

Blinding Blue light flash seen during recent earthquake in Japan: Nuclear Plants Lose Power

Viewers Note:  I am putting this up because its excellent and a viable alternative to what I have said below in my vatic note.  I think this may well fit both situations perfectly so please read and watch the videos.  This would explain the horizon chemtrailing at sunrise and sunset every single day without exception, while continuing to accept the man made efforts to wreak havoc on the planet.  One thing all this has taught us...... we are capable of making it on our own without gov or banks or anyone in corp america or the elite.  That is good.   Here are his comments:
"Man-made technology ONLY causing the Earth Disasters--FALSE..

Planet X is the BIG FACTOR causing these Natural Events but the Elites can also trigger these events as well and actually want to take credit for it because they want the masses to BLAME THEM for Causing this, that way they can Maintain Control over the masses before the BIG Planet X event gets here.. This way they don't lose control over the masses... They must do this by making us think/believe/feel these are 'ManMade' occurrences.. IF the masses caught on that an incoming Brown Dwarf Star is MOSTLY behind it, the masses would feel betrayed that their Gv't knew about Planet X coming in for thousands of years now but did nothing to try to protect their asses !!!!!!!! They would quit going to work, they would alleviate their obedience from their tyrannical masters, they'd quit paying their taxes, Commerce would grind to a halt, the Economy would completely collapse, etc. and the PTB are TRYING TO AVOID THIS...
The Elites try to imitate God ( and God is CAUSING PLANET X TO CAUSE THE VAST MAJORITY of the Earth Changes ) because they think they can outsmart God, etc......
Vatic Note: (now for my two cents) Well, the space military top secret ship and weaponry is being used on the globe right now as we speak.  CHECK OUT THE VIDEOS BELOW as it shows it all.   check it out since they have completely cut me off of my blog now.  Its taken me two hours by contacting Google to get back onto my own site and post this.  Google said there is "suspicious activity" on my blog and suggested changing my password, which I have done. You know this always indicates we have something they do not want out there for you to see.  Keep that in mind as you read this and watch the videos.   There is a lock down on these two videos..... ITS A WEAPON BECAUSE YOU CAN SEE ON THE 1st VIDEO THE WEAPON BEING USED.  THIS IS NOT NATURAL SO THEY ARE SERIOUSLY CONDUCTING WAR ON US or WORSE, NIBIRU IS HERE AND THEY AREN'T TELLING US SO WE CAN PREPARE, both options are bad and treason by our own Israeli controlled  gov and banking system.  Watch the  videos and see for yourself unless they gutted them.   I would highly recommend you download before they are gone.  Remember they also just got done reclassifying 60 million documents as top secret.  Why??? What are they? Is this like the library going underground???  Someone in DC want to check and see if the library of congress has all their books above  ground? 

Blinding Blue light flash seen during earthquake in Japan: Nuclear Plants Lose Power
The Intel Hub
April 7th, 2011

The Onagawa nuclear power plant has lost power and is currently running on back up generators after another huge quake rocked Japan.

“At 12:23 a.m. the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, an arm of the Japanese government, began holding an emergency press conference. An official said external sources of electricity have been cut to both the Higashi-Dori nuclear power plant in Aomori Pref., in northern Japan and the Rokkasho nuclear recycling plant, which I wrote in the latest issue of Forbes magazine . Both plants are reportedly operating normally via on-site emergency generators,“wrote Yas Idei, writing for Forbes in Japan.

During the earthquake a strange blue light was observed which has yet to be explained. Earthquakes have spiked throughout the world yet our corporate media continues to downplay the dangers, while our president has openly canceled the United States Earthquake early warning detection system.

A video has appeared on Youtube that seems to indicate that earthquakes are being deleted off the USGS website and that back to back earthquakes actually hit Japan. (See second video at bottom)

2 sets of back-to-back quakes for Japan, and other stuff popping off around the globe...... (VN: Looks like Africa is clear but then that is where Greater Israel is emerging so of course they would leave that clear.)

Associated Press
“Thursday’s quake knocked out several power lines at the Onagawa nuclear power plant north of Sendai, which has been shut down since the tsunami. One remaining line was supplying power to the plant and radiation monitoring devices detected no abnormalities. The plant’s spent fuel pools briefly lost cooling capacity but an emergency diesel generator quickly kicked in.” Aftershock puts nuclear plants on emergency power

Japan’s nuclear agency says the quake that struck northeastern Japan on Thursday, disabled all but one outside power supply line at the Onagawa nuclear power plant in Miyagi Prefecture. The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency says 2 of the 3 power lines became unavailable and the plant is using the only remaining line to cool its nuclear reactors.

It says the cooling systems of 3 spent fuel pools were disabled at one point, but had all been restored. Reuters has reported that officials have restarted the cooling systems at the Onagawa nuclear plant. So far it is impossible to tell what is actually going on as it seems a media blackout is under way in regards to the possibly damaged nuclear power plants.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. I am not sure what why you are showing these Planet X thoughts concerning the ongoing war against Japan. There is too much info showing it was not natural. The biggest argument is Japan kicking the USA military out of Japan. This document was released the day after the March 11 big earthquake, March 12. In other words, they had it ready to go, because most likely they knew something was going to occur against Japan. How else do you put together a 110 page document in less than one day...

    The 110 pg doc starts out -

    “NWO-Khazars-Rothschild-CIA may be involved in another massive crime against
    the People of the Sovereign Nation of JAPAN

    110 pg document excerpts -

    “After the Japanese surrender in World War II, the United States Armed Forces
    acquired the overall administrative authority in Japan. All of the Japanese Imperial
    Army and Navy were decommissioned and all of their military bases were taken
    over by the United States Armed Forces. The allied countries planned to
    demilitarize Japan, and the U.S. imposed the Constitution of Japan with a no-
    armed-force clause in 1947.”

    page 35 -

    “As of December 2009, there are 35,688 U.S. military personnel stationed in Japan,”

    page 37 -

    “In 1995, the abduction and rape of a 12-year-old Okinawan schoolgirl by two U.S. Marines and
    one U.S. sailor led to demands for the removal of all U.S. military bases in Japan.”

  2. Well, if you read the entire offering above, you would have gotten that I do believe it was intentional and done by both Harp for the earthquake and said so on a blog here and proved it and also a nuke at the ocean floor to create the single directed Tsunami that destroyed Japan. I also said, I believed it was a practice run for them to do the same thing here as they did in Japan. YOU MUST READ "BOTH" THE VIEWERS NOTE THAT I QUOTED AND THE VATIC NOTE.

    I put up the Planet X because they are not mutually exclusive like I thought. This is not a simplistic black and white issue. If I had not seen what they were doing every single day for months now, I would never have considered it, but they are hiding something along the horizon at sunset and sunrise by only chemtrail the horizon in the east in the morning and the horizon in the west in the evening.

    THAT IS FACT. Not speculation. I watch it personally. Further, those who have gotten up early, have provided videos and photos of that second sun which is like a sun only because of the reflection of sunlight off of it. Like any planet, during full daylight, you cannot see the planet venus or jupiter etc, but you cans see them in the "indirect setting or rising sunlight" both in the morning and evening.

    The viewers note made an excellent point, that Planet X is coming, probably will do some damage, but isn't near as devastating as they would like us to think, however, as Rahm said "Never let a crisis opportunity go by".... which means, they can use the Planet to cover a whole bunch of crimes and manipulate us by making us believe they are doing it all by themselves. They are not. But they are taking what is done and making it much much worse, and intending to depopulate the planet with harp and radiation while they go underground. Now we have to plan on how to get them while they are underground before they can ever come up again.

    That way we will have ALL PSYCHOPATHS IN ONE PLACE UNDERGROUND ALL OVER THE PLANET and those of us left can then take care of that problem so we can rebuild when this is over.


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