

Cabela’s Sold Out Of Semi Auto Rifles And Ammo

Vatic Note:  If Obama was honest, I would worry about what he said below, but because he is not honest,  I am not worried.  This video proves that even the left are buying guns because many on the left, know what we in the middle and on the right also know..... these various false flags were simply to get our guns so we  could not fight back when they try to destroy us through treason using foreign soldiers.  The fact that these animals were willing and able, without hesitation to kill  babies, under 7 years old, at that massacre, speaks volumes about why we cannot let them prevail, no matter what it costs.   Barbarism like that has to be eradicated as soon as possible. 

Also remember the right had bought all the guns they needed well before all this.  So those guns being bought are because every one now knows that the Ct massacre was a false flag done in order to get those guns and its the left.   We will be united in this cause, I have no doubt about it.... I talk to people from all over the country all the time and I know both right and left everywhere are arming up to the hilt for the fight against global fascist tyranny that they tried to do in WW II and failed and are now trying again, only this time using America as the foil, instead of Germany this time.

The left remembers JFK warning us in 1961 about the international bankers (he should have said who it was, so they would not assassinate him) and they know like we do that Israel/Rothschild bankers, with the aid of traitors in our gov, are the ones that killed JFK.  Vanunnu told us that when he came out of prison in Israel.

Israel is so lucky that we found out now instead of earlier or they would not be on this planet right now.  No one better false flag kill our current President either.   WE are going to react this time.  Right and left.  No one has the right to kill another countries elected leaders (even though the election is under suspicion, we have no proof yet that it was rigged), but everyone now knows "WHO" the real culprits are and that will not be forgotten anytime soon. 

Cabela’s Sold Out Of Semi Auto Rifles And Ammo
by Barracuda, Before It's News

With Obama fighting tooth and nail to close loopholes at gunshows and  a possible ban on assault weapons it’s no wonder semi automatics are flying off the store shelves.

According to (VN: Remember these "occupy movements were funded, organized and trained by Soros, so we know who they "really" support, which is Soros and the Rothschild cabal who are trying to fulfill JFK's warning, that there was an international conspiracy to bring down America) [President Obama has responded to the gun petition on WeThePeople website. Obama said, “we hear you” to the Americans who signed the petition calling for Congress and the Obama administration to pass legislation restricting access to guns and redefine the 2nd Amendment. The requests include a ban on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips.] (VN: Hmmm, I wonder who coordinated that piece of propoganda?)

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