

Tungsten Plated Gold Bars - Bob Chapman Implicates Robert Rubin & Larry Summers

Tungsten Plated Gold Bars - Bob Chapman Implicates Robert Rubin & Larry Summers
by Bob Chapman, The Daily Bail

Vatic Note: ANY QUESTION THAT THE FED NEEDS AUDITING??? After this ditty, no question that their control over fort knox needs auditing in addition to the 12 trillion dollars that are unaccounted for by the fed reserve.   Now, if true, you do realize this is a major fraud 20 year sentence type crime??? So CFR Rubin and Summers who are economic hitmen as well, should be in the we speak. But alas, the criminals get to run the justice dept. Something wrong with this picture. In Video #3, watch how a gold bar is tested and scanned with ultrasound. To ensure the integrity of the gold bars stored for customers, some companies now use scanning technology.

Video #1 - Bob Chapman talking about the Tungsten Plated Gold Bars

Video #2 - Analysis of the Gold Bars

Video #3 - Ultrasound for testing the gold bars

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  1. Isn't chapman part of the jonestein gang?

    A Few example LOCAL AND FEDERAL AFRs (Annual Financial Reports)
    US Treasury Audit of the Banks

    (Actual Government AFRs produced each year as of 2010 is over 184,000 - "Collective" invest ment wealth - 110 trillion dollars)


  2. He could be, but again, because they use "truth" to gain credibility, you can get some jewels from them that are useful. I have always had a problem with Chapman, but could never say why.... must have been that "gut" instinct, 2nd brain. LOL Its funny now to watch those operatives begin to really push the fear and anger and hate to TRY and get us to violate the law and thus subject us to martial law.

    I say these cretins will HAVE TO BREAK THE LAW FIRST to get to us and when they do... bam, that is when we hit and hard and legally. Its no good becoming those you are trying to get rid of otherwise you defeat your own purpose.

    THANKS FOR ALL THOSE REFERENCES ON THE CAFR'S I just wish they were linked. LOL

  3. Vatic Master:

    You have heard of the saying: "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight" The playing field government has created is bringing "Paper to a gun fight". The people bring their pleadings to the courts, they are ignored, the law acquiesced to deliberate violation by the courts through, intentional omission, or outright subversion. If compliance with edicts of court in insurrection under the guise of standards is objected to, then the people face retaliation of arrest or confrontation from guns to be quelled into subservient compliance.

    In history the same happens over and over again until overwhelming confrontation by whatever means stops it by force of the mob. Until that occurs the truckloads, no freighter loads of cash and wealth are collected perpetuating the insurrection in an active state from within.

    Empires and massive wealth transfer continues building from the courts. Ethics in practice becomes obsolete due to the money involved.

    Those from within out of easy opportunity and limited consequences in reality will network continuously in the effort for forced wealth transfer under the guise of law until stopped by force due to the money involved.

    Those that stopped it by force will institute protective guidelines to deter the circumstances of the easy opportunity for the breeding grounds of corruption. The sad part is as time goes by the generations that move forward forget the circumstances that required the use of force by the mob and the cycle repeats itself.

    The gauge that determine at what point we are at in that cycle is the blatantness occurring. At the beginning of the cycle those opportunists from within are few and quietly conspire to steal the wealth. At the end of the cycle organized efforts are put forth by the now many from within having empires of wealth established to finalize absolute control and ease of plunder.

    September 11th 2001 was the open start of the organized mass transfer of wealth. The derivatives play at the end of 2008 orchestrated the transfer of well in excess of 30 trillion dollars globally. The institution of government policy as of 2009 - 2011 is designed to bleed the population into perpetuity.

    On a scale from 1 to 100 along the line of the cycle I would say we are at about 87.

    The final action that pushes to the 90 and greater point is when the mass arrest of the populace begins to occur as the momentum of the theft reaches unbearably to the masses where the mob unifies to clean house for corrective action. It is done. And the cycle repeats.

    Currently we have the largest prison population in the world both in numbers and percentage of population. We have the largest percentage of people tied up in the court system of any country in the world.

    The attorney population running this trillion-dollar industry of theft by application of selectively presented law also is a good gauge. Currently over 70% of our congress; senate; and governors are attorneys. The president is an attorney. The selective application of the use of law now permeates the country in a vale of oppression and inequity.

    Until there is genuine liability and accountability for the mob of inside players the time-line steadily advances to the push towards the 100 mark whereby the outside mob will be forced out of circumstances to take unified and corrective action by force at which point the paper is meaningless in the fight. As always has been the case motivational attitude and the will to use it become the prevailing aspect of determining the outcome.

    Soldiers primarily fight for a job and security. Patriots fight for life; liberty; and the pursuit of justice. When the patriots outnumber the paid soldiers then the cycle ends and the chance for a new fairness for all begins. Time and circumstance determines when the shift occurs.

    Wealth transfer to the inside players over the last ten years is raging at a fevers pitch and the patriots from the outside are growing exponentially as each day passes.

    Walter Burien


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Be respectful in your comments, keeping in mind that these discussions will become the Zeitgeist of our time that future database archeologists will discover. Make your comments worthy and on the founding father's level in their respectfulness, reasoning, and sound argumentation. Prove we weren't all idiots in our day and age. Comments that advocate sedition or violence are not encouraged. Racist, ad hominem, and troll-baiting comments might never see the light of day.