

ALERT: The Pacific Islands are Pentagons next War Games for WW III with China!

***THANK YOU ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED. We made it and we are covered, thank you so much and bless you all.  We got the last of it with some toward our computer repair man from a very special reader in Great Britain.  Its people within a country that make it Great, and that is the case everywhere.  We have great readers and followers and I love you all.  We will win this battle.  Because we are going to be able to continue, within a week or so, we are going to begin doing serious SOLUTIONS to each of the news stories that will help us to move toward action.  We are working on that now and will do a blog explaining it all when we get through putting it all together. 
Vatic Note:  Its official then,  World War III is in the planning and war games are to commence in this bogus planned, financed, orchestrated and profit driven war, with a winner and loser already determined and that is why the war games.... how to lose it. (Reminds me of the McCain, Obama election where McCain was the designated loser even before the primary was over.) THIS IS classic HIGH TREASON OF THE WORST KIND.  Come on, people, stop and think about this, its way worse than we could imagine and this time they plan on using nukes (if the aliens let them lol).  That is why the seed bank and DNA bank of every  living thing on the planet which was not built by our gov, rather by Rockefeller and his bast*rd offspring, Gates.  That tells you who is doing all this.  THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS. Its is so far past time to bring them down and stop all this insanity.

What is one possible way to war game in the Samoan Islands?  Identify those supporting the US and get them off the islands.   Also notice in this article below, the heavy use of DIVIDE AND CONQUOR being set up, just like they do here. Who knows, but we do know we are the designated losers as will be everyone associated or those that get in the way of the war.   

When you read about Clintons trips to these islands, you will be disgusted at the level of deception being used to manipulate these poor innocent unsophisticated people.  They will be decimated in any such war. And the Zionists want us to believe they care about Global Warming, with the destruction they plan on doing in the pacific theatre??? Yeah, right!

This is no conflict between people, rather a collaboration between leaders, just like WW I and WW II. Its treason on both sides with the intent to kill their own people and destroy their nations assets.  Now how insane is that?  A global governance guarantees perpetual war for any number of reasons and that is why the entire globe has to fight against such global governance, at least by these psychopathic insane people.  

I like the Chinese people and they, as a people, have done nothing to us.  Its the international bankers and they must be devolved into the component toxic parts that they are. I was so mad when I read this, as I am sure you can tell... and it brought it home to me even more, just how important it is to rid the planet of these people. 

Jail is where they belong for a very very long time.  We can start by arresting Rockefeller, JD, and Jay Rockefeller, and then Henry Kissinger, and finally Rothschild in London, and the rest of the Rothschilds, if they do not give up everything to repay the planet for their pillaging and ravaging of it in the name of  profits and then retire somewhere that makes it impossible for them to get back into any society.

The Pacific Islands are Pentagons next War Games for WW III with China!
By Wayne Madsen,  Strategic Culture News

The Pentagon planners and their paid anthropologist shills are gearing up for the Pentagon’s next battle: the one for the Pacific that will ensure that the island nations that dot the vast maritime expanse will remain a part of the Anglo-American sphere of influence and not become part of a «Chinese lake».

The Pacific Ocean has been a favorite stomping ground for U.S. government-financed anthropologists ever since Margaret Mead ‘s 1928 treatise on the Samoan people, Coming of Age in Samoa, laid the groundwork for the intelligence-related anthropological study of the peoples of the Pacific Ocean by the U.S. military and intelligence services. 

Mead later became a researcher for the CIA-connected RAND Corporation and became a supporter of CIA funding of anthropologic surveys and studies via laundered academic research grants from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

USAID / CIA/Special Operations projects with names like Phoenix, Prosyms, Sympatico, and Camelot used anthropologists and social scientists to reconnoiter targeted tribal areas in South Vietnam, Indonesia, Pakistan, Colombia, and Chile to determine how U.S. Special Forces and intelligence agents could use indigenous peoples to further American military goals. The operations in the cases of Phoenix in South Vietnam and Prosyms in Indonesia resulted in genocide on a massive scale…

Today, the military’s tribal and native peoples targeting programs fall under the nomenclature of «human terrain systems» or HTS. Brought back to life in Afghanistan and Iraq, these genocidal programs now have their eyes on the Pacific in order to gear up for what the Pentagon and Langley planners believe is an inevitable war with China.  (VN: The international bankers and CEO's "planned" with China war, just like WW II, with all leaders in on it to make money and profits from the blood of our children and our wealth that we work so hard for. These innocent pacific Island peoples will be the next depopulation victims of this insanity.  TIME TO QUIT PAYING TAXES, do not cooperate in any World War, instead conduct guerrilla war against the bankers, their properties, like their homes assets, etc,   same with corporate boards of directors and the corporations themselves.  They want a World war, and destruction and depopulation, well, then give it to them, war against "them" and no one else. etc.  That is the only war anyone on this planet should be fighting.)

                                                              It is fitting, therefore, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are now looking for up to 15,000 acres of land to lease on American Samoa. The U.S. military wants to establish a major training base on American Samoa for at least five years and probably longer. 

The base is to provide 24-hour road access that will permit 60 full days of training per year. The Army also wants the base to permit the use of pyrotechnic and blank ammunition during daytime and nighttime training. It is certain that the U.S. is looking at building a simulated rural and village tropical environment for the use of U.S. and future «coalition of the willing» armies to practice battling an enemy in the Pacific region. That «enemy» is China.  (VN:  Hear that CHINESE PEOPLE.... your country's leaders are collaborating with the Zionist bankers to conduct war for profit.  WE ARE NOT YOUR ENEMY AND YOU ARE NOT OURS EITHER.  We have a joint enemy and should join together to fight them. If sent here to fight us,  we can both sit and talk and turn on our leaders and take control of our nations.  Its time. Same message to the PACIFIC ISLAND PEOPLE.  DO NOT COOPERATE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD WITH THESE TOTALLY INSANE PEOPLE)

The United States obviously foresees the Pacific as a future battleground between American and its allied forces and China for control of the important trade routes that crisscross the vast maritime region. Not since the U.S. military campaign against Japan during World War II has the Pacific seen such an American military projection of power.  (VN: Remember people, we are the designated losers of this war coming up and these efforts are to see how to best undermine our sons and daughters in the battle field. You know, the very "FODDER THAT IS DISPENSIBLE ACCORDING TO KISSINGER" I now  understand why they sent our daughters to be on the front lines, Its part of the depopulation agenda.  If you join the military, its a death sentence, just ask those who are dead which now exceeds those killed in Viet Nam, either through war or suicide. DO NOT JOIN, IF DRAFTED DO NOT GO, REFUSE, HIDE, ETC.)

World War III Has Begun – It`s the First Asymmetric War Long Awaited by Pentagon Think Tanks

***THANK YOU ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED. We made it and we are covered, thank you so much and bless you all.  We got the last of it with some toward our computer repair man from a very special reader in Great Britain.  Its people within a country that make it Great, and that is the case everywhere.  We have great readers and followers and I love you all.  We will win this battle.  Because we are going to be able to continue, within a week or so, we are going to begin doing serious SOLUTIONS to each of the news stories that will help us to move toward action.  We are working on that now and will do a blog explaining it all when we get through putting it all together. 

Vatic Note: THIS IS EXCELLENT and mandatory reading if you really want to see what we as a globe are experiencing and who is at the helm of it all. If you read Zbig Breszinzki's book, "The Grand Chessboard", you will read all this in there.  

He is the policy wonk insane person who is also the NSA to the President on foreign affairs and we are seeing his work put into action by this President who is handled and managed by the zionists.  So that explains this below.  Its really a description of Zbigs book, in blueprint format for the pentagon satanists to follow.  If you expect the top level military to follow their oath of office, you can forget it.  They follow their oath to Satan.  Time to truly get down into the community and begin planning, after reading all this. 

Notice also the role of Soros in all of this.  We did a blog on the "Rothschild Octopus" and Soros was prominently featured in there in his role of Rothschild take over of eastern Europe through these same tactics with a little ecodisaster thrown in, caused, of course, by the non gov fascist factions doing this without consideration to the "color of law" and we are even beginning to see this at the local level here in my little berg. 

World War III Has Begun – It`s the First Asymmetric War Long Awaited by Pentagon Think Tanks
By Wayne MADSEN, Strategic Culture Foundation

The Pentagon has already declared World War III and President Barack Obama and the Congress never even carried out their constitutional duties to approve the use of American military power for war.  (VN: in fact, when questioned about that by congress in a hearing, Panetta made it clear, Congress had no say in what international actions the military was taking as if they worked for the UN or NATO, and that shocked even some  of the Congressmen.)

One might reasonably conclude that the United States has outsourced war. Presently, World War III is being conducted on two continents – Asia and Africa – with two others – Europe and South America – looming on the horizon. Today, wars are crafted by the upper one percent of wealthy elitists who, using non-governmental organizations, television networks, non — profit “think tanks,” and public relations firms, can declare war on nations without a whimper from elected public officials.

Symmetric warfare is no longer an option for the global elites. World Wars I and II severely affected the investments (VN: got it, global citizens of the world??? Its what the elite cares about) of many of the global elite families as a result of the destruction of cities, factories, railways, seaports, and other infrastructures. The Korean, Vietnam, the Arab-Israeli, and Iraq wars were messy affairs that also adversely affected markets and destroyed valuable infrastructures. 

The Cold War never developed into a hot nuclear war because of the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), which ensured that a nuclear first strike by either the West or the East would result in total annihilation of both sides, along with the rest of the world. (VN: Another reason is when they tried in Los Angeles, the missile mysteriously went awry.  Gee I wonder who did that?)

Even a western military attack on China would have had disastrous results for the attackers, especially since China could retaliate with a nuclear counter-attack and wipe out the U.S. Seventh Fleet and its East Asian naval bases, including Okinawa and Guam. A new type of warfare was required by the elites: asymmetric warfare – the use of unconventional warfare tactics, including information warfare, by proxies, non-state actors, agents provocateur, and fifth columns.

Largely financed by hedge fund mega-tycoon George Soros and his Central Intelligence Agency interlocutors, (VN: Remember, the CIA works for Britain and Britain works for the Rothschilds, therefore, the CIA works for Rothschildand his henchman, Soros)  our present asymmetric World War III was field tested just like any new product. The “themed” revolutions were market-tested first in Serbia, and then in Ukraine, Georgia, and Kyrgyzstan, to oust problematic governments that did not want to get on board with the dictates of the unelected and unaccountable real controllers of the financial and political destiny of the world.

Pro-western and pro-European Union governments, comprised of a number of individuals who were funded by Soros and other non-state operations established by the global elites, for example, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, Freedom House, U.S. Institute of Peace, and others funded and supported by the Houses of Rothschild, Rockefeller, Mellon, and others saw to it that new governments took root in Belgrade, Kiev, Tbilisi, and Bishkek. These new governments were not elected but took power as a result of themed street rebellions, a new manifestation of unconventional warfare. 

No longer did armies, navies, and air forces have to face each other across battlefields and battle zones and theaters of warfare. One merely had to embed fifth columnists and provocateurs inside a targeted nation's capital city, media, political party apparatus, and "civil society" infrastructure to bring about the defeat of the government outside the normal political process and replace it with a new government beholden to the desires of the central banks and global oligarchs. (VN:  Sound familiar yet?)

How the Newtown massacre became a Mind-Control television event

***We wish to thank contributors who sent in money to help reduce the deficit, which is now down to $75 (45).  Remember this is just to meet our deficit, we still owe a ton on the computers they crashed on us so if possible it would be more than welcome to receive anything toward the $387 we owe on that but the computer man is willing to take payments, bless him for that (He reads the blog, hehehe).  So, its not near as urgent as the deficit is.  Thanks so far to all who have contributed and to all who have read and commented on our various articles that we have found and published.  and bless those who contribute articles as well. Things are certainly speeding up as they say.  Hopefully, we will be continuing and I am feeling more encouraged than I did this morning.  Bless you all.  

Vatic Note:  Boy is this true about the mainstream press.  As you know we have provided massive evidence that its even possible there was even a massacre that occurred, what never happened here, that the news always covers in real mass murders, is the filming of the bodies, the bloody crime scene, and any evidence.  They usually do it from afar, but alas, NOTHING.

Not one drop of blood, not one body and we even have video of all the ambulances in a traffic jam that never reached the crime scene.   Further, we posted a blog on parents who say they have not been allowed to see the bodies of their children, only the coffins.  Were the children kidnapped and put into the international sex slave trade?  Is this a "Rahm Emmanuals" famous saying "Never let a good crisis  go to waste"?  I don't know, but somebody needs to start asking...these questions based on these oddities.

Days later they are still in that same jam.  They never reached the so called bodies.  Further, the gun that was suppose to have killed the kids was found in the trunk of a car.  Further, the father of one of the victims to be interviewed on the TV was caught by camera as he was walking up to the mike, laughing and joking around with others there.

Then we did a blog proving he was not Robbie parker, rather his name was Hawk, and he was  professional snow border and part time actor.  So, if it really happened, why the hiring of actors to pretend to be parents, same with surviving school teachers?

The only explanation that makes sense was that it never happened.  It was a production controlled by those who have always tried to get our guns, through their control of the movie industry.  Pak Alert was taken over a couple of years ago by those same people and now they are putting out their best efforts to distract us from the truth.  What about the video we did showing Anderson Cooper whose nose disappears during an on site interview with a parent, except the missing nose confirms he was not there on site.  Why not? 

We did 15 blogs just on that shooting showing how it could not have happened.  Anyway, below he is right about the media, however, and its why they do these productions.  It works for TV manipulating the viewing audience and thus supporting the zionsts agenda of defanging Americans by taking their guns, so they can complete their take over of our country, for Britain and their Fascist owners.

By: Jon Rappoport 

Date: 2012-12-20
Mind control. Mass hypnosis. Operant conditioning. Brain entrainment. That’s what we’re talking about here. We’re so conditioned to how television covers life that we rarely step back and take notice.
In the case of massive disasters and crimes, network news rules the roost.

First, the premiere anchors, who are managing editors of their own broadcasts, give themselves the go signal. They will leave their comfortable chairs and travel to the scene of crime. “It’s that big.”

The anchors lend gravitas. Their mere presence lets the audience know this story trumps all other news of the moment. That’s the first hypnotic cue and suggestion.

Of course, the anchors were not in Newtown, Connecticut, as reporters. They weren’t there to dig up facts. Their physical presence at the Sandy Hook School and in the town was utterly irrelevant.  (VN:  except we are finding out those anchors weren't there.  The green screen was where they could piece together a production.)

They could have been doing their newscasts from their studios in New York. Or from a broom closet.

But much better to be standing somewhere in Newtown. It imparts the sense of crisis to the viewing millions.

At the same time, the anchors are also there to give assurance. The subliminal message they transmit is: whatever has happened here is controllable.

The audience knows the anchors will provide the meaning and the official voice of the tragedy. The anchors are, in a way, priests, intoning their benediction to the suffering and their elegies to the dead.

This is what the audience expects, and this is what they get.

This expectation, in fact, is so deep that anything else would be considered an insult, a moral crime.

For example, suppose a network suddenly shifted gears and began interviewing police and residents and asking tough questions about contradictions in the official scenario. Suppose that became the primary focus. Suppose the tone became argumentative, in the interest of, God forbid, the truth.

Simple healing recipes for cleansing your liver and blood

***We wish to thank contributors who sent in money to help reduce the deficit, which is now down to $75.  Remember this is just to meet our deficit, we still owe a ton on the computers they crashed on us so if possible it would be more than welcome to receive anything toward the $387 we owe on that but the computer man is willing to take payments, bless him for that.  So, its not near as urgent as the deficit is.  Thanks so far to all who have contributed and to all who have read and commented on our various articles that we have found and published.  and bless those who contribute articles as well. Things are certainly speeding up as they say.  Hopefully, we will be continuing and I am feeling more encouraged than I did this morning.  Bless you all.  

Vatic Note: We put this up because of all the junk we are being fed in our food, water and air we breathe,and the only way to fight it is to detox your liver and clean your blood to keep the cells healthy and vibrant.... so this was excellent and I have proven these remedies work.  I am healthy while everyone around me is getting sick.  So  I deeply believe in this below along with talking to your DNA about repairing and healing your illnesses and your DNA which is part of the reason for the chemtrail dumping, to change your DNA, but it can restructure it back to its original blueprint if you tell it to. 

I won't go into another one of my stories, but suffice it to say that cleaning your liver is the best thing you can do in this horrifically toxic environment they have us buried in.  Chemtrails, flouride in your water, GMO poisons, etc... so please read and try these on a regular basis, especially after chemtrail dumping has occurred and after eating something where the label informs you its full of chemicals and glucose and artificial ingredients like pizza which does not use real cheese.  

Simple healing recipes for cleansing your liver and blood
by: PF Louis, Natural News
Thursday, January 17, 2013

(NaturalNews) After the heart and lungs, the liver is perhaps your most vital organ. When it shuts down, you die. Extreme liver conditions may result in the eventual need for dangerous liver transplants.

A sluggish liver can manifest a malaise of symptoms that lead to misdiagnoses for other chronic autoimmune diseases. This sluggishness can be prevented and also corrected through rejuvenating and cleansing your liver frequently.

The liver is responsible for purifying your blood and is involved with producing glutathione to recycle spent antioxidants. It helps convert sunlight to vitamin D3, and it's involved with the manufacture of bile needed for removing nutrients from food particles in the small intestine.

Successful cancer treatments such as the Gerson Therapy and Dr. Donald Kelley's pancreatic enzyme protocol, perfected and continued today by Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, utilize coffee enemas to eliminate toxins from the liver.

This procedure was specifically inserted into those cancer treatments to eliminate dead cancer cells and toxic die off, but it's also useful for eliminating accrued toxins from years of living in our toxic environment and/or consuming toxic foods and beverages.

Methods and recipes for purifying your liver and blood

Liver cleanse coffee enema: Unflavored organic high caffeine (lightly roasted) coffee is recommended. After the coffee cools to approximate body temperature, the enema is administered and held for up to 20 minutes while lying on your right side, then relieved with a bowel movement. Procedure explained here (

Burdock tea: Burdock tea is easy to make and inexpensive. It's the go-to blood purifier in Ayurvedic medicine (

Chlorella and other green super-foods: Chlorella is a favorite, but some also swear by spirulina, wheat grass, and other green super foods. Chlorella purifies the liver and the blood, serves as a prebiotic to nurture probiotic bacteria, and promotes bile production (


Israel boycotts Human Rights Commission, rights examination session

*** today is the first, but its a friday, so I have the weekend to fund raise.   I have sent all my checks out and now I need to cover the checks by Monday. We are down to $85 left to go for the balance and I have covered all but one bill, so I have to cover that balance by monday, thus we have the weekend to cover it, with the certainty that we can raise the last $85 between now and monday to cover my check.  With all the hits we are getting on the blog, someone who has never contributed is hopefully willing to do so now to keep this flow of info going. 

If not, then I have to make changes so that I can pay back a loan to cover that part of the deficit and the changes would remove me from access to a computer, so then the blog will be done.  What I am happy about are the things we proved on the blog early on that no one ever talked about before, we find that,today, they are common knowledge and everyone talks about it, so that is rewarding and it means these insane ones are not getting away with anything, no matter how this turns out.  We were able to do this together without banker/foundation/advertising from those we are exposing and for that I am also grateful. 

Its ok, trust me, since everyone I could reach and educate, has had the opportunity to learn and awaken to what we are living under.... and what we can expect if these foreign invaders prevail.  Its now time for everyone to face the reality and begin to do some work within your community in preparation for what is coming.  Whatever you do, support those that sacrifice time away from their families, their work, and their pleasure, to work or fight for you.  Its the least we can do to  save our nation, our communities and our families and show gratitude to those who spend their lives exposing so we all could make choices that we didn't have before we knew the truth.  God Bless and keep you and thank you for all your support these past three years

***They are messing with the font again and color, so if it looks odd, that is why and who. But please read it anyway.  Thanks. That is one thing I will not miss in not doing the blog any longer, is the harrasment that ate up so much of my time.  LOL 

Vatic Note: Gee, I wonder why?  Crimes against humanity ring a bell? Aaah, now its becoming more clear what is going on here after reading this. I could not figure out why all that fire power purchased by the zionist controlled DHS, for domestic use, except to use against Americans, and now we know why.  Remember Homeland Security just ordered 7000 automatic, not semi-auto, but automatic AR-15s, to add to their 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point ammo.

Its not for Palestine, but then the Zionists already "own" Palestine, rather could it be for the JDL in the USA  to become the Zionists in-territory army to take out Americans as they have done in Palestine.  The parallels are just too damning?  Is this a foreign nations final push to totally occupy with no false pretenses, the United States of America as warned to us by JFK in 1961, who also said those planning on bringing us down were "RUTHLESS", his words, not mine. Is that another reason he was killed?  He did sign an EO giving control over our currency back to the Treasury, after taking it from the Fed Reserve.  Lets not forget that after the Russian revolution, these zionists ran that country into the ground for 70 years, and that is what they have planned for us.

(JDL is the Jewish Defense League, which should be appropriately named, the Khazar Aggression League invasion force, and the appropriate acronym should be the KALIF, so from now on I will refer to the JDL as  the KALIF so you know in advance who I am talking about.  The "real" invaders who are NOT Jewish by religion or DNA by a long shot. They are satanists and pagans by religion and Khazar edomites by DNA.)

Add that to their purchase of 2,400 drones (who will bemonitoring the drones and where will they be monitored and controlled from??)  Not the US military, that is for sure, so will they be run out of KALIF? After getting this flash of insight, I decided to check some previous blogs and sure enough.... read this and this and this and this as well.    

I could be off base on this but given the DHS is headed by a dual Israeli citizen under Obama, and, as well as under Bush, and has SPLC and ADL (mossad in America) sit on the "citizens advisory Board" which is suppose to 'advise' the head of DHS, In fact it actually controls the DHS, just like they did in Germany when they controlled the storm troopers.

Yes, the bankers controlled the exact same set up there that they have done here.What they intend to do to us is probably why they refused to attend the conference in the article below, because they know what they intend to do to us or 'think' they are going to do to us. They picked the wrong country for their BS.  Their treasonous work here may well become their final waterloo.  I am hearing that more and more lately.

Don't forget, the protocols discuss doing away and attacking the royalty of Europe and the royalty of Europe according to a whistle blower that we published on here,  they intend to use the khazars to finish their agenda, but then get rid of them since they do not trust them.  I love how they do not trust each other at all.  And rightly so!  Satanists are allowed to lie to achieve their ends.

Israel boycotts UNHRC rights examination session
by Press TV,  29 Jan 2013

File photo shows an illegal Israeli settle-
ment in the occupied West Bank

Tel Aviv has boycotted a UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) review, which is taking place in the Swiss city of Geneva to examine Israel's violations of Palestinians' rights. The UNHRC is reviewing Israel's human rights records on Tuesday as part of the Universal Periodic Review process.

Tel Aviv is not a member of the Council, but is required to undergo UPR like all UN members. The Universal Periodic Review (UPR), which is held once every four years, was established by the UN General Assembly in 2006 to examine human rights records of the United Nations' members.

Israel severed all ties with the Council in March 2012 after the UNHRC adopted a resolution condemning Tel Aviv’s announcement of new settlement homes and demanded a reversal of the settlement policy.

This is the first time, since the reviews began, that a member under evaluation is absent in the meeting.

A group of human rights organizations have already slammed Tel Aviv’s announcement that it would shun the meeting, saying the decision shows Israel is fearful of a rigorous study of its violations of international law.

More than half a million Israelis live in over 120 illegal settlements built since Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and East al-Quds (Jerusalem) in 1967.

The UN and most countries regard the Israeli settlements as illegal because the territories were captured by Israel in a war in 1967 and are hence subject to the Geneva Conventions, which forbid construction on occupied lands.

2013-01-29 11:34:31

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

JFK: Robert Kennedy Jr, says JFK assassinated by CIA!

***Fundraising Status: today is the first, but its a friday, so I have the weekend to fund raise.   I have sent all my checks out and now I need to cover the checks by Monday.  Thank you to those who contributed yesterday, we are down to $85 left to go for the balance and I have covered all but one bill, so I have to cover that balance by monday, thus we have the weekend to do so, with the certainty that we can raise the last $85 between now and monday to cover the check.  With all the hits we are getting on the blog, someone who has never contributed is hopefully willing to do so now to keep this flow of info going. Thanks for all your support over these 3 years.  Bless you and stay safe.

Vatic Note: I believe he is right.  Getting to the truth requires we go through Oswald who was the patsy.  If they can prove he did not even fire a rifle, then it changes the entire direction of any subsequent investigation.  Its then that we discover whether we have a totally corrupt government in all areas.  That is worth finding out.  It appears from the photo and the analysis of the clothing, that Oswald never was involved in the actual shooting of JFK: That is new.  It appears he was elsewhere and his photo was taken by chance which proved he was not involved.  This is explosive.

What is even more  important is Robert F. Kennedy JR. has come out right up front to say the truth about JFK's assassination. He said the CIA did the deed, but of course, they could not do it without help both inside and out of the administration.  I believe the CIA coordinated their death squad which consisted of Mossad as it always has, and maybe even MI6 who controls both of those intel agencies.  

Remember Cheney had a domestic assassination squad that reported only to Cheney.  Then Rahm Emmanual became their reporting point in the Obama administration.  The squad should have been disbanded and Cheney prosecuted for having used it.  Same with Rahm and Bush JR.and Obama if he also used it.  The White House switchboard being dropped that day could only have been done by Johnson's orders, same with the Secret Service who were waved off JFK's car. The  Question is "how long have we had this domestic assassination squad and who ran it before Cheney?"

This below is a letter to him congratulating him on his courage since its dangerous to expose the underbelly of the beast on any of these main issues that the military industrial complex and federal reserve has had a hand in.  9-11 ring a bell? In the letter he asks him to continue on this crusade since so much hinges on it.  The beginning of our demise as a nation began with JFK's murder followed by Robert Kennedy's murder who would have continued on with JFK's agenda.  After that  all candidates were picked by those same forces JFK called brutal.

I agree with the author that this will never go away and if we can break this one, we can stop the slide toward oblivion that we are on, under the careful guidance of traitors within our government who work for a foreign country or two.  Israel and British Monarchy comes to mind. Both of whom are heavily into the banking and military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about.  Read this and see what you think.  I found it informative since I did not know about this photo and it changes everything. 

There was a movie released about 6 months after the assassination and I saw it, and I was blown away by who the real assassins and conspirators were.  I would venture to add that if you watched it on Lulu, you would see  someone in there that resembles Rockefeller.   Watch for it.   Anyway, it was called "EXECUTIVE ACTION".  Its worth the watch  after reading this below, and after knowing all that we now know, that movie was prophetic in naming the crowd that did in what would have been our greatest President

JFK: An Open Letter to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
by Ralph Cinque (with Jim Fetzer)

When I published “JFK: What we know now that we didn’t know then” (21 November 2011), I had become convinced by the discovery of the obfuscated face of a figure in the doorway area of a famous photograph taken by AP photographer James “Ike” Altgens (technically known as the “Altgens6″), together with having recently learned that Lee Oswald had told Will Fritz (the homicide detective who had interrogated him) that he had been “out with Bill Shelley in front” during the assassination, that this figure had to have been Lee himself.  The only reason to have altered the photo would have been that someone had been there who should not have been there, where the obvious candidate for that role was the designated “patsy”.

We now believe that that person was actually Bill Shelley, no doubt on the presumption that, if it were discovered that Bill Shelley had been there, too many questions would have been raised about what Lee had said to Fritz.  It would therefore be more efficient to simply delete his image from the photo and remove any reason for asking about it.

Ralph Cinque read my article, however, and contacted me, explaining that, while he agreed with my conclusion (that Lee was in the doorway) was right, my premises (about how we could prove that to be the case) were mistaken–that the crucial question was the clothing, not the facial images (which were ambiguous), but where a close study of the clothing and build of the figure in the doorway were those of Lee Oswald.

We would begin publishing a series of articles entitled, “JFK Special: Oswald was in the doorway, after all!”, which would lead to a total of five, which have been supplemented by several others, including “JFK believe it or not:  Oswald wasn’t even a shooter!” and “JFK: 49 Years in the Offing — The Altgens reenactment”.  We have gone far enough to establish that the man in the doorway was Lee Oswald, the designated patsy, which means that he cannot have also been on the 6th floor shooting at JFK.  So not only was he not “the lone assassin”, he wan’t even a shooter, where I provide an introduction to what we have discovered here:

Chemtrails, Aerosol Geoengineering and Bioengineering: A Massive Biological Experiment of Unknown Purpose

*** today is the first, but its a friday, so I have the weekend to fund raise.   I have sent all my checks out and now I need to cover the checks by Monday.  Thank youto those who contributed yesterday, we are down to $85 left to go for the balance and I have covered all but one bill, so I have to cover that balance by monday, thus we have the weekend to do so, with the certainty that we can raise the last $85 between now and monday to cover the check.  With all the hits we are getting on the blog, someone who has never contributed is hopefully willing to do so now to keep this flow of info going. Thanks for all your support over these 3 years.  Bless you and stay safe.

Vatic Note:  Just a quick note to tell you that this aerosol experimentation has been going on since the 50's, and 60's, i just found out.   Here is a link to one such program in Missouri, why am I not surprised.  Its a state that has been on the side of global new world order for decades now and is cooperating in the forming of the North American Union by serving on the governors council for that organization, so you can see why and how the feds were able to use citizens of Missouri for such life threatening experiments.  Check it out.

Chemtrails, Aerosol Geoengineering and Bioengineering: A Massive Biological Experiment of Unknown Purpose

By: Prof. James F. Tracy
Date: 2012-12-14
“The ultimate solution is a multiplication of leverage by citizens to the point where it simply cannot be denied”. -Clifford Carnicom
The materials disbursed in stratospheric aerosol geoengineering operations contain a combination of ionizable metallic salts, filaments, gel-type materials, and crystals. These are the longstanding and deeply interrogated observations of independent environmental research scientist Clifford Carnicom given on a December 10 conference call organized by director Russ Tanner. During the meeting, coincidentally held on International Human Rights Day, Carnicom asserted that because the system of responsible government has failed, the immediate collective efforts of citizens are necessary “to claim their rights upon this planet.”[1]

His remarks were made just three months after his presentation at the Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails conference held in Los Angeles last summer. In that talk, “Geoengineering and Bioengineering: The Unmistakable Link,” Carnicom upheld his research detecting such a correlation. “’Is there a direct relationship between the alteration of living systems (us) and ecosystems (the environment)?’” he asks. “My answer is unequivocally, ‘Yes.’”


Zionism's Role in All World Wars - Part 1 of 4

***Fund raising status: Well, we are still at $95 needed by the first with basically one full day left to meet our goal by the morning of the first. I am prepared to accept the teams decision to stop doing this part of the work that was so important at one time, if everyone feels its time to quit, I leave that up to you at this point. I consider this a joint decision since we have been a team in all of this. But now I have to take the time I used on here and apply it toward making money to meet my obligations. Isn't that always the way? lol

We have scheduled out blogs already to the 4th of February and if we do not make our goal, then after that, the blog will continue to stand as a very good resource for those seeking information, history and the progression of how we got here so each of us can preserve it for our children to teach them to recognize when something like this happens again and to give them a warning not to wait too long to act.  

This teaching and resource tool will remain until it is no longer needed.  I believe we still need to have these blogs on the net for a while longer, but that is up to you all to make that decision since I put into this effort what I can and now its up to others who can afford to contribute and who use the blog and read it, to decide whether its time to move onto other activities instead. Looking on the positive side of the issue, at least both my computers won't need anymore repairs and that will give me time to pay off the bill I owe on them both.  LOL  See?  Always look for the silver lining in any situation. &nbsp No matter how this turns out I wish to thank all of you for your support in so many ways. God bless and keep you safe.

Vatic Note: I have excerpted parts of this presentation, and presented them in the way that I believe helps to build the big picture about all of this below.  You can visit the link and read it all in a different structure, its your choice.  This is up as part of a 3 part series because I am continually referencing what the pagan satanic zionists did in both WW I and WW II that is exactly the same as they are doing to us now, trying to lead us into Revolution & WW III that we are designated to lose since conducting a revolution and a WW at the same time is a guaranteed strain on the people and resources of a nation.  So, NO REVOLUTION, rather go after the zionist bankers and and their Corp heads, and that will solve our problem. 

Its been set up that way from the beginning as we showed on this blog first by the contracting out to our WW III designated enemies,  our weapons manufacturing.  Now why would the Pentagon do that unless they wanted their designated enemies for us, to know our technology, sabotage our weapons and equipment so they fail in the field which would then kill our soldiers and demoralize our troops from the lack of tools to conduct such a war.

Then we did a blog where the Zionists stole the plans for our F-22 and sold it to the Chinese, and also stole patriot missles they were shipping to China that got caught by another country and held.  The F-22 we now know has been modified by the Chinese and is now superior to our F-22 and can be defended against our F-35's.  Its a definite lose the war and become occupied.  That would result in what you are about to read below.  Millions of Americans will be massacred by the foreign occupying troops, led by the Zionists as they were in both other world wars.  

It would also nicely meet their needs for depopulation since they intend to make this a nuke war, and then they would make billions if not  trillions off the debt and the rebuilding their corporations would do.   Its important to read this below, so you can see how these wars happened and the role the Zionists played in it.  Keep in mind that Goldman sachs international is the sole and exclusive brokerage house for China, also keep in mind 3,000 of the Chinese and  other third world leaders in their country were trained and educated at Oxford, the home of all secret societies and the center of British control over the globe. (We had this on a blog on our site and its been gutted).  They have also started training them at Harvard in our country. Remember both Oxford and Harvard are heavily funded by Israel and Zionist bankers.

Remember the khazars are a tightly knit nation unto themselves,  yet spread through out all the other nations of the world which gives them an advantage we will never have, unless we act against them in the fields they control.  That is how we must deal with this issue and more will come to light as you read this.  

Zionism and World War I 

Woodrow Wilson
In the latter part of the 1800's, there arose in Europe a political movement known as "Zionism". Zionism in particular referred to the effort among certain jews to establish a jewish nation in the land of Palestine.

Today, the term Zionism is more commonly applied to those jews (Khazars) who want to expand the borders of what was already established, at the expense of the Palestinians who once owned the land. In a more general sense, the term "Zionist" is also used to describe a certain element within the jewish community (not all of them!), who believe in Jewish Supremacy, thus putting their own interests ahead of those of any nation in which they reside. It is a mistake to assume that all jews are supporters of the “Zionist Mafia” or Jewish Supremacy. In fact, some of the strongest condemnations of Zionism and Jewish Supremacy comes from jews themselves!
There exists an enormous collection of hard-hitting anti-Zionist writings compiled by such notable jewish authors, historians, and journalists as John Sack, (6) Alfred Lilienthal (7) Noam Chomsky, (8) Israel Shahak, (9), Benjamin Freedman, (10 A) , Jack Bernstein, (10 B), Henry Makow (10 C), and Victor Ostovsky (11) just to name a few.

There is even a jewish religious group called “
Neturei Karta, Jews United Against Zionism”. (12 A) For their brave efforts, these men have had to tolerate vicious abuse from Zionist smear groups like the Anti Defamation League (ADL) - an organization which actually specializes in slander, defamation, and spying for Israel! Author Jack Bernstein described the abusive ADL smear process and challenged his fellow jews as follows:

“I am well aware of the tactics YOU, my Zionist brethren, use to quiet anyone who attempts to expose any of your subversive acts. If the person is a gentile, you cry, "you're anti-Semitic," which is nothing more than a smokescreen to hide your actions. But if a Jew is the person doing the exposing, you resort to other tactics:
  • First, you ignore the charges, hoping the information will not be given widespread distribution.
  • If the information starts reaching too many people, you ridicule the information and the person giving the information.
  • If that doesn't work, your next step is character assassination. If the author or speaker hasn't been involved in sufficient scandal, you are adept at fabricating a scandal against the person or persons.
  • If none of these are effective, you are known to resort to physical attacks.
But NEVER do you try to prove the information wrong. So, before you commence efforts to silence me, I offer this challenge: You Zionists assemble a number of Zionist Jews and witnesses to support your position; and I will assemble a like number of anti-Zionist, pro-American jews and witnesses.

Then, the Zionists and anti-Zionists will state their positions and debate the material in this book as well as related material -- and the debate WILL BE HELD ON PUBLIC TELEVISION. Let's explore the information both sides can present and let the American people decide for themselves if the information is true or false. ISN'T THAT A FAIR CHALLENGE? Certainly, you will willingly accept the challenge if what I have written is false. But if you resort to crying "Lies, all lies" and refuse to debate, you will, in effect, be telling the American people that what I have written here are the true facts.” (12 B) 

Needless to say, Bernstein’s challenge was never accepted. So let us put to rest now and forever the slanderous lie, and strategic Zionist propaganda ploy, that labels anyone who dares to call attention to the dangers of the Zionist Mafia is an “anti-semite”, a “hatemonger”, or a “skin-head“.

Now the Zionists of the late 1800’s faced one small problem with their bold takeover scheme of Arab Palestine. Palestine was under the sovereignty of the Ottoman Turkish Empire and the Arabs certainly weren't about to just give away prime real estate in Palestine to the Zionists of Europe. There were very few jews even living in Palestine and the jews had not controlled Palestine since the days of the Roman Empire.

This destroys the commonly believed myth that the Arabs and the jews "have been fighting over that land for centuries". The handful of Arab jews who lived in Palestine got along well with their Muslim hosts and never expressed any desire whatsoever to overthrow the Ottoman rulers and set up a nation called Israel. The movement to strip Palestine away from the Ottoman Empire came strictly from European Zionists who had become very influential within several European nations.

Bro Nathanial tells it like it is at Sandy Hook, What a Guy!

***Fund raising status: Well, we are still at $95 needed by the first with basically one full day left to meet our goal by the morning of the first. I am prepared to accept the teams decision to stop doing this part of the work that was so important at one time, if everyone feels its time to quit, I leave that up to you at this point. I consider this a joint decision since we have been a team in all of this. But now I have to take the time I used on here and apply it toward making money to meet my obligations. Isn't that always the way? lol

We have scheduled out blogs already to the 4th of February and if we do not make our goal, then after that, the blog will continue to stand as a very good resource for those seeking information, history and the progression of how we got here so each of us can preserve it for our children to teach them to recognize when something like this happens again and to give them a warning not to wait too long to act.  

This teaching and resource tool will remain until it is no longer needed.  I believe we still need to have these blogs on the net for a while longer, but that is up to you all to make that decision since I put into this effort what I can and now its up to others who can afford to contribute and who use the blog and read it, to decide whether its time to move onto other activities instead.  No matter how this turns out I wish to thank all of you for your support in so many ways. God bless and keep you safe.

What Really Happened At Sandy Hook?
uploaded by Brother Nathanial, January 6, 2013

Vatic Note: I love this guy.  He is a Jewish convert and pulls no punches on what his fellow khazar zionists are doing.. and he does a brilliant job putting together key points into a coherent picture, not  only of what happened, based on officials own words, but the conflicts in information also based on their own words.  What he points out proves beyond a doubt that fraud has been committed here and is prosecutable as evidenced by what the coroner said about the roof coming down on the sandy hook officials involved.  I can hardly wait.

(Update: just received notice that a live drill was going on by Mossad controlled Storm troopers HLS at the same time as the shootings, just like 9-11, according to the police.  Will update as soon as I verify).

I also love that he places the blame exactly where it belongs and we did a huge blog showing who has been trying to get our guns ever since 1968 and its the foreign occupiers of our government, dual Israeli citizens.  Why?  So they could do what they are doing now, trying to bring down the USA.  That, my friends, is high treason and we know it and must prosecute it to the full extent of the law.  Now you know why Leiberscum decided not to run for re-election.  He sees the writing on the wall.

Senator Feinstein better take another look at what she is doing, since Her handlers do not care if she goes down, as long as she gets their agenda implimented.  Everyone is expendable in this game.  These Zionists must go, like Iceland did and are in recovery.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

Fascism, Anyone? Google Chief Likely for Cabinet Post

***(they are messing with the bolding and won't let me unbold it on the 14 indicators that we are living under fascism right now, so please read anyway. I will continue to try and fix them, but I guess they don't like what we are showing you about our existing fascism done by zionists instead of nazi's.  Looks like we will have to rethink Nazi Germany after all and that probably should include the holocaust. If the zionist owned publishing houses for  history books are wrong about nazi Germany, then they could be wrong about the holocaust. That is something we may well have to revisit after all.) 

***Fund raising status: Well, we are still at $95 needed by the first with basically one full day left to meet our goal by the morning of the first. I am prepared to accept the teams decision to stop doing this part of the work that was so important at one time, if everyone feels its time to quit, I leave that up to you at this point. I consider this a joint decision since we have been a team in all of this. But now I have to take the time I used on here and apply it toward making money to meet my obligations. Isn't that always the way? lol

We have scheduled out blogs already to the 4th of February and if we do not make our goal, then after that, the blog will continue to stand as a very good resource for those seeking information, history and the progression of how we got here so each of us can preserve it for our children to teach them to recognize when something like this happens again and to give them a warning not to wait too long to act.  

This teaching and resource tool will remain until it is no longer needed.  I believe we still need to have these blogs on the net for a while longer, but that is up to you all to make that decision since I put into this effort what I can and now its up to others who can afford to contribute and who use the blog and read it, to decide whether its time to move onto other activities instead.  No matter how this turns out I wish to thank all of you for your support in so many ways. God bless and keep you safe.

Vatic Note:  Ok, on the face of it, yes, this appears as he says, but I have to put a codicil in here to lay out history that I saw and can testify too.  When the entire issue of spying on Americans through their emails became a big deal, Google was the only email service that spent the money to fight it in court and they stayed with it til the bitter end.   They lost the battle and had to cooperate with the powers that be through the fisa courts.

Now once they had to comply, here is what they did.  They refused FBI letters that everyone else accepted and forced them to go to the Fisa court and get the warrant.  They made them do it on every single request to spy.  NONE OF THE OTHER SITES SPENT A PENNY NOR PUT OUT THE EFFORT that google put into it.  So for me, they fought it and I have forgiven them for not doing more since doing more would have cost them google and that would not have benefited us in anyway.  It would have insured the voluntary traitors like Yahoo and msm and hotmail and AOL would  have secured a greater share of the market after betraying that market without any effort at all.

We the people are majorly at fault for all of this because we didn't scream bloody murder in the beginning under Bush when we should have.  Now we are experiencing total denial by many Obama supporters of what he has done.  They don't even want  to hear it, so for me, Google is possibly going to have an opportunity to change things.

I hold out no hope given these past 10 years and who is running the country, but one never knows.  Lets give this a chance.  We have always had a business person in the Dept of interior and Commerce, so that is not new by a long shot.  Lets see and believe me, I will be the first to scream bloody murder if they become like those they are working for.

Fascism, Anyone? Google Chief Likely for Cabinet Post?
By Zen Gardner, Just Wondering

by Zen Gardner

If this isn’t evidence of corporate collusion at work, nothing is. Mussolini captured the essence of this kind of corporatocracy in a little word that once had a negative connotation. Does it any more?

The marriage of government and corporations is defined as fascism.
Here’s the news:

Treasury Secretary Google?
Already a winner on the business front for his support and guidance to President Obama and his reelection campaign, there is growing speculation that Google Chairman Eric Schmidt is in line for an even bigger payoff: secretary of either Treasury or Commerce or a new “secretary of business” slot.

Cabinet shakeup watchers have focused on Schmidt and his Yoda status in the Obama reelection campaign, Google’s massive $1.9 million to Democrats in the election, and the administration’s efforts to quiet a potential Federal Trade Commission investigation of Google as key signs that the president wants Schmidt in the cabinet.

“Nobody’s better positioned for a Cabinet job, if he wants one,” said a Democratic strategist.

Since Obama ran for national office, Google has been there with money and advice. Way back in 2007, Obama visited Google HQ and said, “What we shared is a belief in changing the world from the bottom up, not from the top down.”

Ever since, it’s been a match made in heaven. MORE

Over the Top, A Long Time Ago

It’s off the charts. Just look at how far the revolving door and inter-twined relationship goes.

NSA Hides Google Ties As DARPA Director Takes Google Job

As the NSA tries to cover up its ties with Google, in a potential widespread spying scandal, DARPA Director Regina Dugan is leaving the Pentagon to take a post at Google.
In the midst of what looks likes a massive spying scandal between the National Security Agency and Google, similar to the NSA’s partnership with AT&T to spy on all phone calls placed within the US, we learn today that the Director of the Pentagon’s Premiere Research Lab, DARPA, is stepping down to take a “senior executive position” at Google.
Just three days ago, news hit the wire that the Department of Justice had asked US Federal courts to keep any partnerships between Google and the NSA secret. MORE

The Fascist States of America

And this is just a couple of agencies. Monsanto grads run the FDA, Goldman Sachs cronies run the treasury department, and the list goes on and on. The fascism is at full throttle.
And if you think calling it fascism is going too far, considering its sordid record in past regimes, it’s time you had an eye opener:

The 14 Defining Characteristics of Fascism

by Dr. Lawrence Britt
Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. He found 14 defining characteristics common to each:
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism – Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.

2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights – Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of “need.” The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause. The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc. (VN: Boy this one is familiar. Arabs did 9-11, when in fact it was a supposedly best ally who actually did 9-11 and then we watched as our elected officials signed an oath of loyalty to that ally, which is treason, officially and legally and then we watched our out of control pentagon invade and murder millions of arabs in the middle east who did nothing to us at all, or to the ally either for that matter. Crimes against humanity is what we watched by our own country under foreign occupation.)
4. Supremacy of the Military Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
 5. Rampant SexismThe governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution. (VN: I don't necessarily agree that family values is a nazi concept. In fact, I almost died from laughing since the previous two WW's were funded by the same zionist bankers doing us, and the hallmark of their sexism was the allowed raping of the enemies women, and now we see it against our own female soldiers who are not in combat positions. Can you imagine what would happen if they are placed on the front line. Oh, yes, that is sexism while having families is how we were all built by nature, God, whatever you can handle, to perpetuate the race of humanity. Sorry about that, but its in all the areas of the animal kingdom. Can't blame that on fascism, what you can attribute to fascism is the destruction of the family unit and ties, along with bonding with your family, community, and co-workers. Facism requires you only bond with "Big Daddy government").

6. Controlled Mass MediaSometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.

7. Obsession with National Security – Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses. (VN: its done by creating the terrorism through black ops and then feeding the fear to manipulate the population.)
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined(VN: That is so true, Satanism has taken over our military, with the head of the Church of Satan as the propoganda head, General Aquino, and a write up in army documents all about the "church of satan" along with satanizing our military personnel and suiciding, in record numbers, those who refuse. Absolutely a definite sign of fascism) Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government’s policies or actions.

9. Corporate Power is ProtectedThe industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite. (VN: absolutely true and in every fascist state we see the same monied international bankers funding that fascism and taking control even under the false name of Communism that they did in Russia, when in fact, it was pure fascism and nothing like the Kubutz's in Israel, which were in fact classic in the definition of communism.)
10. Labor Power is Suppressed – Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts – Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment – Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.

13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption – Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.

14. Fraudulent Elections – Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.(VN:  boy do we know that one on both the right and the left,  on the Right was Bush's first election and on the left was Obama's second election, we also proved that electronic voting machines were purchased, and run by Israel.  lol)
Any questions, America?
What more can be said? What more needs to be said?

Love, Zen

“If you’re not free to follow life’s signs and live in synchronicity, you’re not free.” – Zen

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.