

A Dolphin Asks A Human For Help On A Night Dive Near Hawaii This Summer: Dog Cares For Abandoned Human Baby.

Vatic Note:   Every once in a while, I find something different than what we normally post and this is one of those times.   If you ever doubt what we should be fighting for,  just come back and look at this periodically to remind yourselves.   If you have never swam with a dolphin or visited out west, then you are missing a life experience that will never be available again, so take the time to visit and see just how awesome is nature and He that created it for us, so man would  never have to live alone.   

Talk about "spiritual" experience, this is it.  I have camped, fished, hiked, swam with dolphins and fish, white water rafted, cross country skied, and finally, just sat and listened and talked with the animals.  It has added so much to my experience of living, that I would never trade in that experience for any amount of money in the world.

The same is true of visiting other countries.  We have a marvelous world here that we live in and we must awaken to that fact, since the globalists want to deprive us of that pleasure by their greed and avarice.  They want to mine the planet into oblivion for natural resources, they can exploit.  That is what globalizing is really all about.  The take over of all our natural resources without regard to what the extraction process harms or what it kills. 

Remember, these are satanists and "death" is their food and sustenance.   Life is an assault to them, so they care not one wit about any living thing except themselves.   They are narcississts by nature and dangerous to all living things including our living planet.  Something to think about.  Could you live in a world barren of all life except them?   I couldn't, so  I am willing to do what it takes to ensure that never happens.  Satanists are more than welcome to go spend time with their master in his lair of fire and brimstone. 

A Dolphin Asks A Human For Help On A Night Dive Near Hawaii This Summer: Dog Cares For Abandoned Human Baby.
Posted by admin, Political Velcraft, 2013

We have seen animal rescue, but rarely have we seen the animal search for humans to save it! On a night-time dive near Hawaii, 2 divers were found by a bottlenose dolphin and started to swim around them over and over again. When looking closer, one of them discovered the reason for this strange behavior – the dolphin had a fishing line hooked around it, hindering its ability to swim. 

Bottlenose Dolphin Playing With The Sunset.
Bottlenose Dolphin Playing With The Sunset.

They cut him free, and the dolphin swam away, relieved. The fact that a dolphin would come to humans for help is once again evidence of its amazing intelligence, as most injured animals would never come close to a human and would actually be aggressive and defensive. This is amazing to watch and a life-time experience for those two divers, who got to share a moment of true understanding with a wild animal. Babamail

Yellowstone: A Wild Life Paradise!
Yellowstone national park is a Located mostly in Wyoming, Yellowstone park was the first national park in the world, built in 1872, signed off by president Grant. It is known for its wide variety of wild life – 67 different species of mammals call this place home, not including the many birds, reptiles and fish, which bring the number of species to the hundreds.

It is also the home of many geysers. It is one of the biggest reserves in the world, with 3,468 square miles (8,983 square km). It has rivers, canyons, lakes and mountain ranges. It’s incredibly popular a destination for nature lovers, and sees about 2 million visitors a year, with July being the busiest month by far.

3700 employees work in Yellowstone, and it offers nine hotels and lodgers. If you’re planning a visit though, make sure you always follow the rules, for your safety as well as the wild animals!
Up close and personal with a wild black bear at Yellowstone.  Yellowstone national park is home to 67 different mammal species, including 2 types of bears: Grizzly and black


The yellowstone photos collection lists all these species that reside there:  Badger, bat, beaver, bighorn sheep, bison, black bear, bobcat and lynx, chipmunk, cottontail rabbit, coyote, deer, domestic dog, elk, flying squirrels, fox, grizzly bear, ground squirrel, hare & jackrabbit, marmot, mice, moose, mountain goat, mountain lion, muskrat, other rodents, otter, pika, pine martin, pocket gopher, porcupine, prairie dog, pronghorn antelope, skunk, tree squirrels, voles, weasels, minks, ferrets, wolverines and wolves!

Bison Buffalo
A herd of bisons. As big and slow as they look, a bison can run three times faster than a human when charging. So keep your distance and stay in your car – is the advice the park rangers give.

A cautious yellowstone wolf.

bear cub
A black bear cub is searching for yummy ants and grubs, and so it diggs into the old log in search for them.

A Bull elk making itself heard in the Gibbon Meadow. Although these are beautiful animals, trip planners warn visitors to yellowstone to keep a safe 25 yard (23 meter) distance from any animal, and 100 yards (91 meters) from bears and wolves. Keep that in mind if you plan on visiting!

elk calf
This elk calf is only half an hour old, Mammoth hot springs.
Cooling Off During The Summer Heat
Moose, Cooling Off During The Summer Heat
A grizzly bear watches near the Swan Lake Flats. According to NPS warnings: “If The Bear Stands up on Two Legs: Some people mistakenly believe that when a bear rears up onto two legs that the bear is about to charge, that rearing up on two legs is an aggressive posture that means the bear is going to attack (people have learned this from Hollywood Movies), THIS IS NOT TRUE! 

When a bear stands up on two legs it is trying to gather more information about what you are and what your intentions are. Bears gather this information through a combination of scent, sight, and sound. Standing up on two legs improves the bears ability to gather sight and scent information. This is a good time to start backing away, talking to the bear in a calm voice, and letting the bear know that you are a person and that you mean no harm to the bear or its cubs.” Good advice
 Religious grizzly bear says its prayers
bear wolf
A leopold wolf is following a grizzly bear. Probably not a great decision…

A beautiful red fox in Lamar valley.

A black wolf in the snow of Lamar valley. There were no wolves in Yellowstone park before 1995, when they reintroduced and luckily thrived there. Today there are over 300 wolves, their descendents, living in Yellowstone.

A bull moose in the morning fog.

mountain lion
A mountain lion picking its way carefully down the rock. The mountain lion, also called the cougar, is the largest member of the cat family living in Yellowstone. Mountain lions can weigh up to 200 pounds (~90 kg), although lions in Yellowstone are thought to range between 140 and 160 pounds (~65 and ~70 kg) for males and around 100 pounds (45 kg) for females.
Two to three kittens may be born at any time of year, although most arrive in summer and fall. For reasons that are not clear, only about 50 percent of kittens survive their first year. The current population of lions in Yellowstone is estimated to be 18-24 animals and is thought to be increasing.

The 68th mammal in yellowstone are the nature photographers. This group has been waiting since dawn for a badger to show up. Nature photography, some say, is 5% luck, 5% skill, and 95% patience.

ground squirrel
No this mammoth ground squirrel wasn’t yawning, its known as the ‘screeching’ ground squirrel. They only live in the states surrounding yellowstone, screeching in warning to their group members.

A beautiful coyote. This animal has a bad name but is truly a stunning animal which is not unlike the fox.  (VN: I lived in a rural area in a small town and coyotes used to come and visit me all the time.  They are the most intelligent of the wild animals.  I would sit in front of my house with them across the road and we would talk,  no,  I would talk they would listen and twist their heads as if they were listening and understanding.  I could see their intelligence in their eyes.  

A bald eagle stands over the Yellowstone River. According to wikipedia: “Since the creation of the park in 1872, 318 species of birds have been documented within its boundaries. Although Yellowstone is not a birding mecca because of its high altitude and cold winters, it is home to a variety of interesting bird species that attract visitor attention every year. The park has a good resident population of Bald Eagles, Trumpeter Swans, Common Loons, Ospreys, American White Pelicans, and Sandhill Cranes.”

A trumpeter swan, so called for their tooting sound, unfolds its large wings.

4 cubs of a single grizzly family. This is a very rare number of cubs born to one pregnancy, and is only the 3rd documented time in the history of the park.

cat moose
Seven native ungulate species live in Yellowstone: elk, mule deer, bison, moose, bighorn sheep, pronghorn, and white-tailed deer.

Plains bison during the winter at Yellowstone. The yellowstone bison population numbers between 2300-4500 individuals. Important fact: Bison actually harm more people every year in Yellowstone than bears do. People don’t keep their distance from the peaceful looking bison, and end up getting charged by the angry beasts.  (VN: this is their way of protecting their young)

A wolf watches biologists come to visit after being captured and collard with a radio transmitter. These collars give biologists a chance to understand how the wolf population is doing, since it’s incredibly hard to capture them, and they are masters at hiding.

wild horses
A stampede of 40 wild horses running from one meadow to the next. Most wild horses groups have one horse leader that determined where they go.

park sign
Visitors to Yellowstone must understand that these are wild animals, not accustomed to humans like safari animals might. A good way to judge, says the rangers, is that if your presence affects the behavior of the animals in any way – that’s too close.

When a 2,000 pound buffalo wants to walk on the road, they’ll walk on the road. Especially when they’re in a group. Drivers have to be extra careful because they have been known to charge at cars, which to them may look like big, scary animals. Although they will mostly ignore them.

A grizzly bear looking for food in a flowery field. Always know ‘bear protocol’ before going in the park, says the park service, this can save your life in some cases.

A rarely seen wolvering. Wolverines, like the lynx, need large territories and will defend them with great enthusiasm.
mountain goat
A mountain goat under ‘Cutoff Peak’. The mountain goats are not native to this area but have colonized the northen parts of the park after being introduced to the environnment.

mountain sheep
Big horn sheep. The herd living on the Northern range of Yellowstone number about 200 animals, and can be seen crodding between their favorite cliffs to the river where they drink.

American badgers. The badger is a small mammal but known to be fierce and actually dangerous when defending territory or their cubs. Never approach a badger, they look cute, but they can really hurt you.
No one snorts and huffs better than a buffalo.

Bears may be seen in Yellowstone March through November. Yellowstone is one of the only areas south of Canada that still has large grizzly bear populations. According to the 2013 Yellowstone trip planner: “Do not run from a bear. Carry bear spray and take time to learn how to use it safely and effectively. 

If you have a surprise encounter with a bear, do not run. Slowly back away. If a bear charges, stand your ground and use your bear spray. It has been highly successful at stopping aggressive behavior in bears. If a bear charges and makes contact with you, fall to the ground onto your stomach and ‘play dead‘.”

A bull bison crossing the Yellowstone river. Bison have lived in the area of yellowstone since prehistoric times, they are truly the natives of this land, and were hunted and respected by the native Americans. The yellowstone herd is one of the few in the world that doesn’t have any cattle genes mixed in by man.

doe mule deer
A mule deer. Watching. Waiting.

A cute little pika. Pikas are native to cold climates, mostly in Asia, North America and parts of Eastern Europe. They love the cold. Most species live on rocky mountain sides, where there are numerous crevices to shelter in, although some also construct crude burrows.

cow moose
A young moose walking through the meadow. Doesn’t get more peaceful that this.

A family photo: Female grizzly bear family shambling through the park.

thermal wolfSince wolves are hard to track, and can disappear at night. Thermal imaging helps keep an eye on them.
mountain lion
A fierce looking mountain lion. Mountain lions tend to be great hiders and move in secret, so few visitors actually get lucky enough to view one for themselves.

Stop! mother bear and cub passing through!

A porcupine, part of the rich wildlife in Yellowstone.

A Bull Moose resting its heady on a snowy bush. Those antlers must get heavy sometimes.

pine marten
A pine marten. We asked wikipedia for more information: “There are at least 50 small mammal species known to occur in Yellowstone National Park, including four common species of bats: Big Brown Bat, Little Brown Bat, Long-legged Bat, and Silver-haired bat. Squirrel, Rabbit, vole, mice, and shrew species are common, but many are nocturnal and rarely seen by visitors. The Uinta ground squirrel, Least Chipmunk, Golden-mantled ground squirrel and American Red Squirrel are commonly encountered by park visitors.”

Otter pups playing in the water. Seems like someone’s tail is going to get a nasty bite!

mountain sheep
A little bighorn. This lamb was strolling on a mountain road a long with its family.

A stunning shot of 2 playfully growling wolves.

Remember when Yosemite Sam from looney toons used to mutter about ‘yellow bellied marmots’ – this is what he was talking about.

Meadow vole. A vole is a small rodent, similar to a mouse but with a more dense body, a shorter and hairier tail and a rounder head. Basically looks like a cross between a mouse and a hamster. It only lives 3-6 months.

A muskrat on the yellowstone river. The muskrats are usually active late at night, before the dawn, and sometimes at dusk.

A grizzly mother and cub. Notice the mother is wearing a radio neckband, which helps track her location.

mule deer
A mule deer, a mother and fawn.

A skunk making its lonely (and stinky) way through Geode Creek.

Dog Rescues Abandoned Human Baby

Stray dog takes human baby back to its litter after mother left it to die  

NAIROBI: A nursing dog foraging for food found an abandoned baby girl in a forest in Kenya and carried the infant to its litter of puppies, witnesses said yesterday.

Dog Baby
The stray dog carried the infant across a busy road and a barbed wire fence in a poor neighbourhood near the Ngong Forests in the capital, Stephen Thoya told the independent Daily Nation newspaper.
The dog apparently found the baby on Friday in the plastic bag in which the infant had been abandoned, said Aggrey Mwalimu, owner of the compound where the animal is now living. It was unclear how the baby survived in the bag without suffocating.

Doctors said the baby had been abandoned about two days before the dog discovered her. Medical workers later found maggots in the infant’s umbilicalcord, a product of days of neglect, said Hannah Gakuo, the spokeswoman of the Kenyatta National Hospital, where the girl was taken for treatment.

No one has yet claimed the baby, she said. But the 3.3kg infant “is doing well, responding to treatment, she is stable.. – she is on antibiotics”, Gakuo said. Workers at the hospital are calling the child Angel, she said. Unwanted infants are often abandoned in Kenya.

Poverty and mothers’ failed relationships with fathers are often blamed for the problem, and Kenya’s weak law enforcement and social security systems mean that most women who abandon babies are never caught.

“Abandoned babies are normally taken to the Kenyatta National Hospital because it is a public hospital,” Gakuo said. “People are now donating diapers and baby clothes for. this one.”
Second Article:

Kenyans eager to adopt baby ‘Angel’ rescued by ‘Saviour’

The stray dog that rescued a newborn girl abandoned in a Kenyan forest has been given a home and a name – Mkombozi, or Saviour – and offers to adopt the tiny infant dubbed Angel were yesterday pouring into the hospital where she was being cared for.

“The publicity on the way the baby was rescued has sparked a lot of public interest in helping her,” said Hannah Gakuo of Kenyatta National Hospital, where the baby is being treated for an umbilical cord infection and exposure to cold weather.

The stray dog that saved the child, struggled to cope with newfound celebrity status yesterday, a day after its last surviving puppy died for unknown reasons, said Jean Gilchrist of the Kenya Society for the Protection and Care of Animals. 

Animal welfare officials gave the dog its first bath and de-worming yesterday.
“She looks a bit depressed, so we’d like to examine her to see if she has a temperature or any other problem,” Gilchrist said.

“She wasn’t happy when we all poured into the compound. She decided to leave, but kids in the compound brought her back for the bath as she was full of ticks.” Mary Adhiambo, a resident in the compound where the dog lives, said Mkombozi apparently found the baby on Friday in a plastic bag.

The dog reportedly dragged the child, named “Angel” by health workers, across a busy road and through some barbed wire to the shed in the poor Nairobi neighbourhood where puppies from two stray dogs were sheltering.

Unwanted infants are often abandoned in Kenya, with poverty and failed relationships frequently to blame. Kenya’s weak law enforcement and poor social security system mean few people who forsake their babies are found and brought to trial.

The baby was discovered after two children alerted elders that they heard the sound of a baby crying near their wooden and corrugated-iron-sheet shack. Residents found the mixedbreed dog lying next to the baby along with her own pup. 

Residents took the child to a nearby police station to record a statement, before taking her to the Kenyatta National Hospital for treatment.
“People have been calling the hospital, asking about the possibility of adopting her,” Gakuo told The Associated Press.

Officials in the government’s Children Department were not immediately available for comment on the problem of abandoned babies and the possible fate of Angel.

God’s Creation

Grigio ~ Protector Of Saint Bosco
Grigio ~ Protector Of St. Giovanni Melchior Bosco
The Saint Who Protected Children!

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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