

Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars Document - Full Read

Vatic Note:  Please understand, THIS IS NOT A FAST FOOD INFORMATION PIECE.  This is a serious sit down or do mundane non thinking work while you listen.  I am glad he did it this way.  Reading it is a lot harder to comprehend than listening to it.  He reads the entire document as revised in 1979 and it will hit home hard, since we are seeing today what was written back then.  Once you get that its not a right or left issue, or a Muslim/Christian issue, it will become patently clear why we must purge dual Israeli citizens from our governing system, just like Iceland did and Argentina and they both ended in economic recovery.  Here is some background to this which he will cover partially on this video, but not all of it.

What he skips is the first printing of these teaching protocols which was done in 1958.  He picks  up where the Bilderberg is created in 1954 and they write their first paper on the New World Order, and they begin to put in place that which they had been planning for decades, found originally in the protocols of the elders of zion written in 1897, and now they begin to actually put it in place rather than just writing about it.  The industries/companies owned by these zionist bankers now send their CEO's to these BILDERBERG MEETINGS, to flesh out the plans and begin implimenting them everywhere.

This document, was then revised in 1979, to included up dated status on technology that plays a major role in this take over of our planet.   Its a different kind of war and they knew they were going to have to do this much different than traditional war given the history of America to prevail in traditional wars. 

They took our weaknesses as a nation of people and built a war scenario around it where we do not even know we are at war. In case you didn't know, people are dying every day as a result directly of this war, but only  on one side, our side, and none on their side.  That is not a war, its first degree murder of unarmed and non combatant civilians and its a crime under international law.

They killed JFK for what he already knew and what he intended to do to thwart their plans, but then, JFK is not the first President they killed,  Lincoln, McKinley, etc and finally JFK.  Since then, they have controlled the election results including the primaries and thus did not have to assassinate anymore leaders, which would have resulted in a lot of death penalties had they gotten caught.

Every President since JFK has had a zionist handler through the CFR playing the game of "experts" in foreign affairs, etc., then came the trilateral commission who supplied the Presdient with experts in dept of Interior, commerce, and related areas.  The  main handler was always either Chief of staff or NSA, and guess who is the NSA for Obama?   Zbig Brezsinzki, another Zionist khazar.

The reason this is up, is because it is so extensive and clarifies what is disinfo that we hear everyday, even on the net and what is REAL, and matches so much of what we already know for those that do the research.   It was time to see how we got to where we are and it was definitely no accident at all.   Enjoy, I did.   Download and hang onto it, since as you know history will be distorted, so we much keep the records for future generations.

WAIT UNTIL YOU HEAR WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT EDUCATING OUR POOR PEOPLE.  I almost croaked and by golly we are seeing it right now as we speak. We have to defederalize schools, education, energy,  and turn them back over to the states and local governments. And institute laws that no conflict of interest will be allowed.  No drug company employees in a revolving door employment with a regulatory agency that is responsible for them.  Its time to make that conflict of interest a serious crime. 

Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars Document - Full Read

Published by brolance on Jun 27, 2013
I put this together for those that might be distracted with kids or work and choose to listen rather than read the full document. I hope it is helpful and please visit the links below and share with others. Thanks!

Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars, full read by: GP Studio - brolance.

[ LINKS ]---------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-

USA Inc Depopulation & You - Deborah Tavares Trevor Coppola - Conspiracy Con

MIRROR in case first link is private:

StopTheCrime Website:

PDF Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars:

Other Source Docs:

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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