

Series of Articles from the US Government in Exile: Free Americans reaching out to Americas huddled masses

Vatic Note:   These series of articles sent by these Americans in exile shows and supports what we have been saying for some time now.  What is going on with the military treatment of this disaster and no expertise or aid in correcting the problem, as well as intentionally obstructing all news agences, arresting those taking pictures and massive helicopters and military in the area, is that this is preparation for war of sorts.   First the US is preparing for war on our soil, as Northcom has indicated on their site.  Then remember the article back in March, that Obama was ordering drones to be flown over Texas, for illegal immigration, which is a joke of unprecedented proportions.  lol  Because everyone in gov lies to us about what and why they are doing anything,  we are forced to speculate, but to do so with as much  information to support it as possible.  These articles below sent by these emigres add to that support.

Our speculation based on various news out today and yesterday, is that Northcom is getting ready, with the aid of the oil blow out to evacuate or at least confiscate our guns, if not incarcerate in camps those that would be the most troublesome and the south with texas certainly qualifies in that category,  so we will "be under control".  Then There is the coming World War III that we have discussed on here before, and remember Kissinger was sent by Rockefeller, I mean Obama, to "reassure Putin, that Americans will be under control by sept",  Now why did Rockefeller need to send Kissinger to do that?  Because, just like WW I,  and WW II, these World wars are fomented, choreographed, funded, planned with a winner and loser designated in advance, and executed by the international bankers WHO HAVE NO LOYALTY TO ANY COUNTRY OR NATION, ONLY TO THEIR CLASS.  What is going on as we talk about the gulf is this:
and this:   to ensure that BP's rigs are secure from the South American enemies designated in this war.   Not "protect" the American people, (depopulation agenda) rather the corporations, the  NAZI'S  ASSETS.... WE ARE FULL FLEDGE FASCIST STATE NOW.  Just like Russia was and Nazi Germany under those same international bankers who have done this now for 100 years since the creation of the Fed Reserve.  Yes, Putin is in on it as well, after all he is russian royalty.  Bet you didn't know that, he is part of the elite.  Remember no one stays in power who is not part of that international cabal.  (Ask the Polish President if you don't believe me). 

And this one where the White House "states" It is attempting to contain the populace anger over BP's oil gush.  That supports our contention that they will try to grab our guns based on the treaty obama signed.  That then gives Russia or any other country a free ride onto our land where we become as Germany did blown apart with no way to defend or protect ourselves.  This is finally beginning to make sense.  Lets not forget this one either ADD THESE ALL TOGETHER AND YOU HAVE A PERFECT STORM, PERFECTLY TIMED, AND PRESENTED BY THE BANKER OWNED PRESS, FOR OUR CONSUMPTION AND DISTRACTION HOPING WE DO NOT CONNECT THE DOTS,  SO, NOW DOES IT BEGIN TO MAKE SENSE????  ITS ABOUT STARTING THE THIRD WORLD WAR AND ENSURING THAT WE LOSE IT.  They have always picked the losesr in advance.   We are it and they will be right if we give up the guns.  End of Vatic rant.  lol  Now for the articles to add to the links we have already provided.  
Government of the USA in Exile
Free Americans Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free
Via -  these are what they have sent to warn us.  
June 9, 2010

Lock-Down on the Gulf
From a source:
"IMPORTANT!!!!!!!Hello i just got this mp3 interview with James Fox (i know what i saw en into the blue), done by the veritasshow today (this was the text that was posted with it by Mel Fabregas..)" -- a source. June 8, 2010.

["A few minutes ago, I conducted a short interview with documentary filmmaker, James Fox. He is presently in Grand Isle, Louisiana. The closest location to the Gulf oil spill. Before I spoke to James I received a few unsubstantiated reports that I put on the side.

What I'm about to share with you is extremely important. There is an absolute MEDIA BLACKOUT in the area. People are being arrested everywhere. Hotels in a 70-mile radius are completely sold out, yet, you don't see any vans or reporters filming. It's as if the entire area was under siege.

James Fox has witnessed this and he basically just arrived. He says he saw multiple Chevron helicopters flying. He has not seen any military activity. It's as if the oil companies had taken over. James expected to rent a plane to fly over it and that is not possible. The area above the oil spill is now a NO-FLY-ZONE. He will be there for two weeks.

I am issuing this bulletin because James Fox's name needs to be out in the public, as there is a possibility that he will be arrested. I have plans to talk to the Grand Isle's Police Department to get further clarification regarding these arrests, since James people don't even know who is conducting these arrests. James had the opportunity to talk to the son of one of the cleanup workers (former fisherman) and he told him no one is talking. He did say that no one is being told the extent of this disaster. It is much bigger than what is being reported.

The government is NOT IN CONTROL. The ones exercising all influence are the oil companies. Where is our FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT? I will be posting my interview with James at the forum shortly. When I called him I wanted to remain optimistic and felt people were exaggerating or simply fear mongering. After my conversation with James I can categorically say that my level of concern has risen to unprecedented levels and now I'm putting more credence to the reports I'm receiving.] -- Mel Fabregas reporting

CLICK HERE for the mp3 (18min long) feel free to post it, this info has to be out in the open."

Posted here to support James Fox's request to put this info out there. MP3 coming shortly.. or go to Mel Fabregas's site.
June 3
Evacution Planned for Tampa Bay, Florida?

It's not completely clear yet but the following items are coming through from sources:

1. News articles on possible evacuation of Tampa Bay (plans) - This is interesting since before the spill, someone sent me google maps views of UN vans sitting on a hidden airstrip in Florida... rows and rows of white vans just sitting there.... maybe 4000. What did they know and when did they know it?

2. Just received this: from a source UNCONFIRMED.: [..."via ________ a mate: I listened to a Louisiana radio broadcast this morning, with professional service personnel and they were saying that several, police, and home guard had resigned packed up their families and headed north as they had received planning instructions that on a date between the 15th and 20th of June there are mass evacuations of all ... UN people transporter vehicles in total 100's of thousands, I've seen the google sat shots it's real. Just don't go."] --- Unconfirmed.

Myself and at least two other people I know were having EQ symptoms and for myself, a feeling I can best describe as seasickness on land... things are better today.

June 9, 2010
Medea Benjamin 415 235 6517
Dana Balicki 202 422 8624

Distraught Gulf Shrimper Arrested for Pouring Oil on Herself in Senate Energy Hearing Protesting Senator Murkowski's Refusal to Make BP Pay

WASHINGTON - June 9 - Diane Wilson, a fourth generation shrimper from the Gulf, poured oil on herself at today's Senate Energy Committee hearing to protest Senator Lisa Murkowski's refusal to make BP pay for the disaster that has devastating Wilson's shrimping community. Republican Lisa Murkowski, ranking member of the Senate Energy Committee, blocked the bill that would have lifted the oil companies' liability cap (the Big Oil Bailout Prevention Act). Wilson was removed from the hearing and arrested.

Wilson traveled from Texas, where her livelihood and those of her fellow shrimpers has been ruined. She had this to say, "My name is Diane Wilson. I am a fourth generation shrimper from the Gulf. With this BP disaster, I am seeing the destruction of my community and I am outraged. I am also seeing elected representatives like Senator Lisa Murkowski blocking BP from being legally responsible to pay for this catastrophe. She stopped the Big Oil Bailout Prevention Act and wants to keep the liability cap at a pitiful $75 million. This is outrageous. How dare she side with big oil over the American people who have been so devastated by this manmade disaster."

"We want people to call Senator Murkowski's office and tell her to stop supporting big oil and support a healthy environment and American livelihoods instead," said CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin, who was with Wilson at the hearing. "Our members from across the country have sent Murkowski thousands of emails already. We also want the Senator to call for Diane Wilson to be exonerated. BP CEO Tony Hayward should be in jail, not a distraught shrimper!"

Wilson has been working for decades fighting the polluting of the Gulf. She wrote the book An Unreasonable Woman: A True Story of Shrimpers, Politicos, Polluters, and the Fight for Seadrift, Texas detailing her years long fight against oil and chemical companies in her community. She went on to say, "I have seen the oil and chemical companies destroying our air, water, our wildlife--and the government going along with it. Politicians like Murkowski take campaign money from big oil and then get in bed with the same oil and chemical corporations. This must stop. Enough is enough." The full text of Diane's statement is here

Wilson is also a co-founder of the organization CODEPINK Women for Peace. She was in front of BP HQ in Houston, Texas two weeks ago to protest the oilspill and draw attention to BP's legacy of negligence. Read her most recent article, "The BP oil gusher is just the latest in a long line of assaults on the Gulf of Mexico" published on

For more info contact Medea Benjamin/CODEPINK at or call 415-235-6517. ###
CODEPINK is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming activities. CODEPINK rejects foreign policies based on domination and aggression, and instead calls for policies based on diplomacy, compassion and a commitment to international law. With an emphasis on joy and humor, CODEPINK women and men seek to activate, amplify and inspire a community of peacemakers through creative campaigns and a commitment to non-violence.
The Gulf Spill Continues: Is Obama Powerless Against BP?  (VN:  No, he is part of it, or it would never have gotten this far.)
by Shamus Cooke
Global Research, June 9, 2010

After BP successfully placed a cap to divert some of the spewing oil into tankers, thousands of gallons continue to flow daily into the gulf. August is slated as the earliest date that any permanent solution may emerge. BP remains totally in charge of potentially the largest environmental disaster in the earth’s recorded history, a fact that proves — in “check mate” fashion — that corporations dominate the inner workings of the U.S. government, a truth previously revealed by the bank bailouts.

More than one gigantic eco-system may be destroyed by BP, and the President of the U.S. is sadly reduced to lecturing in “serious tones,” with daily adjustments of tone based on the results of polling agencies.

When the polls reported that Obama wasn’t taking the oil spill seriously enough, his next TV appearance depicted him as “outraged.” Yet his continuing lack of action doesn’t match his new, stronger emotions; nor does his inaction match the dire seriousness of the situation.

Indeed, Obama continues to allow BP to lie about the seriousness of the spill, even when numerous independent scientists disputed BP’s estimates of the spillage. Of course Obama knew that BP had a profit incentive to lie, while Obama has his own incentive to allow the lie — and continued lies — of BP.

One reason Obama doesn’t challenge BP is because he’s on their payroll. The news agency Reuters explains: “During his time in the Senate and while running for president, Obama received a total of $77,051 from the oil giant and is the top recipient of BP PAC and individual money over the past 20 years, according to financial disclosure records.” (May 5, 2010).

In July, BP is set to give its shareholders multi-billion dollar dividends — prompting more toothless anger from Obama — while BP continues to maintain a healthy distance from taking complete accountability for the oil spill.

The results are sadly predictable: many of the effects of the spill will be permanent, while the cleanup and recovery will go on for years and decades, possibly costing the extinction of some species and the United States billions and maybe trillions of dollars in the long term.

BP will throw itself at the mercy of the courts, an elite entity much friendlier to the mega-corporations than to the millions of U.S.workers demanding justice. Add to the equation BP’s elite attorneys and you have an eventual settlement — after years — that will equal the tiniest fraction of the caused devastation. This prediction was all but confirmed by the mainstream media, when Curt Anderson of the Associated Press reported:

“More than half of the federal judges in districts where the bulk of Gulf oil spill-related lawsuits are pending have financial connections to the oil and gas industry, complicating the task of finding judges without conflicts to hear the cases...” (June 6, 2010).

Aside from the above financial blocks to holding BP accountable, there lays a deeper code of ethics that prohibit government interference into the matters of private corporations, no matter how great the damage done to the general public.

At the top of this corporate code of ethics is the sacredness of property rights, meaning that large corporations have complete control — outside the grasp of any government — to do what they want with their giant wealth and facilities, wherever and whenever they want.

To the U.S. government, this right pre-empts human rights, environmental rights, etc. Property rights are enshrined in every free-trade agreement the U.S. government signs, so that overseas corporate investments are strictly protected, prohibiting foreign nations from using U.S. corporate facilities for the social needs of their native populations. Although BP is a British corporation, the rules of this code are mutual and global.

Nowadays, the tiniest crack in the foundation of corporate property rights constitutes “communism” — a right wing accusation hurled at Obama after he partially nationalized General Motors and other institutions in response to the economic crisis. And although Obama intruded into the sanctity of property rights when the financial crisis exploded, it was with the general consent of the corporate establishment — who viewed those actions as necessary, short-term evils — meant to save the investments of the rich, while using taxpayer money to rehabilitate the companies before they were eventually handed back to shareholders.

The emergency in the Gulf of Mexico, on the other hand, is viewed by the corporate elite as a lesser crisis, demanding the government not set another precedent that would point to the necessity of public ownership.

Obama’s unwillingness to push aside BP and take government charge of the operation makes him an accomplice to the environmental disaster. For example, in order that BP be allowed to remain at the helm, Obama has given them professional credibility where none should exist — “they have the expertise and technology,” etc. BP’s actions prior to the spill constitute criminal negligence. The comments of BP’s CEO since the spill undoubtedly prove that the company views the disaster as more of an inconvenience, to be handled at their leisure.

Furthermore, every public appearance of a BP executive or spokesperson serves to minimize the crisis, implying that a less immediate reaction is required. Indeed, as a for-profit company, BP’s actions remain motivated by concern for their shareholders, whose only motivation is profit. In practice, this means fewer resources are dedicated to the spill than would be otherwise, since higher cleanup costs equal lower profits. One glaring example of this was cited in The New York Times, which quoted a scientist working for the Flow Rate Technical Group, a team of scientists trying to accurately gauge the flow of oil into the Gulf:

“It’s apparent that BP is playing games with us, presumably under the advice of their legal team,” Dr. Leifer said. “It’s six weeks that it’s been dumping into the gulf, and still no measurements.” (June 7, 2010).

Local government officials in Florida are also disgusted with BP’s lack of action in preventing the oil from landing on their beaches, while doing next to nothing in cleaning up the beached oil. The attorney general of Florida complained:

“I’m outraged…why are we waiting so long to do this? Why is the Coast Guard, Obama, BP waiting? They’ve seen it coming, so why are we waiting?” (Bloomberg, June 7, 2010).  (VN:  it amazes me that bright people still refuse to see this was intentional and that is why no one is moving on it and in fact actively preventing anyone else from moving on it.  Hello! We will see soon, though, I guess I overestimated the American people)

Obama’s religious faith in BP to properly handle the spill — after it had no emergency plan to deal with such a spill in the first place — borders on lunacy. But the logic is sensible from the corporate prospective, which preaches that all is rational which protects profits.

In a sane world, BP’s executives would be facing severe criminal charges, and the billions of profits they’ve earned in the last year would be confiscated to pay for the cleanup. BP’s infrastructure would be taken under the control of the U.S. government, which could ensure that the job was done correctly, timely, and publicly, as opposed to the shield of corporate secrecy currently protecting BP.

The ultimate lesson of this environmental/economic catastrophe is that Obama is not at all serious about confronting corporate interests. Rather, he allows them to stampede over the public interests, ensuring that such disasters will happen again.

Shamus Cooke is a social service worker, trade unionist, and writer for Workers Action ( He can be reached at
News Updates from Citizens For Legitimate Government
08 Jun 2010
All links are here:

Subsea oil plumes found 142 miles from rig --Crude is moving through Gulf like ash from a volcano, official says 08 Jun 2010 Clouds of oil have been found drifting underwater in the Gulf of Mexico as far as 142 miles from the wrecked Deepwater Horizon drilling rig, government officials said Tuesday. At a briefing, Jane Lubchenko, of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), said that tests conducted at three sites by a University of South Florida research vessel confirmed oil as far as 3,300 feet below the surface. The oil was found 42 miles northeast of the well site and also 142 miles to the southeast.

BP declines to attend Mississippi hearings on the Gulf oil leak
(VN:  Now this should tell you all you need to know, we are not in control of our gov at any level any longer)

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JACKSON, Miss. — Officials from BP, Halliburton and Transocean have declined to attend hearings on the Gulf of Mexico oil leak scheduled for this week by Mississippi's House of Representatives.

The lawmakers had set aside three days for the hearings, but at noon Tuesday the select committee was informed that the companies involved in the ongoing disaster that began April 20 with the explosion of Transocean's Deepwater Horizon drilling rig would not send representatives.

BP officials had answered questions at hearings the Mississippi Senate held in Biloxi last week, but House Speaker Billy McCoy, D-Rienzi, called their absence in the House this week “an insult to our citizens and the Legislature.”

“Considering the many officials BP has on standby in the Gulf Coast region, it is simply incomprehensible that the company could not send at least one to these hearings to give our citizens, lawmakers and business leaders their viewpoint on this oil spill disaster,” McCoy said. “We are not holding these hearings to conduct a witch hunt.”

McCoy received a letter from BP Tuesday in which officials declined the meeting, saying the appropriate employees were not available this week, but that the company would meet with the committee in the future, either in Jackson or in South Mississippi. The letter was signed by Margaret D. Laney, BP’s Mississippi coordinator for public and government affairs.

“We at BP take very seriously the desire of the Select Committee to gather on the circumstances on the Mississippi Coast relative to the spill,” Laney wrote. “We are committed to meeting regularly with stakeholders along the Gulf Coast and to providing briefings for government officials on a regular basis and we will continue to remain engaged in this way.”

A BP spokesperson told the Associated Press Tuesday that the appropriate company officials were headed to Washington this week for meetings there.

Though Attorney General Jim Hood and Gov. Haley Barbour gave the committee extensive updates on the spill Tuesday, there was a strong sense of frustration about the company officials’ absence. Rep. Brandon Jones, D-Pascagoula, said he was looking forward to a lively, unscripted discussion with BP.

“Every one of BP’s public pronouncements has been as produced and careful as the Tiger Woods’ apology,” Jones said. “What we want is for them to answer the hard questions and give us a sense of what is going on. By not showing up, it just leaves all that to our imagination and it breeds frustration. We’re already dealing with a very frustrating environment. We need more specifics.”

South Mississippi elected officials at the hearing expressed anger over the state’s control over $15 million in BP funds to be used to advertise coastal tourism in the wake of the spill. State Reps. Richard Bennett, R-Long Beach, and Scott DeLano, R-Biloxi, told officials that they believe coastal tourism resources are being wasted, as local tourism officials know best how to attract visitors to the area.

“That’s all (local tourism officials) do,” Bennett said. “It’s not like you are giving it to a bunch of amateurs down there.”

Officials told lawmakers that advanced hotel bookings are down 60 percent on the Coast. They also said tourists spend about $1.6 billion annually when the visit the Mississippi Gulf Coast, which is about a third of the state’s tourism industry.

Harrison County Emergency Management Director Rupert Lacy told the committee the process to get the “Unified Command” to approve local decisions is also working much too slowly.

Hood told the committee he was working to prevent the state’s claims for destruction of tidelands, marshes, revenue losses and other damages from being filed in federal court. Hood fears there would be a move to get the state’s cases settled too quickly in federal court, even though the full effects of the spill may not be seen for several years.

“If I can keep this in state court, we will get our cases settled,” Hood said. “I will fight for every dime.”
Hood said he also hopes to appoint a special expert in the next few days to monitor the claims process.

The House committee on the spill only met one day this week because of cancellations by company officials, but Rep. John Mayo, D-Clarksdale, who presided over the hearing, said the committee will continue to meet and determine whether any legislation is needed to address the spill.

Read more:

Ongoing Gulf oil spill wreaking havoc for marine ecology
2010-06-09 15:40:00

The continuing oil spill disaster in Gulf of Mexico is becoming a reason for serious worries as researchers are beginning to collect data on how it is changing marine life in the Gulf.

Samantha Joye of the University of Georgia in Athens said that methane concentrations in a giant underwater plume emanating from the wellhead are as much as 10,000 times higher than background levels - consequences of which are unknown.

"It's an infusion of oil and gas that has never been seen before, certainly not in human history," New Scientist quoted her as saying.

Joye's team found lowered oxygen levels throughout the water column near the plume as a result of increased activity from bacteria that are digesting the oil. A big mystery, however, is the effect chemical dispersants being injected into the leaking oil to break it up, will have on phytoplankton and other organisms at the bottom of the food chain.

Every year, fertilisers pouring off the US coast boost algal growth, which sucks oxygen out of the water and stifles other life forms, creating one of the world's largest known dead zones.

Joye said she did not think the extra microbial activity would be significant enough to create additional dead zones in the gulf, because microbes need nutrients that do not exist in high enough concentrations at depth. But she cautions that the environmental implications are unknown.

"The system as a whole has been substantially perturbed by this event," says Joye. "When you interfere with the natural system, it's likely that problems will cascade up the food web." (ANI)

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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