


Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Monday, 2-Aug-2010 08:03:45


The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, by Bill Moyers

 The Bill Moyers Educational Documentary on the Central Intelligence Agency or CI-Ltd aka CIA stirrs the age old questions of the CIA involvement in JFK's Assassination and issues brought to light by Jim Garrison at that time which were later incorporated into the movie JFK which is pretty much 'on target'..

About Kennedy, John F. - 35th President. 20 January 1961 to 22 November 1963

The State of the Nation changed drastically when a young man i.e., John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President of the United States signed an executive order to keep the United States out of Viet Nam.. a war the French had fought for years and could not win. JFK said:

"Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans." John F. Kennedy Inagurual Address, January 20, 1961.

Upon JFK's Assassination.. the disposition of the White House changed.. Lyndon Johnson voided the JFK Ex. Ord.. instructed the CIA to go full bore into the Laos-Cambodia-Viet Nam War. Most don't know about the OIL BEARING SAND DOMES involved.

The JFK assassination was investigated by a District Attorney by the name of Jim Garrison. JUST WHO WAS JIM GARRISON?

Earling Carothers "Jim" Garrison (November 20, 1921 – October 21, 1992) — who changed his first name to Jim in the early 1960s — was the District Attorney of Orleans Parish, Louisiana from 1962 to 1973. A member of the Democratic Party, he is best known for his investigations into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (JFK).

Garrison remains a controversial figure. Opinions differ as to whether he uncovered a conspiracy behind the John F. Kennedy assassination but was blocked from successful prosecution by a federal government cover up, whether he bungled his chance to uncover a conspiracy, or whether the entire case was an unproductive waste of resources.  

Who is the CIA and what is their lawful function? When were they authorized to dismantle and assimilate the OSS? The Public has been told and led to believe over the years the CIA was formed by President Harry S. Truman who formed this "private-civilian intelligence agency".. It appears that is another 'myth'.. lets take a look at this SPEciaL Group, to wit;


The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a civilian intelligence agency of the United States government responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior United States policymakers. The CIA also engages in covert activities at the request of the President of the United States of America.[5]

It is the successor of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) formed during World War II to coordinate espionage activities behind enemy lines for the branches of the United States military. The National Security Act of 1947 established the CIA, affording it "no police or law enforcement functions, either at home or abroad". One year later, this mandate was expanded to include[clarification needed] "sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures...subversion [and] assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrillas and refugee liberation movements, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements in threatened countries of the free world".[6][7]

The CIA's primary function is to collect information about foreign governments, corporations, and individuals, and to advise public policymakers. The agency conducts covert operations and paramilitary actions, and exerts foreign political influence through its Special Activities Division. The CIA and its responsibilities changed markedly in 2004. Before December 2004, the CIA was the main intelligence organization of the US government; it coordinated and oversaw not only its own activities but also the activities of the US Intelligence Community (IC) as a whole. The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 created the office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), which took over some of the government and IC-wide functions. The DNI manages the IC and therefore the intelligence cycle. The functions that moved to the DNI included the preparation of estimates of the consolidated opinion of the 16 IC agencies, and the preparation of briefings for the President of the United States.

Today, the CIA still has a number of functions in common with other countries' intelligence agencies; see Relationships with foreign intelligence agencies. The CIA's headquarters is in Langley in McLean, unincorporated Fairfax County, Virginia,[8] a few miles west of Washington, D.C. along the Potomac River.

Sometimes, the CIA is referred to euphemistically in government and military parlance as Other Government Agencies (OGA), particularly when its operations in a particular area are an open secret.[9][10] Other terms include The Company,[11][12][13][14] and The Agency. continues at source:

A must read on the Kennedy Assassination: "Smoke" on the Grassy Knoll. By Jerry Organ

Under the "Color of Law" while citing National Security .. this SECRET GOVERNMENT of the United States has brought SHAME to this Nation.. accompanied by DISGRACE which is to extensive to even contemplate. They did it through DRUG and MONEY LAUNDERING OPERATIONS facilitating A TROJAN HORSE DEEP INSIDE THE U.S. GOVERNMENT..

America faces a danger far more dangerous than any attack on Pearl Harbor.. America is being attacked from within by MANCHURIAN CANNIDATES.. believed to be former U.S. Military Personnel prisoners of war programed psy-op operatives who have become members of our Executive Branch, U.S. House and Senate Members, even our Judiciary. It is believed these individuals are easily recognized.. instead of 'doing the business of We the People' the business of "overthrowing the Constitution-Supreme Law of the Land of the Republics of the Union of the States of the United States of America."

As our minds are 'drawn' towards this UnConstitutional "Health Care Bill".. we are being attacked deep within the FINANCIAL AND MONETARY SYSTEM of this Nation attempting to DESTROY the US DOLLAR ..

There is a difference between the Constitutinal U.S. Dollar.. and the Federal Reserve Bank Note.. the "pretender"..

Those in Offices of Public Trust.. don't know the difference, and really DO NOT WANT TO KNOW the difference. They have been programed to DESTROY this nation from 'within' as USSR President, Nikita Kruschev shouted at U.S. President, John F. Kennedy.

Against all Law.. Presidential "CIA assassination squads"..

3/11/09: Hersh: 'Executive assassination ring' reported directly to Cheney .
Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh dropped a bombshell on Tuesday when he told an audience at the University of Minnesota that the military was running an "executive assassination ring" throughout the Bush years which reported directly to former Vice President Dick Cheney.

The remark came out seemingly inadvertently when Hersh was asked by the moderator of a public discussion of "America's Constitutional Crisis" whether abuses of executive power, like those which occurred under Richard Nixon, continue to this day. article source:

Dick Morris: Bill Clinton Personally Orchestrated the 1993 Waco, Texas Tragedy
Submitted by Neotheone on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 11:52
in Daily Paul Liberty Forum

It looks like somebody is going to have to update the Waco Siege page on Wikipedia. Apparently the whitewashed history that former President Bill Clinton would like us to believe regarding the 1993 federal assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, is missing important details regarding his own personal involvement.

In response to Bill Clinton’s highly publicized linking of the Tea Party movement to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing in an op-ed piece for the New York Times, former Clinton adviser Dick Morris disclosed on Monday that it was Clinton himself, and not Attorney General Janet Reno, as Americans have been led to believe for the past 17 years, who called the shots during the 1993 botched invasion that led to the death of seventy-six people.

Speaking on the Hannity program on the Fox News Network, Morris criticized Clinton for his Oklahoma City comments: “Let’s understand what was Timothy McVeigh’s motivation ... he himself had said that it was the reaction to the Waco takeover. Bill Clinton orchestrated that takeover.”

Morris went on to say, “Clinton in fact was so ashamed about what he did in Waco that he was not going to appoint Janet Reno to a second four-year term. She told him in a meeting right before the inauguration day ... ‘If you don’t appoint me I’m going to tell the truth about Waco.’ And that forced Clinton’s hand ... It’s never been said (publicly) before.”


Step by step this UnAmerican Activity of those in Public Office creating horrific incidents by murdering innocents designed to create BOOGIE MEN which gives the mistaken allusion of TERRORISM designed to destroy the Civil Laws of the States of the Union, allowing FEDERAL LAWS ON TERRORISM to be implemented, then further implemented in a steady progression such as THE PATRIOT ACT(S) designed to "overthrow" the Sovereign Civil Governments of the States of the Union, to further stir Civil Unrest.

The National Security Act of 1947 was designed to protect the States of the Union.. not to overthrow or create ongoing never ending wars creating a financial burden on the American People of the States of the Union.

Read it yourselves.

NEW: NATIONAL SECURITY ACT OF 1947 (views: 5);read=179784
watcher51445 -- Sunday, 1-Aug-2010 10:42:04

We recently lost Investigative Reporter Christopher Story... Christopher Story EU corruption:

Read this.. 80% of the Euro underwritten with illegal "securitization"...

READ WHAT BIS HAS TO SAY...;read=179744 : Gold in BIS swaps said to have come from looted bank customers' deposits
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Saturday, 31-Jul-2010 18:24:49 GOLD ANTI-TRUST ACTION COMMITTEE

Gold in BIS swaps said to have come from looted bank customers' deposits
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2010-07-30 23:57. Section: Daily Dispatches
8:07p ET Friday, July 30, 2010

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

If you want to believe the Financial Times, the 346 tonnes of gold swaps recently undertaken surreptitiously by the Bank for International Settlements were a matter of the BIS' requiring three of the world's biggest banks to pledge gold as collateral against U.S. dollar deposits placed with them by the BIS so the BIS could earn a little interest. According to the FT, the banks also needed to raise cash and so were glad to obtain it by collateralizing the BIS' deposits with gold.

The FT's latest account of the transaction, published Thursday and appended here, is surely the account the BIS would like the world to settle for as curiosity about the swaps is increasing and raising concerns about the grotesque unaccountability of central banks. And as the mouthpiece of the financial establishment, the FT surely was only too happly to convey this unofficial official story. But it's a doubtful story and raises questions of its own.

For why would the BIS deposit money with banks considered so shaky that they would have to be required to pledge gold to secure the deposits? Wouldn't U.S., British, German, or French government bonds provide sufficient income and security for the BIS' funds? The BIS' annual report suggests that the bank already holds such bonds:

By depositing money at the three banks -- HSBC, Societe Generale, and BNP Paribas -- according to the FT -- was the BIS really hoping to earn get premium yields from the great business those banks have done lending on condominiums in Florida, Nice, and Madrid?

And remarkably, according to the FT the gold obtained by the BIS as collateral from the three banks didn't really belong to the banks at all. Rather, as the GATA Dispatch suggested sarcastically three weeks ago (, the gold was essentially looted from the three banks' own gold depositors.

The FT reports: "The gold used in the swaps came mainly from investors' deposit accounts at the European commercial banks. Some investors prefer to deposit their gold in so-called 'allocated accounts,' which restrict the custodian banks' ability to use the gold in their market operations by assigning them specific bullion bars. But other investors prefer cheaper 'unallocated accounts,' which give banks access to their bullion for their day-to-day operations."

At least this part of the FT's story has the ring of truth and confirms what, among others, GATA board member Adrian Douglas and GATA consultant James Turk, founder of GoldMoney, have been warning for some time: that if you own "unallocated gold," you don't really own gold at all but have only a tenuous claim against a counterparty that likely is working against you from the start. In the case of the BIS gold swaps, the tenuous claim is against financial institutions the BIS considers so unreliable that it won't loan them money unless they turn over their customers' gold as security, thereby proving their unreliability.

The FT story doesn't address what is to become of the collateralized gold just transferred to the BIS, but the section of the BIS' annual report cited at the link above shows that the BIS is constantly trading gold and gold futures and options, just as the journalist Edward Jay Epstein reported in his long profile of the BIS published in Harper's magazine in November 1983. (See So odds are that the gold purchased from or supposedly kept at those commercial banks by gold investors is now being used by the international banking system to suppress gold's price against the interest of the investors who think they own it.

The FT's story is headlined "BIS Gold Swaps Mystery Is Unravelled." The BIS can only hope that people will think so, and the FT can only hope that its story will get people to stop pestering it and other financial news organizations to do some serious, documented, on-the-record journalism instead of playing along with this manipulative, confidential source-based disinformation.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer

Gold Anti-Trust Action Commtitee Inc.

* * *
BIS Gold Swaps Mystery Is Unravelled
By Jack Farchy and Javier Blas in London
Financial Times, London
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Three big banks -- HSBC, Societe Generale, and BNP Paribas -- were among more than 10 based in Europe that swapped gold with the Bank for International Settlements in a series of unusual deals that caused confusion in the gold market and left traders scratching their heads.

The mystery of who was involved in deals with the BIS, the bank for central banks, and what they were doing, has become clearer.

The Financial Times has learnt that the swaps, which were initiated by the BIS, came as the so-called "central banks' bank" sought to obtain a return on its huge US dollar-denominated holdings. The BIS asked the commercial banks to pledge a gold swap as guarantee for the dollar deposits they were taking from the Basel-based institution.

When news of the swaps, which were disclosed in a note to the BIS's latest annual report, circulated among traders this month, it caused a sharp fall in the gold price, sending bullion to what was then six-week lows. Gold has since fallen further: It was trading at $1,164 an ounce on Thursday.

Some analysts speculated that the swap deals were a surreptitious bailout of the European banking system ahead of last week's publication of stress tests. But bankers and officials have described the transactions as "mutually beneficial."

"The client approached us with the idea of buying some gold with the option to sell it back," said one European banker, referring to the BIS.

Another banker said: "From time to time, central banks or the BIS want to optimise the return on their currency holdings."

Nonetheless, two central bank officials said some of the commercial banks also needed the US dollar funding and were keen to act as a counterparty with the BIS. The gold swaps began in December and surged in January, when the Greek debt crisis erupted and European commercial banks were facing funding problems.

Jaime Caruana, head of the BIS, told the FT the swaps were "regular commercial activities" for the bank.

In a short note in its annual report, published at the end of June, the BIS said it had taken 346 tonnes of gold in exchange for foreign currency in "swap operations" in the financial year to March 31.

In the same fiscal year, the BIS took three times the amount of currency deposits it had taken the previous year as central banks around the world became concerned about using commercial banks for their deposits and turned to the Basel institution.

In a gold swap, one counterparty, in this case a bank, sells its gold to the other, in this case the BIS, with an agreement to buy it back at a later date.

The gold swaps were, in effect, a form of collateral against the US dollar deposits placed by the BIS with commercial banks. Gold is widely regarded as one of the safest assets, but has not been widely used as collateral in the past. Mr Caruana described the transactions as "loans with a guarantee."

Investors have bought physical gold in record amounts during the past two years and deposited it in commercial banks. European financial institutions are awash with bullion and some are trying to pledge gold as a guarantee.

George Milling-Stanley, managing director for government affairs at the industry-backed World Gold Council, said: "The gold swaps commercial banks carried out with the BIS demonstrate the effectiveness of gold as an asset class, because even in the depths of the worst liquidity crisis in living memory, institutions with access to gold were able to make use of it to generate dollar liquidity. The issue also feeds right into the current debate among Asian central banks about the lack of assets suitable for use as cross-border collateral."

Last year, CME Group, the world's largest derivatives exchange, allowed investors to use gold futures as collateral for some operations. Other institutions, such as central banks, had begun using and requesting gold as collateral in the past two years as perceptions of counterparty risk have risen, bankers and officials said.

The gold used in the swaps came mainly from investors' deposit accounts at the European commercial banks. Some investors prefer to deposit their gold in so-called "allocated accounts," which restrict the custodian banks' ability to use the gold in their market operations by assigning them specific bullion bars. But other investors prefer cheaper "unallocated accounts," which give banks access to their bullion for their day-to-day operations.

Officials said other commercial banks obtained the gold from the lending market, borrowing bullion from emerging countries' central banks.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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