

BREAKING NEWS: Federal Judge rules entire NSA data collection program unconstitutional - a violation of the 4th

Vatic Note:  It  truly is time to start collecting names.  If the higher court does not rule as it should given the clear violations outlined, then the names of those on that court should be added to an ever growing list.  Nuremberg trials are beginning to sound good, about now.

This judge certainly had courage since the pay offs for violating the powers that be's edicts, has definitely cost some their ultimate price for doing so.  I wonder if he pondered the consequences of his going against the khazar Zionist bankers? 

BREAKING NEWS: Federal Judge rules entire NSA data collection program unconstitutional - a violation of the 4th.
by admin,,  December 16, 2013
Judge Leon of the DC District Court has held that the NSA’s bulk collection of telephony metadata violates the Fourth Amendment and has enjoined the entire
program (stayed pending appeal).

Judge Leon recognizes that his holding conflicts with the reasoning of other district courts, but he expresses confidence that he is correct and that James Madison would be “aghast” at the NSA’s telephony metadata program. Finding the entire NSA metadata program unconstitutional, Judge Leon enjoins it, but he stays his order pending appeal to the DC Circuit.

This is a GREAT ruling, but unfortunately, it’s not going to do a thing in practice right now. He “enjoined” the entire program, but “stayed” his own decision, pending appeal – which will be coming.

In other words. He put a stop to the program, but put his own order on hold. NSA surveillance will continue.

And we will continue our work to #NullifyNSA – because we don’t trust the higher courts to do the right thing.


Take these steps today to help stop NSA spying in your state

1. Get the model 4th Amendment Protection Act for your state (pdf):

2. Contact your STATE representative/assemblyperson AND State Senator. Strongly, but respectfully, encourage them to introduce the act for your state. A phone call is much more powerful than an email. Or do both. Contact info HERE.

3. Join the coalition. Are you part of a grassroots group? Encourage your group's leadership to sign on in support of the coalition here:

4. Get Flyers to help spread the word!


  1. Even after recent good news, DC will never stop NSA spying | Tenth Amendment Center - December 21, 2013 […] 1. Judge Leon in the DC District held the NSA spying program to be likely unconstitutional. (read about it and see the whole court opinion here) […]
  2. Even after recent good news, DC will never stop NSA spying | Michigan Standard - December 21, 2013 […] 1. Judge Leon in the DC District held the NSA spying program to be likely unconstitutional. (read about it and see the whole court opinion here) […]

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