

TV = Mind Control

Vatic Note:  We did a blog a couple of years ago about the use of the digital signal on digital TV's or the Digibox for the analogue TV, and how it uses a direct signal into the mind of the viewer and that is how they can do mind control on what the viewing population thinks.  When we only had analogue TV, they used "Subliminal" messaging on us which had to be programmed into the particular program you were watching.  WE also just published a blog on an ex CNN reporter exposing how she was told to lie and manipulate in her reporting.  Good for her and her courage to come forth and expose the uselessness of our media.
I have not had TV for over 5 years now, and it has made a world of difference.  Now if you have no TV or chose not to sign up and watch it, then you talk with someone who is doing what is norml, then you will notice your perceptions of reality are completely different from each other.  That was the first thing I noticed.  Same with watching movies.  Its like I never saw that movie before, until now since it was different and much of what I missed must have been blocked out.   Now, I can tell from just a few sentences into the conversation, what that person thinks and then I "tell" him where he heard that piece of info, and he is usually surprised. 

The manipulation of the press was laid out in the "PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION" written by these khazar zionist bankers who basically own all forms of communication, entertainment and publishing.  It owns those things that educate us, inform us and history is published and controlled by them.  Now we must GET RID OF THE TV, FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR CHILDREN, SAME WITH IPODS, AND ELECTRONIC GAMES. MTV is glamourizing satanism, recreational sex, lust etc... it demeans spiritually based love relationships and demeans commitment and marriage, and raising a family which is the foundation for a civilized society with values, love, etc.... all the things we had that made us a great nation, and now we are on the downslide to thirdworldism.

THEY ARE BEING USED TO DESENSITIZE YOUR CHILDREN TO VIOLENCE, SEX, AND OTHER  FEATURES OF OUR CIVILIZED SOCIETY BY DESTROYING THOSE FOUNDATIONS NEEDED  TO SUPPORT A VIBRANT, HEALTHY FUNCTIONING CIVILIZATION.. You can tell from their own society how that can happen.  They are mired in hate and venom and thus their nations culture, and civilized condition is rapidly deteriorating.  We do not want that to happen to us.

TV = Mind Control
Uploaded afterniatis on Nov 9, 2008
Using fear and the threat of insecurity to manipulate the people, corporate media, in bed with government, over the years having become the mouthpiece of government control, unleashes a barrage of propaganda, in images and pro-war commentators, to arouse in the population the false sense of security that justifies military action.

This way, debate is silenced and dissent has disappeared on the airwaves as once again the corporate media, the gatekeepers of information, allow us only to see and hear the point of view they want us to incorporate into our psyche. Voices of reason and of intelligence are ignored, banished from imparting important thoughts of wisdom, thus making it virtually impossible for the population to ever know there are other options besides the horror of war.

With corporate anchors, journalists, reporters, commentators and executives pushing into our homes an exclusively pro-war, jingoistic viewpoint, blitzkrieging us with their propaganda-laced images and opinion, over months of constant threats of fear and insecurity, denying the public from ever seeing or hearing truths and realities, it therefore becomes rather easy, with a population addicted to television viewing, to mobilize a nation for war.

With the marriage of government and corporate power, truth disappears just as much as falsity prospers. With both entities profiting from the spoils of war, it is in each other's best interest to work together to disseminate the seeds that will invariably spawn the rebirth of a dormant war culture.

Once again the system is at work, knowing how easy it is to control the minds of a dumbed down population that has been well trained, and some might say socially engineered, to never question authority, never think outside the box, never seek accountability and never think for itself.

Easily manipulated, millions of people are conditioned to believe, from a very early age, that anything emanating from television is sacrosanct. Thus, everything they watch is reality and anything they hear is truth. Anchors and reporters become trusted personalities voicing reticent opinions whose veracity are seldom, if ever, questioned.

It is designed to manipulate and control at once, transforming the population into a sedentary herd of sheeple who never question what is told them. Over the years millions of citizens have used this most dangerous drug to escape lives of frustration, unhappiness, desperation, depression and loneliness, never realizing that with every hour they watch, with every show they are glued to, with every channel they surf their minds are turned to mush, becoming conduits of ignorance, molded into muscles in desperate need of gossip and sensationalism, no longer thinking for itself.

The Establishment has perfected its machination of propaganda, creating the realities it wants into society, forming whatever truth that will be of the greatest benefit, not to society, but to itself. Whatever reality it wants to create and disseminate is quickly absorbed by a population eager to feed off the mammary glands of television.

The Establishment, the corporate world and government have for years told us how and what to think, how to act, who to obey and where to follow, condemning our minds to obedience, our lives to conformism and silent acquiescence.  (VN:  now they have lead us to purging the foreign occupiers from our government and to free it up to do as it was created to do.  Serve the people, its master)

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this blog. I am writing a series of articles about the TV and it's side effects of mind control and dumbing down. I did a quick search last night and funny thing is I found your blog on one of the back pages of the search. I am glad I kept going through the search pages, cause this is one of the best blogs I have ever seen.

    This is my latest entry on the subject if you care to read it

    Have a blessed day, you have a new subscriber.


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