

The Stanford Prison Experiment

Vatic Note:   This was very interesting psychologically. If you take this experiment and lay it over a whole society, the ramifications could be great. This threw me back to the Tavistock group series we did and their studies on mass psychology and then watching 10 years of fear being pumped into our population, along with attempts at hate and trying to get us to be violent. Then selecting specific type personalities for the dominant authority role of policeman or law enforceman.

Remember Stanford is one of the illum schools and had done work in this field for the Tavistock group.I consider Stanford to be an adjunct to the Tavistock group who works for Britain, and also Rumsfeldt was hired by Stanford as well. That speaks volumes about the institution and its global connections. The social engineering we see in our society today is a result of institutions such as this one and Yale, Harvard etc educating the elites children to teach them how to take over the world.   Mass psychology in order to keep the elite safe, has always been the objective preferred to armed control.  Too much of their wealth would be going to those guarding them.  But social engineering is cheap in comparison.

Notice the similarities in the militarized training our cops are getting, and simultaneously we are being indoctrinated, brainwashed or whatever into believing we are helpless and and we are not, but this experiment shows how they can convince us of that through use of a multitude of unnecessary restrictive regulations that increase damn near daily in every aspect of our lives.

Then you have the trained police treating you as if you had no rights and brutal violence against citizens who are unarmed and no threat, you can see what that does every day to both the victim and the power symbol which is the cop.

Then add to that the feeding of psychotropic drugs and other killer drugs that fry our brain, the microwave towers, digital TV, and finally haarp, and you have perfect storm for violence to erupt.  Watching this and comparing it to what our evil psychos have done, can be very enlightening and once you know what is happening, it does not work anymore if you can recapture your true reality.

That is why I put up so much on the Pineal gland, consciousness and our energy as Teslar proved.  Remember the video series we did on the Plasma universe?  It was called "The thunderbolts of the Gods".  Well, I believe the answers for us lie in those areas and we should focus on those areas for our solutions and answers.  You check this out and see what you think. 

The Stanford Prison Experiment
By Alternative Media

The quiet Sunday morning of August 14, 1971, was broken by the wail of sirens as the Palo Alto, California police swept through town arresting nine people. The suspects were handcuffed, read their rights and subjected to the degradation of the booking process after being transported to the Stanford County Prison (SCP). So began the Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE), one of the most important psychology experiments in this country’s history.

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