

Released FBI documents reveal plans to assassinate Occupy Wall Street Leaders With Snipers

*** Fundraising status- We wish to thank everyone who contributed to our fundraising this month.  It was great and we made our goal with 2 days left.  I can't thank you all enough for your support that has allowed us to continue on with our mission of bringing truth to the world.  As you know this is not  a fast food headline site, rather a deep and detailed well researched blog on the issues.  We also try to include solutions as we find them.  We ask that you be blessed and protected for all that you have done to try to save our nation. Its not over yet, but it does appear we are at the very least delaying them.  That is a victory in itself.  We appreciate the team effort that our readers have contributed to our venture and its success.   Thanks again.

Vatic Note:  I find this below proves what short memories we have.  About a year before this below was published by Press TV.... hmmm.... makes me wonder about Press TV now... we posted a blog proving that George Soros, who is the oprational arm for the Rothschild International Banking arm of the Rothschild family empire,  had been profiled by us proving that the UN and Soros were heavily involved in funding, supplying the leaders for and equipment to the "Occupy Wall Street" organization because their website address was at the Soros's owned Lucis Trust with an office location at the United Nations.

Then after many many months of so called demonstrations and BS, it was clear, that they had taken control of angry opposition to them, and calmed that anger down and controlled it. So absolutely NOTHING got done. Here we are again, with another recent disclosure that is suppose to make you mad and LEAVE IT UP TO THE OWS CROWD to do something with it.  Forget it, OWS is a farce and controlled by those bringing this nation down.  I decided to check and see what, if anything the OWS did about it?  Did they file a law suit?  No, did they burn down any buildings?  No.  What did they do since 12/21?  NOTHING.  As usual.

So anything you get involved with, you must research and assure yourselves its truly legit.  Deception are these peoples weapons of mass destruction of any effective movement against them.  Notice I said "EFFECTIVE"?   That is the key.  Or let them fund everything and you bring in masses of people and take over leadership  of the movement and do what you would have done had you created it.

How many of you saw this when it came out?  What did you think when you saw it?  That tells you how this is suppose to work for them. Now, notice below, the FBI will commit felony murder, but will not destroy documents that confirm their criminality on "planning" since they never went through with it.  Now why do you suppose they released these?  How did anyone know they were available and what they said?   This now makes me somewhat suspicious of the group that obtained them at the very least and even more so with Press TV.  That means they did not follow up and research it all.  So are they in on it?  It was easy for me to get the evidence we needed to prove Soros' involvement.  Am I  better than Press TV???

Why would the bad guys want us to have these incriminating documents??  AAAAHHH, i know.... the "REVOLUTION" they need us to do in order to ensure we lose WW III.  Damn, I forgot about that.  See how the deception works?  They set up the bogus pretend opposition, create a scandel that the government, run  by the same Soros pigeons, create, then they tell us and we are suppose to get mad at the FBI and at Obama and rebel.  They are having a terrible time getting us to be violent so they can use GLOBAL TROOPS, to control us, since our troops are all overseas.   We then get another exposure to global factual existance and if we don't rebel, they go a bit further next time.  Clever indeed.

Its exactly what they did in WW I, and Russia in 1917, and Germany in 1933, with the WW II shortly after the revolution, and both lost in those two wars,  now they are pumping out WW III and trying to feed us into a revolt, so some foreign nation such as Russia or China, both heavily tied in to the international bankers,  comes to the rescue of our treasonous leaders, and they need reassurance there won't be an American with a gun behind every bush to destroy their military.  Oh, dear..... tooo late.   LOL

Released FBI documents reveal plans to assassinate Occupy Wall Street Leaders With Snipers
by James,, Dec 2012

 FBI Investigated 'Occupy'
 The internal papers were obtained by the Partnership for Civil Justice fund via a Freedom of Information Act Request.


 Flashback: CIA won’t disclose involvement in Occupy Wall Street Cra...
Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, executive director of the PCJF, asked the agency to disclose “any documents or information pertaining to Federal coordination of, or advice or consultation regarding, the police response to the Occupy movement, protests or encampments.”
Released FBI documents reveal plans to assassinate OWS activists
Jason Leopold, an investigative journalist for Truth-Out, has obtained FBI documents - through the Freedom of Information Act - relating to Occupy Wall Street. Most of the pages in the documents are redacted, and show concerns of cyber threats against the financial sector. However, there are questions of assassination plots against Occupy activists in Houston, Texas. Because the documents have redactions, it is not clear who or what group was planning the assassinations.

On page 61, the section reads: “An identified [redacted] of October planned to engage in sniper attacks against protesters in Houston, Texas, if deemed necessary. An identified [redacted] had received intelligence that indicated the protesters in New York and Seattle planned similar protests in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin, Texas. [Redacted] planned to gather intelligence against the leaders of the protest groups and obtain photographs, then formulate a plan to kill the leadership via suppressed sniper rifles.”

The bottom of page 68 and the top of page 69 reads: “On October 13, 2011, writer sent via email an excerpt [redacted] regarding FBI Houston’s [redacted] to all IA’s, SSRA’s and SSA [redacted]. This [redacted] identified the exploitation of the Occupy Movement by [redacted] interested in developing a long-term plan to kill local Occupy leaders via sniper fire.”


According to internal documents newly released by the FBI, the agency spearheaded a nationwide law enforcement effort to investigate and monitor the Occupy Wall Street movement. In certain documents, divisions of the FBI refer to the Occupy Wall Street protests as a "criminal activity" or even "domestic terrorism." The Huffington Post

The internal papers were obtained by the Partnership for Civil Justice fund via a Freedom of Information Act Request. The fund, a legal nonprofit that focuses on civil rights, says it believes the 112 pages of documents, available for public viewing on its website, are only "the tip of the iceberg." The Huffington Post

Documents show the spying abuses of the FBI’s “Campus Liaison Program” in which the FBI in Albany and the Syracuse Joint Terrorism Task Force disseminated information to “sixteen different campus police officials,” and then “six additional campus police officials.”

Campus officials were in contact with the FBI for information on OWS. A representative of the State University of New York at Oswego contacted the FBI for information on the OWS protests and reported to the FBI on the SUNY-Oswego Occupy encampment made up of students and professors.

According to the new documents, the FBI began meeting with representatives of the New York Stock Exchange and other businesses as early as August 2011, a month before the Zuccotti Park protests. The Huffington Post

According to the documents, the FBI coordinated extensively with private companies, including banks that feared they could be affected by Occupy protests. The Huffington Post


The Occupy Wall Street movement, which began on September 17, 2011 in New York City's Wall Street financial district has been rallying against social and economic inequality, greed, corruption and the perceived undue influence of corporations on government-particularly from the financial services sector.

Among the Occupy movement's prime concerns is that large corporations and the global financial system control the world in a way that disproportionately benefits a minority, undermines democracy and is unstable. The Huffington Post

Occupy Wall Street has managed to turn the attention of America’s politicians and citizens to the dismal state of income inequality and economic mobility in the U.S. Think Progress

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

1 comment:

  1. The Occupy organization, and it's off-shoot, Antifa, are George Soros funded, owned, and controlled organizations. Soros is a die-hard Communist.

    The Occupy group in San Francisco, for example, was going around vandalizing small store and restaurant owners -- as they cried about the top 1%, they were greatly hassling average, middle-class, working-class Americans in SF.

    There seems to be a great struggle in the Armed Forces and in the CIA and FBI, over those who are patriotic and those who are Zionists/Communists [ same thing]. Occupy is definitely a Communist group.

    It's difficult to discern if it was the patriotic Americans in the FBI who wanted to assassinate the Occupy leaders ; Or, was it the Communists/Zionists in the FBI who wanted to assassinate them, in order to cause even more confusion, turmoil, and even more civil violence? It's beyond my ken to know for sure.

    There is a huge struggle going on the Military and the Intelligence Services between patriotic Americans and Communists,though, of that I'm sure.

    From : Joe


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