

How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare - (Part II of Vatic spiritual warfare series)

Vatic Note:  If you remember the various articles that raised our hackles and we said "No Way",  I can assure you they have thought of that.  Remember, its not just about tyranny, its about SUBJECTS NEVER RISING UP AGAIN TO RESIST REPRESSION since historically, that has always been the results of tyranny,  rebellion and freedom and resistance to  inhumane acts being committed against the subjects and their families.   Its about NEVER EVER HAVING TO WORRY ABOUT IT AGAIN BY USING HIGH TECH TO DEVOLVE US INTO SOMETHING OTHER THAN HUMAN.  No more human reactions to inhumane acts.  That is what this is all about.  The Food bill, the water Bill,  the health care bill are all bills of inhumane deep perversion,  that will be enforced and we will be injected with the technology to devolve us with their nanospiders that will splice and dice our DNA  and thereby forever, change the human species into something unrecognizable to any of us.   Robots in organic bodies, organ suppliers for the elite,  children for the pedophiles amongst them.   If you don't believe,  JUST LOOK AT WHAT THEY ARE CURRENTLY DOING TO THE IRAQI'S and they are not robots yet.  At least not that we know of.  This is YOUR FUTURE IF YOU DO NOT STOP IT NOW.   There are going to be many suggestions for each of us depending on our predisposition on how to handle this in a spiritual realm, since that is an additional place where we have to go for this. 

How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare -
By Thomas R. Horn, ( there will be 4 more to this series from Mr. Horn, plus others from Vatic, since this is very serious)
August 7, 2010, Provided to Vatic Project by Dick Eastman

This article will include fresh insights for traditional, tried and true methods of overcoming darkness, it unveils for the first time how breakthrough advances in science, technology, and philosophy—including cybernetics, bio-engineering, nanotechnology, machine intelligence, synthetic biology, and transhumanism—will combine to create mind-boggling game-changes to everything you have ever known about the ancient subject of spiritual warfare.

How so?

Court rejects govt. use of GPS tracking; Reverse sentence of accused drug-ring master

Vatic Note:   I find it extremely interesting that a technicality in the law allowed this Huge drug dealer, in fact, a ring master, to go free when so many who were proven innocent after conviction, are still sitting in jail with no one willing to release them, using the justification that "they were found guilty and thus must serve out their sentence", and that includes death penalty cases. .   Then it entered my mind that many in our leadership are involved either in the actual drug dealings and profits going on, or in the money laundering side of the Business and/or are being compensated for prisoners for the private-for-profit prison system contracts, such as prosecutors and judges,  however, this one did not fit in any of these categories so the only explanation left,  which is pure speculation,  is this man had friends in high places whose income and profits were going to be affected by his arrest and incarceration.  Thus he got released to save others from exposure.  We will see. But in any case our judicial system is bass ackwards.  The guilty, if part of the elite, don't even get arrested for blatant crimes,   and the average citizen/middle class voter,  is now going to jail for what used to be civil offenses handled by civil courts.   It tells us volumes about whether we truly live in free country now. 

Court rejects govt. use of GPS tracking
Reverse sentence of accused drug-ring master

By Jim McElhatton

Ruling that federal agents erred in attaching a satellite tracking device to a vehicle without a search warrant, a federal appeals court Friday reversed the life sentence of man accused of running a major Washington drug ring.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District found that the government's use of GPS technology to track the defendant Antoine Jones's Jeep violated the Fourth Amendment.

40 Billionaires Pledge to Give Most of Their Wealth to Charity

Vatic Note: Sounds good doesn't it? Lets think about this for a moment. First thing we should do is to remember who each and everyone of these people are and what they believe in and what they actually do (fund depopulation and eugenics programs globally). First thing we want to know is how does this help their pet project. The second thing we want to know is how does this benefit thier pocket books? The third thing we want to know is who did they meet with in secret to discuss points 1 and 2, was it the Fed Reserve??? Was it the ADL, or AIPAC or who? Bloomberg wanting to do something for his children is the laugh of the century,  lets remember, these people pedophile and brain wash and mind control their own children.   So that dog don't hunt.  

So are they all stocked up on Gold and Silver since its all gone now,  and is this their way to justify NOT FUNDING AID PROGRAMS since the currency is scheduled to crash any day now,  and thus they can say "Oh, dear, no money for the aid programs, we are broke" as they sit on tons of gold.  What is really clever is,  like the middle class, we financed our own demise, they took our wealth and used it to bring us down.   I suspect that is what we are seeing here only this time the upper class of goyims are next and are being asked to fund it as well,  its almost perverted.    Its at this level most revolutions are started and financed,  and this would take care of  that risk for the neocons, in the end.  

Those are the things I want to know before I even begin to believe this is for real.  There is not one amoung them in this picture that isn't a sociopath, thus "helping humanity" is a laugh and a half. Follow the money.  Gates as a humanitarian is the same joke as Clinton promoting circumcision LOL.... both are totally impossibe, UNLESS they both have something to gain from it. They are, everyone of them,  trilateral,  bildeberg, and CFR... enough said. 

40 Billionaires Pledge to Give Most of Their Wealth to Charity
posted by: Suzi Parrasch 1 day ago

Yesterday's announcement by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates about the Giving Pledge -- their challenge to fellow billionaires to join them in giving away at least half of their fortunes to charity -- certainly had dramatic impact. And it promises to give a huge boost to the world of philanthropy, to say the least. But the move may not be as surprising as it may seem, given both Buffett's and Gates' gravitas and deep and abiding commitment to philanthropy.

Influential Newsweek Magazine Sold for $1 To CFR’s Super-Rich, Pro-Israel Harman Couple

Vatic Note:  Another instance where there USED TO BE A LAW that was criminal if you had a conflict of interest between a legislator and foreign interests which would have resulted in this billionaires wife going to jail for what she did to interfere in the AIPAC spy case for her Zionist friends and financiers.  Today the AIPAC lobbyists caught spying in the Pentagon classified info area, are walking around free as birds.  Today, its all fascism.   No one needs to worry about communism anymore,  since all of it is now Fascist in its totality.  One set of laws for us, and a different set for the ruling elite,  A NATION THAT NOW HAS THE LARGEST PRISON POPULATION IN THE WORLD IN TOTAL PRISONERS, since we made civil cases criminal.  Yet, the elite and leaders can break criminal laws all over the place,  Even the president says he can assassinate Americans without a trial, which is criminal murder and first degree at that.... yet no penalty for him doing that.  Amazing.  Well, we may put up with it because we simply don't believe it yet, but when we finally do, that will be the end of it, hopefully before they depopulate us as you can see given their agenda, they will need to do that to ensure they stay safe and healthy. 

Influential Newsweek Magazine Sold for $1
To CFR’s Super-Rich, Pro-Israel Harman Couple (Protocol #12)

By Michael Collins Piper,  August 5, 2010

Newsweek magazine is now the property of Zionist billionaire Sidney Harman and his wife Jane—a fervent advocate for the interests of Israel—who (rather than serving in Congress as she does) should instead be serving time in prison for influence peddling and conspiracy to obstruct justice on behalf of two Washington operatives for AIPAC, the powerful lobby for Israel.

On Aug. 2, the Washington Post Company—publisher of the powerful but weakened daily and longtime owner of Newsweek—announced the sale of the weekly magazine to the Harmans. Faltering badly in recent years, with massive losses and declining circulation, Newsweek was on the auction block for only $2 million, but according to reports, the Harmans grabbed the magazine for the exchange of virtually no money—a token payment of $1.

Glowing media reports say the 91-year-old Sidney Harman—who gained his fortune in electronics and helped bankroll his much younger wife’s political ambitions—now wants to put his money toward the nation’s welfare by keeping Newsweek alive and ensuring its continuing role in educating the public and perpetuating free and open debate on issues of importance. Or so they say. (VN:  Protocol #12, the real reason)

In fact, this high-level business deal will make no difference insofar as the editorial content of Newsweek. If anything, Newsweek may well become even more openly and stridently on the side of the Zionist agenda.

This has happened before when Zionist business tycoons (with no publishing background) grabbed control of other mainstream publishing ventures. ( VN:  See Protocol #12,  scroll down to the bottom and they are all there)  For example, when real estate manipulator Sam Zell assumed command of The Chicago Tribune and The Los Angeles Times and when Mort Zuckerman, another land baron, seized ownership of U.S. News and World Report and The New York Daily News.


Raids are Increasing on Farms and Private Food-Supply Clubs

Vatic Note:  When you read this, it will become very apparent we are now living in a full fledged police state since none of these people had committed any crimes and yet their personal property was confiscated from them and not returned.   This is beyond obscene,  if they can do this now, when they are pretending to still be governed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights, can you even imagine what is will be like when they globalize???  NO WAY, can we allow that to happen because you know deep down, it will be brutal, dictatorial and you will have no say in anything, including your kids,  your pets, your home, your life, your work, you recreation, your water, your food,  NOTHING.  You will be a servant, slave subject to indentured servitude.   If that is the case, why in the world did you buy all those guns?  

This is definitely gestapo time.   I grew up on all these foods and am going strong today at an advanced age, but then that is what they want to end, isn't it?  DEPOPULATION AND EUGENETICS.  In my day as a child if they ever tried that kind of behavior, all those cops would be in jail for such behavior.  The entire community would have gone down to the mayors office and gotten that behavior removed from their lexicon. 

Raids are Increasing on Farms and Private Food-Supply Clubs
Posted By Dr. Mercola
August 05 2010

Grist July 14, 2010

Government raids of producers, distributors, and even consumers of nutritionally dense foods appear to be happening more frequently. Sometimes they are meant to counter raw dairy production, other times to challenge private food organizations over whether they should be licensed as food retailers.

Outsourcing we can believe in: U.S. to Train 3,000 Offshore IT Workers --$22 million US Taxes

Lori Price Comment:    federally-backed program aims to help outsourcers in South Asia become more fluent in areas like Java programming--and the English language. 03 Aug 2010 Despite President Obama's pledge to retain more hi-tech jobs in the U.S., a federal agency run by a hand-picked Obama appointee has launched a $22 million program to train workers, including 3,000 specialists in IT and related functions, in South Asia. Following their training, the tech workers will be placed with outsourcing vendors in the region that provide offshore IT and business services to American companies looking to take advantage of the Asian subcontinent's low labor costs. USAID [the US terrorist group that taught Latin American police how to torture political dissidents in the 1960s and 1970s] will also help the trainees brush up on their English language proficiency.  (VN:  Uh, what happened to civic responsibility to the community you came from?  Gone with all that integrity they used to have.  Greed rules!!!!)

Outsourcing we can believe in: U.S. to Train 3,000 Offshore IT Workers --$22 million US Taxes.
by Admin-information week,  
Provided to Vatic Project by CLG newletter, Lori Price,

Federally-backed program aims to help outsourcers in South Asia become more fluent in areas like Java programming—and the English language.

Despite President Obama's pledge to retain more hi-tech jobs in the U.S., a federal agency run by a hand-picked Obama appointee has launched a $36 million program to train workers, including 3,000 specialists in IT and related functions, in South Asia.

Fallen soldiers allegedly prove profitable for insurance companies

Vatic Note:  Is this or is this not obscene?  Profiteering off of dead soldiers used to be a death penalty offense, did you know that???  Yup, until Greed became our new God, that is how we used to be about our children.   They could not be put in harms way for greed or profit or that company would be siezed and the officers would be tried and if convicted spend a good chuck of their lives in jail for doing this in any war.  It was worse if by that soldiers death a company profited could result in a life sentence.  My, how far down the road to FASCISM, we have definitely come under two fascist Presidents and both majorities each at different times with the exact same results, Fascism.  When the Repubs were a majority is when all the outsourcing occurred so that people without jobs would join the military and fight their filthy greed wars for oil and profits.  Then the dems got in and voila..... what do you know, the other side of the same damn coin.   Rahm's favorite sayng, is never let a tragedy go without taking the opportunity it presents... yup profit for the Insurance companies.  Just like our universal health care that no one intends to honor, pay for or use.  In fact, most of the tyrannical terms of that health bill are going to be ignored.  Watch and see.   

Fallen soldiers allegedly prove profitable for insurance companies
McClatchy Washington Bureau
Posted on Wed, Aug. 04, 2010
Mike McGraw
The Kansas City Star
last updated: August 04, 2010 07:14:17 AM

The Missouri and Kansas insurance departments said Tuesday that they were checking for complaints over a practice in which life insurance companies were reportedly profiting from the deaths of U.S. soldiers.

First revealed last week by Bloomberg News, the practice involves life insurers that reportedly earn millions in additional profits by holding a portion of the benefits from such policies and paying them out over time.

"It may be legal, but it's shameful, absolutely shameful," said Joe Davis, a spokesman for the Kansas City-based Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Prudential and MetLife lead the way in making hundreds of millions of dollars in additional profits from thousands of policies, including those covering soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, Bloomberg said.

Instead of paying out all the benefits, the companies offer to "hold" the money, sometimes in noninsured accounts, for families of grieving service members, Bloomberg said.


The Aryan and The Rabbi

Bruecke Note: Vatic asked me to post the following radio interview between a Rabbi and a Pastor. The only reasons why I am posting it are: (1) Vatic had made promises to others to make it available, (2) Vatic requested the help, and (3) Vatic said I could make comments on it.

I regret that I do not have the time to pin-point which of the Protocols of Zion this piece of radio trash best demonstrates. I view it as hate mongering against the Jews that, without this disclaimer, will be picked up and used against the Vatic Project as an example of anti-Semitic intents. But it is also so badly done as Jew bashing by the Rabbi himself, one can't respect the Christian side of it either.

My view on the interview? Theater - Staged - Actors - Christian Radio Shock Jock Pastor throwing up missing Christian children red meat to his listening congregation of sheeple.

The fact that the rabbi was able to talk on end without interruption in a self-incriminating way and would agree to the negative names and characterization by the pastor kind of indicates who wrote the outline for this ad lib radio screen play.

Capitalism is NOT Free Enterprise

Capitalism is NOT Free Enterprise

July 19, 2010
by Tony Blizzard

A friend who knows my stand on money, etc. emailed me a Bloomberg article entitled "Capitalism not so Sacred as American Mood Sours." 

The article quoted a U.S. Chamber of Commerce poll  showing that 57 percent of Americans say they support capitalism, compared with more than 70 percent who back free enterprise and free markets. Polls have generally found similar lower levels of enthusiasm for "capitalism."

"There's been an erosion of support for capitalism," Steve Lombardo, who conducted the poll, said in an interview. "It hasn't become a bad word, but it's less positive than it has been."

The bigwigs want us to keep equating capitalism with free enterprise.

The truth is that free enterprise is 180 degrees-opposite capitalism.  Capitalism is a mentally deranged, dysfunctional economic system which can only survive by fleecing the people while moving all wealth to private bankers and their lackey corporations.

Patriots to this day are repeating and mis-reasoning from this error which is apparently promoted as ardently as the lie of worthless bank credit being real debt which must somehow be "repaid."

Yet, recent polls by Gallop and Pew show that many of us have had it with capitalist greed. We are talking again about true free enterprise which made the U.S. an economic paradise.

These polls have the parasites squirming to the point that they feel it necessary to go into butt saving mode.  (How ironic.)  Of course, their first act is to put out new disinformation.

U.S. asks blog sites to shut down

U.S. asks blog sites to shut down

Double shutdown: Under mysterious circumstances and with unusual abruptness, two websites used to create blogs and message boards were taken down at the behest of U.S. investigators earlier this month, baffling users and commentators on the Web alike.

Both, which said it hosted around 70,000 blogs, and online forum site were taken offline in early July.

It is not entirely clear why the two sites were removed, but at least in Blogetery's case, the shutdown seems to involve a federal investigation on al Qaeda online communications.

The initial cryptic responses to users' questions about what happened added to the confusion. Both IPBFree administrators and, Blogetery's Web host, deeply apologized for the incident but said they were barred by law to provide any specific information.

But later told PC World that they had voluntarily decided to take down Blogetery after investigators approached them.

It is still unclear who hosted the IPBFree site, why it was taken down or if the action was related to the Blogetery case.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

Feds now admits to storing naked body images from full body X-ray scanners

Feds now admits to storing naked body images from full body X-ray scanners by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
Originally published August 5 2010

(NaturalNews) A few months ago, I first wrote about the TSA's naked body scanners and how it could allow Big Brother to view and store pictures of your naked body (plus the naked bodies of your children, too). At that time, my story was met with a reaction of derision from a few people outside the usual NaturalNews readership who said my story was nothing but "paranoia" and that the government had promised it would never record or store full body scan images. The very equipment used to view the body scans was incapable of storing those images, we were told. (These loons apparently think governments never lie...)

Well, as much as I hate to say, "I told ya so," it turns out I was right (and so was Alex Jones and others who spoke out against the TSA's naked body scanners). As reported today by Declan McCullagh from CNET, "The U.S. Marshals Service admitted this week that it had surreptitiously saved tens of thousands of images recorded with a millimeter wave system at the security checkpoint of a single Florida courthouse." (  )

That same story points to a recently released document ( ) proving that the TSA actually requires its equipment to be able to record and store naked body images. This, despite the fact that the TSA publicly stated, "scanned images cannot be stored or recorded." It turns out they were flat-out lying.

Studies Prove that These Drugs Make Your Brain Stop Working…

Studies Prove that These Drugs Make Your Brain Stop Working…

Posted By Dr. Mercola , provided to Vatic by Gypsy Flame,  Australia
August 03 2010
Physorg July 13, 2010
Neurology July 13, 2010; 75(2):152-9

Drugs commonly taken for a variety of common medical conditions negatively affect your brain, causing long term cognitive impairment. These drugs, called anticholinergics, block acetylcholine, a nervous system neurotransmitter.

They include such common over-the-counter brands as Benadryl, Dramamine, Excedrin PM, Nytol, Sominex, Tylenol PM, and Unisom.  Other anticholinergic drugs, such as Paxil, Detrol, Demerol and Elavil are available only by prescription.

Physorg reports:

"Researchers ... conducted a six-year observational study, evaluating 1,652 Indianapolis area African-Americans over the age of 70 who had normal cognitive function when the study began ... '[T]aking one anticholinergic significantly increased an individual's risk of developing mild cognitive impairment and taking two of these drugs doubled this risk.'"

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

Many view over-the-counter (OTC) drugs as safe because they don't require a prescription. Well nothing could be further from the truth.


Shadowy Spy Group Building Dossiers On Internet Users For Feds

Shadowy Spy Group Building Dossiers On Internet Users For Feds
Posted By admin On August 2, 2010
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison [1]

An organization that tracks 250 million IP addresses a day has been developing portfolios on Internet users and handing the information to U.S. federal agencies as the latest incarnation of the supposedly defunct Total Information Awareness spy program is revealed.

A group calling itself Project Vigilant went public at yesterday’s Defcon security conference in an effort to add more recruits to its 600 member strong cyber spy force. The outfit announced that it had been tracking “Internet villains” for no less than 14 years and handing the information to federal authorities as part of a massive intelligence gathering program.

However, the target of one such investigation did not fall into the category of cyber criminals – “terrorists, drug cartels, mobsters” – that the group claims to be fighting.

Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima'

Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima'
The shocking rates of infant mortality and cancer in Iraqi city raise new questions about battle
By Patrick Cockburn

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukaemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a new study.

Iraqi doctors in Fallujah have complained since 2005 of being overwhelmed by the number of babies with serious birth defects, ranging from a girl born with two heads to paralysis of the lower limbs. They said they were also seeing far more cancers than they did before the battle for Fallujah between US troops and insurgents. 

Children in Fallujah who suffer from birth defects which are thought to be linked to weapons used in attacks on the city by US Marines

Iceland - The Hallmarks of an Israeli Operation

Vatic Note: Once you read this, read the declassified Military intel report of 1919, read all the testimony at the Congressional committee hearings included in that report , and then review the final results of their investigation into the protocols and you begin to truly understand the very big picture here and who the culprits truly are and how long they have planned what is happening in our nation and the parallels to the Bolvshevik revolution in Russia also led by the Khazars, and run and controlled by them after it was over. This is exactly what we are going through here without a doubt and with the same process and mechanisms laid out by the protocols. HISTORY DOES REPEAT ITSELF, INDEED. Iceland had the good sense to rid themselves of the Bolsheviks as soon as they realized who and what the problem was. They escorted them to the airport and instructed them to never come back. A good example for us to use.

Iceland - The Hallmarks of an Israeli Operation - Part II

By Christopher Bollyn
June 16, 2010
Shortly before the catastrophic collapse of Iceland's three major banks in the fall of 2008, the island nation was ranked as one of the wealthiest and most productive nations in the world. The financial damage caused by the plundering of Iceland's banks is the worst suffered by any country in economic history relative to the size of its economy. 

Iceland is a volcanic island nation of about 320,000 people.
When the privatized banks of Kaupthing, Glitnir, and Landsbanki collapsed in October 2008 they had reportedly amassed debts equivalent to 12 times Iceland's gross domestic product. The looting of the Nordic nation's banks did not happen by accident, but was done through a conspiracy that has the distinct hallmarks of an Israeli intelligence operation. Recognizing these hallmarks is essential to solving the crime and preventing it from occurring to other nations.


Scientific dictatorship wants lobotomized, subservient public

Vatic Note:   DAMN, YOU GO, ALEX, YOU GO!!!!   THIS VIDEO IS GREAT AND HE IS TICKED OFF. This is the maddest I have ever seen him.    Now is the time and this article is the reason, that we must get this information out to the public all over the place.   I do mean everywhere,  senior centers,  doctors offices,  grocery stores,  restaurants, on the streets,  on their cars,  family, firends and especially those still semi-asleep trying to wake up. 

This is the shove that they need and most importantly send it on to your congressman and senators to simply let them know that we know out here and then get it to those who are honest with integrity,  I know that is only about 4 out of 535, but the rest in the White House and congress are psychopaths and will not be affected by this, unless we promise to see to it that it makes it into whatever they ingest in the future.  

Tell them to start being on the alert for them and their families that whatever is put into our bodies without our permission is going to start going into their bodies.   Its time to at least make the noise.   Then if they  still do it, then we can plan from there.   Its time, you know its time, and you don't want to face it, but if we don't then we will be no better off than the gulf as humans.... dead zombies.   We all know who is doing it too, don't we???? Yes, we do.  

STANFORD INVOLVED ACCORDING TO ALEX,  THAT IS TAVISTOCK GROUP.   THE BRITS ARE DOING THIS ALONG WITH ROTHSCHILD.  The scientists who have agreed to do this should be imprisoned for such betrayal of  their fiduciary responsibility to their profession and those affected by it.   There was a time that such acts would have never been considered by scientists, but those days are gone.   Its time we begin to stay away from all things not natural and garner up our own food and water not from their system.   We have to truly think on all of this and get together within our communities and share this video and this write up and all the references he gives us. 

Scientific dictatorship wants lobotomized, subservient public

Paul Joseph Watson, Provided to Vatic by Brock Canner, USA
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Establishment Media Pushes Brain Eating Vaccines

The establishment media and the scientific dictatorship are promoting brain-eating vaccines that virtually lobotomize people and rewire their minds into a state of subservient compliance so that their natural instinct to get angry and rebel against the tyranny being imposed upon them is neutered and sterilized.

“Academics say they are close to developing the first vaccine for stress – a single jab that would help us relax without slowing down,” reports the Daily Mail.

Dr Robert Sapolsky, professor of neuroscience at Stanford University in California, says the vaccine is intended to impose a state of “focused calm” by altering brain chemistry.

The proposals ominously hark back to George Lucas’ 1971 dystopian chiller THX 1138,  in which the population is controlled and subjugated through the use of special drugs to suppress emotion.

Feeling stress, getting angry, expressing emotion and displaying passion are all innate, natural and vital aspects of human behavior. Reacting with stress to dangerous or uncomfortable situations is an essential and healthy response, and is one shared by just about every living thing on the planet.

Scientists are now telling us that getting angry, upset and passionate is abnormal and needs to be “treated” through a fresh dose of pharmaceutical drugs and injections that will virtually lobotomize us into submissive compliance. This is blatantly a part of the full spectrum assault on our minds, our bodies and our nervous system through the contamination of our food and water supply.

The new research on brain-altering vaccines dovetails with proposals to add lithium to the water supply in order to treat “mood disorders”.

People globally are already being bombarded with sodium fluoride, a cancer causing neurotoxin, through the water supply, toothpaste, and many foods.

The first occurrence of fluoridated drinking water on Earth was found in Germany’s Nazi prison camps. The Gestapo had little concern about fluoride’s supposed effect on children’s teeth; their alleged reason for mass-medicating water with sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force the people in their concentration camps into calm submission.

As a growing number of people worldwide begin to educate themselves about what they are putting in their bodies and how they are under chemical and biological attack from the foods they eat, the establishment in getting increasingly desperate in trying to maintain a sick and weak populace, even telling them that injecting the toxic poison mercury into their bloodstream will be beneficial to their health

The effort to chemically lobotomize the public is part of the elite’s drive to create a sub-species of drugged up, dumbed-down slaves who don’t have the intelligence or the energy to resist the control measures being imposed on them by their population-reduction obsessed masters. While the elite will be free to enjoy

Infowars is promoting a new viral Google search term in order to attract much needed attention to this grave issue.

Search for “brain eating vaccines”   and by elevating this term to the top of Google Trends, we can reach millions of new people who would otherwise have never come across this information.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

Court Unmasks Secularism as State "Religion"

Vatic Note:   Satanism in secular dress is Babylonian Talmudic Cabalism in the form of Illuminism, occultism and materialism.  (VN:  Zionism)

Court Unmasks Secularism as State "Religion

June 23, 2010
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

June 23, 2010

Last week, Quebec Superior Court Judge Gérard Dugré  ruled that the government showed "Inquisition-like intolerance"  by imposing a secular ethics course on a private Roman Catholic school in Montreal.

The reference to secularism as an "Inquisition" was satisfying for Loyola High School, a Jesuit boy's school that went to court to protect its freedom to teach from a Roman Catholic perspective.

This case demonstrates that "separation of church and state" is really a pretext for the imposition of a State Religion, i.e. Illuminism, or secularism. (I will expand on the true nature of this "religion" later.)

Judge Dugre turned secular rhetoric of "tolerance" and "diversity" back on the government, exposing its hidden Masonic agenda: to stamp out Christianity.

Judge Dugré said that not only did Quebec violate Loyola's religious freedoms but it went about it in a "totalitarian" manner.

BP accused of 'buying academic silence'

BP accused of 'buying academic silence'

The head of the American Association of University Professors has accused BP of trying to "buy" the best scientists and academics to help it contest litigation after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

"This is really one huge corporation trying to buy faculty silence in a comprehensive way," said Cary Nelson.
BP faces more than 300 lawsuits so far.

In a statement, BP says it has hired more than a dozen national and local scientists "with expertise in the resources of the Gulf of Mexico".

Bob Shipp 

Bob Shipp said BP wanted to hire his entire marine science department 

The BBC has obtained a copy of a contract offered to scientists by BP. It says that scientists cannot publish the research they do for BP or speak about the data for at least three years, or until the government gives the final approval to the company's restoration plan for the whole of the Gulf.
It also states scientists may perform research for other agencies as long as it does not conflict with the work they are doing for BP.

Arizona Sheriff: ‘Our Own Government Has Become Our Enemy’

Vatic Note:   Its good to hear someone in authority,  finally tell it like it is.   Treason is the order of the day for those in power.  Time to get in people who have a conscience and integrity.   I find it ironic that we are occupying other countries,  doing horrible things to their people and now we are in the same boat with the same foreign occupiers who threatened, bribed or blackmailed our government into giving control over to them and they will do the same here as they are doing in Iraq.    Now that is something no one here can even imagine, but if you need to know, just ask the pals.  That country has no conscience and has made it clear they do not follow the humanity laws of other nations, they stand alone in saying so.  Crimes against humanity is ok by them.... they think nothing about it, and they now control this country.  Time to take it back.  Spiritual Warriors, its time to arm yourselves with Love, courage and resistance through non cooperation and obstruction.   Stand in front of those horses the feds want to massacre, or stand behind the Sheriff and refuse to hire or frequent any business that hires illegals.   Legal aliens are fine, but law breakers,  like our bankers,  are not welcome, just like our bankers are not welcome.  Iceland awaits you for trial.  lol  .

Arizona Sheriff: ‘Our Own Government Has Become Our Enemy’
Monday, August 02, 2010
By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer, CNS NEWS.COM
Provided to Vatic Project by Anonymous, USA

Correction: As initially posted, this story inaccurately said that Pinal County was contiguous with the Mexican border. It is in southern Arizona, but not on the border.)

( – Pinal County (Ariz.) Sheriff Paul Babeu is hopping mad at the federal government.

9/11 nukes aren't disinformation or limited hangout

Vatic Note:    Answer to an email we received regarding one of our blog entries on 9/11 micro-nukes. The blog entry was summarized in a Vatic Email which was then re-posted elsewhere by someone on the distribution list. The feedback email went to that website before being sent on to us for a response.  

Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2010 10:49 AM

Subject: "VATIC"...DO YOU EVER HAVE THE COURTESY OF REPLYING TO EMAILS ? ANSWER what I have asked you ? As I have stated to you - YOU are posting LIMITED HANGOUT DISINFORMATION regarding 9/11 that  HIDES the use of DOZENS of MICRO-NUCLEAR DEMOLITION DEVICES - LARGE NUCLEAR DEMOLITION DEVICES(at least 150KT) in the  sub-basements of WTC 1,2,and 7....1,000s of LINEAR SHAPED CHARGES - and the role played by CONTROLLED DEMOLITION Inc(MARK LOIZEAUX & FAMILY) who "just so happens" to be the ONLY COMPANY to have a PATENTED METHOD of BUILDING IMPLOSION using NUCLEAR DEMOLITION DEVICES.......

[name withheld],Viet Nam Vet(USAF)
Concerned Citizen,Researcher,Investigator,Whistleblower

From: Bruecke  who posted the micro-nukes articles last week, like here 

Dear Mr. [name withheld],

I posted the 9/11 nuke articles on the Vatic Project. I'll be the first to admit that my own position on 9/11 has done a bit of waffling and come full circle a couple of times on certain things over the years.   

(VN: The first point we wish to make up front is this:  we don't have to be right about milli-nukes on 9/11; we'll be happy to be proven wrong. Or more correctly for you to prove the Anonymous Physicist at  wrong.  This can be done immediately without you having to read the entire blog.) 


First Signs of (Revolutionary) War in the US? Sheriff Tony DeMeo Threatens Force Against Federal Agents from Bureau of Land Mgmt

Vatic Note: There are two issues at play here, 1.) The issue of "Why" is the BLM confiscating cattle? If they want their land back, why not just notify the rancher to remove their cattle from the land in question? Is there a specific unknown reason why they want the actual livestock in these rural places? To Feed and breed them in underground facilities when the nuke war comes planned by the international bankers??? Or when planet X arrives??? Sell them and pocket the money in the CAFR accounts for the bankers? 

I don't know, but there has to be a reason that their solution is to confiscate private property without paying for it or giving the alledged offender a chance to clear the land of his property (cattle). That needs to be researched and find out what is going on. 2.) The second issue is the Role of Sheriff and even though the armed fed agents backed down, will they return in force??? Can the Sheriff DEPUTIZE the people of the county to act as a posse and help him to enforce the local laws??? These are questions we need to answer, and if so, then it really will come down to who rules this nation. Can they use military against the people in their own states and local districts and will our military stand with the pig criminal cabals or will they stand with us, the zionists cattle??? Here, check out just how bad this had gotten before this sheriff finally stood up.  See various links below.  I swear this reminds me of Gaza.  How about you?  Out west is virtually under attack and it maybe because the population there is much less and thus political power is also much less, but then the 2nd amendment can make up for that can't it??  Here are the links I promised on just how serious this has been and NO MSM PRESS TELLING US ABOUT IT!!!!!

United States Terrorism: BLM Strikes the Dann Ranch Again
from Newe Sogobia, Nevada (ICC)

Bureau of Land Management Charged With Human Rights Violations Against the Shoshone Nation

BLM Steals Cattle

Sale of confiscated cattle stifled by protesters
Story by Don Bowman

It's cop-versus-cop as embittered westerners look to further tweak the feds

Auction of confiscated cattle by BLM       END OF VATIC NOTE

First Signs of (Revolutionary) War in the US? Sheriff Tony DeMeo Threatens Force Against Federal Agents from Bureau of Land Mgmt
August 1, 2010, Terminator Girl, Provided to Vatic Project by Anonymous, USA

Anonymous Note: Just got this from a friend. Looks like some lines are being drawn. Somehow, I get the feeling that if the Feds go after this sheriff it won't be the same as burning down a church filled with women and children. Nope!!! WOW.. Look at what this sheriff did!! M.

Part 1 of 3 -

Bankers: "Cluster Bombs 'r Us"

Vatic Note:   This video makes many excellent points about Major international banks working together to promote and continue the crimes against humanity with these cluster bombs.   Its not just the manufacturers, its their financing arms and in many cases, the banks involved are also shareholdiers in those military industrial complex companies. Eisenhower tried to warn us about this very issue of the military industrial complex and the danger of their increasing power and influence.   We need to change it now, before its too  late.   Is this part of the international bankers "depopulation" agenda???  Remember who is running the US Government now, and who runs the international banking criminal cabal,  the Zionists.   Thus Israel is one of those who refuses to sign the agreement to end it.   They make wealth off of death and they are not about to give  it up. 

Cluster Bombs 'r Us

Brass Check TV
Provided to Vatic by Graham Jukes,  Great Britian

What do our banks do when they are not ripping us off, receiving taxpayer bailouts to cover their gambling losses and laundering drug money? They subsidize mayhem of course.

By the way, three countries refuse to even discuss a ban of cluster bombs: Russia, Israel and the good old USA.  (VN:  as well as India, and china.)


Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Monday, 2-Aug-2010 08:03:45


The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, by Bill Moyers

 The Bill Moyers Educational Documentary on the Central Intelligence Agency or CI-Ltd aka CIA stirrs the age old questions of the CIA involvement in JFK's Assassination and issues brought to light by Jim Garrison at that time which were later incorporated into the movie JFK which is pretty much 'on target'..

About Kennedy, John F. - 35th President. 20 January 1961 to 22 November 1963

The State of the Nation changed drastically when a young man i.e., John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President of the United States signed an executive order to keep the United States out of Viet Nam.. a war the French had fought for years and could not win. JFK said:

"Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans." John F. Kennedy Inagurual Address, January 20, 1961.

Upon JFK's Assassination.. the disposition of the White House changed.. Lyndon Johnson voided the JFK Ex. Ord.. instructed the CIA to go full bore into the Laos-Cambodia-Viet Nam War. Most don't know about the OIL BEARING SAND DOMES involved.

The JFK assassination was investigated by a District Attorney by the name of Jim Garrison. JUST WHO WAS JIM GARRISON?

Earling Carothers "Jim" Garrison (November 20, 1921 – October 21, 1992) — who changed his first name to Jim in the early 1960s — was the District Attorney of Orleans Parish, Louisiana from 1962 to 1973. A member of the Democratic Party, he is best known for his investigations into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (JFK).

Garrison remains a controversial figure. Opinions differ as to whether he uncovered a conspiracy behind the John F. Kennedy assassination but was blocked from successful prosecution by a federal government cover up, whether he bungled his chance to uncover a conspiracy, or whether the entire case was an unproductive waste of resources.  

Use World Currency to Renounce the Debt!

Vatic Note:    Be careful. If we accept a world currency, we have lost even more control than we have now. I trust them NOT. They could do the currency shift but then still demand payment or confiscation of our countries lands, like parks, and other public owned lands. Well, that is an invasion if they try and of course war if they set foot on this soil to use force to foreclose. So read this article with these thoughts in mind, because I actually believe these bankers have convinced themselves that they own this country and that is simply not the case, If we are indebted to them, which we are not..... we used our own currency, credit etc to finance these things and if they globalize currency these bankers will be even more in control only this time they will do to the entire globe what they have done to us and those days are long over.  Cap and Trade is their wet dream that they will have to wake up from and war is out of the question since no one had done anything to us, except Israel, and we already know we are not going to attack those that actually do harm us in multiple ways.  

July 5, 2010
By Henry Makow Ph.D.

In upcoming years, cities, states & nations will have one overwhelming choice:

1. Renounce all debt created by bankers out of nothing, or due to compound interest. This is probably 50-80% of all government debt.

2. Or accept the unbearable burden and be willing accomplices in our enslavement and destruction.

The central banking cartel wants a one-world currency. We keep seeing reminders. For example, today we read, "The dollar is an unreliable international currency and should be replaced by a more stable system, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs said in a report released Tuesday."

What if that new currency was not based on central banking cartel (i.e. IMF) debt? What if most of the old debt was abolished? 


The human experiment is in danger of failure because our forefathers were too weak, feckless or corrupt to get money creation right.

Money has no inherent value. It is a medium of exchange like sea shells or beads. It is simply a convenient method for billions of people to exchange millions of disparate products and services. They know this lucrative fraud is unsustainable unless they enslave mankind, mentally and spiritually, if not physically.


Les Miserable: The Tragic Death of a Night Porter

Vatic Note: Just a quick note to add support to this editors comments and the article, to say please remember as you are reading this that Christopher Story is also now dead ( with intel assassinations its always heart attacks or suicide, everybody knows that now.).   Its happening more and more and what they all seem to have in common is their exposure of Khazar Zionists and the NWO they have planned for us.  

Editor's Note: (editor of Radical Press)  It's difficult to talk about the murder of Dariusz Ratajczak and those responsible for his needless death. These self-chosen Emperors who arbitrarily decide whether a person can speak their mind have become a scourge to the world of the living. Ratajczak's case is not only relevant to free speech in Poland but stands as yet another gross and blatant and unnecessary example of what our world has become due to the behaviour of this small group of psychopaths who will stop at nothing to force their sick agenda upon the world at large.

Until Ratajczak's private publication of a booklet that questioned the greatest lie ever foisted upon the world he was a respected historian and a family man. After he spoke his truth these rabid Talmudic hounds of hell ravaged both his family and career and then tormented and tortured him to death. And for what? For expressing his opinions and thoughts on an issue that is now becoming known to the world at large regardless of their efforts to cover it up.

The lies of the Jews, as Martin Luther eventually realized, are relentless and persistent when it comes to their satanic need to circumvent common sense and decency in order to destroy anything and anybody who stands in the way of their program for absolute control of the planet. Our collective world now faces a peril of unprecedented and palpable urgency in the form of these mega-monsters of manipulation and maliciousness who will stop at nothing to prevent the general public from realizing just how insidious and odious their evil design truly is.

Democrat: Let's have mandatory national service - (for everyone except them of course)

Vatic Note:   This is proof they intend to make the USA the military arm of the globe and nothing else, not farming, fishing, or advanced technology or anything, except war and more war, perpetual war (Orwellean as all get out).   We get to die and be maimed for the New World Order.  

Putting this up to show you just how clever they are at manipulating us enmass.   This is a "scare"  tactic with a bit of "guilt" manipulation thrown in, and this site is notorious for zionists positions and propoganda to aid in their promoting Israel's agenda through the alternative  press.  WND on the right, and Alternet News on the Left,  very clever indeed.  Notice not a word by the author of the Bill about the wealthy's kids or the congress's kids to serve or themselves to do so.   Yet they tried to say we needed to serve since we have the benefits that come with defending this nation.  He neglect to mention they have been rapidly and largely gutted so we enjoy no such thing anymore.   Amazing gall.  Really, but brilliant.  Here is the message to you with this bill....... "YOU SHUT UP ABOUT THE WAR AND EVERYTHING ELSE, OR WE WILL DRAG YOU IN, ALL OF YOU TO DIE AND BE EXPERIMENTED ON JUST LIKE YOUR KIDS".  That is the message.  Well, I have a message for you Mr. Rangle.... it includes a select prominant  finger.  Fortunately the bill  has no co sponsor yet, probably until after the election.  Don't be fooled, do not vote for anyone from either  party. 

Democrat: Let's have mandatory national service

Measure orders U.S. citizens to perform duties under Obama for 2 years
Posted: July 27, 2010
8:51 pm Eastern
By Chelsea Schilling
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

A bill introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., would reinstate a compulsory military draft during wartime and require U.S. citizens not selected for military duty to perform a "national-service obligation" – as defined by President Obama – for a minimum of two years.

Rangel introduced the Universal National Service Act,  or H.R. 5741, on July 15. The measure was referred to the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Personnel on July 23.

Rangel introduced similar bills in 2003, 2006 and 2007. His current bill does not have a co-sponsor.

Hackers shut down EU carbon-trading website

Vatic Note:   Lets see,  this is the old CAT  (Cap and Trade bill) that the original fraudulant Global Warming scam was hauled out to promote, if I am not mistaken, correct?  CAT is an unusual acronym for the elite to be using, since that is who is orchestrating this wage (wealth) confiscation program.  Now that we have confirmed the deeply embedded Luciferian occult domination in all that the elite players do within this agenda of global Fascism, it has become imperative to search out and identify the symbolisms with all that they do with respect to the elements of their agenda.   So, I checked out the meaning of CAT in the luciferian religion and by golly I found it, not surprising at all, but rather reaffirming that this is something we should do with respect to all their symbolic acts.    It may seem I am side stepping here, but I am not.  CAT in luciferian is "Lucifer" and the "scream of a cat", to the luciferians,  is the scream of Lucifer .  What is anticipated globally once the Cap and Trade tax is passed???? SCREAMS OF BLOODY MURDER, and all that energy goes to Lucifer.  Its interesting that hackers were able to prevent any of this from happening in Copenhagen last year, until the Gulf fiasco occurred.   I guess those screams and ABJECT fear from the Gulf were the replacement and it worked.  Its in the protocols,  that fear and limbic brain reactions we have are what feeds the monster.  OK, to "know" something is horrible, but its another to deal with it in fear and allow it to be fed daily. So  this below is the hackers latest attack against the CAT. 

Hackers shut down EU carbon-trading website
Hackers hijacked Europe's carbon-trading website and replaced it with spoof page detailing flaws in cap and trade scheme
Leigh Phillips, Monday 26 July 2010 16.27 BST

Hackers hijacked the EU carbon trading website and replaced it with a spoof page revealing the flaws in cap and trade. Photograph: Guardian

Anti-carbon trading activists shut down the website of the European Climate Exchange (ECX), over the weekend, replacing the site with a spoof page lampooning the industry.

UPDATE: ALERT: FEMA Requests Removal of National Level Exercise 2010 (NLE 10) Document (Nuke war games)

Update:  Alert:  “National Level Exercise 2010 (NLE 10) Exercise Overview, Provided to Vatic Project by Michael Strachner,  Kentucky, Thanks Michael.  August 1, 2010

The original article is a link below published back in early April 2010.   AT that time, it seemed to resolve itself and now its back again and this time, it appears whatever the issue is, its going to affect us, therefore its now classified.  well, here is the up date for your information,  make good use of it in alerting others as well as planning now.  

Go here to read the original as the same request was put out in April.   Here is the most recent and extensive update from the same blog that was requested to move it the first time around.   Check out what he says about the back tracking they did and where the mirror site is located,  PANAMA (must be drug running central).   The blog site involved who is disclosing all this was located in the Netherlands and thus has no connection to any mirror site in Panama.  ODD.  Somebody want to explain to us what a mirror site is and how it works  and why anyone would use it????  Its gettng Hitler weird out there boys and girls. 

Home » Threats and Takedown Notices

FEMA Requests Removal of “Classified” Document from Public Intelligence  (Again????) 
by Public Intelligence
30 July 2010
In a rather bizaare turn of events, representatives of FEMA have again contacted us requesting the removal of a document from our site. Previously, we were contacted by FEMA regarding the “National Level Exercise 2010 (NLE 10) Exercise Overview” which we had posted more than seven months prior. This time they are requesting that we remove one of the first documents that we ever posted in May 2009. The document is a brief presentation discussing Electronic Designation and Validation of Federal/Emergency Response Officials (F/EROs) in support of National Preparedness in the National Capital Region. In fact, it has only 25 slides in its entirety.               

According to Karmell Wilson, a FEMA contractor employed by Unified Industries Incorporated, this document contains information that has now “become classified”. We do not know what this means because, as we explain in our email to Mr. Wilson, classification is ostensibly based on inherent qualities of information which prohibit their disclosure. The idea of classifying material that is already public is counter-intuitive and rather nonsensical. In fact, President Obama’s December 29, 2009 Executive Order on Classified National Security Information seems to indicate that classification following public disclosure is only recommendable in unusual circumstances when the information can be recovered with little notice. Also, we are unclear about why something that has been publicly available for more than a year would need to be classified. In fact, the same document is available elsewhere and even in Google Docs. We have discovered that we are also unknowingly hosting multiple versions of the file, one of which has more information in it. Moreover, the URL listed in FEMA’s email is of an independent mirror site ( which is located in Panama. This site ( is located in the Netherlands.