

Remember Martin Luthur King's "I HAVE A DREAM"? Well, its back For Everyone!

Remember Martin Luthur King's "I HAVE A DREAM"? Well, its back again! We all have a dream!
(No link, sent by email from a reader in Dominican Republic). Its called..............


(....  I just want to know "where are the khazar Zionist bankers and Dual Israeli Citizen politicians, (Example:  Senator Udahl from Colorado, Sen Feinstein, CA, Senator Lieberscum from Conn),  in that line up?   Yeah, and while we are at it, where are the supremes?")

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1 comment:

  1. Michael King was his real name. The FBI had proof that he loved White Whores. Elijah Poole the Blackl Moslem Leader said Civil Rights and Integration is Genocide for Black Race. Poole and Garvey advocated going back to Africa and having their own nation. Blacks should not want to mix with Whites. They should want their own nation free of Jew Masonic Zionist Control.


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