

Gregg Braden's Amazing Interview: He Brings up the Power of the Heart

 *** FUND RAISER UPDATE: Thanks, you WAYSEERS, we made it for another month.  I guess we are suppose to keep going on this mission.  God Bless you all and have a Happy, prosperous and WAYSEER NEW YEAR.  Remember, united we stand, divided we fall.  The left to the streets as wayseers and activists and the right to the strategy board. Don't forget, bring your heart with you.  lol

Vatic Note: This was the very best presentation I have ever seen on the heart and its power. I have a problem with his example of Mother Theresa, only in that no one is that perfect in their being, and right now we need enough to move us into our power to affect our current reality.

He makes a great example of the power of resonance (see Wayseer video) by using a scientific method with two guitars.  The promotion of fear by these low vibrating satanists, is used to take us out of our resonance and he also says, FEAR is within us, and not given to us by the information or actions we experience.  Those are neutral, but we assign the fear to what we hear or experience. That is within us.

I had to go through a deep purging within me about "stuff" I had carried around for years, and I cried in a releasing mode for about 4 hours. After that, it changed how I reacted to the issues that triggered the clearing.  ALL OF OUR WORK IN REACHING OUR POWER, IS INTERNAL, NOT EXTERNAL.  We can rid our environment of people and things that trigger these feelings within us, but that won't make them go away, they are still within us.

Some of you know what happened to me that brought me to a point where I have to ask for donations, and it was done to me by my husband. AT the time I suffered greatly, but was fortunate enough to find a place to live (a garage on a river in the toolies, with no bathroom, no kitchen, no running water, no drainage and no heat in the mountains... a true survival situation and it led me into the most spiritual journey of my life.

With all the material loss I suffered, the gain I received those two years, I would never have been able to buy if I were a millionaire. That is why I do these as I find them. At the end of those two years, I sent my ex a letter thanking him for what he had done, otherwise I would never have had the greatest experience of my life.

What I have found  was that this material life was just a tiny fraction of the abundance of life we have access to through our heart, our spirit and our souls. The body and material needs to feed and keep  that body alive, is just a small part of life.   When I went to college I had to choose between science or political science since I was good in both, but not enough time to do both.

I picked PS, but I have always followed current science especially in physics and cosmology.  I agree that the science today is confirming so much of the ancient writings in so many ancient cultures.   It begs the question now, why was the Library in Alexandria burned  and destroyed?   Did it contain all the secrets we are just now beginning to understand?  Lots to think about indeed.  

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did as you can tell by my ranting, LOL

VN: Whatever you do, do not mistake this for doing "nothing" about our situation, its about using the power you have while also learning, and seeking truth in order to properly direct that power where it is most needed. Its like this: You want to move that mountain over there, but you start thinking about a mountain somewhere else and you move that one instead without meaning to, and when you look up, you are shocked that the mountain you really wanted moved, is still standing there.

Obviously, you think that the actions did not work, since the mountain is still there. Its the same when you direct your energy, thoughts and actions toward a solution that is not the right one because you had the false info on the problem. Its why truth is so important in these times as most ancient writings tell us, even the Bible says that in revelations. 

If you avoid truth because "you say" its negative.... then you miss the whole point and that is why I love this interview.  He says "its not the information that is negative,  ITS THE BEHOLDER OF THAT TRUTH THAT ASSIGNS NEGATIVE ENERGY TO IT.  Its our responsibility how we respond to "neutral information" since its not harmful to us, rather its just words.   

Its what we do with it that is the problem.  So, the first thing I do when I hear truth that I need to know, is I begin already seeking solutions that will solve that problem.  I could write a whole bunch more on this, but suffice it to say, he does a fabulous job on this subject.  I love this guy.  

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