

UPDATE ON #9 - 12/22 - Father on Video is ACTOR, TONY HAWK

Vatic Note:  Look this is hard for even me to buy and I am not as hard to convince as many others.  So I put this forward with caution.  If true, then we are dealing with a government so corrupt that nothing will fix it except total prosecution of every single member of that administration.  

If not true, then they are playing with us out here in the internet and that may explain why they won't shut it down.  You read, look at the photos at the original site since they are much bigger, and decide after watching the video and matching up the ears, and his demeanor coming up to the camera which is anything but somber, and he acted as actors do when they have to emotionally prepare to act out on an adopted role.  

Check out the comparison of his ears which are unique like fingerprints. Then go revisit the video below and look at his ears and they are the same. I almost fell out of my chair. We owe this blogger, Wellaware,  a debt of gratitude for the extraordinary work he has done. 

 You can read the text better by visiting his site, since we can not increase the size in order to read it. Its a fascinating site.  He covers the hoaxes in all these shootings and especially did a fabulous job on the Rep. Gifford so called shooting in AZ.  Remember?

VN: This below was what we put up on the Update #9, rewatch the video and you can see what he is saying about the ears. They match and they are unusual. He is an actor, his name is different than what they gave us, and his real daughter is alive and well and looks similar to the real child, but different at the same time. As you can see after you look at these photos, then go below to the video and replay it. If you can't read then visit the link above this paragraph and red the text. 

My question is "where are the children"? Whose kids are these, or do they even exist?  If they can bogus this up, then they can bogus up all those funerals, simply by going into their archives on previous funerals and replaying them and we would never know the difference.  WE caught them not having a funeral for the ambassador when he supposedly got shot, so this time they made sure there were plenty of funerals.

(this is what we posted back a few days ago)
UPDATE #9-1:04 pm -  WATCH THIS VIDEO, ITS PROOF OF A PRODUCTION OF SOME KIND.  This guy is supposed  to be the father of one of the VICTIMS - A 6 YEAR OLD.   Watch him when they first pan on him, But listen to the introduction of him. Watch his face after the Intro, THEN WATCH WHAT HE DOES BEFORE HE GOES TO THE MIKE AND BEGINS HIS TALK and see the difference.  This proves this is a production.  

Either he is part of the false flag and could care less about the children they killed or there are no dead children.  I still have not figured out which it is, but for sure it was not a lone nut gunman.  I got this from Northern Truthseeker who is the truth watchman for Canada and is doing a damn fine job of exposing the ugly face of Zionism in the Canadian gov.

Now that you saw that "FAKE ACTING", now check out this one, its even worse because of who is doing it just before asking for gun control. THEY REALLY DO THINK WE ARE STUPID.  Wow, there is going to be a lot of payback coming.

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