

Zionist Terrorists Kidnap Teenager for Organs: Welcome to your New World Order and Your New Status as Cattle

Vatic Note:  This is up for the edification of those who blame Muslims for everything, as the Zionists have indoctrinated you to believe.  This is truth, in a detailed manner, proving this happens and has been happening to these Palestinians and it will continue to happen if these Zionists win this game they are playing of ruling the world.   Just stop and think for a moment and ask yourself.... "What is there to prevent these Zionists from taking your teenage kid and stealing his organs when you are not around to stop it?" 

"Why would you, a goyim, be any different than a Palestinian?  What would make you so special in the eyes  of a Khazar Zionist?"  Nothing, and that is the truth.  We did a blog on the Talmud and it shows their disdain for us as nothing  more than animals to be harvested for whatever they need.  Why did these Khazars get kicked out of Mongolia?  Why did they get invaded between 750 AD and 1100 AD by every single nation on the continent they occupied?  What was so outrageous about their behavior that no one on the planet wanted them to remain near them?

Think about it.... Mongolia was a safe haven for criminals.  Genghis Kahn used to do his raids and then return to Mongolia to be safe from those he victimized.  If he was not kicked out of Mongolia, than you can imagine the horrors these khazars did that made the Mongolians kick them out.  Well, that is who we are dealing with here.  Barbarians and definitely cowards.  Its why they use deception so they don't risk their own lives in their International mafia schemes and bogus false flag wars where the leaders on both sides are in on the scheme.

Well, they were angry at losing their country, Khazaria, and have sought revenge against muslims and Christians ever since.  That is why Sharon said "Get the Muslims and Christians to fight each other and kill each other off and leave us standing to rule the world."  That is what the entire scam has been all about and WHY SOLVING 9-11 WAS SO VERY IMPORTANT and why the zionists could not allow it to be solved or this entire deception would be gone, null and void and Israel would have been on the hot seat and the war on terror ended.

Anyway, read this and then, remember the USS Liberty, the USS Cole and 9-11, along with all the assassinations of our leaders, and then tell me who the REAL ENEMY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TRULY IS?  It does not take a "genius" IQ to figure that one out.  Anyway read and study these screen shots carefully after watching the video first, and you will see the evidence for yourselves. Then you decide as we like to say.

Anyone who continues to deny the validity of the danger these Palestinian children are in from the Zionists, then is complicit in these acts and runs the risk of their own children being victims once these demons take over this country.  Then their denial becomes an aiding and abetting a felony first degree murder crime.

The day of Justice is coming, so which side would you prefer to be on?  Decide now and then be prepared to live with that decision.   For your info, they sell these organs to western old elite similar in age like the Rockefellers and Kissingers for $160,000 a piece. I would not doubt they both  have had the benefit of this program and its probably why they keep our foreign aid going to Israel. Pond Scum

Zionist Terrorists Kidnap Teenager for Organs
by admin of

Thanks to blogger, Maisoon
Zionist Jews Khazars are now busted for kidnapping an unsuspecting Palestinian youth for purposes of organ theft. The vile tactics they use to set-up Palestinian and other youths is also exposed.

In this post it will be proven that Zionist terrorists in league with the so-called official forces, the police and the army, kidnap preferably teenagers, kill them and then harvest their organs for sale. Their father really is the devil, just like the scriptures say.

The tall youth has been selected by the Jews  (VN: khazars) for his organs. He is playing with a friend or, perhaps, his brother. Control mole is seen seated on the rock shelf.

(Screen Shot Stills of the action in the video and its revealing to say the least)
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The target is exclusively this athletic, fit youth, who the Jews khazars will kidnap, murder, and then cut into pieces in order to make profits.

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The set up now begins with the arrival of the coordinating car. It will be seen in this extensive post precisely how murderous Zionists set-up and kidnap youths for their organs, may they rot in hell for their acts.

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As the car approaches a Zionist mole posing as a friendly youth begins to emerge, right screen. It can be no coincidence that this occurs just as the car approaches.

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As he emerges he appears to be using an electronic device.

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Now, he holds that device, presumably a cell phone, to his ear.

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He continues on in step with the vehicle.

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Still in tandem with the vehicle, cell phone on the ear: he is a a Hebrew, not a Palestinian.

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Now, he calls over to the youths, who are off screen, telling them, “Hey, send me over the ball; I’ll play.”

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The ball, now in the air, will strike his head and he will but it back to them; cell phone in left hand:

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Now, he moves over to the staging area; man is sitting there and has been there the whole time.

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A device is clearly seen in the Zionist agent’s left hand:

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Set-up Jew (VN: Khazar) is gradually moving to the key position with fellow kidnapping mole. 

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Just as the Zionist set-up mole reaches the stone shelf, here comes the first kidnapping vehicle.

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Both men sit casually, their eyes still on the youths as well as their collaborators.

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Vehicle one moves to position.

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Apparently, the Zionist set-up mole urges the youths to kick the ball over to him: but not merely to play.

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He pops the ball up with his foot but not as the youths expected back to them; fully distracted, they have no idea that the murderous Jews are setting up a virtual army of men against them.

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Now, with the key element of the plot secured and the Israeli vehicle in-place, Zionist set-up mole confiscates soccer ball. Hands it off to bald-headed older collaborator seated on the rock shelf.

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Youths have no idea what will strike them, as the old man-collaborator tosses the ball up in the air. IDF-Zionist vehicle moves to final position.

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Main terrorist vehicle now arrives. Jewish set-up mole looks over at the IDF-police vehicle: victim still has no idea what is about to happen. Younger child seems more aware; more savvy.

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Target of the Jewish murderers still has no idea of the danger that will befall him.

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Finally, the activity does seem to get the older youth’s attention, as yet another vehicle arrives on the scene, the one in which he will be drug: but now it is too late.

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The Israeli Jew Khazar Zionist still keeps him occupied; he raises his hand to his head; the other youth, though, is suspicious:

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The younger boy realizes something is amiss and apparently sees suspicious-appearing individuals in the car. It’s unmarked, just in case there are any witnesses.

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Jewish agents still keep their target occupied and seem to pay little heed to the younger boy.

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Jewish agent keeps him preoccupied until the last moment.

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Boy in black is completely unaware of what will strike him, as the two Israeli collaborators and kidnapping cohorts keep him preoccupied.

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Still unaware, as the car backs up to get into its final position, right next to the youths, systematically blocking any possible escape as the van will block them in against the stone wall.

Phase 2: get-away of the Jewish set-up agent

At this point the younger boy is highly suspicious. As before it would appear that the Israeli kidnapping coordinator is on the phone getting the final instructions; as the van gets closer he slips off the rock shelf.

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The signal is given. Jew Khazar Zionist set-up agent makes his escape. The job is now done.

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Old man still keeps the youth preoccupied. He can’t be allowed to attempt an escape. He can’t be hurt, injured, and surely not killed. That would destroy the value of the upcoming organ harvesting plot.

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The man running away is definitely a Jewish collaborator. As a Hebrew he has no fear of these kidnappers. Thus, he is a collaborator in this act.

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Boy in brown knows for sure there are worries, here. Zionist mole keeps the target preoccupied, so he can be captured intact. It can be seen by the youth’s hand position that he is being distracted in conversation by the murderous Jewish Khazar agent; he is being completely engaged, while the Hebrew mole continues his escape, cell phone still in his left hand.

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The pitiful soul is completely blocked in, now. He is fast and agile; no room will be given for chance for his escape. His body is too valuable to these Jewish terrorists.

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Fithy Jewish Khazar operative still holds the ball; now the youth pays attention to the car – too late. – he’s blocked in from all sides and, incredibly, is now even facing them in the perfect direction.

Phase 3: the kidnapping

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Zionist terrorist and kidnapper lunges at his target. What shock and horror he must have felt.

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Younger boy escapes, see him in a blur. Zionist terrorists aim exclusively for the athletic teen; grab him by the  neck; seated mole acts to block any escape. Commander of the operation also lunges towards him from the van.

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Hideous commander an Mahyudi monster, joins two of their masked men to capture the youth.

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Another masked man exists the van; now there are some five people attacking the poor youth. Military-style Jewish terrorists pour out of their American taxpayer-supplied vehicles to assist the kidnapping scheme.  (VN: of course their are 5 of them, since they are cowards as I have noted many times before, with just such cowardly behavior on their part, in attacking the unarmed, the innocent and the helpless. Just pretend this is your child in Zionist Bloomberg's New york and see how you would feel.)

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Poor, frightened, shocked youth is shoved into the van; two of the Zionists re-entered the vehicle to lock the youth down. Something is wrong; the Zionist commander sees a witness.

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Little boy realizes the danger as he comes upon the scene and attempts to make an escape.

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Collaborator is still there, interacting with military-appearing Zionist terrorists.

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This is, perhaps, the most important image of all. It shows what is shocking beyond belief: an IDF agent doing a congratulations hand move, fist-to-fist, with the Zionist mole or local collaborator, who helped set-up the kidnapping. Simply seeing this will compel people to study this extensive post. Most people find such degree of corruption and criminality unfathomable. Yet, it is just as real as this picture depicts. The Israelis are the filth of the earth, and they prove it with their acts.  (VN: now maybe we know why the mongols kicked them out of mongolia and we certainly know why the West, East and Russian natives kicked them out of   Khazaria.  Unfortunately they came west and became the Ashkenazi's and have been doing damage ever since.)

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Ball tossed up in the air; their two knuckles appear to meet.

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Phase 4: murder of a witness or the other child?

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Who does the commander see? Is he shooting at someone?

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Commander repositioning his gun?

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Pointing low: is he killing the child witness? (VN: Oh, this is breaking my heart, what animals.  They will pay on judgement day, I swear!)

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Commander still taking aim and/or firing.

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At this point he apparently shoots someone, though this cannot be confirmed.

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Phase 5: the cover-up

Commander sees the car; orders Israeli moles to chase the person away. while he re-holsters his murderous gun.

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They storm off to chase off any witnesses. They want no one to know what they’ve done. However, they are hereby revealed as  the wretched ones that they are: kidnappers and murderers who would sell even human body parts to the highest bidder after brutally murdering the victim. It can only be imagined what horror this youth endured.

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Driver told to get out of the area.
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Car backs up and is driven off by the Zionists.
Now, off to murder the youth for his internal organs. Yet, these same wicked ones claim the Palestinians as less than human.
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The key slide repeated, where the two Zionist murderous ones congratulate each other, while the commander
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The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1., you seem to have forgotten that they are ALREADY Doing just that in a neighbourhood near you.
    Three years ago, a shit load of rabbis were rounded up and arrested for organ theft IN ameriKKKa.
    People HAVE A CHOICE, Most of them KNOW what the real deal is, but just Don't care.. until it's too late.

  2. Some of the comments on the actual Youtube page are disgusting. lr gf has this to say (thanks, Google translate) מוחמד בן זונה הומו אונס חמורים סוסים וילדים ערבים מוות לערבים יבני שרמוטות
    This translates to Mohammed gay son of a bitch rape horses donkeys. Death to Arabs.

    Die to the Arabs has this gem to say 'Damn dirty arabs will die in agony.' There are other totally racist remarks made against Arabs in Hebrew. I guess it is okay to be a hatemongering Zionist, but if you say anything against them, you are an anti-semite. Divide and conquer has the cabal laughing at us.

  3. The cabal is upset because their divide and conquor is not working. Those zionist comments are horrible and I will complain to Google, and we will find out about google pretty damn fast.

    Its the zionists who are the military arm of the illuminati, so what did we expect and yes, they raise their children on hate and fear. So their children grow up to be spiritless beings and its why they have NEVER SUCCEEDED IN RULING THE WORLD AND THEY NEVER WILL.

    Ask yourself, why haven't they nuked us yet? Given their history they should have done about 3 false flag nukes by now.


Vatic Clerk Tips: After 7 days, all comments to an article go into the moderation queue for approval which happens at least once a day. Please be patient.

Be respectful in your comments, keeping in mind that these discussions will become the Zeitgeist of our time that future database archeologists will discover. Make your comments worthy and on the founding father's level in their respectfulness, reasoning, and sound argumentation. Prove we weren't all idiots in our day and age. Comments that advocate sedition or violence are not encouraged. Racist, ad hominem, and troll-baiting comments might never see the light of day.