

The People Of Britian Send A Warning To All Americans About Gun Control Through This Video

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Vatic Note:   This was a great video and I am glad I found it. Please watch it all the way through.  I was beginning to dispair of Brits ever standing up for themselves and watching this paradigm shift with them, has encouraged me tremendously.   We are a lot more verbose and aggressive than the Brits, so if they are beginning to act on their freedoms, then we should be doing absolutely no less.  After all, we are the progeny of rebels and freedom fighters..... "REMEMBER WHO WE ARE".  We are a light shining on the hill, and a beacon, in the past, for freedom, liberty and anti-tyranny.  Lets not shame our ancestors by being less.  Freedom without responsibility is an abomination.

This video says that the march you are seeing had a record turn out of people and you could tell these were the average citizens,  not some young activists which is also encouraging.  The advice they are giving us is good advice. I was married 15 years to a British citizen, and that was before they took the guns away and before they started arming the bobbies.  I remember when the cops (bobbies) did not carry guns and citizens were armed and they have virtually no crime.  Now they say its horrible ever since gun control and I am also hearing that in Australia as well.   WELL,  WE BEST HEED THEIR ADVICE AND NOT GIVE UP OUR GUNS.

Ironically, the Ct shooting was done in one of the most repressive gun control states in the Union.  Shows you how gun control prevented anyone from stopping the shooter, whoever it was, if it was. 

The People Of Britian Send A Warning To All Americans About Gun Control Through This Video

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

Americans, like Brits, have grown complacent allowing the government to assume the responsibilities of free and independent citizens.

Our natural rights include among them the right to defend ourselves. The 2nd Amendment was intended to limit the power of the government by providing the each and every citizen with the means to abolish tyranny.

Tyrants may come into power without a shot ever being fired but they remain in power through force of arms.

America we made a big mistake handing our guns over to our government, please learn from our mistake.

We trusted our government and we shouldn’t have, freedom only belongs to those of you who have the guts to defend it.

Please spread this post to all you twitter,email, and Facebook friends, this is very strong testimony.

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