

Spain Study Confirms Hemp Oil Cures Cancer without Side Effects

*** Talk about weird.  They actually moved this one from where it was to the 24th.  I suspect its because they believe no one will read on Christmas  Eve due to last minute shopping and preparations for Christmas.  I guess they do not like Hemp  as a cure for damn near everything.  This is why they made hemp illegal.  I swear.   

Vatic Note:  Well, this truly says it all.  I have almost no comment except to reinforce the scams that have been visited upon us, the unsuspecting public, for years.  These drug companies have no sense of Corporate citizenship.  They are more fascist than the worst military industrial complex corporations since these druggies, literally kill us with their concoctions they know will harm us when we take them.  Don't get me started.  lol   Just read and decide for yourselves.  Lets figure out where we can obtain this without any tampering with the product. 

Spain Study Confirms Hemp Oil Cures Cancer without Side Effects
by Admin, Rise Earth

The International Medical Veritas Association (IMVA) is putting hemp oil on its cancer protocol. It is a prioritized protocol list whose top five items are magnesium chloride, iodine, selenium, Alpha Lipoic Acid and sodium bicarbonate. It makes perfect sense to drop hemp oil right into the middle of this nutritional crossfire of anti cancer medicines, which are all available without prescription.

Hemp oil has long been recognised as one of the most versatile and beneficial substances known to man. Derived from hemp seeds (a member of the achene family of fruits) it has been regarded as a superfood due to its high essential fatty acid content and the unique ratio of omega3 to omega6 and gamma linolenic acid (GLA) – 2:5:1.

Hemp oil, is known to contain up to 5% of pure GLA, a much higher concentration than any other plant, even higher than spirulina. For thousands of years, the hemp plant has been used in elixirs and medicinal teas because of its healing properties and now medical science is zeroing in on the properties of its active substances.

Both the commercial legal type of hemp oil and the illegal THC laden hemp oil are one of the most power-packed protein sources available in the plant kingdom. Its oil can be used in many nutritional and transdermal applications. In other chapters in my Winning the War on Cancer book we will discuss in-depth about GLA and cancer and also the interesting work of Dr. Johanna Budwig. She uses flax seed oil instead of hemp oil to cure cancer – through effecting changes in cell walls – using these omega3 and omega6 laden medicinal oils.

Actually there is another way to use medical marijuana without smoking the leaf. According to Dr. Tod H. Mikuriya, “The usual irritating and toxic breakdown products of burning utilized with smoking are totally avoided with vaporization. Extraction and inhaling cannabinoid essential oils below ignition temperature of both crude and refined cannabis products affords significant mitigation of irritation to the oral cavity, and tracheobronchial tree from pyrollytic breakdown products.[iii]

Rick Simpson, the man in the documentary below, has been making hemp oil and sharing it with friends and neighbors without charging for it. In small doses, he says, it makes you well without getting you high. “Well you can’t deny your own eyes can you?” Simpson asks. “Here’s someone dying of cancer and they’re not dying anymore. I don’t care if the medicine comes from a tomato plant, potato plant or a hemp plant, if the medicine is safe and helps and works, why not use it?” he asks.

When a person has cancer and is dying this question reaches a critical point. The bravery of Rick Simpson from Canada in showing us how to make hemp oil for ourselves, offers many people a hope that should be increasingly appreciated as money dries up for expensive cancer treatments. We are going to need inexpensive medicines in the future and there is nothing better than the ones we can make reasonably cheaply ourselves.

For most people in the world it is illegal so the choice could come down to breaking the law or dying. There is no research to indicate what advantages oral use of hemp oil vs. vaporization but we can assume that advantage would be nutritional with oral intake. Dr. Budwig Below work would sustain this point of view especially for cancer patients.

The Science

According to Dr. Robert Ramer and Dr. Burkhard Hinz of the University of Rostock in Germany medical marijuana can be an effective treatment for cancer.[v] Their research was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute Advance Access on December 25th of 2007 in a paper entitled Inhibition of Cancer Cell Invasion by Cannabinoids via Increased Expression of Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinases-1.

The biggest contribution of this breakthrough discovery, is that the expression of TIMP-1 was shown to be stimulated by cannabinoid receptor activation and to mediate the anti-invasive effect of cannabinoids. Prior to now the cellular mechanisms underlying this effect were unclear and the relevance of the findings to the behavior of tumor cells in vivo remains to be determined.

Marijuana cuts lung cancer tumor growth in half, a 2007 Harvard Medical School study shows.[vi] The active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread, say researchers at Harvard University who tested the chemical in both lab and mouse studies.

This is the first set of experiments to show that the compound, Delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), inhibits EGF-induced growth and migration in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expressing non-small cell lung cancer cell lines. Lung cancers that over-express EGFR are usually highly aggressive and resistant to chemotherapy. THC that targets cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 is similar in function to endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids that are naturally produced in the body and activate these receptors.

“The beauty of this study is that we are showing that a substance of abuse, if used prudently, may offer a new road to therapy against lung cancer,” said Anju Preet, Ph.D., a researcher in the Division of Experimental Medicine. Acting through cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2, endocannabinoids (as well as THC) are thought to play a role in variety of biological functions, including pain and anxiety control, and inflammation.

Researchers reported in the August 15, 2004 issue of Cancer Research, the journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, that marijuana’s constituents inhibited the spread of brain cancer in human tumor biopsies.[vii] In a related development, a research team from the University of South Florida further noted that THC can also selectively inhibit the activation and replication of gamma herpes viruses. The viruses, which can lie dormant for years within white blood cells before becoming active and spreading to other cells, are thought to increase one’s chances of developing cancers such as Kaposi’s Sarcoma, Burkitt’s lymphoma and Hodgkin’s disease.[viii]

In 1998, a research team at Madrid’s Complutense University discovered that THC can selectively induce programmed cell death in brain tumor cells without negatively impacting surrounding healthy cells. Then in 2000, they reported in the journal Nature Medicine that injections of synthetic THC eradicated malignant gliomas (brain tumors) in one-third of treated rats, and prolonged life in another third by six weeks.[ix]

Led by Dr. Manuel Guzman the Spanish team announced they had destroyed incurable brain cancer tumors in rats by injecting them with THC. They reported in the March 2002 issue of “Nature Medicine” that they injected the brains of 45 rats with cancer cells, producing tumors whose presence they confirmed through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). On the 12th day they injected 15 of the rats with THC and 15 with Win-55,212-2 a synthetic compound similar to THC.[x]

Researchers at the University of Milan in Naples, Italy, reported in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics that non-psychoactive compounds in marijuana inhibited the growth of glioma cells in a dose-dependent manner, and selectively targeted and killed malignant cells through apoptosis. “Non-psychoactive CBD produce[s] a significant anti-tumor activity both in vitro and in vivo, thus suggesting a possible application of CBD as an antineoplastic agent.”[xi]

The first experiment documenting pot’s anti-tumor effects took place in 1974 at the Medical College of Virginia at the behest of the U.S. government. The results of that study, reported in an Aug. 18, 1974, Washington Post newspaper feature, were that marijuana’s psychoactive component, THC, “slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent.”[xii]

Funded by the National Institute of Health to find evidence that marijuana damages the immune system, found instead that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice — lung and breast cancer, and a virus-induced leukemia. The DEA quickly shut down the Virginia study and all further cannabis/tumor research even though the researchers “found that THC slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent.”

“Antineoplastic Activity of Cannabinoids,” an article in a 1975 Journal of the National Cancer Institute reports, “Lewis lung adenocarcinoma growth was retarded by the oral administration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinol (CBN)” — two types of cannabinoids, a family of active components in marijuana. “Mice treated for 20 consecutive days with THC and CBN had reduced primary tumor size.”

Marijuana relieves pain that narcotics like morphine and OxyContin have hardly any effect on, and could help ease suffering from illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes and cancer.[xiii]

According to Devra Davis in her book Secret History of the War on Cancer, 1.5 million lives have been lost because Americans failed to act on existing knowledge about the environmental causes of cancer. It is impossible to calculate the added deaths from suppressed ‘cancer cures’ but we do know of the terrible suffering of hundreds of thousands of people who have been jailed for marijuana use.

Hemp oil with THC included has the making of a primary cancer treatment, which even alone seems to have a great chance of turning the tide against cancer tumors. It has the added advantage of safety, ease of use, lack of side effects and low cost if one makes it oneself. Surrounded by other medicinal anti-cancer substances in a full protocol it’s hard to imagine anyone failing and falling in their war on cancer.

THC should be included in every cancer protocol.

Sodium bicarbonate is another excellent anti tumor substance that reduces tumors but is much more difficult to administer than THC hemp oil. Cannabinoids are able to pass through all barriers in the body like Alpha Lipoic Acid so simple oral intake is sufficient. With bicarbonate we need intravenous applications and often even this is not sufficient, often we have to use catheters and few doctors in the world are willing to administer this way.

In the end all cancer treatments that are not promoted by mainstream oncology are illegal. No licensed doctor is going to claim that are curing cancer with sodium bicarbonate though they will treat people with cancer explaining they are balancing pH or some other metabolic profile with this common emergency room medicine found also most kitchens of the world. More than several states have passed laws making medical marijuana legal but the federal government will not relax and let people be free to choose their treatments even if their lives depend on it.

Davis notes that the cowardice of research scientists, who publish thoroughly referenced reports but pull their punches at the end, by claiming that more research needs to be done before action can be taken. Statements like these are exploited by industry that buys time to make much more money. It is a deliberate attempt that creates wholesale public doubt from small data gaps and remaining scientific uncertainties.

They have done that with everything right up to and including sunlight. Everything is thought to be dangerous except the pharmaceutical drugs which are the most dangerous substances of all. Stomach wrenching chemotherapy and the death principle of radiation are legal yet safe THC laden hemp oil is not.

It is legal for doctors to attack people with their poisons but you can go to jail for trying to save yourself or a loved one from cancer with the oil of a simple garden weed. Our civilization has put up with this insanity but there is a great price being paid. In a mad medical world people die that need not and this is a terrible sadness that has destroyed the integrity and ethics of modern medicine.

The science for the use of hemp oil is credible, specific fact-based, and is documented in detail.[xiv] There is absolutely no reason to not legalize medical marijuana and create an immediate production and distribution of THC hemp oil to cancer patients. Unfortunately we live in a world populated with governments and medical henchmen who would rather see people die cruel deaths then have access to a safe and effect cancer drug.

Meanwhile the Food and Drug Administration approved Genentech’s best-selling drug, Avastin, as a treatment for breast cancer, in a decision, according to the New York Times, “that appeared to lower the threshold somewhat for approval of certain cancer drugs. The big question was whether it was enough for a drug temporarily to stop cancer from worsening — as Avastin had done in a clinical trial — or was it necessary for a drug to enable patients to live longer, which Avastin had failed to do. Oncologists and patient advocates were divided, in part because of the drug’s sometimes severe side effects.”[xv]

The differences between Avastin and hemp oil are huge. First Avastin will earn Genentech hundreds of millions where THC hemp oil will earn no one anything. Second there are no severe or even mild side effects to taking hemp oil and lastly it is not a temporary answer but a real solution. Certainly hemp oil will ensure a longer life.

Source: endalldisease

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. My heart is full of joy seeing my little boy recovering so fast less than i thought from thyroid cancer, which he has been suffering from the past two years and some months now. immediately i was told Marijuana can cure cancer i went online in search of how i could get it, because getting in my country seems illegal but thanks to Rev Frank who introduced this Dr to me by giving me his email address: "" so i contacted him and he supplied me the oil as per requested and also gave me an instructional pamphlet on how the oil can be applied' within three weeks of application i couldn't believed my eyes when i saw my little boy walking gradually and eating all by himself, then i knew from the dept of my heart this oil would be very effective' that is why i am telling the world my greatest joy because my sincere appreciation goes to him for a debt i wouldn't have been able to pay.
    Michel Jones

  2. My husband has suffered cancer for the past 7 months,with the help of Dr philo helping me get the cannabis oil, and also instructing me on how to use it. I read some testimonies about Dr philo,I decided to give him a chance and after some weeks precisely after applying the hemp oil I saw great improvement in my daughter health. as I am writing this testimony I can say my daughter is completely healed. any one out there who need help, please feel free to contact this Dr with this email address:

  3. my wife has been suffering from thyroid cancer which was confirmed to be stage four, the doctor told me there was little she could do since she wasn't responding to treatment but my brother in law came to our rescue by ordering this hemp oil from doctor Barry by name which he said has been helping some patient fight against cancer of various types so we decided to give it a chance, so far my wife is improving perfectly very well and presently she can walk around the house all by herself. I felt its necessary i let others who are suffering from this acute disease that once you have a good hemp oil it can really give one a sound second chance of living. if you happen to be in need of this hemp oil you can contact the doctor who supplied my brother in law with this email:

  4. I am so grateful to Dr Nick lemoine for providing me with Hemp oil.I was diagnose with stage 4 colon cancer 4months ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and radiation that have not help me, but only damaged my immune system and. render it weak and helpless. Then i was informed about hemp oil and i have read
    about the Hemp oil a lot and saw that I could provide myself with Hemp Oil, i contacted Dr Nick lemoine for the procurement of this medication, to my surprise the medication was procured and delivered to me within 48 hours and i have been on treatment for the past five weeks. Am now here to testify that am no more a cancer patient, I have experience a total transformation in my health sector with Rick Simpson Hemp oil. for all cancer patient that contact Dr Nick lemoine on this email to get your Hemp oil.

  5. I am so grateful to Dr Ukuse i live United Kingdom. I was diagnose with Lung cancer 1 year ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not help me, but only damaged my immune system and render it weak and helpless. My friend introduce to this herbal doctor from Africa who provide me with herbal medicine and oil to cure my cancer,this medication was procured and delivered to me within a week and after using the medication for three weeks,i saw a great change and as I'm writing this article i am not a cancer patient and i am healthy again. The reason i am this article is because many people have died of this deadly disease that have no orthodox cure and many people are still out there suffering from this disease today. If you there reading this article and know anybody suffering any kind of cancer contact Dr Ukuse via email: and give him a trial and i know he will help you and make the person live again.

    Flora Hendrix

  6. I am Harriet Beecher, I live in San Francisco USA, I want to say a big thank you to Dr. Rick Simpson for saving my son’s life with his miracle oil on the 10th of January 2014 from his terrible brain tumor.

    My son Ben was diagnosed of brain tumor last year October 5th 2013, the doctor told me there was nothing that could be done for my son and I was so scared to lose him because he is the only one I got, I lost his dad May 2011 and I was not ready to lose my only son. My co-worker told me about Dr. Rick Simpson cannabis oil and how it helped her dad so I collected his contact and wrote him, purchase the oil and used it on my son, last week we went for checkup and the doctor who told me that my son had few months to live confirmed that my son no longer has brain tumor.
    I am so over whelmed and full of joy, I feel like shouting to the whole world, I just got my joy back. Am so grateful Sir, thank you so much. God will bless you Sir.

  7. i never knew there were still better and effective cannabis oil due to the fact that the ones i bought from Canada was really hell, but thanks to Master Bugiba who introduced me to this Dr Arinjale whose oil was indeed wonderful like Magic. immediately my Husband started using the oil, it was something else now he can move freely and eat all by himself just within two weeks of usage that's why i am here giving Kudos to his cannabis oil for help you can reached him on his email address'
    Susan Wong

  8. This is so great am alive to testify the good work of hemp oil and its miracle healing.

    In April 10th 2012 i was diagnosed of breast cancer and bone cancer when the doctor told me it was already too late for me, that i have only ten months on earth to live. I shared tears and all hope was gone thinking that i will just sleep and go just like that.

    My mom came to visit me in Serbia two months later and bought me some hemp oil product saying that it works well on cancer, ever since she told me about the benefits and encourage me to use the medication. I have been on treatment for the past 4 months now which was the required treatment plan for me.
    Last week, I went to hospital to do my test and to God be the glory my cancer was not found there anymore. I have been cured with Rick Simpson hemp oil which my mother had bought for me.

    My family in forever grateful to Rick Simpson Cannabis Oil.

    Last week my mom gave me his email and phone number which i contacted him in person and thank him for the life saving. Below information.

  9. I still don't know the right words to express my Gratitude to Rick Simpson and his wonderful cannabis oil that cured my ailment. In May this year i was diagnosed of Melanoma Cancer, it affected my Skin, intestines and eye.. i went for treatment but to no avail, my family advised the rick hemp oil for my ailment, at first i didn't want to purchase the oil, because i had doubts about it curing my cancer, but after reading about it and doing researches online, i succumbed to the idea, and indeed it was a wonderful one, the cannabis oil successfully cured my cancer!!! after Three months.
    Now i am Hale and Healthy........ you can contact Rick Simpson on

    For your own medication.


  10. My name is Sandicline Vincent, I live Belgium. I was diagnosed of stomach cancer and i have done many chemotherapy and it did not work, the cancer keeps returning. My brother who works in the clinic told me about cannabis oil and its curing effect. I purchased the cannabis oil from London by emailing and they gave me instructions on how to use the cannabis oil for the treatment of stomach cancer. After using the oil for the duration of time given, I was totally free from cancer but i was advised to take the oil continously to maintain good health and reduce high blood pressure. I am so happy now that i am free from cancer and if you are suffering from cancer, cannabis oil is the only natural remedy to cancer.

  11. Other Natural Things You Can Do That Could Help

    When people come to me for oil to treat their cancer, the first thing I tell them to do is change their diets. Try to stay away from animal protein as much as possible, since such protein promotes cancer growth. Get a juicing machine and start eating as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible, since plant protein fights the growth of cancer. Stop using sugar and replace its use with natural sweetener’s like raw honey. Get the patient’s PH up as quickly as possible, cancer likes an acidic environment and when you raise the body’s PH it makes it hard for cancer cells to survive. Also start eating the seeds from two apples everyday, this will give you a good daily dose of B17 also known as laetrile. B17 in its own right has a pretty good track record in the treatment of cancer and there are other natural things such as wheat grass, that you may find of benefit as well. Many people who have used the oil to treat their cancers did not change a thing, but the oil still worked its magic and they were healed.

    But if you have a serious condition like cancer I think its a good idea to take other natural things that may help the oil eradicate the cancer and give you a better chance to survive. We are willing and ready to help the patient with all the medical help that are available to see he/she is back to life healthy and free of all this terrible diseases.

    You will need the full treatment of 60 gram to eradicate the cancer from body totally.
    To secure an order for my medication, please go to our email for more news at
    You have to provide below information for your order.

    Patient's Name:
    Patient's Country:
    Patient's City/State:
    Patient's Postal Code:
    Patient's Phone Number:
    Patient's Delivery Address:


    My name is Angie from Australia, My sister was once an ovarian cancer patient. she did chemotherapy and radiation many times and it did not work but rather weaken her immune system and she was unable to move from one place to another.she was living in pain for 2 years until i found out about cannabis oil and i contacted the London cancer centre through email to purchase the cannabis oil. After using this cannabis oil medication for treatment for 40 days, there was great changes in her condition and she continue to use the cannabis oil for the time duration that was advised by the centre. And as i am writing this testimony she is not suffering from ovarian cancer again and she have been completely cured. If you are suffering from cancer, you should get the cannabis oil and you will be cured.


    My wife was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The doctor estimated how long my wife had to live, but little did we know my wife was a very strong woman. She was given 1 year to live without chemotherapy, with chemotherapy, she was given 5 years. My wife made the choice of losing her hair and feeling sick one day out of every week while taking chemotherapy. After a while my wife started to feel sick every day, i called the doctor to see if he could figure out what was happening and the doctor told her to have a CAT scan done. When she had the CAT scan done, the doctor told us that the cancer had spread to her colon and spleen. After a great deal of thinking, my wife decided to have her spleen and half of her colon removed. Finally the cancer had metastasized throughout her whole body and we were losing hope at this time nothing could be done to save her anymore. We have spent a lot of money trying to save her, one day i came across the use of cannabis oil for treatment of cancer and i saw a post on how a cancer patient was cured with cannabis oil. I urgently needed help and i contacted the email to get the cannabis oil and i was given instructional guide on how to use the cannabis oil for ovarian cancer. As i am writing this post, my wife is free from ovarian cancer and the doctor confirmed that the cancer was cured permanently. Words can not express how happy we are now in the family.


  14. My mother was diagnosed with Stage IV cervical cancer, then I wasted a lot of money for years for treatment, until I saw in the phoenix tears in the internet that cannabis oil can cure all cancer, I tried to look for a way to get Mr. Rick Simpson for help while I mint a friend on face book who finally helped me with Mr. Rick Simpson hospital email address at: ( and told me how to reach him and get the oil, I was able to email him and bought the oil to my mother home delivery, my mother started taking it on 12th February and glory be to God she is getting better after her last scan report, I would want to thank Mr. Rick Simpson for the time he spent in getting this Cancer Oil to save lives. Feel free to contact him with the email provided: if you really need his help.


    I used cannabis oil to cure my father's brain cancer. On April 10th 2014 I brought my father to the emergency room with a splitting headache and projectile vomiting. i thought it was a bad migraine but later found out that it was a brain tumor. On February 12th he had surgery and the surgeon told me and the lab work later confirmed that he had a Glioblastoma. It is the most deadly and fast moving brain tumor someone can have. The doctor told our family that my father had about some weeks to live if he didn’t take any radiation and if he did take radiation it might give him a year. My father was in the hospital for eight days. We were not sure what to do so we took the doctor’s referral and went to radiation, about a week after he got out of the hospital. My father only took five days of radiation and it made him feel terrible, and sapped all of his energy. The surgeon removed all of the tumor he could see. After some months there was a regrowth of the brain cancer. Some friends came forward and told us alternative ways people were fighting and winning the battle against cancer with cannabis oil. Since the doctors did not hold out any hope we decided to throw our hope on the cannabis oil treatment and he did not take any more radiation. We bought the cannabis oil from the National Cancer Institute through email contact and started the cannabis oil in February 2015. After 2 months cannabis oil treatment, MRI scan showed dramatic improvement and father third month cannabis oil treatment looked good, his brain was clean and the hole where they removed the tumor was empty except for a tiny line around a portion of the inside of the hole. The doctor said that it could be scar tissue.
    After the 3 month cannabis oil, MRI shows his brain was completely clean. There was no cancer at all. The doctor said that it was a miracle and that was how my father was cured of his brain cancer with cannabis oil.

  16. My Mother was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer about a one year ago, she has had an extremely difficult journey. She has had two rounds of chemotheraphy, one round or Y90 Radiation and now is experiencing liver failure. Jaundice, a weak appetite and depression are a few of her symptoms. I'm wondered what other treatment options she has (such as a liver transplant or a clinical trial) and also how long she has to live. My mother is my best friend and hero, she endures so much as your loved ones do too.but a cousin of mine came to our rescue by ordering this hemp oil from a foundation in UK,and so far the medication has proved my mother can do things she never could do before,i am so happy so i decided to use this medium to alert all cancer patient that with a good hemp oil,you can definitely beat cancer.if you happen to be in need of this medication Dr. Rick Simpson a man who knows about the cannabis hemp oil to cure cancer around the world, this cannabis is been made by Marijuana, not that common to get in most of the countries in the world, am attending to those who is suffering from any type of cancer, Cannabis oil is here to help you fight this illness at once,you can contact the foundation with this

  17. My Story .
    As a natural born skeptic, I spent countless time and energy researching all the available treatment options aside from what my oncologist recommended. I was DETERMINED to cure my cancer, and knew there was something out there after witnessing a number of people who not only survived, but thrived and went on to live fulfilling lives cancer-free. In addition to reading about Rick Simpson Oil, and watching the Run From the Cure video, I also spoke with people who had
    actually used the oil, and it was shocking to hear one after anotherhow effective this medicine really was. I just couldn’t believe there was a cure out there and how wrong it was that this information is not being shared with the public!

    Treatment Regimine:
    I have a pretty big tolerance for marijuana, so I started off with a full grain of rice sized amount of oil instead of a half grain. I gradually increased the dosage every night until I reached a full gram each night. The standard protocol for Rick Simpson Oil is ingesting a total of 60 grams over the course of 2-3 months, but I had 70 grams in total for safe measure. I used the excess as a topical skin care treatment, attacking the visible brown spots on my face and neck.

    3 months later, my cancer was in full remission. Within 4 months, I am cancer-free and officially received a clean bill of health from my doctors. What they don’t know is that the majority of my treatment was using the Rick Simpson Oil. I did use some of the medication they prescribed, but it was in combination with the oil.

    I am elated I want to continue sharing with people who are experiencing what I went through that there is absolutely hope and a cure out there. They just need to be proactive and aggressive with treatment, not wait until it is too late. Get your medication via Email:

    In addition to being an effective cancer fighter, there are some nice side effects that come from using the Rick Simpson oil, for instance, I no longer need to take any pain killers. Just one or two drops of the oil will ease the pain and help you sleep like a baby. Best of all, its natural . . . Thanks to all the staff at Amsterdam’s Garden who guided me throughout this journey. You guys are awesome!

    Johanna Grey.

  18. 0 0

    My Story . . . .
    As a natural born skeptic, I spent countless time and energy researching all the available treatment options aside from what my oncologist recommended. I was DETERMINED to cure my cancer, and knew there was something out there after witnessing a number of people who not only survived, but thrived and went on to live fulfilling lives cancer-free. In addition to reading about Rick Simpson Oil, and watching the Run From the Cure video, I also spoke with people who had actually used the oil, and it was shocking to hear one after another how effective this medicine really was. I just couldn’t believe there was a cure out there and how wrong it was that this information is not being shared with the public!

    Treatment Regimine:
    I have a pretty big tolerance for marijuana, so I started off with a full grain of rice sized amount of oil instead of a half grain. I gradually increased the dosage every night until I reached a full gram each night. The standard protocol for Rick Simpson Oil is ingesting a total of 60 grams over the course of 2-3 months, but I had 70 grams in total for safe measure. I used the excess as a topical skin care treatment, attacking the visible brown spots on my face and neck.

    3 months later, my cancer was in full remission. Within 4 months, I am cancer-free and officially received a clean bill of health from my doctors. What they don’t know is that the majority of my treatment was using the Rick Simpson Oil. I did use some of the medication they prescribed, but it was in combination with the oil.

    I am elated I want to continue sharing with people who are experiencing what I went through that there is absolutely hope and a cure out there. They just need to be proactive and aggressive with treatment, not wait until it is too late. Get your medication at Phoenix Tears via Email:

    In addition to being an effective cancer fighter, there are some nice side effects that come from using the Rick Simpson oil, for instance, I no longer need to take any pain killers. Just one or two drops of the oil will ease the pain and help you sleep like a baby. Best of all, its natural . . . Thanks to all the staff at Amsterdam’s Garden who guided me throughout this journey. You guys are awesome!

    Motorist Michael.

  19. Hello Everyone, My name is Mary Anna an agent transporter to Dr. Rick Simpson a man who knows about the cannabis hemp oil to cure cancer around the world, this cannabis is been made by Marijuana, not that common to get in most of the countries in the world, am attending to those who is suffering from any type of cancer, Cannabis oil is here to help you fight this illness at once, please contact Dr.Rick Simpson via: for more info on how it works. Thanks Everyone, His Email:

  20. Dear Mr. Rick Simpson,

    I want to share my amazing results with your THC/CBD cannabis oil miracle cure program I have been place on by Rick Simpson Service for the past 3 months. I have in just 3 months and 1 weeks lost all the stubborn cancer tumors from my system completely. More importantly, I am no longer having to deal with the embarrassment and annoyance of Radiation, Chemo, pills and the big pharmaceuticals along with it Scandals propagating the Life of Humans with lies upon lies and nothing but Lies.

    I share the contact of this great service of Sir Rick Simpson

    I can't wait to show off my new energy and body to my family and friends.

    Thank you so much.



  21. A great testimony I must share to all cancer patients in the world. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 primary liver cancer in March 2014, doctor told us there was not much to be done since the tumor was 7 inches covering his lower lobe and also had spread to his lymph nodes, We decided to go home and called hospice which gave us morphine for pain, Ed hated the morphine which made him vomit and also affected his mind. After one week at home we decided to do what we have done for many years, rely on ourselves. We were only in Hospital for 3 days with severe Pain, the cancer had blocked his bile duct, after that we choose a Naturalist doctor and have not had conventional treatments.

    One day i came across the use of cannabis oil for treatment of cancer and i saw a post on how a cancer patient was cured with cannabis oil. I urgently needed help and i contacted the email :( to get the cannabis oil, i was given instructional guide on how to use it. After taking a gram of oil per day, Within a couple of weeks his pain and swollen stomach disappeared and with it came hope and a good quality of life.

    We never saw an oncologist and only have done a blood test after the first diagnose CT scan. His tumor marker went from over
    6000 to normal and he is feeling well. We don’t know how this is going to play out, but enjoy every day and give thanks to God. As i am writing this post, my husband is free from liver cancer and the doctor confirmed that the cancer is gone. For
    immediate assistance on every medical issue you and your family may be experiencing, contact Dr Rick via email: ( for more information and the delivery process.

    Thanks, Debra.

  22. A great testimony I must share to all cancer patients in the world. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 primary liver cancer in March 2014, doctor told us there was not much to be done since the tumor was 7 inches covering his lower lobe and also had spread to his lymph nodes, We decided to go home and called hospice which gave us morphine for pain, Ed hated the morphine which made him vomit and also affected his mind. After one week at home we decided to do what we have done for many years, rely on ourselves. We were only in Hospital for 3 days with severe Pain, the cancer had blocked his bile duct, after that we choose a Naturalist doctor and have not had conventional treatments.

    One day i came across the use of cannabis oil for treatment of cancer and i saw a post on how a cancer patient was cured with cannabis oil. I urgently needed help and i contacted the email :( to get the cannabis oil, i was given instructional guide on how to use it. After taking a gram of oil per day, Within a couple of weeks his pain and swollen stomach disappeared and with it came hope and a good quality of life.

    We never saw an oncologist and only have done a blood test after the first diagnose CT scan. His tumor marker went from over
    6000 to normal and he is feeling well. We don’t know how this is going to play out, but enjoy every day and give thanks to God. As i am writing this post, my husband is free from liver cancer and the doctor confirmed that the cancer is gone. For
    immediate assistance on every medical issue you and your family may be experiencing, contact Dr Rick via email: ( for more information and the delivery process.

    Thanks, Debra.

  23. I never knew cannabis oil was indeed wonderful and very effective in treating cancer’ if not for the government and their so called rules in regulating cannabis my husband would have still been alive. thanks to the newly policy for legalizing cannabis in my state i would have still lost my son to kidney cancer, i was really touched and surprised when i watch lots of documentary on how cannabis oil had helped lot of people whom their family members never thought they could make it after undergoing several ”Chemo” from the dept of my heart i must say a word of appreciation to Dr.Brown Nelson for the timely intervention in the life of my son suffering from Kidney Cancer. as i am writing this testimony on this Blog my Son is so strong and healthy in spite he hasn’t completed the total Dosage’ for your cannabis and medical consultation try and get in touched with him through his email: so he can enlightened you more.

  24. We have Quality Cannabis oil and medical marijuana for cancer cure, insomnia, back pain, to reduce stress and other illness.
    We are selling our products at very negotiable and workable prices. Apart from our very magnificent prices, when you buy from us, you are assured of the highest quality and purity available in the market, with a guaranteed discreet courier shipping or a special 24 hours confidential overnight delivery of the product to your address. We respect and value your privacy and will not share your information with anyone.
    We offer discreet and Reliable packaging and delivery. -Fast and reliable shipment within 24hours within the US and 48 hours internationally, using courier service ,
    call or text us:+1 719-623-7500

  25. Hello everyone,


  26. Hi Rick, Thanks for your Cannabis Oil as a good news with a result of your recipe,

    My Mother has been battling with Breast cancer for the past 13 years, having gone through radiation, surgery and chemo without a promising result, we have been successful in beating the cancer with 4 months constant treatment with your cannabis oil which we sourced through via:

    I really haven't seen a miracle like the cannabis Oil and I must applaud you Sir, Rick for all you have been doing to the race of humans and Our founding Father would be extremely proud of you for putting an end to the tears of life lost to cancer since the existence of humans.

    If we truly seek victory over cancer, then we should join hands with Sir Rick Simpson Cannabis Oil recipe in fighting against cancer so more precious soul could still be saved. So much thanks to Dr. Buckham via for providing the cannabis oil with a potency of 90% THC and 51% CBD which have been the successful song in our family.

    Thanks All,

  27. My Story,

    As a natural born skeptic, I spent countless time and energy researching all the available treatment options aside from what my oncologist recommended. I was DETERMINED to cure my cancer, and knew there was something out there after witnessing a number of people who not only survived, but thrived and went on to live fulfilling lives cancer-free. In addition to reading about Rick Simpson Oil, and watching the Run From the Cure video, I also spoke with people who had actually used the oil, and it was shocking to hear one after another how effective this medicine really was. I just couldn’t believe there was a cure out there and how wrong it was that this information is not being shared with the public!

    Treatment Regimine:
    I have a pretty big tolerance for marijuana, so I started off with a full grain of rice sized amount of oil instead of a half grain. I gradually increased the dosage every night until I reached a full gram each night. The standard protocol for Rick Simpson Oil is ingesting a total of 60 grams over the course of 2-3 months, but I had 70 grams in total for safe measure. I used the excess as a topical skin care treatment, attacking the visible brown spots on my face and neck.

    3 months later, my cancer was in full remission. Within 4 months, I am cancer-free and officially received a clean bill of health from my doctors. What they don’t know is that the majority of my treatment was using the Rick Simpson Oil. I did use some of the medication they prescribed, but it was in combination with the oil.

    I am elated I want to continue sharing with people who are experiencing what I went through that there is absolutely hope and a cure out there. They just need to be proactive and aggressive with treatment, not wait until it is too late. more information, contact directly: Email were I bought from

    In addition to being an effective cancer fighter, there are some nice side effects that come from using the Rick Simpson oil, for instance, I no longer need to take any pain killers. Just one or two drops of the oil will ease the pain and help you sleep like a baby. Best of all, its natural . . . Thanks to all the staff at Amsterdam’s Garden who guided me throughout this journey. You guys are awesome!

    Asha Durrow.

  28. I am so grateful to Dr. Rick Simpson for providing me with Cannabis oil and Rhino Horns here in the United State of America. I was diagnose with skin cancer 2 years and 3 weeks ago, and ever since then have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not help me, but only damaged my immune system and render me weak and helpless. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Rick Simpson could provide me with Cannabis Oil here is the State, i contacted him on: for the procurement of this medication, to my surprise the medication was procured and delivered within 48 hours and i have been on treatment for the past 3 months.Am now here to testify that am no longer a cancer patient. I have experience a total transformation in my life with Dr.Rick Simpson Cannabis oil service. Below are the different types of illness he cured

    (1) Adeniod Cystic Carcinoma
    (2) Anal Cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinima)
    (3) Aplastic Anemia
    (4) Basal Cell Carcionoma
    (5) Bladder Cancer
    (6) Bone Cancer
    (7) Brain Cancer
    (8) Breast Cancer
    (9) Cervical Cancer
    (10) Colon Cancer
    (11) Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma (EHE)
    (12) Endometrial Cancer
    (13) Kidney Cancer
    (14) Leukemia
    (15) Liposarcoma
    (16) Liver Cancer
    (17) Lung Cancer
    (18) Lymphoma
    (19) Lymphoma
    (20) Melanoma
    (21) Neuroblastoma
    (22) Ovarian Cancer
    (23) Pancreatic Cancer
    (24) Parotid Salivary Gland Cancer
    (25) Pituitary Gland Tumor
    (26) Prostate Cancer
    (27) Spinal Tumor
    (28) Sqamous Cell CArcimona
    (29) Thyriod Cancer
    (30) Uterine Cancer
    For all cancer patients that lives in American region, Asia, Europe and the world at large, go get your Cannabis oil by

    contacting: or web:

    Yours faithfully,

    Hellen Else

  29. I am so grateful to Dr. Rick Simpson for providing me with Cannabis oil and Rhino Horns here in the United State of America. I was diagnose with skin cancer 2 years and 3 weeks ago, and ever since then have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not help me, but only damaged my immune system and render me weak and helpless. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Rick Simpson could provide me with Cannabis Oil here is the State, i contacted him on: for the procurement of this medication, to my surprise the medication was procured and delivered within 48 hours and i have been on treatment for the past 3 months.Am now here to testify that am no longer a cancer patient. I have experience a total transformation in my life with Dr.Rick Simpson Cannabis oil service. Below are the different types of illness he cured

    (1) Adeniod Cystic Carcinoma
    (2) Anal Cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinima)
    (3) Aplastic Anemia
    (4) Basal Cell Carcionoma
    (5) Bladder Cancer
    (6) Bone Cancer
    (7) Brain Cancer
    (8) Breast Cancer
    (9) Cervical Cancer
    (10) Colon Cancer
    (11) Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma (EHE)
    (12) Endometrial Cancer
    (13) Kidney Cancer
    (14) Leukemia
    (15) Liposarcoma
    (16) Liver Cancer
    (17) Lung Cancer
    (18) Lymphoma
    (19) Lymphoma
    (20) Melanoma
    (21) Neuroblastoma
    (22) Ovarian Cancer
    (23) Pancreatic Cancer
    (24) Parotid Salivary Gland Cancer
    (25) Pituitary Gland Tumor
    (26) Prostate Cancer
    (27) Spinal Tumor
    (28) Sqamous Cell CArcimona
    (29) Thyriod Cancer
    (30) Uterine Cancer
    For all cancer patients that lives in American region, Asia, Europe and the world at large, go get your Cannabis oil by

    contacting: or web:

    Yours faithfully,

    Hellen Else

  30. I am Sancho Pedro base in united state of America, my wife was suffering from Breast Cancer and the doctor told me that there was nothing that he could do to save my beloved wife. Then a friend told me about the Harry Ferguson hemp oil that can cure cancer, i told him that my wife’s breast cancer was in the last stage that i don’t think the hemp oil would cure it and he persuaded me to try it, for the love of my wife, i decided to give it a try. I did some research and i found a doctor who helped me with the cannabis oil to cure my wife’s breast cancer and he assured me that after 4 months the cancer would be no more, here is the email to contact: or call + 14083370415 I bought it and she used it, it worked exactly as the doctor prescribed it. Thanks to doctor Harry Ferguson for taking away sorrow in my life. can you all imagine, that my wife have a 6 years old daughter and a 3 years old son, what would i have done. God will bless Dr. Harry Ferguson for helping me with cannabis oil and for his support and care, contact Email: what can i say unto my LORD, all i have to say is THANK YOU LORD.

  31. My Mother was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer about a one year ago, she has had an extremely difficult journey. She has had two rounds of chemotheraphy, one round or Y90 Radiation and now is experiencing liver failure. Jaundice, a weak appetite and depression are a few of her symptoms. I'm wondered what other treatment options she has (such as a liver transplant or a clinical trial) and also how long she has to live. My mother is my best friend and hero, she endures so much as your loved ones do too.but a cousin of mine came to our rescue by ordering this hemp oil from a foundation in usa,and so far the medication has proved my mother can do things she never could do before,i am so happy so i decided to use this medium to alert all cancer patient that with a good hemp oil,you can definitely beat cancer.if you happen to be in need of this medication Dr. Rick Simpson a man who knows about the cannabis hemp oil to cure cancer around the world, this cannabis is been made by Marijuana, not that common to get in most of the countries in the world, am attending to those who is suffering from any type of cancer, Cannabis oil is here to help you fight this illness at once,you can contact the foundation with this email:

    A great testimony i must share to all cancer patient in the world!
    I never knew CANNABIS OIL could cure cancer, i thought it was only meant to eliminate leukemia and Illinois paralyses, until 2 months ago, When i got a bottle of the oil, I bought them pretty expensive though, but had no option and didn’t want to loose my life just because of money..It turned out to be what i was looking for over 17 months, a week after buying the CANNABIS OIL it was like a reborn for me. Even my doctors were so amazed by its potency. I seriously advise that you also get yours, I am a living testimony of the wonder works of the cannabis oil and avoid going through life risking surgery. its 100% potent i swear..
    i am so happy for sharing this testimony, my advice to you people that think that their is no cure for cancer,just contact and get the oil treatment from Rick Simpson try it and you will not regret it because it truly works and here is his email ( God bless you all and i wish you a quick recovery. …

    Best Regards:
    Harold Jackson.

  33. My Sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and she was at the point of death, with cancer of the Breast in it final stage is now back alive and she is so healthy now. Thanks to Rick Simpson cannabis oil that we bought at: the Hemp oil was successfully used in curing my mother breast cancer within 3 months as stated in phoenix tear. Once again i want to thank Rick Simpson for his wonderful Cannabis Oil we are now happy family with my sister back alive, strong and healthy.If You can contact for your own medication email Rick Simpson at

    Best Regards,
    Liliana Ross

  34. My Father was diagnosed of brain cancer march 2016 and ever since then we have done chemotherapy 3 times but the cancer keep returning. Few months ago i heard about cannabis oil and its healing effect and i sourced the cannabis oil from USA and my father began treatment immediately with the cannabis oil, after using the cannabis oil for treatment at the stipulated time prescribe by Rick, there was total cure and as i write now my father can walk around the house by himself without support from anybody and go out anytime he chooses.

    Steve Ashley

  35. My Mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and she was at the point of death with cancer of the Breast in it final stage is now back alive and she is so healthy now. Thanks to Rick Simpson cannabis oil that we Ordered via his email: The cannabis oil was successfully used in curing my mother's breast cancer within 3 months as he prescribed. Once again i want to thank Rick Simpson for his wonderful cannabis Oil we are now happy family with my mother back alive, strong and healthy.

    Best Regards,
    Sharon Fredrich.


  36. My Wife Stage IV breast cancer and MS has just been cured with the cannabis oil gotten from cannabis oil is great medication. To hell with the government and their insane policy, we have a medication that is hundred percent assured to cure cancer and you don't need to spend so much money on anymore on chemo, radiation or surgeries that wouldn’t work.
    Where to purchase, contact via > visit my website on
    My family is now a brand new one, so stop your worries and go get your medication and set the family free of the or call +19147094469 or add him on whatsapp +2348158836673 deadly disease that hold no respect to family harmony.
    Make your health a better one by using cannabis oil in your everyday life.
    contact Dr olokum for all type of cancer

    thanks to Katrin Alfred

    I'm here again to appreciate. DR WILLIAMS God will always continue to bless you more abundantly, for the good works you don in my life, I will always keep on writing good and posting my testimonies about you on the Internet, I’m Jessica from Orlando, Florida. I was tested CANCER SIMPLEX VIRUS positive, I saw a blog on how DR WILLIAMS cured people with his herbal portion, i did not believe in natural medicine but i just decided to give him a try, I contacted him,and explain my situation to him,few day later he sent me the herb, after taking doc Williams herbal medicine for few week i also got my healing with his herbal portion, i am so happy. If you have any type of cancer problem or you are also infected with any kind of disease, contact him for advice and for his product,i hope this testimony also help some one out there


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