

Breaking through Americans’ Dumbed Down Layers of Deception and Denial

Vatic Note: Boy, I got really carried away on this one. Sorry about that and I will not blame you if you decide to pass on my diatribes through this article.  Once again their target is blaming the US for all of this with not one word about the British and their role in all this, or the Khazar Rothschild London bankers who run Britain from behind the curtain.  I feel like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, with this yellow brick road I am suppose to travel down. They are trying desperately to turn this into a Revolution of class warfare and that is why this is up as well.

Its to Pit one class of Americans against another, again, dividing the country only by class this time.   They talk about wealth, but that is not the problem.  The problem are the factions that want to rule the world, and there are three factions:  The zionists,  the Nazi's, and the bloodlines, and all of them are psychopathic, so we don't need any of them.  This author has done a true disservice both to Veterans Today and to the general public.  I have never seen such an article written that totally gives the Zionists what they would want and dream of wanting.

A "completely set up"  Nazi picture of the US, without a single word about the infiltration, blackmail, bribery, and threats to take over our government by a foreign country, Israel, for their banker masters.  Not one single word.  The entire article is just another exercise in their deception and propaganda story writing to try and get the world to hate us enough to conduct WW III against us.
Its not poor against rich, but they already said that is what they wanted, both a class warfare for revolution or civil war and then Christians against Muslims as they wrote about in 1871 for WW III where they kill each other off and leave the Zionists standing.  This diatribe about classes screwing each other, is perfect for what they wanted for a revolution.

That way they get the rich on their (bankers) side, and then take their wealth after extracting ours, and after a successful revolution,  there is no doubt about it.  Its not the wealth, its the game they are addicted to.....but guess who that 1% is?   Its the three factions, so if we conduct war at all, it should be against the Zionist, nazi's and bloodlines and we should do it all over the world.  Now that would be an acceptable excuse to globalize.  LOL
Underlying this article is the assumption that our federal government is truly run by our elected representatives and that is factually inaccurate.  Its run by the Zionist khazar bankers who have infiltrated our government at every level and bought the press enmass, and control the music and movie industries, while the bloodline families like dupont and gates keep putting poisons in our food, and sterilizing vaccines, which attacks our organs, and affects the brain and dumbs us down.  The good news is they are proving to be the ones that are totally insane, and we are not.  That means they will bring themselves down eventually if we just let them. 

All three factions have their own agendas without regard for the other two, however, on those practices that support their agenda, they will work together and a dumbed down America was essential to pulling this off for all three of them.   What will be interesting is "OUT OF THE THREE, IN THE END, WHICH ONE WILL BE LEFT STANDING?"  Let me ask you "If you met Hillary Clinton in a dark alley somewhere, would you trust her?" Same with John "Cohen" Kerry, our current Sec of state???  What about Feinstink, or Lieberscum, or Levin???  See the problem?  We can't tell our own citizens apart from those khazars with no souls, who are the enemy of our country and are working to bring us down.

There is no way any of them will tolerate sharing the globe with the other two, especially the Zionists who hate the goyim with a passion, and many of the nazi's and bloodlines are goyim.  This may turn out to be fun to watch while they do each other AFTER THEY ARE DONE DOING US, SINCE THEY NEED EACH OTHER UNTIL THEN.  After that, its anybody's guess.  Right???

Might be some serious entertainment involved for us to watch Hillary battle Diane Feinstein.  LOL   You know who I miss that called all this years ago and even introduced legislation to stop the chemtrails and monsanto's GMO food????  DENNIS KUCINCH.  And the other one I miss was CYNTHIA MCKINNEY who called 9-11 spot on and tried to hold hearings and the powers that be got both of them kicked out on their primary race.   Now that is who we should have elected President and Cynthia as VP.   Yup, its the USS Liberty all over again only on a much grander scale.   They are still getting caught.  Not too bright,  huh?  lol What this means to us is that WE HAVE NO SAY OVER WHO OUR PRIMARY CANDIDATES WILL BE FOR THE GENERAL ELECTION.  THE CONVENTIONS ARE RIGGED WITH THE AIPAC OPERATIVES. 

The rest of my very extensive comments are included below within the text of the article.  I could not help myself.  Veterans today has done a poor job on this one.  They are selling us the cabals line that they want us to believe. This fits with their "controlled opposition" platform/program of revolution and then WW, and they need us to see our nation as dirty so we won't fight for it to the death which is how we win these wars.   Veterans today better take a look at that author and get someone else who "knows" the truth.  Up until now I was very pleased with the fact that most of their articles have turned out to be true,  this one was terrible and makes me believe they may also be part of the game.  I hope not.  The author is military, so who knows.  He also is not one of their regular contributors. So, for now I will give them the benefit of the doubt.

The bottom line on all of this is "Only we, the people, can save ourselves."  But first we must admit what is real and then have the courage to pinpoint and target those who are responsible.   Until we do that, we won't succeed.  Iceland led the way and we must follow.  Purge from our Government, Corporations, and positions of power and authority, in banking as well,  all Dual Israeli, khazar, zionist bankers and their PAID DUAL CITIZENS/AGENTS, while investigating and prosecuting those that have broken our laws and committed murder, and do so to the full extent of the law, by throwing them in jail, or the death penalty, and kicking the rest out of the country and personally escort them back to Tel Aviv or to any country willing to take them.   Its that simple and it means we MUST TELL OUR REPS AND SENATORS THAT WE WILL BACK THEM IF THEY DO THAT, AND WE MUST BE PREPARED TO DO SO AND KEEP OUR WORD.

Use the system our forefathers fought and died for, to set us free and we must do what it takes to keep ourselves free, so they did not die in vain.  Take our nation back forcing the system to work.   Otherwise, its just brute force and mayhem, and the system will not survive to destruction.  EITHER WE HAVE A WORKING SYSTEM OR WE DON'T..... IF WE DON'T THAN WE DO IT THE HARD WAY AND OUR FOREFATHERS PROVIDED FOR THAT POSSIBLITY AS WELL, WITH THE "UNORGANIZED MILITIA" AND THE SECOND AMENDMENT.  Its up to us which way it goes.  I vote for forcing the system to work, if it doesn't than we use the LAST RESORT.  

Breaking through Americans’ Dumbed Down Layers of Deception and Denial
By Joachim Hagopian, Veterans Today,  March 30, 2015

A decade ago the late great comedian George Carlin saw what America had turned into:

"Politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. 

They got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every day lobbying. Lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want – they want more for themselves and less for everybody else.

But I’ll tell you what they don’t want – they don’t want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking… They want obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it. 

And now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your fuckin’ retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street. And you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you sooner or later ’cause they own this fuckin’ place. It’s a big club and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club…

The table is tilted folks. The game is rigged and nobody seems to notice… Nobody seems to care. That’s what the owners count on. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t care about you at all! The fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that’s being jammed up their assholes every day, because the owners of this country know the truth… It’s called the American Dream, ’cause you have to be asleep to believe it."

Ten year later, the veracity of Carlin’s words rings truer than ever. Next year the richest 1% of humans on this planet will own more wealth than the rest of us 99% earth inhabitants combined. And in the ensuing years since Carlin uttered those words, the oligarchic “owners” of this nation (VN:  The Zionists, nazi's and bloodlines who married the Zionists.)  care even less about us.

Last year a joint Princeton-Northwestern (VN:  aaahh, two illuminati schools, well, that must be a good study, LOL) study confirmed Carlin’s blunt assertion, making it official – the United States government is an oligarchy. Our elected representatives serve the interests of the controlling elite that years ago Carlin astutely pointed out owns the government, the Fortune 500 transnational corporations, us and virtually the entire world.  (VN: then go check out who is on their boards of directors???  Rothschilds, Rockefellers, bankers, more bankers, and even more bankers.  LOL)

Moreover, further evidence corroborating Carlin’s contention that US citizens are being systematically dumbed down is the fact that every year Americans are testing lower in IQ intelligence. Results from a recent adult competency test given to young people aged 20-34 in 22 different developed nations show that the US came in dead last in both tech proficiency and numeracy and just two from the bottom in literacy. High school graduates in Finland, Japan and the Netherlands equaled the test performance of America’s college graduates. Sadly, the nation once known for its “Yankee ingenuity” that led the world in innovation and technology is lagging further behind the modern world that’s long since caught up and passed us.  (VN: I agree, so lets reverse what the Khazar Bankers did and put control of our schools OUT OF THE HANDS OF THE FEDS AND back to the local level with school boards setting the curriculum, teachers determining teaching methods based on their education and parents in on all of it.  WHEN WE DID THAT WE CAME IN 2ND IN THE WORLD IN EDUCATION.)

How did America get so dumbed down as to always be the last ones to know? In large part Carlin already answered this question in passing. With just six oligarchs owning and controlling the biggest media corporations in the world, already co-opted and merged with the US crime syndicate government in power, controllers of what gets disseminated to the masses as news and information in effect controls how people are perceiving and reacting to the world around them.

And as long as the continuous propaganda brainwash keeps bombarding the masses on a daily 24/7 basis with nonstop lies and disinformation, Americans will only continue to be kept in the dark as the last to know what’s really going on. The oligarchs are simply utilizing what’s worked so well for them in the past – in the words of Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels (VN: A KHAZAR....)

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State… The most brilliant propaganda technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over."

No more is that last statement true than during this last year when Putin has been demonized by Washington and Western Mainstream Media. The repeated lies against Putin completely overlook the all too obvious fact that it was the US that broke international law [again], this time in Ukraine pumping $5 billion in NGO’s to hire neo-Nazi thugs into committing street violence to overthrow another democratically elected government.  (VN:  As most of you know, Putin would not be in the position he is in and has been in for years, unless he was owned by the Zionist bankers, who financed the revolution and has controlled Russia ever since, and he has 40 billion dollars in offshore accounts to prove it. If he betrayed them he would be dead now.  We personally know that because that is why JFK was killed. Thats for another blog.)

Just as the US (VN: again, see how they use "The US", just like they use the term "Jews" when we have proven and they have finally admitted they are not Jews, but Jews took the blame for everything these khazar zioinists did.  This is being done to prepare us to take the blame and the designation as "nazi's" just like they did in WW II with Hitler and Germany.  It worked before, therefore they are doing it again.  Big mistake, its being recognized for what it is.  Its all a game they play and if they were not such anal retentive control freaks, they would use something different so we would not recognize it.) in its subversive opportunistic power grab was about to strategically seize control over the Black Sea Russian naval base in Sebastopol, Crimea, right after the Crimean population as ethnic Russians who for centuries were part of Russia voted overwhelmingly to be annexed by Russia, Putin beat US Empire to the punch and defensively moved his troops in place to protect Crimean citizens and his naval base.  (VN: all of this above is outlined as a blue print for surrounding Russia to gain control of her oil and gas fields for the Zionists who control global energy resources.   Its the Russian people that this is against, and like us, their leader is on the bankers side,  THAT IS WHY THEY NEED WW III.... AND ARE DETERMINED THAT THEY WILL HAVE IT AND MILLIONS OF RUSSIANS AND AMERICANS WILL DIE FOR THEIR BENEFIT ONCE AGAIN.  NOT THIS TIME AROUND.  IF WE MUST DIE THEN THEY GO WITH US.)

Yet the lies being repeated ad nauseam by the US and MSM (VN:  and Zionist Khazar bankers....) that Putin is the aggressor refusing to comply with international law accompanied by more false flag lies (i.e., Putin shot down MH17 and that Putin sent Russian soldiers into Ukraine) have effectively brainwashed most Americans into believing Putin is once again our cold war enemy who needs to be stopped with yet more war. (VN: that is because Putin is in on the game. iTS CALLED CONTROLLED OPPOSITION and is a favorite tool of the psychopathic khazars.   All sides of all two world wars (Churchill, Eisenhower, and Roosevelt, formerly Rosenfeld)  were part of the scam and nothing has changed for WW III, both sides are in on it.  Obama and Putin along with the bankers.  The bankers know that we know because Goldman sachs nuke hardened their corporate headquarters in manhattan and the work was done in the middle of the night instead of during the day.  Fear made them spend a lot of their wealth to protect themselves in that building.  I was happy to see them throw all that money away for nothing. LOL  But its a warning to the residents of NY City, be prepared, there is a reason that Goldman Sachs nuke hardened their headquarters with undground facilities beneath the building. It had to have cost them millions of dollars.)

Thankfully the US rush to war in Ukraine is not deterring European nations like Germany and France (VN: both Khazar owned and run countries) from trying to pursue a peaceful resolution through negotiation and diplomacy in Ukraine. They depend too much on Putin’s gas and oil and don’t want potential World War III killing their soldiers fighting in their own backyard. Further, both of those countries are currently aiding the same offenders in globalizing their currency prior to WW III, so all loans are done in that currency.  (VN: the leaders of these countries could give a rats butt about their people.  That has now become a proven fact.  They are as self serving as their masters. They know that they will get their oil and gas if war breaks out because the leaders will be paid off for not fighting the war to win it. As usual, its only the people that suffer all the pains, death and suffering of war.  Well, we can take that same war to them.  Right in their own neighborhoods and underground as well.  We know  how to dig.)

Recently Europe and Australia are also breaking ranks from US Empire’s dominance economically by seeking to become members of China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. They clearly see the writing on the wall that China is fast replacing the United States soon emerging as the number one economic power.  (VN: what a surprise, Goldman Sachs, owned by Rothschild is Chinas' exclusive  brokerage house for international markets and finance and got so many American and international corps to relocate to China for using their slave labor force in the millions.  Why do you think they are the leader now?  And why do you think the "global currency is now coming into being through Brics?"   Australia is owned by the zionists, just like the rest of the commonwealth, Canada, Britain, and Australia.  Our research has definitely proven that.  Brazil and China are right in there with them.)

The age of US (VN:  see?  There it is again... Notice the pattern?) global hegemony as the sole global superpower bullying the rest of the world into submission and defeat is gradually coming to an end. The United States no longer is calling all the shots in the world. Its longtime strongest allies Europe, Australia and Japan are not so willing to act as US Empire puppets anymore. (VN:   you can thank Fukishima for that little gift, thanks to Israel's Stuxnet computer virus on all their security systems for the nuke plants that failed and guess who was in charge of security for those plants?  You guessed it, Israel.  So now Israel has Japan in a box.  They better not support the US or Bam, another fukishima.).

Long recognizing that the militarized US foreign policy destabilizing and impoverishing the Third World has imperialistically caused so much global destruction producing only failed state after failed state, much of the world sees the US has made the planet more armed and dangerous than ever before in human history. As such, in the eyes of much of the world’s nations, America has lost considerable respect, global influence and power.  (VN: True, but that was our FOREIGN OCCUPIED GOVERNMENT that did that, not the people. The real enemy of the globe who WW III should be against are the inter national bankers and their front country, Israel.)

It’s time for Americans to realize this humbling truth. The US (VN: see?  There it is again.  This article is to prepare us for becoming the new nazi's to justify that WW III those bankers need to keep their wealth rolling in.  Don't kid yourselves, its now either them or us.   If we agree to go to war, then its us, if we do not agree to go to war, then its THEM.) Empire has had its full ride of conquering glory and domination, and now is experiencing the downswing of its historical decline. We Americans need to take a hard look at ourselves in the mirror, beginning with 9/11 as the most heinous false flag in US history.   (VN:  Boy do I agree with that, but not for the same reasons.  CLEAN OUT OUR GOVERNMENT OF ALL FOREIGN AND DUAL CITIZENS AND THIS WILL END.  IT WORKED IN ICELAND.)

The evidence exposing 9/11 as an inside job is just too much in our face to continue to ignore. Albert Einstein once said, “Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” Denial is a self-lie that will only expedite more mass killing. The overwhelming pile of facts are now just too plainly visible to continue believing Washington’s false narrative.  (VN: Except Israel did 9-11 and its been proven, but no one would pay attention to the damning evidence brought up during hearings and whistleblowers like Vanunu, who told us.  Silverstein knew about 9-11 in advance which caused him to raise his insurance double what it was currently at and he made billions off 9-11, while Americans died  horrible deaths. We did a big blog on all the proofs including photos of a van driven by Israeli Mossad, who had explosives in their van, but also a painting of two planes going into the twin towers on the side of their van, HOW DID THEY KNOW ABOUT 9-11 IN ADVANCE TO THE POINT WHERE THEY PAINTED A PAINTING OF IT ON THEIR VAN THEY USED THAT SAME DAY AS 9-11? WHO ALLOWED THOSE ISRAELI MOSSAD DRIVERS TO GO BACK TO ISRAEL, RATHER THAN INVESTIGATING AND HOLDING THEM IN JAIL?    That is how much they disrespect our intelligence. Who does that? Who paints a picture on the side of a van indicating an event that happened the very day they were stopped?  I could do another whole blog just on this subject, don't get me started.)

The freefall of the towers that violates all laws of physics alone disprove the official whitewash. Then the BBC announcing Building 7’s fall 20 minutes prior to the event proves insider foreknowledge. Nano-thermite residue left in the rubble and multiple eyewitness testimony hearing the series of explosions prior to the freefall further showing the buildings did not come down from planes flying into the upper floors of the towers. Identification of the 19 suspects just three days after the attack after a mere day after 9/11 miraculously finding an unblemished, intact passport belonging to the lead terrorist a couple blocks from the steel and molten ashes is simply too unbelievable to be taken seriously as the truth. At least a half dozen of the Saudi nationals blamed as the terrorist stooges have shown up alive and several are even suing the US government.  (VN: how come absolutely NO ONE EVER MENTIONS THE CLOSING OF THE TOWERS FRIDAY THROUGH MONDAY, WHILE A SUPPOSED ELECTRICAL CREW GOES IN AND SUPPOSEDLY FIXES THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM?  THAT HAD TO BE WHEN THE THERMITE WAS PLANTED THROUGH THE BUILDINGS.  No one ever mentions it and yet it came out on the same day of the attack. Same with the van.  And what about the dancing Israeli's when the attack happened?  How come this author doesn't mention that? What about the Israeli talk show that interviewed the dancing Israeli's on Israeli TV, who asked about it, and they admitted they were Mossad and they were there watching it because they wanted to see it go down.  How did they know it was going down? )

George HW Bush senior meeting with Osama bin Laden’s brother in DC at the same time the 9/11 attacks were going down and then the bin Ladens riding in the only plane allowed to fly in the sky afterwards. The (missile-sized) hole ripped into the Pentagon being too small to be caused by the alleged commercial airliner. (VN: funny  how the author does not mention that GHW is a khazar as is his whole family. HIS WIFE PUBLICALLY ADMITTED HIS CONNECTION TO THE KHAZARS.  THEY ARE LUCIFERIANS AS ARE ALL KHAZARS IN POWER.   He got baptized as Magog at the Bohemian Grove for his part in all of it.)

The highly questionable, even unbelievable odds that the entire US air defense support system would take the day off on 9/11 to be conveniently diverted to undergoing training exercises that effectively prevented the most sophisticated and powerful military in the world from defending the nation from outside attack seems even more implausible. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was flown out of the country on 9/11 and then immediately replaced by his deputy who on 9/11 was the “acting Chairman.” (VN:  notice not one word BY THIS AUTHOR, about Cheney acting as the head of the war games that day, which has never happened before and that is why the Deputy was used, so that Cheney could control it all.  Oh, by the way, Cheney is also related to the Queen of England and thus he is also a KHAZAR)  The evidence of various advance insider trading just prior to 9/11 and the millions made from that criminal enterprise. The WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein cashing in huge dividends from his insurance policy. The Silverstein uttered phrase “pull it” commonly used in building demolition as the signal to detonate pre-planted explosives.  (VN: and no mention that these are khazars, so the default blame goes to the USA, right???  And instead of the author pointing out how we have been set up, BY A FOREIGN COUNTRY AND HER DUAL CITIZENS,   instead he goes along with the scam.  I am so disgusted.  The Zionists are right,  we are stupid if we can't see the obvious.)

The CIA assistance given the “terrorists” to ensure they were trained at flight schools in Florida, California and Arizona and then the FBI purposely sitting on knowledge of this suspicious red-alert activity. A US State Department official in Saudi Arabia claiming the CIA furnished the Saudi “terrorists” with passports for free passage to and from the US. Incriminating fingerprints of both Saudi intelligence and Israeli Mossad’s active participation in both the planning and executing. (VN: well finally...... a slight mentionWe did a blog showing the Saudi Royals family line and guess what?  The british put in khazars pretending they were royal arabs (semites) ) The Israeli government’s collusion with the neocons in the Bush regime (many of whom hold dual Israeli-US citizenship) chiefly responsible for killing 3000 (VN: Sorry, it was 12,000 of international citizens including Americans, that died that day in the twin towers.) of its own US citizens in order to use the 9/11 false flag to commit further crimes against humanity by creating their forever “war on terror” and then invading (based on propaganda WMD lies) and occupying for over a decade while destroying the nations of Iraq and Afghanistan. The Wesley Clarke revelation revealing the neocon pre-9/11 plan to take down 7 sovereign nations in the Middle East and Africa before it happened. And after all this demonically-driven devastation and despair wrought on the Middle East and spreading to the entire planet, those same players responsible for committing 9/11 are still walking freely as card carrying elitists protected by the same neocon (VN:  KHAZAR ZIONIST foreign occupied) crime syndicate still in power.

The psychology of denial that has so many Americans still unwilling to face the truth of course gets reinforced daily by the constant barrage of MSM-government (VN: khazar banker zionist....) lies and propaganda. Because the vast majority of Americans love the country they grew up in, to realize that their homeland they’ve always cherished and loved turns out to be a villainous Empire (VN:  See?  There it is again.  The pattern is to blame the US rather than the actual culprits which are Rothschild's Israel at the highest levels of their gov.... JUST LIKE THE USS LIBERTY, ONLY ON A MUCH GRANDER SCALE AND WE DID NOTHING ABOUT IT WHEN IT HAPPENED. THAT IS WHAT WE ARE GUILTY OF DOING. NOTHING! ITS THE ONLY THING WE ARE GUILTY OF, which is bad enough. We should have kicked Israel and all dual citizens in power, out of here when the USS Liberty went down. )  that’s the enemy of the entire world, betraying and enslaving its own people and beyond, sacrificing Americans’ well-being for global hegemony and full spectrum dominance is a very hard and bitter pill to have to swallow. It’s very similar to finding out your own father is a mass murderer.  (VN: its not even close to that.  First of all, now a majority of us know our government was under threat both of blackmail, bribery for the dual Israeli citizens and threats to the lives of those who were neither zionists or willing participants in all of this. (Does Senator Wellstones death ring a bell?  It sent a big message to the rest of the senate and congress) Its more like a gang came into your home and held your family hostage and you were forced to do whatever they said, in order to save the lives of your family.  That is a much more likely comparison.  WE should have backed our people and stood behind them and shown them we would enforce our system of laws, but we didn't so who did they have to turn too with our nation under foreign control?  They may or may not be brave, but for sure they aren't foolish if they can't count on us.)

Denial can understandably become the automatic reflexive reaction and prime defense mechanism used to squelch the cognitive dissonance (inner conflict when reality clashes with world-view) that arises when fathoming and learning how our own government can murder its own expendable citizens for its own sinister purposes. Facing this grim reality becomes so anxiety-provoking and so destabilizing to one’s world-view, it simply cannot be believed. So refusing to accept that our leaders can be capable of such evildoing becomes their blinded response by which millions of Americans maintain status quo of living their daily lives. (VN: THESE KHAZAR ZIONISTS ARE NOT OUR LEADERS.  THESE INFILTRATORS ARE THE LEADERS OF A FOREIGN NATION HELL BENT ON DESTROYING THIS COUNTRY AND JFK TOLD US ABOUT IN 1961 AND WE DID NOT LISTEN. FOR THAT, WE SHOULD TAKE THE BLAME.  BUT THE GAME IS NOT OVER TIL THE FAT LADY SINGS.)  Of course the diabolical system has them additionally addicted, distracted and bamboozled by their infinite means of escapism – dehumanizing toy gadgetry, (VN: sounds like the khazars, LOL )  video games, pornography, the Kardashians’ latest antics, or the hype of big money sports like March madness instead of heeding the very real March madness that has us robotically marching off doomsday cliff straight into world war, most Americans are either too preoccupied, too afraid or too stressed out just trying to survive to even notice.  (VN:   I wonder who got us into that condition?  Federal Reserve and bankers ring a bell, screwing with our economy and we let them do it?)

After all, once one accepts the dirty lowdown truth, one is then forced into taking action in good conscience to do something about it. It’s a lot easier to lazily succumb to the feds’ brainwashing strategy of dismissing anyone who believes 9/11 was an inside job as a mere “conspiracy theorist” rather than look at the mountains of hard evidence. Those of us who realize the (VN: foreign occupied ......)  US government is constantly lying to us in its efforts to keep us dumbed down, controlled and obedient are not so easily dumbed down, controlled and obedient despite risking increasing negative consequences for speaking out against the oppressive government. Though we are the true patriots and many Washington insiders are the true traitors, as courageous dissidents for the sake of humanity we must resist and oppose the fascist totalitarian (VN: foreign occupied...) US government now targeting us as potential homegrown terrorists.

Because we refuse to accept the federal crime syndicate’s official dogma of lies and propaganda, and oppose its desecration of our civil liberties guaranteed us before 9/11 by our Constitution, we are now on growing watch lists that could easily turn into FEMA camp roundup lists once Obama declares martial law in America. As law-abiding citizens who know and accept the truth, we must hold the criminals accountable for betraying the very Constitution that they all swore oaths to protect and uphold. It’s a federal crime to violate their oaths while in office and treason is a high crime punishable up to death according to 18 US Code 2381:

"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

According to the above cited law, those criminals in Washington who are waging war against their own people now are guilty of treason giving the people plenty of reason for arresting and putting them on trial.  (VN: oh, so you think the courts are ok?   Just the legislature or the Dept of Defense or the President are the only ones?)

Every week we’re seeing ominous signs that the US dollar-petrodollar will soon be dropped as the standard international currency. As that ongoing process further erodes the dollar, the US economy could soon collapse. The doom and gloom warnings of the coming crash abound. Though this inevitable reality is more than probable, it may well produce the next false flag that provides the excuse Obama will use to implement martial law in America even during peacetime. Of course under the pretense of national emergency, Obama has executive order rights to shut down all internet access and activity, rendering us citizens even more susceptible to the abuses of unfolding tyranny. (VN: he won't do that because the zionists are anal retentive psychos and they can't stand not knowing what we are doing out here behind their backs...... the net keeps them informed of who, what, where and how we think and what we are doing, planning, scheming etc. Its even more important now, since we do not and won't follow traditional military patterns of thinking and acting.  We could do something like take them out at the very top, one at a time, target specific and then fade away, without getting caught.  They would want to know if that is our plan and the internet is the only way.  They lose control of us if we trade in our cell phones for walkie talkies or hand held radios.  Lots of options, but never to be discussed on the net.  Its bad enough we discuss what we do. )

Meanwhile the mounting violence in Yemen after the US handed over more than a half billion dollars’ worth of war making machinery to another supposed enemy, and now with both Saudi and Israeli air strikes bombing Yemen against the alleged Iranian-backed Houthi Shiite rebels that overthrew the US (VN: The Rothschild Israeli ...... ) puppet government two months ago, another US proxy war on the Arabian peninsula is underway further destabilizing the region. Similar to creating, arming and funding al Qaeda/ISIS for decades, as backers of al Qaeda in Yemen the US  (VN:  the Israeli's ..... )  has set up yet another hotspot war against yet more Muslims. The death and destruction just continue. (VN: God, just ask yourself a couple of questions..... what damn benefit is it to the US to bomb Yemen???  None, Yemen is only valuable to Israel.... why?  Oil and natural gas resources and their plan for years to have a "GREATER ISRAEL" all the way from Egypt to Syria and they have had it on the books for declades if not centuries. The US gets no damn benefit from it at all.  But Israel does and we do Israels' bidding or we die, ask JFK.)

At the same time, recently reelected war criminal Netanyahu is mouthing his typical crying foul chant with the “dangerous accord with Iran worse than Israel feared” over the prospect of the US coalition team negotiating an amicable treaty over Iran’s nuclear status as the March 31st deadline fast approaches. Despite all evidence in recent years pointing to Iran not developing nuclear weapons, Israel, Saudi Arabia and US Empire acting as the axis-of-evil is using the unraveling civil war now raging in Yemen to conveniently blame Iran for causing yet more insidious and relentless efforts to initiate war against Iran. Between sending NATO and heavy arms into Ukraine and this latest geopolitical chessboard aggression in Yemen, the evil crime syndicate representing the psychopathic sub-human species of Western oligarchs currently losing their power appears determined to instigate World War III.  (VN: oh, I am so impressed, what a brilliant deduction..... sarcasm intended)

What we are now witnessing in 2015 are the American (VN: BRITISH/ROTHSCHILD/ISRAELI ..... )  Empire’s lies finally catching up to its Western oligarch puppet masters. The Western central banking cabal that runs the crime syndicate governments of the US-EU-NATO-Israel-Saudi axis-of-evil is all about promoting perpetual war. ( VN:  oh, finally, the WHO EMERGES.... YEA!!!! iTS NOT THE US, RATHER ITS THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS WITH THEIR SPONSORS, GREAT BRITAIN, RUN BY KHAZARS JUST LIKE THE USA.  That is who WW III should be directed at..... city of london and tel aviv. ) It has the earth drowning and suffocating in a cesspool of radiated ocean and poisoned freshwater, Monsanto saturated soil producing GMO-disease causing, chemical foods devoid of all nutrition, and increasingly unbreathable megalopolis air across the planet. (VN:  Thats OK, you can say the "word"  DEPOPULATION.  See?  I am still alive after saying it.) For centuries it’s perpetrated a morally corrosive, predatory, unsustainable, broken economic and political system driven by the profit-greed motive that has enslaved the entire global population in irreversible debt. The race for World War III that this evil axis of power currently has the planet freefalling towards is out of sheer desperate diabolical madness in the grips of losing its absolute power. It’s finally time that the American citizens wake up from this post-apocalyptic Orwellian nightmare that’s befallen us before the oligarchs’ eugenics soft- and hard-kill final solution exterminates 13 out of 14 of us currently living and breathing on this earth.  (VN:  Can't do it if you don't specifically and correctly identify the targets of who is doing all this and its not the USA, its the international fascist zionists doing it all and that is who must be brought down.  Iceland did it and so can we.  FOCUS ON THAT SOLUTION SO WE HAVE SOMEWHERE TO START.  LETS GET OUR PURGED PATRIOTS FROM INTEL AND MILITARY TO START AND LEAD US INTO DOING WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE AND WHO TO DO IT TO. I LEAVE THAT UP TO THE EXPERTS, I WILL SIMPLY FOLLOW AND DO AS I AM TOLD. They should start with Mossads assassination squads so they don't kill off all our experts purged out of the government military services.  We also need to start talking to our cops who are our neighbors.)

The same propaganda tools that have been controlling the people for centuries are still being successfully used against us. Because Americans have been so conditioned into accepting lies as the truth, false flags have effectively begun every war the US has fought 217 out of its 239 years in existence. All these years later, it’s time for the misinformed, misled American population to finally smarten up once and for all and recognize that all life on planet earth is in very serious and grave danger now. Most of the world’s known this tragic reality for a long time as victims of the US (VN:  Khazar Zionist controlled British.....) Empire’s brutality. The very future survival of the human species hangs in the balance. It depends on us throwing off the shackles of ignorance that’s enslaved us, and as informed, committed, mindful and empowered citizens of the world to come together in solidarity to advance human evolution rather than allow it to be extinguished by a handful of criminal killer psychopaths. (VN: I am holding my breath..... waiting for what the solution is that you wrote this entire piece for?  What is the answer, what do you suggest we do???  OVERTHROW THE US GOVERNMENT??? THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT AND NEED FOR US TO DO IN ORDER TO WIN WW III..... HELLO!!!   AFTER YOU ADMIT THAT ITS THE BANKERS AND THE ZIONISTS DOING IT THROUGH OUR GOV, BUT NOT SUGGESTING WE DO ANYTHING TO THEM???  GREAT, JUST WHAT I SUSPECTED. Here is my suggestion,  Invade the City of London and arrest Rothschild,  same with NY and arrest Rockefeller, and finally invade Israel and arrest the entire government for sedition, invasion violations of international law and war against the American people and their nation.  There.  What do you think about that??? NOW THAT WILL SCREW UP THEIR ENTIRE AGENDA. They have not war-gamed that scenario)

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now concentrates on his writing and has a blog site at http://empireexposed. blogspot. com/.

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