

Obamacare to punish healthy eaters as insurance rates double or triple for those who choose to take care of their health

Vatic Note:  This article presumes that people who take care of their health do it for cost savings, but that is not the case for many if not the majority.  They do it to not only live longer, but to have a quality of life that only good health can give you.  I have engaged in that kind of thinking and because I have been on natural remedies for over 25 years, I have not had to go to a doctor except for a back problem which was solved by going to a chiropracter instead of a general practitioner.

I had to go to a MD only once and that was when I had a heart attack due to stress and adrenalin poisoning, I was off their medication in 4 months and on natural remedies, for 8 months and I have not had a pill or seen a doctor about my heart for 6 years now.  Not bad, huh? I have not had health care in even more years than that, so I was prepared to die rather than run up a medical bill, but I did not have to worry about it.  I am healthy as a horse now.

Having gotten my degree in Poli sci, masters in Finance with minor in Macroeconomics, I was fully aware of  what Bush Sr did in the 1980's.  All economies grow based on these principles.

1. Farming/ranching - grow enough food to feed your nation and export the generate profits to invest in manufacturing and other research and development projects to create new technologies (that is now all gone)

2. Manufacturing - Invest in manufacturing things that make other things that produce wealth and you then have wealth producing products that cost less and make more money/wealth/capital on secondary  invested dollars.  Well Bush gave incentives to MANUFACTURING Co, to move overseas to slave labor states and the horrors of that to children is unknown by the average American, but even so, that left the US with no economic wealth producing manufacturing, so now what?

Well, our ingenius, greed,  soul-less, dehumanizing, corrupt bankers and corporations, decided they would generate WEALTH ONLY FOR THEMSELVES, instead of for the nation, a clear abandonment of corporate "citizenship", by means other than creating wealth as a whole for the country, while also getting rich off the movement of their manufacturing to slave labor countries where they could realize enormous profits they would not have to shared with 9  year old kids who were the slaves.  Will get into that on another blog later.

What was left for companies to make Money in America?  Any thing that harmed the American people in a variety of ways.  CRIME, PRISONS, ILLNESS, DEATH, LEGAL DRUGS, HOSPITALS, WAR, ILLEGAL DRUGS, MONEY LAUNDERING, PORNOGRAPHY, PROSTITUTION, SEX SLAVE TRADE, FAST "JUNK" FOOD WITH ONLY 7% MEAT IN THEIR HAMBURGERS, ETC in general, anything that harmed the American people, or was of a criminal mafia nature, could then be used to extract wealth from us directly, rather than creating it themselves like they use to do with their manufacturing facilities.

You can tell when that started.   Its when the first drug selling ads appeared on TV, prior to that they were not allowed to promote drugs on TV.   We also noticed it when the bought and paid for politicians began CRIMINALIZING CIVIL OFFENSES.  Then they began their attack on our basic life sustaining needs, like healthy food and water. Forced auto insurance coverage where before you could bond yourself instead of insuring or take your chances and suffer the consequences,  and in any case, it was a choice which a free people have. Why did they do that?

Because to make money on these horrors, they had to "CREATE" the disease that would send us to the doctor, or the crime to send us to prison, so chemtrails, GMO's, were brought forward into our lives to achieve that end,  That included GMO's that alters our DNA and attacks our organs.... then poisoned drinking water filled with fluoride so poisonous that the chemical companies had to pay $400 per truck load to get rid of it, and instead had the genius idea to sell it to municipalities to put into our drinking water for only $40 a truck load, there by saving themselves $400 per load, while also making $40 at the same time.  This benefited those chemical companies to the tune of $440 per truck load.  That is a fortune and it solidified their bottom line and their stock prices. 

Anybody remember when IRS issues were handle in a civil court called the "Tax Court"?  Now its criminal.  Same with many other such civil offenses.  So this is not new, its just more of the same.   Its what happens when you stifle competition and issue in a FASCIST STATE WITH MONOPOLY RIGHTS.

And that, my friends, is what we have become. A ZIONIST BANKER RUN FASCIST STATE  And now we know it.  The entire world now knows that AMERICA has the largest criminal population in prison in the world, per capita, worse than all the communist countries, dictatorships, etc Something to really be proud of.  And Obama gave the man who did all this, BUSH SENIOR, THE "MEDAL OF FREEDOM"..... No wonder history gets so perverted.

This article below is just more of the same agenda.  If healthy people do not get sick, then how do you make money off of healthy people?  You give incentives for them to eat badly,  use GMO products, eat fast foods with only 7% meat in the hamburger pattie!  Now its the insurance premiums to get those who are healthy to get mad at those who are not, but they are not the ones making the policy, GET MAD AT THE SOLD OUT POLITICIANS THAT ARE IMPLEMENTING THIS DISEASED CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE.  We damn well better take our nation back.

Obamacare to punish healthy eaters as insurance rates double or triple for those who choose to take care of their health
By Mike Adams, Health Ranger, Natural News
July 2, 2013
(NaturalNews) According to an analysis just published by the Wall Street Journal, healthy people will pay double or triple their current health insurance rates under Obamacare. Rates for those with chronic disease, however, will be reduced as all the healthy people subsidize their disease lifestyles.

The net effect is that people who choose to follow a healthy lifestyle -- eating well, taking nutritional supplements, exercising and avoiding junk foods -- will be financially punished by the federal government while those who choose to follow a disease and sickness lifestyle -- eating junk foods, taking meds, refusing to exercise, etc. -- will be rewarded by government.

This is the essence of socialized medicine: punish responsible citizens while rewarding those who refuse to take care of their health.

Disease is a matter of cause and effect, not luck

Obamacare, like all socialized medicine systems, is based on the false premise that health outcomes are a matter of pure luck. Disease just "randomly strikes people," the thinking goes, and individuals have nothing to do with their own health. This false belief fits nicely with the financial interests of Big Pharma and doctors, of course, because it puts the power of health in the hands of corporations and medical personnel.

But the premise is utterly false. Health is almost never a matter of luck. It's a matter of cause and effect. What you eat, what you're exposed to, what you absorb and how much time you invest in exercise almost entirely determines the health outcome you experience. Choose to eat healthy foods and you get vastly improve health outcomes. Choose to exercise on a daily basis (even with something as simple as walking), and you also get vastly improved health outcomes.

The Obama administration claims to be "pro choice" on the issue of abortion, yet it denies the existence of "choice" when it comes to personal health. Why is that?

Obamacare is actually designed to punish you for making wise choices about your health. It actually creates a financial disincentive for people to take care of their own health, as it allows people to conclude, "Well what does it matter whether I eat well? The government covers my health insurance costs now, so even if I get a disease, it's all paid for."

Seriously, many people actually think that way, and Obamacare encourages more and more people to abandon healthy eating as a form of disease prevention which used to be tied to economic savings. Now, instead, it costs you more to be healthy. So the economics are upside down.

The upside-down economics of Obamacare

This is the new America: a nation where you are rewarded for being sick, or addicted to junk foods, or sitting at home watching television while sipping liquid ice cream all day long. Meanwhile, the burden of actually paying for all this falls on the shoulders of the ever-shrinking few who actually make informed decisions about their own personal health and therefore tend to be far healthier than the norm.

When governments intervene to such extremes, twisting the laws of economics to the point where up is down and down is up, it only leads to enormous confusion and poor decision making on the part of consumers. A sensible health care system should reward people for making smarter investments in their own health. Those who take responsibility for their health and choose to eat well, exercise regularly and avoid toxic chemical exposure should pay LESS for health care, not more.

In a sensible system, there would be a strong economic disincentive for living a lifestyle of eating junk foods and sitting on the couch all day. But apparently, even recommending that people are responsible for their own health is a violation of political correctness which says that "you can't blame people for their own actions." Criticizing people for making poor decisions about their own health is strongly condemned in today's upside-down culture. Today, we are all encouraged to REWARD poor decision making at every level: personal health, personal finance, government regulation and even bankster bailouts, where the government rewards people who lose trillions of dollars by giving them trillions more!

Get cancer, win $100,000!
So don't be surprised if Obamacare actually announces a disease reward system where Americans get cash prizes for being diagnosed with cancer. "Get cancer, win $100,000!" will be the new motto, because the average cancer patient is worth over $1 million in revenues to the medical system.

"Get diabetes, win $50,000!"

"Get Alzheimer's, win $200,000!"

And sure enough, where there is a reward, people will find a way to achieve it, even if it means killing themselves with junk food and chemicals.

So all of you who choose to take care of your health and make wise decisions about your diet, exercise and personal care products are about to be economically punished by Obama. You will have to pay double or triple your current rates, and the worst part is that your money will be used to economically reward those who choose to live a life of junk foods, TV watching and toxic personal care products (shampoo, soap, detergents, deodorants, cosmetics, etc.).

This is essentially the U.S. government forcing taxpayers to subsidize disease-promoting lifestyles. And because more and more Americans are getting sick from all the "death culture" foods and products in the marketplace, an increasing financial burden will be place on those who take care of their health. So we become a society of people supported by the healthy who are dragged down by junk food eaters and med-heads who refuse to take responsibility for their own health.

This is not a formula for making America healthier. Rather, it is a recipe for a sickness disaster. And thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court decision on the "individual mandate," now you can't even opt out of the system. You are forced -- at gunpoint thanks to an army of new IRS agents who are being trained with AR-15s -- to pay into this system that rewards sedentary junk food lifestyles.

Is it any wonder America's health keeps deteriorating while the profits of drug companies and cancer centers keep multiplying?

But business is booming, so it must be good!

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