

Bogus Diamonds in the Diamond Investment Industry

Vatic Note: Thanks to Veterans today we obtained this article and it explains one of our other blogs that we also got from Veterans Today about the extraction of all wealth from around    the world. There are many modes of investing and usually, these zionist bankers extract only from the middle class by manipulating and illegally playing the stock and bond markets to control pricing and thus rake in trillions like they did in 2008 when they ripped off the middle class 401K accounts in the stock and bond markets.(2.7 trillion dollars, bigger than Enron rip off, which may well have been a practice run.)

Then they began working on the wealthy class by substituting tungsten for the gold bars and extracted more wealth through their central banks,committing out and out fraud, through the substitution of the cheap base metals for the gold. Tokyo got burned as did other players not part of the international Rothschild banking scam.  Remember when Rothschild was selling gold bars he had stored in a secured warehouse, and then charged the buyer to store the gold bars. They were never tested. Finally it was tested in Tokyo and that is when the tungsten was discovered and we just heard that Rothschilds Swiss bank is now doing the same thing and it got caught. Will post it when I get the confirmation. So now the wealthy class thinks they are in good shape. They do not know they are broke.

Well, finally, they are at the end of their game and heading into WWW III. That means the ubber wealthy goyim are the last to be taken to the cleaners because they invest in the diamond markets. They also do not know that they hold billions in diamonds that are synthetic and not natural as certified by the scumbags doing this.

This company below is changing all of that now. They can expose even the best synthetic or lab grown diamonds and it will expose the fraud at a massive level of wealth that has been extracted from these diamond investors. The Question is "WHY DO THE VAMPIRE SQUIDS SAVE THE UBBER WEALTHY UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO SCAM THEM?"

WHY? this is very very important. Historically notice that every single World War was preceded by a revolution and economic collapse. Here is the key, EXCEPT FOR AMERICA....ALL REVOLUTIONS WERE STARTED BY THE KHAZAR ZIONIST INTERNATIONAL BANKERS, LIKE FRANCE, RUSSIA, AND GERMANY. Accompanied by inflation, came the same thing we have experienced, fiat currency used to manipulate and crash economies, and now they are doing it globally working first on the USA since we are the biggest market and economy,while also doing the others since they are affected by what happens to us.

What happened to the American Revolution that is different than Germany and Russia, etc.? The ubber wealthy were scammed in America a lot sooner than now. That made the very very wealth very very mad and they started the revolution and lead it into success and that is why the khazar zionist bankers waited until the last, this time, in order to take them down.

Just look at the difference between what happened to America under the ubber rich who led and won the war, they grew to one of the greatest economies in the world, compared to Russia whose people lived in abject poverty and repression. Americans today are definitely ready for a revolution, but have no leaders. That is the danger for the khazars. That is why they had to do the ubber wealthy last to give them no time to start anything, before the next money making WW for the bankers.

They do not want them controlling the revolution, since the Khazars must be in control of any revolution that is done as they have shown in the past. Look what happened to those nations taken over through revolution by the Khazars? They died and were third world countries and millions of Christians were killed in Russia, and 3 million in Germany, and then and until the World War rescued them and made the khazars filthy rich through war loans and military industrial spending on weapons and ammo. That is why they save the ubber rich til last. THEY DO NOT WANT THEM LEADING ANY DAMN REVOLUTIONS THAT TAKES CONTROL AWAY FROM THE KHAZAR ZIONIST BANKERS, even though revolution is part of their game plan, but they must control it, no one else.

Diamond ‘fingerprinting’ 
to revolutionise market
4th June 2010

Diamond and gem forensic laboratories DiaLab South Africa is playing a leading role in technological innovation in the diamond 
industry by filing the first commercial DNA-
fingerprinting patent for diamonds and gems.

The technology is to be used in the commercial reports of diamond and gem certifications and the company reports it is the first to offer the fingerprinting ser-
vice on certificates of authenticity.

DiaLab spokesperson Baron Baretzky tells Mining Weekly that the unique diamond fingerprinting technology it developed has the potential to cause unease 
within the diamond dealing 
industry. The high-technology machinery is up to 99,99% 
accurate, which could result in revelations about the amount of synthetic diamonds being passed off as type-one (mined) diamonds in the market.

DiaLab studied a sample of 1565 diamonds taken from the Western Cape market and, after thorough testing, revealed that up to 20% of the diamonds in circulation were synthetic, or had been processed to enhance their appearance.

Baretzky alludes to the fact that the diamond dealing indus-
try may not at first welcome the fingerprinting technology, owing to the amount of money it will lose by discovering the true 
extent of synthetic diamonds in stock that have been certified as natural.

Crystalline fingerprinting 
machines have been in existence for about three years to four years, but the first-generation 
machines cannot detect the difference between all the variants of synthetic diamonds. DiaLab developed the fingerprinting technology from existing medical apparatus, similar to that used in radiology, and refined it. The company received a patent for its technology earlier this year.

DiaLab is now able to detect treatments applied to diamonds that previously went undiscovered. It can now tell if a diamond was recently polished or boiled to alter its appearance. Further, the organic fingerprinting process can trace the origin of diamonds by assessing traces of uranium in the diamond. The soil of different diamond-producing areas has different uranium contents, 
enabling diamonds to be traced to its point of origin. DiaLab continues to research this field.

The company reports that all gems of crystalline origin can be fingerprinted by using DiaLab’s organic fingerprinting system, 
especially diamonds.
Global research points to statistics showing about 500-million carats 
of synthetic diamonds being sold each year globally since 1990.

The reason for developing the technology is for public and commercial protection and to avoid exploitation. “DiaLab-certified diamonds can be traced to the point of origin, by matching it with the known DNA-structure from the region.Diamonds can also be tracked throughout the duration of their lifetime in the market, offering peace of mind to prospective buyers,” he says.

Meanwhile, DiaLab has potentially discovered a new chemical diamond, by using its 
fingerprinting technique.

“The problem now arises: how many of these synthetic diamonds have already passed into the market as authentic diamonds?” he asks.

The company is continuously improving the system and plans to commercialise it within the next three years. The company 
does not expect an immediate surge of interest in DiaLab’s tech-
nology, but foresees that demand 
will increase in 10 years to 15 years, when more advanced 
synthetic diamonds flood the market.

“We currently subsidise about 95% of the price to certify diamonds, owing to the fact that we use the opportunity to facilitate research and development. It can normally cost up to €400 to test stones,” he says.

On its website, DiaLab reports that its fingerprinting system will be conclusive in all future audit and forensic testing requirements globally. 
The company says that the synthetics market is exploring the diamond industry and flooding it with carbon-13, synthetically produced diamonds, and that only accurate testing by the fingerprinting system will be able to determine the origin of the diamond.

Technically, it will leave no room for any devious sales or certifications. It is also understood that a new certification mark, called Cams, is in the development process to provide a platform for a more transparent sales environment.

Edited by: Shannon de Ryhove

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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