

The Psychospiritual Electrochemical War on Humanity

***Fundraising - Fundraising begins today, the 15th and believe me when I say we need it, due to serious harassment.  I am now on my third computer so far this month.  If not for the generosity of my computer guy who reads the blog, I would probably be out of business with it.  He has absorbed all costs so far to these problems. He has secured our current computer cryptically and so far we are still in business.

Our deficit is down to $250 from the original $350 and is needed by the first of the month. We wish to thank the generous donor from Seattle for that gift, and for the support the donor has shown in so many other ways.   If you can afford it and wish to aid us as a team to take on exposing the underbelly of the NWO beast, then we ask that you donate to the cause off to the right of the blog at the pay pal button showing.  

We appreciate your support in reading, distributing and contributing financially to this blog. Without your help we could not do this work.  God bless you for your commitment to doing the right thing and supporting those who do the labor.
Vatic Note:  I found this innocuous piece and realized it came from a movie.  Who controls the movie industry?   Who has to disclose what they intend to do to us before they do it?   Ask yourselves, could this actually be what contributed to Robin Williams death?  I believe an autopsy should be done to find out if these things below were in his system.  

I have no proof it was aliens, but it is one of very few explanations for the inhumane and psychopathic behavior of these Zionists.  It has been difficult, if not impossible, for us to comprehend what we have seen over these past few years since its not in our experience or lexicon.  

We have been under attack in so many ways, that its a miracle that so many of us are doing so well at such an advanced age.  This tells me there is a force for good supporting those that are moral,  good, righteous and loving.   It must be driving the satanists crazy.   Well, due to my limited exposure to some of these topics,  I have decided to let you read all this and decide for yourselves.   There is a Robin Williams blog coming shortly so watch for it.   You will be shocked at what I discovered about his death. 

The Psychospiritual Electrochemical War on Humanity

By Zen Gardner | ZenGardner Just Wondering 

Perhaps the best literal manifestation of our current induced containment and control system is the electro-chemical invasion of our atmosphere via the chemtrail program. Begun decades ago, our very breathing environment has been radically altered by massive dumping of electrically excitable nano particles and chemical toxins to not only restrain our connectivity with natural and empowering energies, but transmit and maintain severely disempowering health, mental and spiritual influences.

This is just one of their wicked programs, but a very revealing one. The electromagnetic control grid is another. The list is long. They clearly fear our capabilities and power and realize we are a force to be reckoned with.

Without a bigger picture of their agenda we will never be able to effectively fight and overcome these parasitic invaders of our realm of existence. While seeming to reinforce their fascistic and genocidal agenda, each of their control programs now being exposed at an increasing rate are subsequently contributing to a massive awakening in consciousness.

A total backfire. Why? Because we can see it and we’re on to them, and as one revelation leads to another we fully awaken and break free, leaving their machinations to crumble and cave in on themselves.

An Ever Present, Aggressive Danger – Realizing the Threat to Our Existence

The entrained mindset today is fundamentally reactive, and hence inept as well as relatively passive. As long as we follow their lead by reacting to their impulses with submission or even occasional outcries, we remain on the defensive. Exposure is imperative, and it’s intrinsic to the awakening.

But as long as people do not realize the end game is ultimately the annihilation of our kind we’re not fully coming to grips with the severity of our predicament.

When a virus attacks an organism, anti-bodies are sent to destroy that threat. There’s no dealing with it except elimination. It needs to be exterminated or the original organism’s very life is in danger. It doesn’t need to be entertained, understood or allowed to “co-exist” with the host it is attacking.

Yet the nature of today’s warring affronts on humanity are treated as “issues” and “geo-political problems” to be debated, as if the opposing force would ever offer any kind of understanding or consideration of our needs. This is because the host, humanity, does not understand the utterly invasive and death dealing nature of its stealthy parasitic invaders.

The Zionist Agenda – Enabling Carriers of the “Subdue and Destroy” Gene

Another illustrative phenomenon being clearly displayed on humanity’s consciousness screen is the outright wicked genocidal nature of supremacist Zionism. There’s no going back to anyone’s previous, carefully programmed conceptions of the bogus tale of the “poor defenseless Jews” whom God himself supposedly called “the chosen people”. 

The psycho-spiritual infection now called Zionism has hijacked this religiously cloaked identity like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. They’re clearly an inhuman, abusive, maniacal murderous force, if anyone hasn’t happened to wake up and notice before.

This clearly non-human onslaught on defenseless and even caged Gazans could not be more indicative of this invasive, non human mindset. And now it’s front and center for all to see. While the world has been hoodwinked to believe these people cannot be criticized, they’ve taken over countries, the media, entertainment, business and the world banking cartel and are manipulating world armies at their whim. And have been for a long, long time in various guises.

Some are born with it, others are indoctrinated into this spiritual possession, and multitudes are now infected with it. Most can be delivered from this almost hypnotic spiritual entrainment but there are those who are clear and present dangers to humanity who can no longer be tolerated on our planet. Coexistence is not on their agenda. Either we are morphed into a subhuman form to work as slaves, or face extinction. Either way, humanity is being eaten alive by this parasitic force.

It’s said that the evil archonic race offered this insatiable warring bloodline, now clearly exemplified by the American/Zionist agenda, a deal that they could “inherit the earth” if they would follow their program, beginning with worshipping their inserted “god” and performing their duty of world domination and its eventual annihilation. They apparently took up the offer, and are carrying out this genocidal agenda with panache. All while much of a spell bound earth population watches, supports and even cheers it on.


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