

Industry's "Weapons" (WMD)..... For Earths Depopulation - Part 2 of 4

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Vatic Note:  You will never truly understand what is happening not only to our country, but to our elderly, grandparents, parents, our siblings, our children, and others we know and love.... until you have read these links below as well as those in Part 1, we did the other day.  There are things here, probably half of what has been provided, that I did not know and I know a lot.  (** THEY ARE SERIOUSLYMESSING WITH MY LINKS ETC.  If you find one that does not fit, please notify us immediately either in the comment section or by email.  Thanks, this is too important to let slide, so please work with us on this.)

Try to think of this as a war zone.  Every single link is at minimum one weapon and some cases more.  As you begin to count them in parts 1 and 2, before we ever get into Part 3,  you will see just how big and how long we have been "UNARMED" and under attack.  This below is called the "SOFT KILL" and the weapons are hidden, as is the attack.  Our job and that of others is to expose, expose, expose and choose to eat something different and call the company and let them know,  YOU KNOW.... Use words like murder, treason, etc.  Believe me they work.

So instead of our enemy conducting a hot war, where everyone knows its a battle and everyone takes their chances and risks their lives for saving their nation and those they love, they are hiding behind weapons of mass destruction that are hidden from us.  Generally you would think it's a "Defensive" war.   If it were, then why hide behind "cold" weapons? Seniors are not the only "useless feeders" they are coming after, so are the permanently handicapped that they created with their hidden secret weapons like food, and water.

This is why we are losing so many of our loved ones who have contributed their whole lives to the growth, and well being of the nation and yet are now, after their life long contribution, being treated as "Useless feeders" and "non productive" cattle to be discarded like an old dirty shoe.  That is not the America I grew up in. But it does resemble the Rockefeller funded Eugenics program of Dr. Mengeles of Nazi Germany in WWII.  By the way, even though Eugenics is a nuremberg trial crime,  Rockefeller is still funding studies in Eugenics.

When the value of a human life is ONLY Measured by it's ability to produce, then we have dimished ourselves from truly caring humans to simply practical "Bean counters" who only care about what we can get from another human that would benefit us and ours.  If there is none, then we devalue their life and send them on their merry way into death and short life span.

Like I said,  that is not the America I grew up in. But it is becoming the Nazi Germany the Khazar bankers funded, and the Palestine of today.  How did we get to this point??? Social engineering by the 1 percenters, bankers, and their fully owned Fascist corporations they own. We have been indoctrinated to feel apologetic for living, and to accept the slow reversal of our governing system from one of "for the people, and by the people", to one of "Government control "for the Fascists and by the Fascists".

Lets reclaim what has always been ours.  Our governance.  The first thing we should be screaming about, in this newly awakened determination to reclaim our precious heritage, is cleaning house in the FDA, Then we can move onto the Dept of Ag.... and then into EPA, FCC, and so forth.  After that we can take on other issues.  PRINT OUT THESE LISTS OF LINKS AND KEEP THEM TO SHOW THE SHEEP, and let them know they are not immune to the attacks against us. 

Industry's "Weapons"..... For Earths Depopulation - Part 2 of 4
by admin Bibleotecapleyades

- Tavistock Institute - Main File
- Teflón - 'Only by DuPont' (Solo por DuPont)
- The 10 Worst Chemicals in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
- The 15 Most Toxic Places in The World
- The 5 Most Toxic Energy Companies and How They Control Our Politics
- The Autism-Mercury-Thimerosal Saga
- The Best, and Worst, Laundry Detergents With 1,4-Dioxane Contamination
- The CDC Votes in Favor of A Flu Vaccination Assault on Americans' Health
- The Deadly Industry of Psychiatry - La Industria Mortal de La Psiquiatría - Main File
- The Downfall of Science and The Rise of Intellectual Tyranny
- The DuPont Bloodline - from "13 Bloodlines of The Illuminati"
- The Fight For Health Freedom - Why Focus on Health Freedom? Because Our Future is Worth Protecting
- The Health Conspiracy - from "The Atlantean Conspiracy - Exposing the Illuminati from Atlantis to 2012"
- The Mass Poisoning of Humanity - An Exploration of Human Stupidity
- The Plot to Keep You Sick
- These 10 Corporations Control Almost Everything You Buy
- The Trio of Herbicides Which Are Poisoning Us, Our Food and Our Environment
- The Truth About Tamiflu - Has The U.S. Wasted $1.5 billion on An Ineffective Drug?
- The Ubiquitous Triclosan - A Common Antibacterial Agent Exposed
- The World’s Largest Human Experiment - Monsanto's Glyphosate-Based Roundup Herbicide
- Total Health Tyranny - The Year’s Biggest Story No One is Talking About
- Toxic Tar Sands - Scientists Document Spread of Pollution, Water Contamination, Effects on Fish
- The Carlyle Group - Main File
- Twelve Unsustainable Things That Will Soon Come to A Disastrous End on Our Planet
- Untested Nanoparticles Showing Up in Thousands of Consumer Products
- USDA Ignores Pesticide Ravaging Bee Population and Threatening Global Environment
- Viruses - An Instrument in World Depopulation - Main File
- War Over Monsanto Gets Ugly - Birth Defects, Superweeds and The Science of Intimidation
- 'What Are The Bees Telling Us?' - Industry's War on Nature
- What Is Geoengineering?
- What The USDA Doesn't Want You to Know About Antibiotics and Factory Farms
- Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates - Main File
- You Really Can Protect Yourself Against Electromagnetic Radiation - It's True and Here's How

Additional Information

- 2009 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ (NPDS) - 27th Annual Report
- 21st Century Inquisition - Codex Alimentarius
- Aclaraciones Sobre el 'Codex Alimentarius' y La Directiva Sobre Medicina Herbal Tradicional
- Adverse Effects of Adjuvants in Vaccines
- AIDS - Man-Made - Main File
- AIDS Vaccines Stop Working After a Few Months - Shocked Researchers Discover
- Air Fresheners Can Trigger Allergies, Asthma
- Amazing and Disturbing Facts About The Hidden History of Medicine
- Americans Exposed to Atomic Bomb Levels of Radiation Through Medical Imaging, CT Scans, Mammograms
- Artificial Chemical Sweeteners - Grocery Warning
- Atmospheric 'Phenomena'? - Main File
- Big Brother to Track Your Medication Compliance With Electronic Transmitters in Pills
- Biochip Implants - Main File
- Blinded by Science
- Breakthrough Documentary "House of Numbers" Challenges Conventional Thinking on HIV-AIDS
- Cancer 'Is Purely Man-Made' Say Scientists After Finding Almost No Trace of Disease in Egyptian Mummies
- Can Hazardous Waste Be Safely Removed For Our Bodies?
- Chemical Contaminants and Human Disease - A Summary of Evidence
- Chemical Emissions from Residential Dryer Vents During Use of Fragranced Laundry Products
- Cientos de Productos de Hierbas Medicinales a Ser Prohibidas en La Unión Europea a Principios de 2011
- Codex Alimentarius Commission - A Threat to Humankind
- Codex Alimentarius Commission - Report of The Thirtieth Session - Rome, 2-7 July 2007 - Official Report
- Congressman Waxman Sneaks Anti-Vitamin Amendment Into Wall Street Reform Bill - Health Freedom Alert
- Dead Birds Fall From Sky in Sweden - Millions of Dead Fish Found in Maryland, Brazil, New Zealand
- Determination of Glyphosate in Groundwater Samples
- Diapathics of a Resurrection - Collective Action Against euthaNAZIa Doctors on An Intensive Care Unit
- Doctors Are More Harmful Than Germs - Book Review by Dr. Harvey Bigelsen M.D
- Dr. Rife and The Death of The Cancer Industry
- Electromagnetic Field Intolerance - An Epidemic in The Making
- Ethical Issues in Human Enhancement
- Fluoride and The Future - Population Level Cognitive Enhancement
- Flying on Drugs
- ‘Flying Syringe’ Mosquitoes Get Bill Gates Funding
- Fragranced Consumer Products - Chemicals Emitted, Ingredients Unlisted
- Global Bee Emergency - Act Now!
- ‘Global Warming' is Killing Us - And It's Designed To
- Judge Strikes Fear Into Biotech Industry With Nullification of Patents on Human Genes BRCA1
- H1N1 Vaccine Liquidation Sale Now On - Hurry While Supplies Last!
- Harvest of Fear
- History, Background and Status of Labeling of Irradiated Foods - Fact Sheet
- How We Are All Eating Questionable Nanotechnology
- Huge Fines for Refusing to Buy Health Insurance - Americans Threatened With Jail Time.
 (VN:  well, they just solved our problem.  lol  No income from being in jail, means no money to pay for the health insurance and then refuse to do slave labor for their "FASCIST" banker/corporate owners. Because that is what this is really all about.  Controlled Slavery through the camps. Just like nazi Germany and the Russian Gulags in 1917. This is their pattern and they never deviate.  They have no creativity or adaptability. )
- Influenza - Virus H1N1 - Unintentional Contamination or Bioterrorism? - Main File
- Is The Genetic Integrity of The Human Race Approaching a Collapse? - Women: Before Getting Pregnant, Check Out...
- Jane Burgermeister - El Interrogatorio KAFKIANO en La Corte de Viena - ¿Está Baxter Detrás de Esto?

Con't in Part 3  -

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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