

Prepare for Rolling Blackouts Predicted as Summer Heats Up

Vatic Note:  This really frosts me.  I remember when the government sold part of our grid to private power companies and it was after that the problems began . A British company bought out part of our grid in New York and this was back in the late 90's if I remember correctly, and once they had total control of it, is when the black outs began.

Then they spent no money in maintaining it or repairing or  upgrading.  They simply took the profits from it.  This is your New World Order.  Its going to be horrible.  They will keep us in  third world living conditions to ensure our willingness to slave for them. Add to that their total control of food and water and its a perfect storm for feudalism returning after hundreds of years. 

So preparing now is important.  While I think his analysis of what the problem is and who it is, is off base, at least he came up with a plan we can use as time goes by and we do still have time to do these things.  Check it out and if you see any weaknesses in it or can add some addition thoughts to consider, then let us know in the comments section. 

Having said all this, remember, its not the information that is bad, its how we choose to deal with it.  I am neutral and simply believe in preparation.  If prepared its not bad and there is nothing to fear.  Its better to be prepared and wrong, then to be unprepared and right.  STAY OUT OF FEAR and help you family to do the same.  FEAR FEEDS THE ANIMALS.  Starve them to death.  Turn whatever happens into an  adventure for your family. 

Rolling Blackouts Predicted as Summer Heats Up

As predicted, rolling blackouts have already started affecting communities around the nation. Daviess County, Kentucky… San Diego and Orange County, California… all across Texas… just to name a few areas that are expecting to be hit with planned power outages during the coming months.

These blackouts aren't just inconvenient… they can be downright dangerous.

In the heat of the summer, a power outage can expose those with fragile health to extreme heat. Nearly 618 people die from heat-related causes every year… a number you can expect to rise as our power structure continues to crumble. It's the human cost of misguided "green energy" policies being forced on utility companies, state and local governments, and energy consumers in all 50 states.

People who rely on medication that needs to be refrigerated can also be put in a tough spot by rolling blackouts.

These rolling blackouts are a bellwether, a warning for how fragile our power infrastructure is.

Politicians seeking Control over your Daily life

Even worse, it's actively under attack from power-hungry politicians seeking more control over your daily life; they are literally shutting down scores of power plants with no plans of replacing them. Your Access to Power Is Political Football
To understand why these rolling blackouts are going to continue to be a growing problem, just take a closer look at the situation in California.

In southern California, many of the large cities rely on power from nuclear plants. In 2012, two nuclear reactors were sidelined because of safety issues. A review from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission gave the all-clear on restarting the plants, based on findings that they did not pose a threat to public safety.

But the politicians on the Los Angeles City Council decided that they are way smarter than nuclear physicists and are attempting to block restarting either plant. If the plants don't fire back up, much of Southern California is going to have to limp through the summer with 20 percent less electricity available than usual.

What's the LA City Council's issue? Basically, they don't like nuclear power.

It's a running theme.

Politicians, political action groups, and environmental activists are throwing up roadblocks to prevent power production… unless it comes from a politically correct source.

In Arizona, coal-fired power plants are bracing for new EPA regulations. The EPA has imposed an order on four Arizona power plants to upgrade their cleaning equipment. The new equipment will help to clear hazy skies in nearby federal parks and wilderness areas. But it will cost billions.

The state of Arizona countered with a more cost-effective plan, but the EPA rejected it. The result will be higher power costs for Arizona residents and possible power shortages in the future.

It's not just nuclear and coal… activists are trying to shut down hydroelectric power production as well. In Maine, they're seeking a court order to shut down four power-generating dams for the summer in order to protect the rivers' salmon.

Start to Secure Your Energy Back-Up Plan Now

Political agendas aside, the nation's power grid simply hasn't kept up with growing demand, and there is no plan and no money to fix it. The grid relies on outdated technology. The components are beginning to fail due to such basic and predictable issues such as age and exposure to the weather, leaving utility companies scrambling just to hold the system together.

There's no budget to fix the problems with the grid. And no desire, either. Our nation's leaders have chosen to ration and control a shrinking power supply to a growing population.

Understanding this, it's time for you to start securing a contingency for power outages in your area.

Start by putting together a basic power outage kit. Include:
  • A battery-operated or hand-cranked radio.
  • Flashlight and batteries. (VN: LED flashlights are good, and I also recommend candles as a supplement, for going between spaces within your house or garage.  Hurricane oil lamps work just as well.  Stock up on the oil to make sure you have enough.  I have one lamp in the kitchen  and one in the bathroom. If you are relying on batteries, I would get a solar charger for batteries) 
  • Water – a power outage can put your local water treatment facility out of order. Store a gallon of water per person per day for three days at the very minimum. I recommend 30 days.
  • Food – a power outage can result in food spoilage, and panicked shoppers can empty your grocery store's shelves faster than you can blink. Have a back-up food supply on hand for your family.
  • A back-up heat source – in the winter, a power outage can be deadly. Plan ahead for a way to keep you and your family warm.
Power outages are only going to get worse. They'll happen with more frequency and last longer. Preparing for the worst now can save you worry, heartache, and money later.

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