

American People To Congress: Shut Up And Get The Hell Out Of Office

Vatic Note:   I have to admit he is right about the unpopularity is not just because of their vote, it was definitely the glee, celebration, and laughing while the American people sat with dispair at what their legislative reps were doing to them without any compassion, regret, or reticense about having to do it.  They simply celebrated unabandonly with great joy, and I am sure it was because of the huge payoff they were going to get for committing treason against their own people they swore to protect and defend.  Well that is just another ideal thrown out the window as we have seen ever since.   And that is why they are so hated.   I remember it well as I was one of those who was shocked at the callousness of the entire demeanor of all those who voted against the peoples wishes, especially with the BAILOUT IN 2008.  The dems were minority then and did not even try to fillibuster, since that is what a fillibuster is for.  The repubs are no better, just better at hiding their glee and that is why they had not gone down as low as the dems. 

American People To Congress: Shut Up And Get The Hell Out Of Office
Paul Joseph Watson, Prison, provided to Vatic Project by Gypsy Flame,  Australia
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Americans are sending a pretty clear message to Congress members who have continually pushed hugely unpopular legislation this election year – shut up and get the hell out of office.

The recent success of Tea Party candidates hasn’t necessarily been too closely related to their actual policies – a new Gallup poll reminds us precisely why anti-incumbency fever is running rampant – people despise the government with a passion and that hatred shows no signs of abating.

The survey shows that the level of public approval for Congress – 18 per cent – is a new low for a midterm election year. A sitting Congress has never been more unpopular shortly before a midterm vote in history.

“Both the president and the Democratic-led Congress saw a sharp slide in their public approval ratings last summer, punctuated by a sharp drop in October. Their ratings subsequently leveled off, but fell slightly further this summer, and remain at the lower level today,” reports Gallup.

Increasing disgust and distrust of Congress can only be beneficial to a plethora of anti-incumbency candidates who are set to ride the wave of resistance to big government in attempting to overthrow the status quo this November.   (See video below, its worth the effort)

Tea Party candidates who are not merely vassals for the Republicans, people like Rand Paul and Sharron Angle, have found politically fertile soil in juxtaposing themselves as genuine alternatives to the Washington elite, and this can only be a good thing for America.

Widespread revulsion at Congress for repeatedly pushing legislation opposed by the majority of Americans, such as the increasingly unpopular Obamacare as well as cap and trade, have undoubtedly been the primary influence behind the slump in approval ratings for lawmakers.

But another factor must surely be the cackling arrogance with which people like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and others have figuratively slit America’s throat while smiling, sneering and laughing about it in public.

Not only have stunts like the infamous march through Capitol Hill before the health care vote, which was blatantly a huge middle finger in the face of the country, made people’s blood boil, but merely the day to day contemptuousness with which Pelosi and her gang conduct themselves seems deliberately crafted to rile the vast majority of Americans who oppose the big government agenda.

Pelosi is without a doubt one of the most loathed Speakers of the House in American history, and her conceited chutzpah came to a head when she told Americans with a straight face that lawmakers would have to pass the health care bill before Americans could find out what was in it.

That five seconds alone goes a long way to explaining the 18 per cent record low figure and perfectly encapsulates why the Tea Party candidates are kicking so much butt, while also serving as an alarm bell for how much trouble Americans are in when they have a gaggle of so-called “representatives” who are not only killing the country but cannot seem to contain their wicked pleasure in the process of doing so.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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