

SYRIA - The "Real" Story Behind the Brutally ravaged Country

Vatic Note:  This is for those who are real "truth seekers" and definitely not for 'FAST FOOD NEWS JUNKIES", since what is going on in Syria, that could lead to WW and the US being Nuked, is the - "Real" Story as  as its being reported below in this long  comprehensive video.  Its amazing what we do not know, and no one tells us, and the truth is alien to us.  This is very complex and the best presentation I have ever seen in putting all the pieces, and players together and its a lot bigger than we even imagined.  This is worth going viral on it to even the sheep and pushing them to watch and listen carefully, since it could be our future we are looking at.

I have some disagreements with who they believe all the players are, but its simply a matter of deception and we have covered that numerous times on here.  OUR GOV IS NO LONGER RUN BY THE PEOPLE.   ITS MILITARY, INTEL, & DHS IS USED BY DUAL ISRAELI CITIZENS, MI6, AND ROTHSCHILD BANKERS THROUGH ISRAEL.  Treason is fully afoot in this nation and now must be confronted at all costs and on all levels and since we don't have the MSM anymore, we need to be the news spreading the truth and the treason being done.

I felt it important to present this, because its the same players behind the rebels that were behind every other Arab spring rebellion in which the winners were BP and Exxon oil companies and Rothschild international banking interests, and that is so far the case.  Syria could be a different story as I hope it will be.  But, I put it up so WE DON'T FORGET HOW THIS WORKS.  Its becoming more and more obvious that we have to rise to the level of our forefathers in this instance if we are to preserve true, honest and functional freedom and liberty.  We are becoming the worlds last chance and I think we can do it. 

They will definitely use these tactics on us... to try and divide us.  Fear will be their weapon and humans do not make good decisions when they operate in fear. So, lets make sure we maintain "righteous anger" and no fear.  They are going after the patriots, Constitutionalists, and worse, according to ADL Khazar pagans, will be the "CHRISTIANS", whom these same khazar Zionist bankers killed 63 million Christians in Russia starting in 1917. They are appealing to the liberals or democrats to make them afraid of the right.   It does not matter what your religion is, its the FREEDOM to practice it, that matters without fear of your family being killed for it.

If those on the left or in the democratic party,  have no background in history, then this might succeed, but if they do, they know that patriots were the heros back then, since they stood their ground against all odds and against the greatest military in the world at that time.  Yet, they were farmers and ranchers and peons who had basic military training and that is all, but what they had that could not be defeated was a HEART FULL OF LOVE AND PASSION FOR FREEDOM AND THEIR FELLOW AMERICANS.... and that is what we must have as well, both left and right, we are in this together and I say that all the time because its true.

Those on the left love their country as well, and many leftist activists have been either murdered or disappeared, and who knows what they are doing to them as we have seen in the past.  Torture for mind control???  Will they use them to start a civil war here?  I suspect that maybe what happened, so we must watch for that and not react by allowing ourselves to be divided.... that is our death knell if we do.  I appeal to the dems to think on this hard and work with us,  as we are all in this boat together.   We sink or swim as a team.  Many on the right and the left did exactly that on the 2008 Ron Paul campaign and if the race had  not been corrupted,  Ron had the votes to receive the nomination. So, in this case there is VOTING BY OTHER MEANS.  No one can corrupt it either.

They also named, unorganized  armed militias, to be the enemy as currently touted by Homeland "gestapo storm troopers" Insecurity Dept, run by dual Israeli citizens from the top on down through the citizens advisory boards, with ADL and SPLC on both.  Its a conspiracy between these Khazars, the 13 families from Roman times, and Fascist corporations owned by both these factions.  They work together and should go down together.

I suspect, if they succeed in Syria, then we will definitely be next, so when you watch this, pay attention to what these CIA/MOSSAD/MI6 financed, and armed rebels have done to unarmed civilians in Syria with massive massacres and now I understand why our dual Israeli citizen traitors do not want us armed, since they plan on doing this to us,  with the planned agenda of getting us to give up and go for a global world order.   If it gets to a world war, we are the designated losers, and sadly, the Chinese and Russian people have no clue just like our sheep.  Its their leaders who are in on it, playing the role of adversary, but actually working with the internationalists.

Well, this video has reinforced that we must be armed and should never give up our guns under any circumstances of any kind.  Better to die fighting then the way they have planned for us. Remember who Saudi Arabia is best friends with.... the Bush's and Israel and much beholden to britain for their country and their oil and for these khazar non arab leaders of Saudi Arabia's role  and position which is due to the British in WW I... when they divided up the Ottoman empire and gave these tiny countries to khazar nomad tribes of sheep  herders loyal to the khazars (previously known as edomites before they were in Khazaria). 

The only part where I had a problem was with Russia.   Yes, Putin is playing his part for his peoples consumption, which is as a supporter of Syria and an enemy of the international bankers,  but that is not the case at all or he would not have been  visited by Rockefellers Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger "to reassure Putin that America will be under control soon".  Any American that appears to be on the bankers side, may well  be a traitor, or a dupe who does not know any better.  But lets not make this a left right issue or a Christian Muslim issue.  Its time to commit to staying united no matter what on the issue of sovereignty, tyranny, and our guns as well as purging these non humans from the face of this planet. 

I suspect when kissinger and Putin met, it was in reference to the gun control issue.  Then just less than a year ago, Putin had a very long visit with Netanyahu, I suspect getting his finishing touches on his orders from his masters... the Rothschilds, through Netanyahu.  Please watch and pay close attention to how they undermine a government and its the people who suffer, so we must NOT  buy into anything resembling these middle east rebellions. We must be prepared, but not start anything, until they try to violate the law and the Constitution, then they are illegal and we are legal and acting under the Rule of Law. If we do not act under the Rule of Law, then we become them.

Syria - The True Story
Published docolovers on Jul 11, 2012
What are the forces at play in the world today? A question that remains unanswered by those entrusted to communicate to us, the truth.

Yet we ourselves fall short from attaining it, not for lack of access, but because of an unbroken fear that has obscured our vision.

This documentary is the true story behind Syria.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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