

Satanist Gen Aquino's "Mind War" in Progress???

Vatic Note: There are 3 sections to this blog, and each to do with gun control from totally different countries and perspectives, All three are important but the first is the MOST important for implications for us and how we react.... please read this first section, which is an excerpt from a psychops called "Mind War" set up by General Aquino (the military resident avowed and admitted Satanist)  that moves psychops from psychological manipulation into mind control of the "enemy" and in this case, that is us. 

Included in this is an article that is classic MINDWAR since it promotes the abject fear they need for us to be convince that we could never win.  That is the objective of the MIND WAR program in the psychops dept under the ravaging Satanist and you can tell by the way his mind works. Its truly an admission that they are at war, in the upper echelons of the military,  with the American people.  That is a treasonous condition to  be in for a military man/woman. The penalty for them is horrific.

The Warning on this must go viral since this is now a "mind" war and we must not participate, rather focus on our own objectives and do what we would normally do.  We must tell the sheep since they are the majority.  (Listen to this video and hear what your NWO will be like.  There are many ways to fight this and as we discover them and test them, we will report on those that seem to work. It will take courage to do the best one, and that is absolute non cooperation in everything they want us to do, including martial so they can suspend the constitution.  

That is why we cannot give up our guns,ever!  Just watch how he tries to twist what the guy in this video below said, and almost got away with it.  He knew full well what he was doing in repeating what the guy said and doing it wrong. These perverts know no other way than lying and manipulation.  They have no moral core, so you can TRUST NOTHING THEY SAY OR DO. This is what we have to look forward to.  No time to have a life. Too busy covering our butts or stressing over it instead of developing our creative and spiritual side. Forget it.  NO NWO...NO GIVING UP OUR ASSAULT WEAPONS.

In this "Mind War" article below, They can't do what he says , since it would interfere in their income generating system that they desperately need to replenish their diminishing resources.  They are getting desperate. The minute they bring foreign troops onto our soil to deal with us, they have crossed the line and everyone who aided in that or aquiesed now moves, OFFICIALLY,  into "traitors" to the country, even though in practice they already are due to their haarp work, false flags, and winter snow that is not snow, .... its solid frozen chemicals, do not let your children eat the snow.

Bringing FOREIGN troops in unites the country since even the sheep do not want foreign soldiers on our soil and our law enforcement and military would not tolerate that either.  If they do that, then we must move automatically into defense of our nation and understand that who ever invades,(Does Israel sound familiar?) has declared war on us, and  means we can take out all enemies, including domestic that aided in bringing a foreign nations troops onto our soil against the American people, which is classic treason in any book ever in the history of the planet.

I bring this up because this is an example of just such an effort as shown in this article below.  I bet anything this is just another financial cliff, which was the first volley in the Mind war, that went no where.  They kept threatening us with it and we didn't respond, and voila, no cliff, it was avoided, yeah right!  lol  

So when reading this, be sure and keep it in mind that this article below is the 2nd attempt at beginning the "MIND WAR".  Its important when they develop new technology and new tools that we are made aware of it as much as possible so we can counter it in real time.   Here is the excerpt first and then the link to read the rest of the protocol.  The excerpt is in red print and my comments in black with my normal VN: 

"The first thing it is necessary to overcome is a view of PSYOP that limits it to routine, predictable, over-obvious, and hence marginally effective "leaflet and loudspeaker" applications.

Battlefield devices of this sort have their place, but it should be that of an accessory to the main effort. That main effort cannot begin at the company or division level; it must originate at the national level. (VN:  that means with us, the people. That is what sandy hook was all about Fortunately we were able to counter it, and in fact it reinforced just how much danger we are in, so it had the opposite affect. We are less likely now to go into fear and instead went into righteous anger which is the energy of action.  What they did was desensitize us to all their Protocols recommended BS.)

"It must strengthen our national will to victory and it must attack and ultimately destroy that of our enemy. (VN:  that is us, folks. Time to seriously come together as one, united at our 314 millions souls, less the 4% psychopaths who have no souls. It both causes, and its "affected" by physical combat, but it is a type of war which is fought on a far more subtle basis as well -- in the minds of the national populations involved."  (VN: what he is saying here, is mind wars not only cause physical combat, but mind wars also becomes affected by physical combat, which adds to the goal , (objective of losing the war on our part since we are the enemy and are suppose to believe we are going to lose and thus we lose, WRONG, but its subtle and thus we would miss it since we have been dumbed down in education since Bush Sr federalized our system.  We used to be 2 in the world in education and now we are 39th and dropping, that means 2nd world countries are ahead of us.)

"So let us begin with a simple name change. We shall rid
ourselves of the self-conscious, almost "embarrassed" concept of
"psychological operations". In its place we shall create

MindWar. The term is harsh and fear-inspiring,
(VN:  to whom? To those agreeing to fight for you because they have been dumbed down?)
and so it should be; It's is a term of attack and victory -- not one of the rationalization and coaxing and conciliation. The enemy may be offended by it; (VN: The only thing that offends me about it, is that we paid good taxes for this crap.  Now that offends me! ) that is quite all right as long as he is defeated
by it. A definition offered:  

MindWar is the deliberate, aggressive convincing of all participants in a war that we will win that war."

Link here for the analysis write up on this project.

Satanist Gen Aquino's Mind War in Progress???

~~article below~second shot in the mind war~~ FEAR FEAR FEAR! DO NOT BUY INTO IT. 
Let them make their first ILLEGAL move by trying to get our guns and then we will see...... smilie face.  

VN: Treason is a serious offense.  We are the government and no one else.... we are the owners and creators of this government and we can take action if they go against their owners.  Courts have no more right to overturn elements within our constitution than any other branch of gov and if they try, then they have signed their own treason admission.  

It's evidence and hard copy evidence as well. The underground in europe did an excellent job showing us how justice works on Collaborators, when the system does not.  I can't even believe we are having this discussion after the previous two WW wars.  At least we have forced them to be creative and create something new for a change (Ok, so it was just like both, but there was some innovation, not much but some?  Change of country for instance.  LOL ) instead of the rehash of Russia and Germany.  We can take a bow for that much.
Heartstopper! 666 RFID Microchipping “During” Gun Confiscation??? (VN: MIND WAR, FEAR FEAR FEAR...... VOMIT! Grow up and act like civilized adults will ya please.)
by Connectthedots (military? Psychops? Better hang onto your guns.

Imagine the world’s electricity going out all at one time minutes after the gun(and knife) What???  No stone tomahawk confiscation or baseball bat confiscation?  Your missing an golden opportunity here, lol

Confiscation has been announced. Your heart starts beating harder than the pounds of a marching band.  What do you do next? Now I’m not certain that things will play out that way, but that is DEFINITELY one of the ways these iLLuminati government goons are portraying it to be.

Where would I get that scenario from? Okay. Have you been reading (and memorizing) the underground news reports from 2009 all the way up to now in 2013? If you haven’t then you should be ,because all of these articles are puzzle pieces for us to put together from memory that will reveal how the NWO is going to come about.

(These coded “truths”actually goes back to the beginning of man but we’ll save that for another article) (VN: notice below all the headlines,  I didn't even click on the links, since the titles told me everything I needed to know..... .MIND WAR..... I won't play, thanks anyway. LOL)

Do you find it interesting how gun confiscation, the U.S. power grid (EMP ATTACK)   and the failing economy are all in the news at the same time.

Think it’s a coincidence? I think not.For example. The truth is the government funded group “anonymous” is the real reason the lights will go out. See Here  
(VN:  High treason number 1)

Oh,  But I’m not done yet.

Why do you think NBC is now showing this (VN: if NBC is showing it, then its part of the Mind war.  Not to worry)


SO! Let’s pair up,… Dianne Feinstein’s Gun Confiscation, with a WorldWide blackout that would shut down the us power grid and knock out all the electricity in the united states, topped with the death of the US dollar, no internet, food riots and mayhem.  (VN: Right, and we are scared to death and will surrender because we believe we can't win.... WRONG!)

Let’s add RFID Microchipping people to this equation. How so? Well I decided to figure out what dianne feinstein felt about forcing people to take microchips in their hands and foreheads and using their eyes (retina’s) to identify this 666 RFID Microchipping crapola.  (VN:  I take it they do not understand the power of being willing to fight to the death rather than ever subject ourselves to such cattle branding conditions.... that would be obvious and go against their very objective in the mind war, who the hell is running that place?  He/she must not have a clue about the power of choosing death before it arrives.  I don't know anyone who has said they would live in such conditions.... no way. 

Everyone I have talked to said if it happens the way he sets it out below, to happen, the last thing they would  do is surrender.  They don't trust them and death by fighting is preferable to death by guillotine or gas since everyone knows that if they are a dissident, Muslim, Jewish (real ones), or Christian, they are dead with these guys.  So that was a huge mistake.)

The results are?….that dianne feinstein (VN: Ms Satan eyes) would LOVE TO MICROCHIP the entire nation. Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) authored a bill (with 11 co-sponsors, including Barack Obama) that was incorporated into a housing bill passed by the Senate Banking Committee 19-2 a bill that creates a national RFID Fingerprint Registry.

What’s interesting is the fact that there is no mention of it on this “senate bill” as the standard procedure requires.

There's not even a copy of the revised Senate legislation posted on the library of Congress Website  (VN: maybe its part of the Mind War and it never passed or was ever introduced?)
See Here

In case you are a little “slow” on the uptake of what is about to happen watch these 3 videos. (VN: yes, please feed those fears, especially after all the fear mongering on famine we were suppose to have and subsequent riots, remember that one?  Then the fiscal cliff turned out to be an ant hill.  lol  And then there was the "Hurricane SANDY",  like Sandy Hook?  A tie in of some kind? Talked to a woman on Statin Island and no damage except minor stuff to her home.  She said the only damage was along the shoreline and she is a bit inland.  Another MIND WAR attempt.  Heck if I owned the gov as a business, some people would be seriously fired for their total lack of achieving the goals and objectives. But more importantly they would be fired for a lack of thinking outside the box.  No creativity and abject incompetence. If you are a psycho, you will never understand a normal persons mind, and that means you will fail.)

See here as well as this one here

It’s not just Gun Confiscation it’s also ”MICROCHIPPING THE  NATION with a 666 chip.Think it’s just  some conspiracy??

Click Here

Where are you going to run when they already have this available (VN: Aaah, yes, you can't run,  you have to surrender, and thus lose the Mind war,  LOL I think you guys need to go back to the drawing board and start again. Ever hear the phrase "you can get a catch a lot more flies with honey than you can with vinegar?"  You need to totally rethink based on American psychology and not Israeli/British psychology.  We are a different breed of animal than those other two and won't accept what they have accepted both in the past and even now. I have hope for the Brits because they just did a massive protest march demanding their guns back and it was the largest ever. )

So make no mistake about it when they come to your doors,…because it will be to approach you with getting microchipped or getting KILLED. Hey! Where have I heard this before? oh yeah i know….”And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor,free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” –(excerpts from the book revelation 13:16- and 17)

You should also Dive into this too . IT WILL LITERALLY BLOW YOUR MIND

Could this be why DHS was buying millions of rounds of ammo?

Or what about those Fema trains with the handcuffs,and slavery shackles

as well as this one

Why do you think the NDAA was put into place before this madness occurred that we are in now? The only thing that will save you is a healthy obediant relationship with JESUS CHRIST. Just sayin…..

2nd of 3 offerings on gun control

Vatic Note:  I just received this from a reader in Australia reporting on the status of Australia since they received Gun Control.  I am beginning to think that maybe Gun Control is not only about domestic enemies, but also about depopulation given the stats in that country since gun control.  Read this below and I wish to THANK BOLDARN, FROM AUSTRALIA FOR THIS UPDATE:  Read below and see the most recent stats.

This is what happened in Australia as a result of the government forced surrender of personal firearms.

For the record: Personally, I do not believe in nor support violence in any form.
However, I do believe in an individual's right to defend oneself. – ED.
Australian Gun Law Update
From: Ed Chenel, A police officer in Australia

Hi all, I thought you all would like to see the real figures from Down Under.
It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by a new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by our own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars.
The first year results are now in:
Australia-wide, homicides are up 6.2 percent,
Australia-wide, assaults are up 9.6 percent;
Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)!

In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent.(Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, so the criminals still possess their guns!)
While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since the criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.
There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the elderly, while the resident is at home.
Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in 'successfully ridding Australian society of guns....' You won't see this on the American evening news or hear your governor or members of the State Assembly disseminating this information.
The Australian experience speaks for itself. Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws affect only the law-abiding citizens.
Take note Americans, before it's too late!
Will you be one of the sheep to turn yours in?
WHY? You will need it.
By Harvey
A Student of Law Weapons Firearm Training
Third article below
What Happens when the Governments Disarm their citizens?
by Warrior Times

Here’s a history of what happens after governments have disarmed their citizens:

1911 – Turkey disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1915 – 1917 they murdered     1.5 million Armenians.

1929 – Russia disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1929 – 1953 they murdered 20 million Russians.

1935 – China disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1948 – 1952 they murdered 20 million Chinese.

1938 – Germany disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1939 – 1945 they murdered 16 million Jews.

1956 – Cambodia disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1975 – 1977 they murdered 1 million Educated people.

1964 – Guatamala disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1964 – 1981 they murdered 100,000 Mayan Indians.

1970 – Uganda disarmed it’s citizens, and between 1971 – 1979 they murdered 300,000 Christians.

[Editor: You can argue about the numbers, but the point here is that disarmed citizens are vulnerable, and that there are many historical examples of disarmed citizens being killed and oppressed by their own government.

The excuse given by authorities that they need to take guns away from citizens in order to lower crime rates is not supported by facts. Even if a government does not turn on its own citizens after disarming them, people are less safe - because unarmed citizens are easy targets to criminals. Over and over again, it has been clearly shown that taking guns away from citizens does not lead to a decrease in crime but rather a dramatic increase.

Australia has disarmed it’s citizens, and a year later the homicide rate in the largest province is up 300%. The burglaries of seniors is “dramatically” up.
I guess the criminals did not turn their weapons in. Only the innocent law abiding citizens turned in weapons.

In US cities with the highest crime rates, taking guns away from the citizens has not lowered the homicide rate. All it has done is to make it easier for criminals to operate.

The 2nd amendment is not about duck hunting, or deer hunting. It is about having the ability and the right to defend oneself and your family. It doesn’t matter if that threat is a burglar, or the Federal Government.

A disarmed population is fair game for any president who may be aspiring to become a dictator. Having its citizens armed was the plain and simple intent of the founding fathers of our country.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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