also remembered, in July 2009, Rockefeller sent his Secretary of State, the ultimate Khazar,  Henry Kissinger, to Russia to talk to Putin.  Then I remembered, it was to reassure Putin that by Sept of 2009,  Americans "would be under control".   I assumed at the time, he was talkng about gun control since we had those series of shootings that were suppose to result in just such legislation and did not. So by the end of that year we still were not under control.  

So, now, given this below, I have decided to take a much harder look at this article.  Remember, disinfo always has truth in it but then is segued into their agenda they want us to buy off on.   The first thing you have to decide is "do you trust market watch,  Rick Wiles of TruNews, and finally, do you trust an anonymous whistleblower "high up" in Homeland Security?  If you can make it through all that, then this is something to consider.  STay out of fear, since that helps no one, most of all ourselves since fear kills our power.

Here are some facts we all know, and when put together, gives us a much bigger picture:

1. Somebody, Obama, or his handlers, whoever that may be today.... released Panetta, Clinton, Holden, Geithner, and many in the pentagon, from duty.  They are gone and the first 4 were definitely Zionist bankers people (albeit Israel's people).  However, all the radicals from the 60's communist party are still in the White House as are other communist supporting zionists.

2.  No matter what, gun control is on the agenda, and it is important enough to try massive numbers of false flags to get it passed.  The more they do and try, the more clear it becomes that we are in serious danger with those willing to do the killing in order to get what they want.   Gun control should be the other way around.   Citizens armed and domestic law enforcement including the Fed ABC agencies gun controlled.   They are wicked with the tasers, so you can imagine why we want our guns.

3.  The Russian REvolution was done by the International Rothschild bankers.  Russia is still under their control.  The number of "legally" entering soldiers from Russia could only happen with the cooperation within the US administration. If those Russian troops are used against us, then that is treason at the highest levels of our government.  This is definitely getting more and more interesting.

4.  We just posted a blog showing that Rothschilds have assassinated a number of American Presidents over the past 100 years.  Keeping all of this in mind, its very very possible that what this says below is very real.   Read it and you decide.  And given all of the above,  Giving up our guns is NOT AN OPTION ANY MORE.

Feinstein and Leiberscum can relocate to Israel and run for the senate there and do her gun control on the Israeli's and see how far she gets.  Even the teachers in Israel carry assault weapons in the class room.

Mystery Surrounding 1.2 Billion Rounds Of Ammo Solved
By Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul, Market Watch

The mystery surrounding the purpose for the U.S. governments procurement of 1.2 billion rounds of hollow-point ammunition just got a boost Tuesday.

On the heels of an article penned by Major General Jerry Curry (Ret.), titled, "Who Does The Government Intend to Shoot?" a piece written by a retired U.S. general who questions the bizarre series of monstrous ammunition by unlikely agencies of the federal government, host Rick Wiles of TruNews Radio (Aug. 22) revealed to his listeners the answer to the mystery of the billion bullets.

After years warning of the out-of-the-blue presidential candidacy of Barrack Obama, Wiles appears most certain, again, that a powerful connection can be made between information he has received from a high-level informant at Department of Homeland Security (DHS) "regarding the approximately 20,000 Russian commandos suspected of legally entering the U.S. from Canada” (VN: Ah, through Canada run by the khazar Zionists, makes sense) and conversations he had with an old acquaintance, the famous Russian spy of the old Soviet Union era,  Colonel Stanislav Lunev.

Colonel Stanislav Lunev told me, personally, years ago he said, the Russian military strategy is, that, we [Russians] will strike so hard [at the U.S.], that there will be such shock, that the American people will surrender Wiles recalls, during a conversation he had with the spy over a several-day period in 1999.

He was not talking about a nuclear, chemical [or] biological attack; he was talking about commandos in the country [U.S.]. He said . . . this is what he said, Spetznazs, which are the Russian commandos. . .

He said, they have the names addresses of every member of Congress, and the Senate, their wives, their children, the school that they go to, all the cabinet members, all of the head officials in Washington, all the officials in state governments. And he said, they will all be assassinated, quickly.  Not if Americans are armed!

(VN:  I am sorry, but I started laughing at that one.   I wonder if we could impose on them to do the traitors, like Feinstein, and the bankers instead and CEO's of the military industrial complex?  Oh, thats right, the Zionist bankers run Russia.  Silly me!  Of course they won't hurt them or their corporations they own, but then again, maybe there is a hero in Russia that would do that for the entire globe and we all get back to our lives without the perverts.  BUT NOW WE KNOW WHY THEY NEEDED THOSE GUNS GONE.  REMEMBER KISSINGER VISITED PUTIN on behalf of Rockefeller IN 2009 WHEN THIS WAS SUPPOSE TO GO DOWN and reassured him Americans would be under control, which meant gun control.  Kissinger is a traitor.)

From 1988 through 1992, Lunev, the highest-ranking Russian KGB spy to defect to the United States, explained to American authorities that he was deployed by Moscow to actively seek strategic locations within America for the launching of biological, chemical and suitcase-size nuclear devices in the event of a hot war between the two superpowers.

Though, initially thought to be fantastic tales told by a trained professional of deception, Lunev's seemingly incredulous assertions of an elaborate plot to attack America from within was later confirmed by former SVR officer Alexander Kouzminov, who stated in his book, Biological Espionage: Special Operations of the Soviet and Russian Foreign Intelligence Services in the West, the Soviet Union was the only country in the world that could start and win a global biological war, something we had already established that the West was not ready for.

According to Wiles, Lunev said there will be a massive decapitation of the American government from top to bottom in a matter of days, and we [Russians] will put the country into a state of shock.

That, he said, is the official strategy, and thats what the [leaders in Moscow] plan to do, and, he said, it has never changed. [emphasis added].

And here's why the U.S.(VN: Zionist run Homeland Security) has procured 1.2 billion rounds of hollow-point ammunition, according to Wiles.  Moreover, according to him, the Russians appear to be correct in their assessment: the American people are so distracted by lives of entertainment, of consumption and of derelictions of civic duty, that the Russian plan to destroy America from within is quite achievable.

Lets not forget that the real person running [Department of] Homeland Security is not Janet Napolitano, it is Valarie Jarrett, the communist, Wiles explains. And her father-in-law was Vernon Jarrett, who was a close confidant of Frank Marshal Davis, Barrack Obamas communist mentor. (VN: AH, not true, so now I am wondering if its just ignorance or deception that makes him say that. Its the ADL and SPLC on the advisory committee that is really running Janet. That is why what they do looks so much like what Israel does to the pals. Who else would order the black ops shooting of little children to achieve their agenda? The Russian plan outlined, also proves that those same Israelis still run Russia.)

And so, I'm going to continue to say on this radio program that, I believe Valarie Jarrett and David Axelrod, and these other commies are the real architects of this sinister plan to stockpile 1.2 billion rounds of ammo throughout the country. (VN:  and I am going to disagree with him on that,  at the very least its the ADL and SPLC or its both them and Jarrett and Axelrod, but definitely not the latter two, by themselves.)

That it is not for law enforcement; it is to be turned over to a communist revolutionary army in this country.

Wiles goes on to say that most Americans don't realize that President Barrack Obama is a communist. They don't know it, and they don't care, says Wiles.

But, when the communist takeover is unleashed, presumably by a false-flag event or dollar devaluation, the American people will be in shock, he adds, just as Russians were shocked by the Bolshevik revolution and the rise of Joseph Stalin, the man who's credited with the extermination of approximately 80 million Russians during his reign.

An old fashion communist revolution is on the way, says Wiles, suggesting, too, that that fact will become apparent soon enough, executed very quickly, and will shock, yet, another nation along history's many roads to Communism.

By Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul

Dominique grew up in the United States, attended the US Air Force Academy and Babson College. He now lives in Malaysia, where he seeks to report the most important news of the day as it relates to the ongoing global financial crisis.

Dominique's influences include his father, Regis, Ludwig von Mises, Barry Goldwater, Teddy Roosevelt and Charles de Gaulle. He rarely misses interviews with James Grant, John Taylor (FX Concepts), Marc Faber and Nassim Taleb.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.