

UPDATE: "Don't F*** With Our Activists", Mobilizing Against FBI Raids

Vatic Note: Well it does appear the raids in several states on anti-war activists did take place and in total violation of our constitution. So far it appears they did not take some of them into custody rather told them to appear before a grand jury, but they did take all their documents, computers, passports etc. Watch the videos below. The first one is the immediate reaction by their community in support of them, and the 2nd and 3rd are of one of the peace activists whose home was raided. It was all very strange, but what this shows is our sworn FBI people will carry out orders for the gestapo foreign occupying force controlling our country. We will try to follow this as close as possible.  They are trying to say these guys were terrorists and yet they did not bring them into jail as they would normally for anyong they truly believed was a threat.  So something stinks right there already. 

The reason the right should be upset about this is because if this goes down without any outcry by the people being "UNITED" against such actions, then the next batch to be taken down will be the militia with thier 3,000% increase in membership all over the country. WE will keep you informed as we find out more. Remember also that Minn was the state that housed the RNC convention and police used gestapo tactics there as well, so this makes sense that the governor of that state would do this total violation of rights by cooperating with the neolibs doing this. 

"Don't F*** With Our Activists"
Mobilizing Against FBI Raids
by Admin, Information Clearinghouse
Sept 25, 2010

The many faceted local peace community rallied quickly to protest and to act against the FBI search and seizure of 6 homes of peace activists and a local peace office.

Computers, cell phones, files and records, passports were among items swept up in the early morning raid. This action came a few days after the FBI's Inspector General criticized the FBI for lying to Justice Department about raids and surveillance of peace groups after 9/11.

There was a concern that the FBI motivation covered support of Palestinians and Colombian activists. Targets were ordered to report to a Chicago Grand Jury in the future. There will be continued action against the FBI actions including protests to the FBI IG, and local members of Congress. There will be a rally Monday, 9/27 in front of the Minneapolis FBI office.

Posted September 25, 2010

Twin Cities Indymedia has obtained the search warrant served at 3240 17th Avenue South today. It includes the log of items actually seized.

Guns Drawn, FBI Raids Peace Activist's Apartment

As part of a sting against anti-war activists suspected of connections to terrorism, on September 24 the FBI raided six homes in Minneapolis-St. Paul and elsewhere in the country. At the Hard Times Cafe in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, we interviewed peace activist Mick Kelly while the FBI searched his apartment above the cafe.

FBI Agents Confiscate Materials From Activist's Apartment

As part of a sting against anti-war activists suspected of connections to terrorism, on September 24 the FBI raided six homes in Minneapolis-St. Paul and elsewhere in the country. At the Hard Times Cafe in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, FBI agents hauled boxes of confiscated materials away from activist Mick Kelly's apartment.

As they  normally do, they test our reaction to these kinds of gestapo moves on the American people, and usually in anticipation of something much larger down the line.   So,  now is the time to complete your preparations for the battle coming, because this does not bode well for anyother outcome.    Its time to get good and mad.   Down right outraged is what this should be pushing us to.   OUTRAGED and commitment to stopping all of this no matter what. 

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