

The Luciferian Report: Shedding a little light on the darkest of dark

Vatic Note:  This is the very best write up I have found, with much of it confirmed by previous blogs we have done, but put into a much more comprehensive "BIGGER PICTURE" than we had previously had.  Below, they make the distinction that they are talking about the Ashkenazi Jews, which are the Khazarians, so keep that in mind as that also fits with our findings.

These AShkenazi Jews are not of the 12 tribes of Israel which are Gods' chosen according to the Bible.  These are Khazars and are pagans and Satanists, and edomites and the real Jews are Torah practicing Jews of the 12 tribes, centered around the Old Testament with the same sages and prophits believed in by Christians.What you are about to read below is about these edomites, or ashkenazi's, and not real Jews of the Bible.

In Israel they have a town called "Ashkenazi" that was not there before the khazars took over Israel and they have a General called "Ashkenazi", so they are very proud of that heritage while continuing to use the real Jews as front and cover for their pagan/satanic practices and worship.  The  Babylonian Talmud has been revised to reflect more their pagan practices than was there before.

This below covers the entire child sex slave trade and ritual abuse of children and dovetails into the blog we did on Senator Georgia Schaffer who was investigating Child protective services in her state and their pimping practices to higher up officials.

She was murdered after her 4 part interview with Alex Jones and her expansion of the investigation from state to national and finally international, that is when they did her and her husband.  For a good background on this, visit this blog and then read the rest of this below.  As I said, Jim Stone does another outstanding job on this issue, just like he did on Fukishima.

Where ever you see the term, "Jew" in this write up, substitute the term of either Edomite, or Khazar and Zionists. 

Shedding a little light on the darkest of dark
by Jim Stone, Freelance Reporter

Here is the Luciferian Report

The following report is so damning that I must first state that I am not anti-semitic.
As proof that I have profound respect for GOOD JEWS, just look at what's at the top of my site. is owned by a VERY GOOD JEW. Not really a practicing one, but then again, when did most of us last go to church?


Here is my favorite Jew, talking about the evils of the bad ones. BELIEVE ME, if you think ALL jews are bad, you need an education!

And what about Henry Makow? He's Jewish and top linked. So now that that's out of the way, I will continue . . . . .

This is a pre-release of this report. It WILL be updated, even after getting bumped from the front page.
Though virtually all Ashkenazi Jews practice a form of luciferianism, involving child sacrifice, denial of the day of judgement, and the Kol Nidre prayer, in which they vow that nothing they say or promise is to be followed through on, and an enormous percentage of the Sephardic Jews are similar, luciferianism is not distinctly a Jewish problem.

What I will say in this report may surprise many people, but I have a hunch that a few readers will have a knowledge of certain aspects of this report already. This has been a major study of mine throughout the years, and I believe that once I am finished publishing all the segments of the Jewish report there will not likely be a better cache of info regarding this subject anywhere on the web.

My first experience with someone involved in luciferianism was with a Mormon girl (believe me, Mormons are NOT normally into this) who's parents forced her to take part in sacrificial rituals where people were killed. With this particular group, they would find a homeless individual, and murder that individual on Halloween.

She was deeply scarred by having to take part in this, was very withdrawn, and even in her 30's had a very difficult time coping. She eventually got over it enough to get married, and I have not seen her for years. What I noticed most about her was that she seemed to be a very soft spirited woman, who despite being very attractive would always avoid conversations with people, and you could tell that she was deeply scarred.

My next brush with luciferianism was with an employee who worked on the bench beside me in a computer repair center I owned in the early 90's. He told me a LOT of things, but the two things that really got to me was the stories about the ouija board he and a few of his friends made, which even after being burned and visibly consumed in a fire, was in perfect shape on the front steps of the individual it wanted most when they returned to their homes.
He told me about doing a dance around a fire, where fire demons would jump out and dance with the people. There was a certain thing about this - I knew he was not lying. And it all makes sense - If god is real, and good is real, then demons are real and evil is real, there is no reason for any of this to be false.
So this stands as emperical proof that luciferianism is NOT a distinctly Jewish issue. But that's where I am going next.

It seems as if Judaism is the only religion which has institutionalized the key aspects of luciferianism. I learned a LOT when I was with the Jews, a LOT they never knew I realized. For example;  There was a constant pervasive attitude of the NOW. Time after time I was told and saw the attitued that if it feels good, DO IT.

I would ask, well, what about forgiveness, and REPEATEDLY I was told that there is no such thing, and that there will be no day of judgement. I was told that whatever you die with, whatever wealth you had, whatever you accomplished in this life was yours in the hereafter and it mattered not how you got it. This was, of course, after I got their trust.

The Jews equate wealth with holiness. They idolize Bill Gates, and the Rothchilds are virtually Gods. If you happen to be poor, they perceive this as God looking down on you as someone who is not good enough to have wealth and use it correctly, the poorer you are the less you are as an individual. When I brought up the subjects of Bill Gates and his anti-fertility vaccines, they said that if Bill Gates was doing it, it was holy, because God gave him the money to do it and therefore he is righteous enough to spend the money as God intended.
I then changed the subject to how Bill Gates (a jew (VN: khazar)) stole EVERYTHING, he stole Dos from IBM (and was later forced to settle that by writing OS2 for IBM,) He infiltrated and stole everything from WordPerfect, he directly stole the Lotus Spreadsheet and released it as Access, He stole Stacker from Stac electronics outright; - get a load of this!

Back in the day, hard disk space was valuable, and anything that could be done to optimize it was priceless. Stack electronics had a product called Stacker, that compressed data on the hard disk so at least twice as much would fit. Naturally, Stacker was not a cheap program, but it really paid to buy it because hard disks cost so much.

Well, I had that computer center. And on the day Dos 6.0 came out, a customer dragged his PC in, I put it on the bench, and he wanted EVERYTHING wiped off the disk and Dos 6.0 put on it, because Dos 6.0 "encorporated disk compression into the operating system".

I watched the install screens go by, and they bragged about how this new feature could be implemented, just type dblspace at the command prompt immediately after install. Well I did that, and you know what happened? The screen said STACKER, BY STAK ELECTRONICS for about a second, went to a Microsoft screen and the hard disk compression started.

That distro of Dos was recalled IMMEDIATELY and within a week Microsoft released dos 6.1, and the only difference was that screen did not come up. I told these things to the Jews I was with, and they said, God let Bill Gates get away with all that and become a great man because he was more holy than the people he took the code from and we admire him for it.

So, the Jews admire theft, when it is profitable. That's pure evil, and a definite aspect of luciferianism. Evil is so often entrenched in Jewish culture and practice that it goes totally un noticed as anything out of the ordinary.

I saw them implement the most perfect form of brain numbing lie. For example, it is a known fact that three Jewish women started the National Organization of Women, which is the deepest root of the Feminist movement, yet when you talk about feminism with the Jews, from within their own ranks, they deny it exists. This is called closing the loop.

The loop is - to implement a change in a group you wish to destroy, FIRST you start a movement. Then you re-enforce the movement. Then you write laws that make the change official policy. Once the desired destruction has taken place, you deny that it ever happened, and the new condition, the destroyed condition, is enforced as the new norm. The term that started the loop is cut off, and never allowed to be discussed, for by re-opening the loop you stand the chance of weakening the change you wished for to begin with. That is the epitome of evil, the deepest lie.

On to child sacrifice

This has many aspects to it. Though it is true that the Jews own the social system lock stock and barrel, by this I mean the Foster Care system, they don't always use children they steal through child protective services in their sacrificial rituals. That's a loaded statement, but I HAVE PROOF. First the empirical evidence, because that's more interesting to work with.

Ever wonder why when a mother gives up her baby she has to sign that she will never ask for or make contact with that child ever again? Any attempt to locate the child she gave up can land her in prison as a stalker or predator. To sensible people this is a flawed logic, after all she gave birth to the baby, she should be allowed to check up on it, RIGHT?

Well, not from the luciferian Jewish perspective, you see; Young children and babies are FREQUENTLY used in religious sacrificial rituals, and many more get sold into the sex slave business, all at the behest of the luciferian Jew. You cannot have a mother checking up on a dead baby or a child that has been sold into slavery, so any effort by the mother to do it must be severely punished.

Child protective services is the largest slave grabbing entity in the world, and America, through ignorance, lets them get away with it because we ignore EVERYTHING with blind trust that the government is basically good. Think again.

Big statements like this need more than emperical proof, and here it is. Ever heard of Dyncorp? That is one Jewish owned entity that got busted trafficking children and selling them in the international slave trade, which was fed children entirely by "child protective services".

This report, by a very concerned woman who sat down and gathered the stats, puts the exact prices child protective services receives for children they snatch in various states and jurisdictions. Big prices, and an enormous incentive to steal as many children as possible. Dyncorp got a wrist slap, and remains happily in business. Par for the course in a nation full of Luciferian Jewish judges.

I will add however, that it is the fringe luciferian groups that use the majority of stolen children in their sacrificial rituals. The Luciferian Jews are far more likely to use their own for sacrifices, and sell the most desirable non jewish children they snatch as sex slaves - This linked report covers another aspect, of this - and the less desirable ones go to other purposes.

There is an aspect of sacrificing precious things, dearest to you, to please Satan, that works a LOT better than just killing a child from someone else. In this video, a Jewish woman appears on the Oprah show in the early 80's (fat chance this would get aired today) and spills her guts about what the Jewish community does.

To hide a pregnancy, a Jewish woman will re-locate to another area while pregnant. This prevents non-jewish co-workers and acquaintances from asking her where the baby went. She has the baby, and returns with it in secret.

The Jewish family will then bond with the baby in secret, and love it. Once they have the love, they murder it in a sacrifical ritual to please satan, to prove to Satan that he is more precious to them than even their most beloved and there is one main motive - so Satan will support them, and give them power over the rest of us

Of course, disposal of the body can be an issue, and sometimes they screw up.
Michael Merritt, who was born a Rothchild and turned his back on the evil when confronted to murder a child in a ritual, is another well known witness to this Jewish practice.

The Askenazi HATE IT when you say the word Satan, Devil, and other variants. They deny such an entity exists, and that there is only their God, Hashem. They consider the word Satan to be an insult, a form of dis-respect. I encountered this numerous times with them, where they would flatly deny there was such a thing as "SATAN".

I have concluded then, that their god is indeed what we refer to as the devil. If that was not so, they would not get offended by the words devil and satan, which are derogratory, even to us. And I have to express with clarity the fact that this was not just the case in one synagogue. I visited several, and it was true of all of them.


Luciferian power mongers have a rather distinct blood lust, and war is an outward sign of it. The most preferable wars are ones in which two groups who previously had nothing against each other, are whipped up into a fury by a storm of lies produced in the luciferian press, and if necessary kicked into high gear with a false flag attack.

911 was a prime example, in which a nation (Israel) produced a horrible disaster, and then pointed the finger for it at a bunch of goat herders who said NO to an oil pipeline which was to originate in the Caspian region and cross their territory.

In the perfect form of evil, any war, which kills millions and is based on a lie, is a good war. What could satisfy Satan more than having millions of people kill each other for absolutely no reason, other than a lie?

Alas, that was not enough to satisfy the blood lust, so another war against Iraq was whipped up on false pretenses, and left that nation in ruin as well. Of course, the press (well known as a lie machine) played Saddam up as a tyrant, but I distinctly remember talking to Iraquis who had no idea Saddam was bad at all, and were "thankful" the American "free press" alerted to them of Saddam's evil upon arriving in the U.S. Prior to arriving in America, they never knew Saddam did anything wrong.

Well, Saddam did not. He was EXCELLENT with the oil money and aid money, and distributed it to the people. His prison populations were 1/20th the size of America's per capita, and his nation executed fewer than 20 people per year.

Contrast that with the state of Texas, which has a much smaller population than Iraq. Alas, the truth never got out about how the UN begged America NOT to wipe out Saddam, because Saddam managed to get a welfare distribution system in place that was more efficient than any other in the world, and the U.N. wanted the records and methods Saddam put in place to streamline the UN's own relief efforts.

America (VN:  Foreign Israeli occupied America)  ended up being HORRIBLE in Iraq. The soldiers went on killing sprees for no reason at all and uploaded the fun to the web, where many witnessed it. (you may have to open this video after it comes in, not all computers auto start it) Unfortunately almost ALL the nasty ones got pulled off youtube post haste but I did manage to get my hands on a couple of the well known ones a couple years ago and as it is, I have to locally host some videos because they are quickly pulled from youtube.

SO two devastating wars took place in the last 10 years alone, both based on deception and lies. And that's not even mentioning Israel's behavior in Palestine.
In Iraq especially, the horrors will continue on for millenia, because America used depleted uranium from it's nuclear program as the main projectile in Iraq, for both light and heavy arms.

Though depleted uranium is not a gamma emitter, it is a beta and alpha emitter and once ingested those types of radiation are far more damaging to DNA than gamma. All the better for the luciferian clan that started it all, because generation after generation of innocents will now be cursed with genetic defects over nothing they did and THAT is the type of thing evil thrives on.

The next layer of evil in war - demoralization of the people Within 1 day of baghdad being taken by American forces, pornography and sex toy shops which never existed in Iraq to begin with, sprang up overnight. How could this happen? How on earth could a war torn nation with all imports and exports heavily scrutinized get hustler and sex toys overnighted in en masse?

And for what reason would any people, at a time when they were suffering the loss of loved ones and material assets be so interested in that anyway, when they never had it and likely were not thinking about it because there were too many other distractions and devastations?

Yet the shops did indeed spring up in a single day, and it could not have happened unless those shops were part of the war effort as well.
Demoralization of the people, breaking of the spirit and culture, and re-directing them from their normal way of life is one of the primary objectives of any unrigteous war, so these shops, which were widely reported in the press were put in place to accomplish exactly that purpose.

No doubt the trucks were loaded, prime locations sought out, the owners killed, and Israeli or CIA agents moved in the goods and set up shop the moment the bombing stopped. It's the only concievable way this could have happened, and the fact that it was so heavily pushed that it was the Iraqi people that opened them stands as clear evidence that it was simply another lie and luciferian agenda.

You cannot get acceptance of a major change in culture like that unless the people believe it originated with them, and the motto of the Israeli Mossad is "by way of deception thou shalt do war". What could possibly be more evil than killing millions and demoralizing many of the rest, based purely on deception? Satan, the King of Lies, is no doubt pleased by the Mossad and the CIA,- which is in lock step. (VN:  And remember both were created by British MI6, who always lingers in the background to these horrors they have the other two services do. The British are run by Rothschild)

The code of honor This is something I never heard of or witnessed when I was with the Jews, but emperical evidence shows it does, to a degree, exist. It seems as if all actions either get reported once, or shown to us outright before the event actually takes place. I strongly urge you to watch this video, which aired on Fox television in the month of March 2001, and preceeded the 9/11 attacks by six months. (VN:  then rent the movie "The Knowing" which was released about a year before the gulf blow out and yet the news caster on the movie was announcing the gulf blowout and showed photos of the explosions which looked exactly like the ones we saw after the explosions occurred)

It seems to me that they always provide a way for a thinking population to figure out what is coming next. And one thing I know for certain is that they always announce what they are going to do, albeit on page 43 of the Sunday paper, in the lower left hand corner of the page. That way they can say we went along with it after being told what would happen.

This report is not finished. (VN:  will provide update when it occurs.  Watch for it.)

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. Hi, when I was 17 I was dating a woman that was 23, she suffered from dissociative identity disorder (used to be Multiple personality disorder). This is usually due to severe trauma and abuse suffered in early childhood.

    She was born into a Jewish family. Her father was a satanist. I learned this when the woman I knew would transition in and out and the other personalities would take over. Stuff like this never phased me because I had been communicating with the other side of the veil since I was a little kid (but those are stories for another time).

    When she was a little girl, she was sexually abused by her father and her father's friends. She told me some of it, like being raped with unsharpened swords and knives and other pretty messed up stuff.

    Her mother eventually pretty much kidnapped her and took her to another state across the country and away from him.

    The years of damage had been done though.

    I tell this story to give a first (or more accurately second) hand illustration of at least one of the things you talked about in this very informative article.

  2. Nomad, thank you for that confirmation, its good to have personal knowledge also reflected in a expose by others. I am sorry for her. I hope she gets the help she needed to bring her back. It can be done, but its a long and tedious process. Many do not realize these khazars were only 1 of 7 cultures that worshipped the phallic symbol for centuries and this is reflected in their treatment of their own children as well as others.

    I just found out that these khazar families literally have children intentionally for the sole purpose of using them as blood sacrifice to their Gods. They actually get pregnant and send the woman away in hiding during the pregnancy and when she gives birth, comes back, they sacrifice the child, drink the blood, then bury the body, so there is no record of that child ever existing and thus no chance to arrest them for murder.

    The other children they kidnap, they use for their sexual sacrifice to satan, keep them alive and then turn or sell them to the international child sex trade. Ever wonder why, with 900,000 children missing in America alone, that we never ever see anything about that? In the past when children in those numbers went missing, we would see milk cartons with photos, posters with photos all over towns and telephone poles, but now nothing ever.

    Its a huge problem, and it will get worse if these pagan nazi's ever gain control over this country and the globe. This is the THIRD WORLD WAR WE SHOULD BE FIGHTING AGAINST THESE SICK, PERVERTED PSYCHOPATHS. BANKERS, CEO'S OF CORPORATIONS LIKE DYNACORP ETC. AND OTHERS IN LEADERSHIP POSITIONS IN GOVERNMENT.

  3. Anonymous, I am unsure what you are saying... are you saying that Satan is YHWH? If you are, then that is the fundamental basis of satanic teachings, that God is evil and Lucifer is the good guy. I am sorry, but those that believe as you outlined are the ones killing our children or sexually molesting them and turning them into child sex slave international trade. I cannot buy that at all.

    Its the satanists that are the evil ones and are destroying our globe and cultures as we speak.

  4. She has since gotten help, this was 18 years ago. She is married, has kids, and rarely has "episodes" anymore.

    I can't believe these slithery bastards actually rule the world. Though, as we round the procession of the equinox, we are at the point in the cycle where people are waking up in droves.

    There is video series on youtube called spirit science. if you have time (and I'm talking to anyone reading this) watch "the human history movie". it has a good explanation of this cycle. as well as explanations for how these beings came here and gained power.

    There are also those of us who came here at this time to, kind of amplify the signal. At the risk of sounding like a lunatic, there are various densities (or dimensions may be an easier way to think of it) that many beings of love inhabit and have come to help raise the vibration of this planet.

    Knowledge is power, and that's why the establishment is putting out so many toys to distract people from what is important. iPads, iPods, 9000 channels with absolute bullshit on, smart phones with stupid games and tv shows on them, facebook and twitter are all designed to keep us from waking up and taking back control.

    We have at our fingertips, the complete collective knowledge of mankind and most of us use it to look at pictures of funny cats and tend to our fake facebook farms.

    Wow, I just realized that this is an incredibly long rant. Thanks for listening.

  5. Nomad, thanks for these additional sources of information that we can follow up on since I believe there is nothing that reflects the serious danger we are in if these Bilderbergs, Khazar zionist bankers, Corporate CEO's, Royalty etc, ever gain control of this planet with their insane and mentally ill view of humanity and their purpose. I am trying to go down another rabbithole, that carries this a whole lot further and deeper into the world the want to make for and of us.

    Transhumanism, is a big issue for them as pointed out at the recent Bilderberg meeting with air work showing man crawling out of the primordial soup with his skin completely gone and only a machine left, some what like The Terminator series. They always tell us what they intend to do, don't they?

  6. Read the links and you will understand that the true God is one HIGHER than YHWH, and that YHWH is a lower entity that disqualifies through his cruelty. When Jesus talked about his "Father", he meant that highest creator God and not YHWH.

  7. I went back to review those links again, but originally as I began to read the first one, I realized this was just something from your mind as some sort of vision or revelation or something and that I can't take as proof of anything.

    This time I went back and read the second link and now we have a couple of places we agree, because in doing earlier research I uncovered the truth and it matches SOME OF WHAT YOU SAY.


Vatic Clerk Tips: After 7 days, all comments to an article go into the moderation queue for approval which happens at least once a day. Please be patient.

Be respectful in your comments, keeping in mind that these discussions will become the Zeitgeist of our time that future database archeologists will discover. Make your comments worthy and on the founding father's level in their respectfulness, reasoning, and sound argumentation. Prove we weren't all idiots in our day and age. Comments that advocate sedition or violence are not encouraged. Racist, ad hominem, and troll-baiting comments might never see the light of day.