
UPDATE: Feb 7, 2016, "Rh Negative Blood is NOT a Mutation!"

UPDATE: Feb 7, 2016.   In trying to track down this author who suddenly disappeared, I finally discovered today that he is conveniently dead.  So, those of you who have indicated that you feel this issue has no importance, ask yourselves "Why" do the PTB only fully gut my blogs on RH NEG to the point where I have to keep putting them back up and why is this author gone, along with his site so quickly after we published his work and were waiting on his report back on some investigations and rabbit holes he was going down?  

We do not know enough about this subject, but we do know now, that it is primarily the caucasian race that is RH negative, and that massive illegal immigration is being shoved down the throat of Europe for purposes of diluting the blood line, and attempts are made here to do the same thing,  and we also know that the Nazarenes of the Middle east were chased out of the ME by the khazars and into Europe and ran to Scandinavia where they have been ever since.  Is there a connection? Is this what the author was pursuing?   

*** I just tried the link again and it appears the site has been "closed" and I do not know what that means.  I was trying to follow up on research his team was doing that he outlined in this article, and that is when I discovered the site was closed, so I will try to dig and find out where they are and what happened, and what were the results of his further research.  Boy, someone does not want this out there since they are messing with the font, even after I fix it,, and "Why" is something else I want to pursue to get some answers.  It must be important.  I am already getting some insight into "Why we can do some of the things we can do, but don't do it consciously since we did not know about it in order to experiment with it.  I am going to work on that one as well and will let you know the results when I get it.   Enjoy the read.  It blew me away and that is hard to do. lol  

Vatic Note:  Oh, boy, this is a good one.  In the beginning is information that has been out there, but further into the article is stuff even I did not know that is fascinating.  It appears RH negs do better at higher altitudes like mountain areas due to their greater oxygen content.  I met an RH neg today and she told me she moved to the mountains because she was absolutely dying at lower levels.  

An excess of oxygen is an oxidant to the body and thus a poison.   She is doing great at our altitude without suffering the adjustment period most have to go through who have lower oxygen count.  I had the same good fortune when I moved here.  No adjustment period.  Anyway  this also tells us about a tribe in China of people that are only 3 to 4 feet tall,  and experience death when they try to move to lower altitudes.  Lots of fascinating stuff.  

What really fascinated me was the detailed description of what PH balance means in the human body.  I did not know this.   As usual, read, research and decide for yourselves.  I am sharing all these that I find because I am doing it initially for myself, trying to learn more about me.  So if this is too  much, let me know.  Thanks. 

Rh Negative Blood
Mony Vital, Ph.D., Vital Balancing

Interestingly, popular sciences endeavor to attribute Rh-neg blood groups to “mutations.” A solid alternative case may be extended to the conclusion that Rh-neg is NOT a mutation, but possibly the original human blood group. This, however, does not reflect tenured thought, and thus has never been adequately researched.

That there was a group of “pure” humans, not directly related to the evolutionary processes on Earth, is a distinct possibility. This reasoning would suggest that the original humans on our planet where not directly related to the apes, but at some point were “MADE” or “genetically engineered” to give such impression.

Perhaps it was never intended that the Rh-positives become the dominant species. That through some as yet undetermined epoch, the genetically impure group gradually became the controlling species, except for several remote enclaves, initiated a wide-ranging genocidal pogrom, effectively wiping out those who gave birth to them.

All of which begs the questions: What reasons were the sub-species created, what was the process of conquest, what was the duration, and does it continue?

BLOOD GROUPS – General Overview

Nearly 85% of all human beings have RH positive blood. Which merely indicates that their red blood cells contain a substance called the RHesus (rhesus) blood factor. Simply put, their positive blood contains a protein that can be linked to the Rhesus monkey. It is acknowledged that blood factors are transmitted with more exactitude than any other human or animal characteristic. It is not generally known from where the negative RH factor derived, although tantalizing evidence exists that it arrises from genetic experimentation a little over 5,000 years ago.

The highest concentration of RH negative blood occurs in the Basque people of Northern Spain and Southern France, and in the Eastern/Oriental Jews. Only 15% of the entire world´s population is known to have the RH negative blood factor. While it is known that RH negative blood – (type ‘O’) is the purest blood known to mankind, it is not known from where the negative factor originates, as it is generally theorized by evolutionists that there is an unbroken bloodline from early human prototypes (pre-humans) to present day human beings.
As previously mentioned, ‘Rh negative’ blood indicates no protein connections exist to the Rhesus monkey, whereas ‘RH positive’ blood does carry protein linked to the Rhesus monkey – hence the ‘RH’ designation, ie. rhesus. All other earthly primates have this RH factor. Thus if all humans evolved from that line, all would have the RH factor. Obviously, that is not the case. Therefore, there must have been some manner of intervention giving rise to Rh-negative blood groups.

Blood type ‘O’ is the most common of the blood groups. When we separate the ‘O’ types into ‘negative’ and ‘positive’ we find that ‘O’ negative (the universal donor blood) constitutes less than 7% of the world´s population. Science at this very time is attempting to create a synthetic RH negative ‘O’ blood, but without success. For while the protein in positive blood can be cloned, that of negative blood cannot – which is quite interesting, and may be indicative of an alien origin, or more probable, from early genetic experimentation during previous advanced human civilization(s).

If the RH negative factor does not derive from any known earthly link (seemingly outside of the theorized evolutionary process) – from where did it originate? Geneticists generally claim the RH-negative factor is a mutation of unknown origin which apparently happened only a few thousand years ago. These ´negative´ blooded people spread heavily into the area of what is now Spain, England, Ireland, France and later into America, Canada and Australia. Basque peoples contain the largest concentration of known ‘O’ negative blooded people today because, they for the most part, have confined themselves to one area, whereas the Celtic people have branched out among all of the new world.

Interesting facts:

A RH negative pregnant mother’s body will reject her positive blooded baby in the womb. Her body fights the RHesus factor as a foreign element. Alternatively, and most interestingly, a positive mother’s body does not reject the negative baby she is carrying.

There are certain similarities that occur to those having RH negative blood – according to some who have it there are common patterns found, which include the following:

* Predominance of green or hazel eyes that change colour like a chameleon, but also blue eyes, piercing.
* True red or reddish hair
* Low pulse rate & low blood pressure
* Keen sight or hearing
* ESP, UFO connections, Abduction, Para-normal occurrences
* Extra rib or vertebrae
* Love of space and science
* A sense of not belonging to the human race
* Empathetic illnesses
* Compassion for fate of mankind
* A sense of a ‘mission’ in life
* Unexplained body scars
* Capability to disrupt electrical appliances

Most do not know that as RHO-Neg individuals, they are tracked throughout their whole lives by world-wide governmental agencies interested in understanding the genesis of this group, and for other more complex societal purposes. (follow this line of thought in the new material to be posted as a continuation of Journey to the Absolute Elsewhere)

Blood Types Conspiracy & RH Factor spooky stuff…
Items from the Science Community

Here are a few tidbits about this blood thing. In ALL blood groups there exists a common microbe that in essence is THE LIFE FORCE ITSELF. During experiments that our team conducted we heated the blood to 700 degrees F and also put it in Liquid Nitrogen. This microbe which is visible only with a highly modified dark field microscope that was custom built for us was STILL ALIVE. We have also tested this on ´mummy dust´. This microbe is STILL alive after 5000 years plus when the mummy dust is placed in a ph perfect solution the same as the “live blood”, it returns back to ´life´.

The Draco (Reptilian) with the “O” RH-blood has unique properties because of the polarity of the blood cells. Blood is electrically/magnetic/chemical based. The relationship of all three must be kept at a specific PH balance of 7.0 to 7.2. The problem with the “O” RH-systems is this, the stomach has TOO MUCH acid in it for proper digestion so they had to resort to taking the trace mineral in THRU THE SKIN aka ´sitting in a bath tub full of minerals´.

Then after generations of this type of eating the digestive systems ceased to function properly. This is why Type “O” blood groups have so much trouble with ´indigestion´. It’s in your genes because of this Draco influence. I am currently putting together a geographical reference to the placement of just how many people carries this genetic code in their blood.

The main reason for this has to do with cellular/genetic/galactic memory of blood. This is coded into the entire structure of the blood. All the emotions that the donor has felt during his entire lifetime are part of the blood. This cannot be filtered out. For example if you get a heart of a man who died in a car accident, all the cells of that organ have the memory of the accident and every emotion that was felt while dying. These emotions confuse your own coding and then mass internal confusion happens at the cellular level and the order turns into chaos. No shrink at $100 per hour is gonna fix that, ever.

Many “O” RH-negative people on the planet are also holding karma from the Draco Empire. Some of you have chosen to come to earth to help balance that karma. Some who were “O” RH-negative have switched to “A” RH positive which is the TOTAL OPPOSITE to “O” RH-neg.

Our world-wide team, over a 10-year time period have gathered hundreds of thousands of blood samples. We are only now beginning to understand what is happening to humans, as indicated by blood-types, as Earth nears Nexus.

Those having the hardest time being the “O” Rh- blood groups with alien (to Earth) heritage. I cannot reveal at this time just how this is done but I can say this, we are at a crossroads as far as our ability to affect our OUTER world by changing the INNER world of the blood. Every ´disease´ is nothing more than a reflection of the INNER terrain of the blood. As the blood is intimately integrated with the life force, this explains the feeling that we have when working with people that have the same blood type.

To answer the questions that I am sure will come up, The book Eat Right For Your Blood Type is correct only in the foods, but he does not take into consideration the GALACTIC history of the blood in relationship to the person. That is what I have been working on. As far as his history as to how the different blood groups came about is pure hogwash. The different blood groups are from different parts of the Galaxy. More of this is going to be revealed as more understanding of REAL RNA/DNA Coding is researched.

When you measure the heart harmonics of people with “O” RH-neg blood, they are usually lower if they are smokers and heavy red meat eaters. The ones who eat fish and vegetables are in the normal range. This is a very new science and there are but a handful of people who are involved in this research.

Here is something for all of you to think about:

There is a race of people in a remote region of China that are only 3 – 4 feet tall and speak a language spoken only within that remote area. When they try to move from this region to lower geological elevations, THEY DIE. Their skin colour is ashy white. Their eyes are very small almost like slits.


The pH balance of the human bloodstream is recognized by all medical physiology texts as one of the most important biochemical balances in all of human body chemistry.

pH is the acronym for “Potential Hydrogen”. In definition, it is the degree of concentration of hydrogen ions in a substance or solution. It is measured on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 14. Higher numbers means a substance is more alkaline in nature and there is a greater potential for absorbing more hydrogen ions. Lower numbers indicate more acidity with less potential for absorbing hydrogen ions.

Our body pH is very important because pH controls the speed of our body´s biochemical reactions. It does this by controlling the speed of enzyme activity as well as the speed that electricity moves through our body.

The higher (more alkaline) the pH of a substance or solution, the more electrical resistance that substance or solution holds. Therefore, electricity travels slower with higher pH. All biochemical reactions and electrical (life) energy is under pH control.

If we say something has an acid pH, we are saying it is hot and fast. As an example, look at the battery of your car. It´s an acid battery. On cold days you want it to be hot and ready, and you want your car to start fast.

Alkaline pH on the other hand, biochemically speaking, is slow and cool. Compare it to an alkaline battery in a flashlight. You want that battery to be cool, and to burn out slowly.
Here is an example of how pH can control. Look around you at society in general. 

Do you see people getting exhausted, burned out, and quick to anger? Do you see a rise in violence? In part it could be due to the fact that people today lean to an acid pH. As a society we are running hot and fast. How did we get there? We guzzle coffee for breakfast.

There are about 5000 known blood factors, and all of these must contribute to the complete picture. But the Rh negative blood is the place to start our search.
Suggested reading:

Max Flindt – Mankind, Child of the Stars, Fawcett Books 1 & 2
Brad Steiger, Gods of Aquarius.
Alan F. Alford – Gods of the New Millennium

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Cloning has been practiced much longer than most might agree. The recent flurry of activity can be more appropriately labeled: societal conditioning. The genii is about to be released, as it becomes general knowledge that human cloning has been practiced for generations.

In fact, prior to the current historical epoch – beginning about 200,000-years-ago – there was direct intervention against the peoples of Earth for that very reason, which is demonstrated by the Rh+ factor in humans. Genetic experimentation (largely directed by EBEs) was so successful, that most of Earth’s remaining original inhabitants were eventually wiped out.
Remnants of those original peoples still exist, but no longer on this world. They are, however, regular visitors.

To understand the basis of this argument you must but aside your current understanding of linear time, expanding your personal point-of-reference to include an integrated serial view of dimensional reality. But that is another story.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


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Vatic Master said...

Anonymous, About the bloodlines of man being corrupted, that is a piece of information I did not have before submitted this blog for your consideration, but it fits with another very extensive article I am currently considering posting, about mycoplasm in our bodies introduced to us by both food and chemtrails. I am going to post it now that I have read your comment. Both RH neg and certain types of illnesses have "auto-immune" features, in common. So that could be the key to this.

Why is RH negative under attack? Why do the powers that be focus on attacking Caucasians of European decent? What is it that RH negs have or are about, that threatens the powers that be? I don't have an answer yet, but I believe I am getting close. If I am right, then it means we are a threat to their agenda and that is the key. In what way are we a threat??? I will continue with my research and post as I discover info that might be relevant. For now, I recommend eating organic, drinking alkaline water at about 7.8 level, that is also filtered to eliminate chemtrails from the water supply. Take suppliments such as HTC that are natural, a good mulitvitamen, minerals including copper, and finally Natto Kinase, which is japanese seaweed that thins the blood better than plavix. That will hold us over until we can target identify, what they have done to our bodies through biological manipulation.

In the meantime, google "Vatic Project - Brotherhood of the Bell: Black Arts and Black Sciences" to understand just how deep the PTB have pierced the science field and the dark reasons for doing so. If we are to fight our enemies effectively, we best know more about them then they do about us.

Vatic Master said...

Anonymous, I forgot to mention that yes, the immigration policies are not just for Europe, but also in the US. Remember Obama, has opened the food gates to illegal immigration and its not just for slave labor reasons, its also to eventually do away with the 6% Caucasian population world wide. That is all that is left is 6% and decreasing. I am now curious as to what maybe happening to the Berbers in Northern Africa, they have been identified as indigenous to Northern Africa and NOT A RESULT OF MIGRATION FROM EUROPE. They are also Caucasian.

Anonymous said...

I seen another blog of yours after I posted that message, It was also relating to the book of Enoch, I tried to keep my message last time as brief as I could, how I come across what I found was kind in alarming for me it was like a bunch of dots connected, and yet what I was reading had nothing to do with scripture or RH- blood I am caucasian no idea if I am RH- but I have a weird gut feeling that this is more than what people have mentioned here. This is the first time I have posted on any kind of blog at all but would love to be able to send via email some things I find because in 1 day too much links up with other things I have previously come across.

Unknown said...

I do not wish to join in with the "Whose the Mutant?" theme, but, the discussion can be useful in discovery. So, while everyone seems to focus on the Rh Negatives as the mutants...has anyone considered that the Rh positives are actually the mutants, not the Rh negatives?

Anonymous said...

Hello Alice,

I'm Singaporean and I'm blood type O rhesus neg. We are a very rare group but just because we're from SeA doesn't mean there shouldn't be any of us. The discussions on this board are very eurocentric and after reading some of the comments here, I decided not to bother to write anymore until I noticed yours. As with most things, if you're not caucasian there usually isn't a place for you. Don't believe too much of whatyou read because no one really has the answers. Most are just conjecturing and trying to pluck answers from thin air. Some are just making themselves to be more important than they really are just because the origins of our blood type isn't as clearcut as others. I've only just read your posting so I'll respond to you via email when I'm back from my meeting. Remember, we are rare but there are a few of us.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I think I still do not understand how we asian can be O - when most said origin it is originated from far distance of the world. Enlighten us please...I am the only O - in a family full of positive..been truly asian, our eye color is single..


Anonymous said...

I just started reading about Rh- blood types. I'm O-. I was always told it was a mutation. Anyway I have a question.....is there any research that shows that people with Rh- blood heal more quickly than Rh+ blood. I have been in a couple of serious accidents ..in one I fell shattering my wrist..the bones were actually in my fingers....before I went into surgery I was told I might loose my hand....I didn't....the ortho doc was actually shocked by my healing rate. I have full use of my hand and fingers..other than a few scares from the screws n external fixator you would never know I had been seriously injured. I seem to be accident prone but if injured heal very quickly.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to have found this forum/website. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, VM, that you have brought so many of us together. I am O neg and have 5 children that are also negative. All of us suffer from stomach and digestive issues, we all have very low blood pressure and heart rate, eczema and many of the other health issues described by others here. I have red hair and green eyes as do most of my kids.(2 have eyes that change colors from bluish green to hazel). Some of the traits that I have, have been very frightening to me and unexplained. I know when a person is going to die and has happened numerous times. I get a feeling and then a few days later that person has passed away. Even feelings of impending doom and then shortly afterwards something horrible happens. One time we were all going on a vacation and I told my husband(now ex)that we needed to cancel and reschedule and go another time. I was adamant and crying that he changed to another date and flight. Later I learned that the plane had crashed and there were no survivors. All of us feel a connection with nature and space. I also know if someone is rh negative after talking with them for a short time. I am not sure why this happens but I can just feel it. For many years now my mother (also negative) and I have been worried about being tracked because of our rh neg status. Could you please let me know if this is really true or not. If so, what can we do to prevent it. Also, do you think it is possible that some people posting here are trolls trying to get our information. Thank you again for having and running this site. I am thrilled that you have posted such good information regarding people that share this.

Anonymous said...

To the lady who wrote

"I am so happy to have found this forum/website. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, VM, that you have brought so many of us together. I am O neg and have 5 children that are also negative. All of us suffer from stomach and digestive issues, we all have very low blood pressure and heart rate, eczema and many of the other health issues described by others here. I have red hair and green eyes as do most of my kids.(2 have eyes that change colors from bluish green to hazel). Some of the traits that I have, have been very frightening to me and unexplained. I know when a person is going to die and has happened numerous times. I get a feeling and then a few days later that person has passed away. Even feelings of impending doom and then shortly afterwards something horrible happens. One time we were all going on a vacation and I told my husband(now ex)that we needed to cancel and reschedule and go another time. I was adamant and crying that he changed to another date and flight. Later I learned that the plane had crashed and there were no survivors. All of us feel a connection with nature and space. I also know if someone is rh negative after talking with them for a short time. I am not sure why this happens but I can just feel it. For many years now my mother (also negative) and I have been worried about being tracked because of our rh neg status. Could you please let me know if this is really true or not. If so, what can we do to prevent it. Also, do you think it is possible that some people posting here are trolls trying to get our information. Thank you again for having and running this site. I am thrilled that you have posted such good information regarding people that share this."

could you kindly explain the bit you wrote about "being tracked". You see, I'm O- and I believe I am being tracked. Apart from the physical features (I'm from Southeast Asia) I share practically ever other characteristic from having very strong intuition to the point of being almost psychic (my great grandmother died yesterday and for the last few days I kept having thoughts about her passing - it was upsetting but she was quite advanced in age) to the ailments like digestive trouble.

Anonymous said...

I've been searching for a long time for an answer and finally came across this, which makes a lot more sense than all the conspiracy theories out there. Here's the link.


Vatic Master said...

last Anonymous, sorry for being sooooo late, but I did not see this until just now. I get an amazing number of emails, comments and hits, so I hope you can understand that I am just one person and can't do all this volume in a timely manner.

Yes, you are right and don't forget that we here in America were predominantly European by population and culture. The same thing is happening here as well. Thats why the push for illegal immigration, to basically try to wipe out the caucasion/ christian residents in this country. The Zionists did the same thing to Russia in 1917 and afterwards.

Its working, now the caucasan populations, worldwide, are now down to only 6% of the globe.

Unknown said...

I posted the last comment and I wanted to add I am African American, Native American and Creole. I guess the French blood gave me my blood type??

Unknown said...

I also wonder if anyone else has a dark blue ring around their eyes?

Unknown said...

I'm ab- and when pregnant with my first child I knew I eways pregnant immediately. I also knew exactly what my daughter would look like. I got the shot and regret it because she has autism and is negative. My other two daughters do not and I only got the shot again with my second and not my last. I do not think I am able to get and stay pregnant again with another positive child.
Another note my dream often come true and my intuitive powers are sharpest in times of extreme stress or pureness.
Example I spent 3 months in jail awaiting trial for something I did not do. During that time i was able to read my cell mates without trying, I dreamt of their release and they were released. The guard's started asking me for readings it was so powerful our cell was quiet And never had any issues. They called me daughter of angels. I heard voices that were loud enough to awake me and have me write my dreams down and every last one of them has happened so far. I was released and dreamt it right before it happened with all charges dropped. That jail time was to prove a point I believe. I smoke marjiuna for insomnia and back pain and I believe it stops my gift. I also believe sex stops my gift. I don't know how to access my gifts when happy or on demand just when under stress. I destroy my electronics all the time when I'm upset or really happy without meaning too. what does any of it mean? I was told i am a general an a army but a army of who and what and why? I find this article interesting but I need to find somewhere that helps us learn control and answers. I find it weird most articles try tto play rh- off as a simple mutation like eye color.

Unknown said...

I'm ab- and when pregnant with my first child I knew I eways pregnant immediately. I also knew exactly what my daughter would look like. I got the shot and regret it because she has autism and is negative. My other two daughters do not and I only got the shot again with my second and not my last. I do not think I am able to get and stay pregnant again with another positive child.
Another note my dream often come true and my intuitive powers are sharpest in times of extreme stress or pureness.
Example I spent 3 months in jail awaiting trial for something I did not do. During that time i was able to read my cell mates without trying, I dreamt of their release and they were released. The guard's started asking me for readings it was so powerful our cell was quiet And never had any issues. They called me daughter of angels. I heard voices that were loud enough to awake me and have me write my dreams down and every last one of them has happened so far. I was released and dreamt it right before it happened with all charges dropped. That jail time was to prove a point I believe. I smoke marjiuna for insomnia and back pain and I believe it stops my gift. I also believe sex stops my gift. I don't know how to access my gifts when happy or on demand just when under stress. I destroy my electronics all the time when I'm upset or really happy without meaning too. what does any of it mean? I was told i am a general an a army but a army of who and what and why? I find this article interesting but I need to find somewhere that helps us learn control and answers. I find it weird most articles try tto play rh- off as a simple mutation like eye color.

siper said...

i also have same experience as you guys but i want to be more different because i came from a land where there are too many rh neg like us but, they are (i don't know who they are but this is what i think) doing constant brainwash in our place. i also have some theory on what might happen in the future and made a new kind of measuring device. and also perform different esp experiments on myself. one is in the water and the other is on kids and infants. here it goes how i'm doing this experiments on my esp's. 10 yrs. ago we often swim on a white beach because my aunt have their house near the beach. and one time i made an experiment and wanted you too to try this one on your self.the details will be sent on e mail for those who want to experience this experiment because of the people that is not our kind. sorry for my grammar because i'm having a hard time translating it for you....comment on this site and i'll send the details if you want to know more of this experiment that i still conducting base on my esp. btw there are also other kinds of esp's that are not yet discovered but already exist before they know it.....
again vatic master tnx for this info i now kow my purpose.....

siperagain said...

i'm from where miss malaysia and singapore from but our place is different from them because there are many rh neg here and most of them are spiritual healers..btw read my first comment...

siper said...

there are to many ideas running out on this site and i feel it too like you do but still words are not enough that is why i am making experiments theories and inventions base on what i am studying around. i didn't go to any college because i felt something is wrong during the time that i go to school. i feel like i will not learn anymore. that's why i tried to study things that we don't study in school or learn the things that they don't teach us in school. study the things that haven't yet studied by others.

Anonymous said...

o rh neg also in so cal

Anonymous said...

Hi, it's come to my attention that couples with opposite Rh factors should adopt kids and not procreate. I have many Rh negative features.. natural red hair, low pulse rate, white pale freckled skin, very empathetic, blue green eyes... but I'm O positive. My Mom is A positive, and when she was pregnant the doctor said she was having twins, then later in the pregnancy it was just me. I highly suspect my Dad is Rh negative. He is left handed with fair freckled skin, and his Mother was a natural red head. I'm trying to get him to check his blood type. My Mom's vanishing twin pregnancy has given me problems my whole life. As a womb twin survivor, I have gender dysphoria (I'm a female to male transgender), and am attracted to women. I'm convinced that mixing Rh factors is never a good idea when procreating. I don't say this to be prejudiced, but it's for the health of the children. There are plenty of other disabilities to consider besides vanishing twin syndrome and sexuality that may be linked to Rh incompatibility. I'd very much like to see studies done on this. If a Father is O negative and a Mother is A positive (like my Mom) then this blog claims the two blood types are opposite. So if that's true then it's never good to mix them. I'd like to hear from others who have ideas or interest in studying these things. Thanks for listening :) My email is bcory55@gmail if anyone would like to talk.

Anonymous said...

I have a theory, and please don't think I'm being prejudice because I'm not. My theory is, at one time the whole White European/Caucasian race was predominately Rh negative. Now pure Rh negative is getting rare due to intermixing with the Rh positive race. If you research a little you'll find that the majority of American Indians, Blacks, Asians, ect. are Rh positive. The Rh negative race, although rare, is most common in White European/Caucasians. When the White race came to America they mixed with the Rh positive American Indian tribes. Then the Blacks were brought in as slaves, and more intermixing occurred. I'm sure many Rh positive white people are recessive carriers of the Rh negative gene. I'm pretty sure I'm a recessive carrier since I'm a natural red head. I want to test more theories, but I need help. How many people with inborn disabilities have parents with mixed Rh factors? How many gay, lesbian, and transgender people had a vanishing opposite sex twin and/or parents with mixed Rh factors? How many couples are barren due to mixed Rh factors/blood type incompatibility? I've heard a lot about Rh negative mothers and Rh positive fathers, but I'd like to see more studies done on the children of Rh positive mothers and Rh negative fathers. How many of their children are born with illness, or gender identity/sexuality issues? If you know families like this with mixed Rh factors verses couples with the same Rh factors, notice the health conditions of their children to check for differences in vitality. I'm not prejudice against anyone's race or blood type. I'm only concerned that mixing Rh factors in procreation isn't good for the health of their children, or their children's children. And why wait for the completion of more studies... Know your blood type/Rh and the blood type/Rh of your partner before marriage. Some couples may be better off planning to adopt than having their own kids.

Anonymous said...

Remember that Jesus is the Son of God and son of woman...Half Son of God, and half man. He committed no sin, but bore our transgressions. He committed himself to God with a pure heart, and because of his mixed race (half Son of God and half Man), he didn't marry. Bad things happened in the Old Testament when the Sons of God mixed seed with the daughters of men. The Nephilium race was born. Jesus knew he was forbidden to marry. I believe there are some people today that are better off remaining single (Mathew 19:11-12 tells us about eunuchs for the Kingdom), but that's up to the freewill of the individual. I'm one of those who chose being single:)

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone if you really interested in the blood type study's Joe Montaldo has done the largest study on humans and blood type with more then 40 000 people involved http://icar1.homestead.com/Contactee-Blood-types.html theses r the older states the new one come out 1st of the years it very interesting why thru have found

Unknown said...

My twin and i are both o- Rh D with extraterrestrials contact and memories. Color changing eyes, blonde, nice looking and now my niece is a AB- we are in Australia with no info of our heratige but both have many health problems with auto immune diseases and extra bone in our hips

Anonymous said...

I am O- mum...my son is positive...for almost 2 years he is hvg severe eczema. Allergen test indicating he has high antibody in his system. Please..any relation to my condition and his? If yes...it is teribble to be having this negative blood in you.

Seeing him living with eczema is so sad.

Mum Alice

Anonymous said...

Have you considered The Book of Enoch & The Book of Genesis? Enoch & Noah were chosen because they both were direct Descendants of Adam the original created blood line. King David and Jesus were as well... The Third of Heaven were the Fallen, 201 of them decided to take wives and have children, "The Nephilem." There are no "Aliens".... What we now call, "Mythology" is, "Fact" in my opinion. So, I believe that we RH negatives are the Descendants of Adam and obviously they have been trying to wipe us out for as long as we can remember for that very reason. For prime example, "Hitler."

Unknown said...

I'm 0 negative...my mom too her family came to Canada more than 200 years ago
I have all the characteristics listed including visions dreams off planet experience
There's a lot of life out there not just here
One planet doesn't have sewer system they have moats and streams to remove waste...they have no ultraviolet light and yet much plant life

Unknown said...

To the "Anonymous" posted Nov 2nd who referenced Genesis and the Book of Enoch, isn't it telling in the Gospel of Matthew when it is stated:

Mat 13:35 NASB This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet: "I WILL OPEN MY MOUTH IN PARABLES; I WILL UTTER THINGS HIDDEN SINCE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD."

Then, just a couple verses later Jesus goes on to explain that there was an event at the beginning where there was a “bad seed” planted here on earth!

Mat 13:37-39 NASB And He said, "The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man, (38) and the field is the world; and as for the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil one; (39) and the enemy who sowed them is the devil, and the harvest is the end of the age; and the reapers are angels.

By the way, the Hebrew word translated in English to “seed” is the “sperma” meaning physical, genetic, DNA! This correlates with the clarification in Genesis:

Gen 6:9 KJV These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

Noah was “genetically pure”, i.e. he had not been corrupted by the fallen angels attempts to corrupt the DNA of the entire Adamic race!

So much here to expand and expound on!

Blondie said...

Fair hair and fair eyes is what caught my attention. I wanted to know more about the ancient bloodlines that dealt with fair physical traits. I scrolled through a few websites and saw the term Rh-. Woah! What? I'm A-. So then I searched for "Rh- bloodlines", and halfway down the page I saw a picture of Jesus. WOW! Hence, my new addiction for knowledge about this concept.

As everyone above, I have the same traits. I'm still so shocked about this!
1. Feeling of not belonging - Yes, it's a physical feeling that comes out of nowhere just as deja vu, except it's the opposite feeling of deja vu. It goes away as mysteriously as it comes. Before I knew what it was, I would tell my kids, or hubby that it was a sinking physical feeling that I'm not supposed to be here. Now I know it's just "my neg" lol
2. Truth Seeker - My "signature" on the forum I moderate says "Knowledge is power, how weak are you?". I've always preferred non fiction over fiction. I've caught my husband in several affairs by digging until things make sense. Yes, I'm a geek for knowledge.
3. Sense of Mission - I thought we all had this. No?
4. Empathy and compassion for mankind - Again, don't we all have this? I often recognized myself as being an old soul "IF" the concept of reincarnation is real. I cry for others. I would jump in front of a train for a stranger.
5. Extra rib or vertebrae - Yes, on my right side, the lowest vertebrae. Also, it's grown into my pelvic bone and has caused back problems over the years.
6. Higher than average IQ - No idea but now I'd love to be tested just for giggles
7. ESP Ability - Yes. Precog. Sometimes in dreams, and some in energy flashes at random intervals. I've been tested twice using remote viewing and came in top 22 out of 250 subjects. I've astral traveled several times when I was younger, nothing recently.
8. Love of space and science - Of course. This goes along with #2
9. More sensitive vision & other senses - No. I'm nearsighted. I have tubes in both ears. My nose is awesome though, lol. Might be nice to point out that my ears got worse after a trip to the mountains...something to do with the air pressure, etc. Also, I had my first experience with anaphylactic shock while also in the mountains, from an unknown insect bite. I wonder what the relationship of being allergic/anaphylactic and Rh- is?
10. Increased of psychic/intuitive abilities - Yes, see #7
11. Cannot be cloned - I assume this means blood type?
12. Lower body temp - Yes, 97.6 is my digital norm. It always has been lower and this is documented. My Dr's nurse(s) know if it reads 98.6 I'm running a fever.
13. Higher BP - No, mine is 110/70 or lower
14. Predominantly blue, green or hazel eyes - Yes. Green.
15. Red or reddish tint to hair- Born blonde, gradually turned gold, and now strawberry blonde. I'm 42.
16. Increased sensitivity to heat and light - I sweat easily but always figured it was because I was out of shape. I refuse to be in direct sunlight without sunglasses on. I have always been this way. I have about 10 pair of shades from house, to car to work....just in case.


Blondie said...

-Continued from previous -
17. Unexplained scars - Just one on my hand.....which could be an oddly group of freckles (?)
18. Piercing Eyes - Yes. My eyes have always been my best feature. They change into a bright green when I'm very angry, but I know this can be explained scientifically.
19. Tend to be Healers - Oddly I was told by an elder Shaman woman that I was a healer years ago. She was a friend of a friend, etc.
I never put any thought into it considering I can't see the sight of my own blood.
20. Empathetic Illnesses - Not that I know of
21. Ability to disrupt electrical devices - No. But I do tend to get shocked more than most people. My home was struck by lightening twice in one year. I always carry static electricity as if I'm wearing wool dragged across carpet. It's not fun!
22. Prone to alien abductions - No.
23. Experience unexplained phenomenon - Yes. This relates back to #7 and #10.
24. Physic dreams and/or ability - Yes. I quietly help people in this area, by their request. My friends call it my "gift".
Now then. If this forum is still active, I would love to get feedback on the concept of the relation of Rh- and anaphylactic shock. Also, the connection of Rh- families dating back to the Knights Templar. I'm from the US now, but my roots are from France/England, etc., and my former grandfathers' have a long history of being in Freemasonry.

Vatic Master said...

Anonymous, July 28, 2015, sorry for responding so late, but this site has gotten out of hand. I can't keep up with all the emails I get from here as well as all the comments, especially on RH neg. Before it was gutted, we had over 180,000 hits and then the PTB gutted it. I found it copied to elsewhere, and recopied it and put it back up and that one and this one have gotten more and more mega hits. Its amazing what we have found out about RH neg blood. Its amazing how much more we still have to learn.

As to your observation about Europe and the bloodlines, let me reassure you that you are more correct than you know. We will be posting a blog, once I confirm it, that proves what you say is the intentional doing of the Khazar infiltrated governments of the European countries and the objective of this influx of immigrants is to lessen the RH neg bloodlines, so the question is "WHY"??? What does RH neg have that scares the plants off of the khazars? That is what I am now trying to find out. Will let you know on here if I succeed. Thanks for your input on this subject. I swear, I have learned more about rh neg from the comments section of these blogs, than from the research I have found. Anyway, thanks for your support and readershp. Its very rewarding to know that people do want the truth and will actively seek it out rather than passively waiting for it to show up. God bless you and yours.

Unknown said...

Greetings VM,

If I might be so bold to say we know exactly why the Khazars want to eliminate the Rhesus Negatives. It was documented in the Bible that before the flood, the Non-Adamic line (Khazars) having already been warned/promised by God Himself that in the fullness of time they (the Khazars) would be removed from control of Earth. The records show that just before the flood there was a multi faceted effort to corrupt the entire Adamic race. Today, just as Jesus forewarned (Mat 24:37 NASB "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.) we have the same multi-faceted approach to extinguish the entire line. The Khazars are even on record saying that; "the white race might despise us for forcing them to race mix, but it must happen." Why? because if they rid the earth of the rightful inheritors of both material and absolute control, then they suppose they will maintain their position of authority. For the khazars there are fragmentation's among their ranks now growing even more than just last year. Many suppose that it is time to begin making nice with the rightful heirs hoping for leniency for what they see as fact and inevitable, ie the removal of the Khazars from their usurped power! But, the diehards refuse to go without a fight. There are so very many Bible verses that give an account of what will happen and the Khazars and no dummies when it comes to information, they have studied these carefully. Remember, the Khazars were the race which removed God's Laws (the Torah) and replaced it with the Talmud, or Babylonian legal system. Let this be an admonishment to all Rhesus Negatives, unlearn the system of law from the Khazars and learn the Laws of our Creator, God! Lj

Anonymous said...

The book of Enoch which is Noahs grandfather speaks of the rh negative race, which derives from the fallen angels. Rh positive is the original human race and that is why they were supposed to be fruitful and multiply. It wasn't until the angel intervention in god's creation that the rh negative came about.

Anonymous said...

True! What I found out is that only rh negative can produce rh negative in thier children. The highest percentage of this trait is in Europe and Morocco.
Interestingly to note Ecclesiastes 12:13 and Enoch 6:1 talks about the purpose of man and is also very likely to tie in together. Being able to give blood to anyone is a blessing and a curse because it is a rare find. I hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

everyone with an RH-negative blood look into the new planet entering our solar system that has been hidden: [NIBIRU]!

this explains alot and it goes WAY DEEP!

Vatic Master said...

last anonymous, I very much agree with you about that. Since the satanists doing all this NEVER DO ANYTHING FOR JUST "ONE" REASON, I do believe weakening the RH neg bloodline is one of the reasons, since we have powers they do not and they are afraid of us. I find no question that is real. The second reason is to "globalize defacto", rather than doing it legally first, then people can come and go anywhere in the world without all the hoopla involved. Third, its to attract slave labor into the USA so we will be competing for jobs with slave wage workers. Thus we will be relegated to slave wages eventually and no life worth living. I would rather fight to the death to preserve our country, then to live the way they have planned.

Anonymous said...

I am o neg and the mother of a wonderful healthy o pos son .I had never heard of rogam, or even new anything about my unusual blood type until I was pregnant. I am so glad I received the rogam shot, as I know my chances of having my son without it would not have been good.my only query that no one can answer, is that when my son was born, my blood showed a huge transference between my o- blood and my sons pos blood, my Dr had never seen a case where there had been such a transference and both baby and mother were perfectly healthy, my Dr kept having my blood taken sent to the lab thinking a mistake had surely taken place. In the end I ended up getting 7 shots of rogam after the birth, and know that it has caused me autoimmune health issues.I am not looking to sue anyone or point fingers, I would even volunteer for any Rh neg experiments, to help understand how this could be

Anonymous said...

They only discuss the shot when they check the pregnant mothers blood type and see that it is RH NEG

Anonymous said...

Hello VaticProject, Hello RhesusNegative Family. Reading all your comments is a very moving experience for me. Like so many of you, I can relate to so much of what was shared. I'm 37, have AB- blood, hazel eyes, which also occasionally like to change colours... I've really really never felt like I belonged. I also used to feel like I was being watched, in a good way. I feel that less lately. Very high IQ. Challenged authority, a lot ! So much empathy, I'm always trying to help make things right. A life as an RH negative can be such a wondrous gift at times. But, I feel things on earth are going in an ugly direction now. 7 years ago, I felt so disenfranchised by the rat race & people's inability to see that we are being lied to & used, that I left for the third world with my wife. We bought land, slowly disconnected from as many systems of dependency as we could & are living rather self-reliantly & striving to move more in that direction all the time.
I was heavily into conspiracy theory for over a decade. I've researched it all & managed to distill for myself a nice range of what feels accurate & what seems likely/possible. I can't really say that I've EVER had a real friend that I felt understood me. What a weird experience to have... A lifetime spent with no true connection to others. I've never had trouble making lots of friends. I dropped out of school, out of disgust, but have lived pretty much the retired life for some years now. I get things intuitively, really quickly. I'm dumbfounded at what some people out there believe.

One thing that has really hit me lately is the realization that I have no tribe, family, community, where I belong. I have wonderful parents, both RH negative, a wonderful sister, RH - & an honourable gem of a wife, but these days our societies have been all but destroyed & our traditions & roots are all but lost. I notice your most recent post regarding Zionism, White Genocide & ww3. I've been into these topics heavily myself for some time. (www.tgsnt.tv & "communism by the backdoor" if anyone wants their socks blown off) I've even strayed into ww2 revisionism, anti-semitism & race realism... It's not my fault, I'm hopelessly attracted to that which the status quo claims is off-limits. I realize now, that whatever the mainstream says is the devil, is actually good stuff & what the mainstream claims is good, is where the devil is hiding. It's been great fun & a wild ride. & a lot of stress at times too. I feel civil war is inevitable now for the West, barring some kind of Divine intervention... All by design of course. But there is always Hope.

I have been vocal all over the internet for some time & I understand the level to which the powers that be can monitor us, so I am past fearing my name being out there. I would love to have any RH neg add me on facebook. marc.morrissey@gmail.com is my email, just mention Rh neg so I don't think it's spam. Also, my wife & I are looking to get like minded people to create community together out here. Stable people only please. Families preferred. Contact me if interested.

I've landed on this site countless times & really enjoyed it, Thank You VaticProject. This is my first comment. Mainly because I now feel that my tribe is not necessarily the White race, nor the conspiracy community or even rave culture. It's other Rhesus Negative people. Thank You all for sharing & may we all accomplish that which we have set out to achieve.

AshkenzQuestenz said...

O,rh neg. Red hair green eyes. I just did not feel like I belonged.I could read comic books by age four. Had my first precognition dream at age 7 (it came true exactly as I'd dreampt) At 8 I had a dream or it might have really happened because I woke up outside just as night was turning into daylight I remember being scared of getting in trouble for being outside but not knowing how I got there & trying to get in unnoticed,right before that I was on a ufo. They showed me strange writing that was neon green and it lit up on a glass screen (there was no such thing back then in 1969). Age 11 we moved. no one knew our new address yet right there on the mailbox was a letter for me, my parents looked at each other with shock. In it was a record. No note. I felt I knew things but had forgotten. Other traits, low body temp and blood pressure, empathy towards Earth & animals. I don't mean this in a bad way but I do feel above most humans, more evolved, things that interest them is a snoozefest for me. I prefer to be continually learning. I can communicate w my dog by thought. Sick or lost animals show up on my doorstep. I have people following me. I have so many pics of chemtrails starting and stopping right OVER my house, like a spurt just for me! A voice saved me, told me to "look up"or I would have crashed into a stalled car going 75mph! Other than that I only hear my daughters voice when she is sick or hurt. Freaked out the school nurse. I had just clearly heard my daughter say "oh no, and I saw a flash of her holding her stomache (just then the phone rings, I tell the nurse, I know It's my daughter, her stomache is bothering her I just had a vision of it, I'll be right down.) I'm sick of hiding my abilities, it's real & I don't care what people think. My house is full of interdimensionals, daughter took a pics of a grey a reptilian, a lyrian and I can hear a tall insectoid, my dog sees it as the hairs on her back go all mohawk & she barks menacingly at it. whenever the insectoid thing comes around it shuts off the TV. Once I had a remote control battle w it! It raised the volume to maxx, so I lowered it,then it raised it back up to max this went on a few times, then I shut it off & it turned it back on, all the while my dog is furiously barking at it. It sounds like an electrical rasping voice. Had DNA done found out I have Ashkenazi and Neanderthal ancestors. No one ever knew we had ethnic Jewish lineage.

Anonymous said...

I am O negative.I was recently contacted by a hospital who wants to study my blood and DNA, I agreed and so fascinated.Any thoughts?

rebecca shadowfemme garner said...

ab- would love to discuss other parts of this. shadowfemme81@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

You are both wrong. First the RH negative is available in all flavors. A B AB and O. Also, it is not the O neg that has low stomach acid. It is A and it is both neg and pos.

Unknown said...

It seems RH- comes from European areas, but I am Asian, an indigenous Land Dayak or aborigines from Borneo. How can I have it? None of my family members have it..

Anonymous said...

This is how cults form. Get your brain checked. Signed an O-

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