

Conquering cigarette addiction and eight other ways raw honey can improve your health and your life

Vatic Note:   During my research I discovered that this type of honey described below and organic, natural, unprocessed cinnamon are natures most potent anti-biotic.   It makes sense since Honey bees are responsible for seeing to it that the hive survives all the ravages of nature and protects the hive occupants which are the babies.

Its amazing what nature has to offer us that would help us stay away from the life killing drugs that are fed to us.  More people die from the side affects  of the poorly regulated drugs, than from deaths from car accidents nationwide.  What an indictment that is.   The FDA is a revolving door for those drug company greedy bums who would sacrifice human health for wealth. 

Conquering cigarette addiction and eight other ways raw honey can improve your health and your life


(NaturalNews) Did you know that raw honey can be used to help stave off persistent cigarette cravings? When we change our microbiology in positive ways by using natural substances like raw organic honey, we change the way our immune system functions and the way we think. 
The diversity of our microbiome plays an important role in influencing our genes and protecting our blood from pathogens. The strength and intelligence of our individual microbiome either limits or permits environmental elements to affect our blood, organs and brain function. Raw honey is an important part of an all-natural herbal protocol to help you build a strong and intelligent microbiome to break addictions such as cigarette cravings.

Honey's unique prebiotic properties feed the good bacteria colonies in the intestines. This helps stop the growth of food-borne pathogens such as E. coli and salmonella, strengthening the body's microbiome to fight off certain kinds of dangerous bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 
Honey is such a powerful food-medicine because it is a diverse collection of flower and herb pollens. Honey bees are our best pharmacists, working to gather exactly what our bodies and our microbiome need to face the negative pathogenic forces we may come across.

Organic, unpasteurized, raw, unfiltered honey is arguable the most powerful, most versatile health tonic in nature, and it's one of the few natural substances that never expires! Honey contains a wonderful blend of calcium, potassium and magnesium. Most commercial honey products are pasteurized and therefore stripped of nutritive bee pollen, depriving the final product of important amino acids and antioxidants. Hence, it's best to choose a raw, unpasteurized honey that is as organic as possible.

Feeds growth of good bacteria, helping body adapt to and overcome dangerous pathogens

Pollen gathered from the flowers of the Manuka bush has been clinically proven to eradicate more than 250 strains of bacteria, including some very vicious forms: MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus), MSSA (methicillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus), and VRE (vancomycin-resistant enterococci).

Helps body regulate insulin

Raw honey can increase insulin and decrease hyperglycemia. When honey is combined with a herb like fenugreek seed, type-II diabetes doesn't stand a chance.

Makes a fever more useful

Raw honey is great for sweetening and boosting the medicinal properties of bitter herbal teas. Persistent, unproductive fevers can be made more useful, effective and short-lived when one consumes a simmering 30 minute tea of feverfew herb (1T), catnip herb (1T), holy basil, black pepper and honey (1T).

Breaking the cycle of seasonal allergies

Regular, therapeutic use of raw honey is great for easing and then stopping the cycle of seasonal allergies. Nettle leaf powder (1tsp daily) and mucilaginous herbal teas containing mullein (3T) and marshmallow root (3T) help speed up the body's adaptation to seasonal allergies.

Annihilating viruses and speeding up recovery from illness

When facing the symptoms of a cold virus, honey should be used early and often. Honey with elderberry syrup will stop the tickling sensation in the throat and help you cough less frequently. This is important before bed, so the body isn't woken up through the night. Restful sleep is important. At other times, a cough is an important reaction to stimulate the removal of mucus.

Alleviate sinus congestion

If the sinuses are congested, a mixture of honey, apple cider vinegar, turmeric, burdock root, ginger root and cayenne pepper can be used alongside a full sinus drainage massage and essential oils of eucalyptus and peppermint to alleviate pressure, normalize the breath and expel any mucus.

Digestion aid

Honey can also be used to aid in digestion. When combined with ginger root and apple cider vinegar, honey can be a powerful force to alleviate indigestion.

Due to its antibacterial properties, honey effectively treats urinary tract infections

Full of prebiotics, honey promotes the growth of good bacteria in the intestines for long-term immune system support. This property alone makes honey a versatile food-medicine to help or prevent almost any health problem that we might face.

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