

Industry's "Weapons"..... For Earths Depopulation

***  This was scheduled for the 27th and was gutted.  I am sorry I didn't catch it but my car broke down and I had to deal with that so I never had a chance to check the blog until 5 pm on the 27th,  So it is up here now and this is part 1, and when you read it you will see why they gutted it.  The entire thing, they always tell us what they don't want you to know by doing that.  

*** Status on our Fundraising. Our balance after today is $185 remaining toward the first of the months'obligations.  We have 4 days til the first, so, please help us reach our goal by the first.  

If you feel you obtain value from our research and work, we hope that, if you can afford to, you will consider donating to our ability to continue.  If you can afford it, we would appreciate it if you would use the paypal button off to the right and donate whatever you can to the cause. Bless you all who have supported us in reading and distributing our blog, also with previous and current donations, emails and comments. We do appreciate it all. It makes all our effort worthwhile. Bless you all for your support.

Vatic Note: (Sorry, this turned into a diatribe, but it was needed, read it and see what I mean).   Whew, wow, I am impressed.  JFK was right, this does reflect the "conscription of enormous resources in every field of endeavor".  Just look at this list and never wonder why our life span numbers are going down.  Why our medical costs are going up.  And the total lack of "CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP" that exists with respect to those citizens, they profit from killing  them off or making them sick and suffering.

Depopulation at its finest.  Abortion was one ring in the circle of preventive life. Sterilization, was another.  Depopulate before they are born, so the parents are not attached to them.  Remember the Georgia Guidestones put up by the Luciferian society in 1974, telling us what they intend.  Then watch the movie "The Soldier" as the movie industry is owned by those doing this and they tell us in advance what our future is going to be like.

The state will make test tube babies, for their militarized society,  which they just announced they can do, then they announced they have an artificial wound to grow the babies in, then the state will raise them from birth and TRAUMATIZE THEM as they now do in Satanic rituals to split off the childs' brain and mind control them.  Same with pedophiling them. That is why its so popular right now and they want it legalized.  WE ARE UNDER SERIOUS ATTACK. They intend to field a military of unfeeling hardened robots  and that perpetual war and destruction of civilization is their objective with a slave work force.

This is what happens when you allow foreign occupying traitors in your government to ship our manufacturing overseas (Bush Sr, did that in the 80's).  Now the only GDP we have requires us to be ill, be in prison, serve in war and get maimed or killed, or to die.  Now what kind of world is that?  One that is created by barbarians with absolutely no imagination.  Part 1 is only the tip of the Iceberg.  You are going to croak when you see 2,3, and 4.  Its important to "know" how you are being engaged in a war, so you know how to fight back.  Take their tools and use it against them.

What is important is stay out of fear.  We do not have to choose to eat what they sell. Or buy anything for that matter with respect to any product.   We have grown as a nation, growing our own food.  Raising our own animals, providing our own heat by burning wood, using river and well water, which can be filtered and then after you pay for the filter, the water is free... and we can do it again.  We just have to find breeders and growers and seed savers from the old days.  They are around, usually, locally, out in the country near where you live....we just have to find them.  Grow our own and prepare our own meals. NO more TV dinners. NO MORE DAMN TV.  Back to interacting with those we love and friends, neighbors and family.

Is this part of the satanic sacrifices to be made for wealth and power?  I don't know, but THIS, BELOW, IS unbelievable.  Its another reason why I think aliens are involved since humans, real ones, could not do this, IN THE HUGE NUMBERS THAT ARE INVOLVED,  and live with themselves.  Its the only explanation.  The Human PTB, appear to have been the first alien successful venture into genetic manipulation, resulting in Bankers, corporate owners, Rockefellers/Rothschilds etc, they are not human is the only conclusion we can make.  Our leaders are not human but hybrids without a soul.  That makes perfect sense in explaining their actions.

The more I read the more it appears that they have done this before.  We know that we are being poisoned, but to what extent?  They need us in fear, chaos, and out of control, so we get fed  up with all this and they can then put their people in place to "Save" us, and we will buy it.  That is why so much gets leaked.  When they want to keep a secret they do and kill anyone who tries to expose it.  Its the only explanation for why they are allowing so much of this out.  We did a blog on how IN THE PAST, 3 strands of our DNA had been disconnected.  Is this  another attempt to devolve us or another exercise in fear?

This below is pure data with no editorializing.  And each has a link you can go to, to see what the area holds in the way of disclosure on our foods.  Part of this mafia exercise is also because the chemical companies have bought up much of the food companies. Start CALLING THEM AND TELLING THEM YOU WANT THE POISONS OUT OF OUR FOOD OR ELSE....The other parts 2,3,4  deal with other areas of attack against our lives and our ability to procreate and perpetuate our species.  Our species is fully under attack with little or no notice so we can fight back.  BY DECEPTION, WE WILL CONDUCT WAR  and they have.   Time to do Sun Tsu.

LETS NOT FORGET BILL GATES STERILIZATION PROGRAM IN THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES AND TEXAS GOV PERRY'S SIMILAR EXEC ORDER TO DO THE SAME TO 14 YEAR OLD GIRLS IN TEXAS THAT RESULTED IN THEIR BECOMING STERILE AND IN COME CASES DYING FROM IT.  Then we have perpetual wars that kill off our young healthy men who can fertilize and become fathers.  That is Part of the reason for what they are doing to our soldiers, both left and right.  Its not about politics, ITS ABOUT CONTROL.

This below shows what can be done without "CONTROL" through centralized tyranny.  Its an amazing collection that is so indicative of a free society where each individual contributes to the whole, when left alone to create and think and discover on their own.  "Thinking outside the box" requires a soul and creativity that goes along with it. That is why they want to mess with our DNA for those remaining.

Industry's "Weapons"..... For Earths Depopulation,   Part 1 of 4
by staff of Bibliotecapleyades

                                 Tractor spraying a field with Pesticides
                                                    and Fertilizers
- A Debate Around Malathion Spraying - Supposed To Harm Pesky Insects - But Actually Harming The People
- A Massive and Illegal Geoengineering Project Has Been Detected Off Canada’s West Coast
- America's Farmlands to Be Carpet-Bombed With Vietnam-Era Agent Orange Chemical if Dow Petition Approved
- A Moratorium On Genetically Manipulated (GMO) Foods
- Argentinean Mother Sticks It to Monsanto and Wins Major Environmental Award
Español - Aspartame - Un Dulce y Mortal Engaño - Main File (VN: its in English)
- Atomic Power and the Use of Depleted Uranium (DU) Weapons - Main File
- “Banco Semillero del Día del Juicio Final” en El Ártico - Bill Gates, Rockefeller y Los Gigantes de La Biogenética Saben...(there is  an english version, look at the top just below the title.
- Baúl de Semilla Global de Svalbard - Genética, Agroindustria y Planes de Exterminación
- Baxter Files Swine Flu Vaccine Patent 'AHEAD of Outbreak'
- Baxter Vaccine Patent Application US 2009/0060950 A1
- Big Government Conspiracy Theories Become Reality - Fluoride, Cancer, Chemicals and More
- Big-Pharma Industry - The Healthcare Rip-Off - Main File
- Chemical Used in Teflon and Non-Stick Cookware Linked to Heart Disease
- Children's Medicines Coated With Brain-Damaging Aluminum
- Health insurance Companies Invest Billions in fast Food Chains, to keep you sick and buying more insurance.
- Corporate Greed, Intellectual Property Laws and The Destruction of Human Civilization
- Cancer Industry Desperately Needs Mammogram Screenings to Recruit Patients and Generate Repeat Business
- Chemical in Conventional Soaps and Toothpaste Leaves Unborn Babies Brain Damaged
- Chemtrails - An Updated Look at Aerosol Toxins
- Conejillos de Indias Humanos - España
this link above is in english.

- Contemporary Medicine is A Disease!
- Corporations Are Psychopaths With Zero Degrees of Empathy
- Crude Awakening - Mineral Oil Contaminates Everyone's Bodies
- Death of The Birds and The Bees Across America
- Denial of Chemical and Radioactive Dangers
- Different Toxins for Different Social Classes - In The End We're All Poisoned
- "Doomsday Seed Vault" in The Arctic - Bill Gates, Rockefeller and The GMO Giants Know Something We Don't
- Elevated Levels of Toxins Found in Athabasca River
- El Fluor y la Fluorificacion - Main File (VN: the text is in english)
- El Mayor Contaminador del Planeta - El Departamento de Defensa de EE.UU.- Eugenics Alert - Oncologists Now Pushing Toxic Chemotherapy for Pregnant Women
- Excitotoxinas - El Sabor Que Mata- Federal Research Confirms Oil-Sands Contamination - Researchers Discouraged from Speaking to Reporters, Document Says
- Five Nasty and Crazy Effects of Pesticides in Food - Exposure
- Fluor and Fluoridation - Main File
- Flu Vaccines Revealed as The Greatest Quackery Ever Pushed in The History of Medicine
- Fumigaciones Para Matar - Agrotoxicos - This is what is happening in Mexico near school crossings.  They are fumigating fields with heavy pesticides and chemicals.  Its a deep form of Agratoxins.
- Genetically Engineered Organisms - Foods and Others - Main File
- Genetics - The Ultimate Alien Invasion
- Glutamate Overload is Slowly Destroying The Minds of Our Children
- Governments Attack The Babies
- Grave Threat of Pesticides to Bees' Billion-Pound Bonanza Is Now Clear
- Have You Been Exposed? - The Medical Device That Causes 30,000 Cancer Cases Each Year
- Household Chemicals Cause Cancer,(VN: my mother died of a rare form of cancer from using household chemicals, so I switched to Hydrogen peroxide, organic , for cleaning) Birth Defects, Wide Range of Health Issues - WHO Study Admits
- How Biotech Corporations and GMO Crops Are Threatening The Environment and Humankind Alike
- How The Bill Gates Foundation is Genetically Manipulating Nature and Devastating Our Health
- If Mainstream Medicine Really Works, Why Are Americans So Unhealthy? (VN:  we are unhealthy because we turned our food needs over to corporations run by khazars who hate us, and are trying to kill us all off.  That is why, so we should take control of what we can control, back again.)
- I.G. Farben - The International Farben Cartel - Main File
- In 27 Years 3 Million Die from Prescription Drug Use  (VN: Wow, that is way more than gun deaths.)
- Incrementalism - Breaking Free From World Powers Who Gradually Destroy Our Health
- Is Lithium The Next Fluoride? - Medication May be Added to The Water Supply
- Leaked Memo Sheds Light on Mysterious Bee Die-Offs and Who's to Blame
- Majesterium and The Tipping Point
- Male Fish Now Exhibiting Female Traits Due to Toxic Chemicals and Pharma Runoff
- Mandatory Chemotherapy for Children With Cancer?
- Mass Bio-Terror Pandemic by December 21, 2012 - Secret Revealed
- Mercury Contamination and The Flu
- Mercury Exposure Makes People Go Nuts
- MONSANTO - A Multinational Factory of Death - Main File
- MYCOPLASMA - The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases
- Nanoparticles Destroy Soil and The Environment - Study Finds
- Nanotech Particles Pose Serious DNA Risks to Humans and The Environment
- New EPA-Approved DuPont Herbicide Linked to Widespread Killing of Trees - Authorities Unconcerned (VN: They are not concerned because its intentional, no wood for winter if all heat sources disappear)
- Not So Sexy - The Health Risks of Secret Chemicals in Fragrance
- Nuclear Disaster in The U.S. - How Bechtel is Botching The World's Costliest Environmental Cleanup
- Ocean Fertilization - 'Rogue Climate Hacker' Russ George Raises Storm of Controversy
- Oil Industry - Producers of Energy and Disasters - Main File
- Oil Sands Development Contributes Elements Toxic at Low Concentrations to The Athabasca River and Its Tributaries
- Oil Sands Development Contributes Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds to The Athabasca River and Its Tributaries
- Oxford Professor Calls for Drugging Water Supply (VN: As we showed on here, Oxford, is the globalists top secret society and all world leaders not born of the illum families are educated or indoctrinated there if you will. Remember the 3,000 chinese leaders they educated who now run China?  Remember, Bill Clinton educated there, who ran the USA into the ground along with the Bush's?)
- Persistent Organic Pollutants Will Soon Cause Half of All Newborns to Have Birth Defects
- Pesticide That Kills Honey Bees - Wik-Bee Leaks
- Polluted America - GMO Manmade Biological Threats, Plant Diseases, Germ Warfare
- Pregnant Women Now Being Dosed With Toxic Chemotherapy Drugs
- Profit Driven Swine Flu Propaganda - Pump Up The Volume
- Roundup and Birth Defects - Is The Public Being Kept in The Dark?
- Roundup Birth Defects - Regulators Knew World's Best-Selling Herbicide Causes Problems, New Report Finds
- Scandal Exposed in Mercury-Autism Study
- Serious Birth Defects Linked to The Agricultural Chemical Atrazine
- Some Ways Corporations are Poisoning Our Food, Water, The Earth
- State of The Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
- String The Bastards Up - Thimerosal in Vaccines
- Study Proves Bee Decline Linked to Top Insecticides

VN:  The next 3 parts will slam home to you, just how dangerous these khazar Zionists are, when you also go back and look at who owns, not only the banks, but the corporations all involved in these horrific death traps designed for  unsuspecting and trusting citizen who could not imagine anyone intentionally tampering with our food.  Its not "JUST" about profits, ITS ABOUT CRUEL DEPOPULATION.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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