

Child porn and pedophilia to be legal soon,

Vatic Note:  (Warning!  Rant below by VMaster) This is a must read article all the way through, below my rant.  You are welcome to skip my rant, and go directly to the article.

You know,  I can't believe we are having some of the conversations we are having.  These people should flat out just be put in jail where they can no longer harm our children.  I do not even want to think about how far away we have come, from morality,  integrity,  caring for the helpless such as children and old people.

They want to do their satanic sexual ritual abuses of Children for their Luciferian religion and can't do it openly without going to jail.  These are people who have problems having sex with another adult.   They are way too immature to have an adult relationship.  

The are stuck in some infantile period of their life and can't get out. They even do this crap to their own children and think nothing of it since that is how they retain control of them til they die.   I have said all along, they carry the symptoms of total insanity, probably through inbreeding and a total lack of any maturity.

That is why this push is on since the problem is massive, broadly based, geographically prevalent everywhere in the western world and at the HIGHEST LEVELS OF CONTROL WITHIN THE GOVERNMENTS and Monarchies, if not in the Israeli/Russian world as well. Probably in the Chinese world since the Zionist bankers now run China and Russia.  Remember WW III is the brain child of the Zionist bankers, just like WW I, and WW II. They have always controlled both sides of any conflict.  So whatever is going on here, is also going on everywhere.

They have done a brilliant job socially engineering our children and ourselves with technology, TSA foundling our children AND WE LET THEM BECAUSE WE WANT TO FLY SOMEWHERE, Can you even imagine? TSA, created by the Dual Israeli zionist citizen, Chertoff,  is illegal according to our Bill of Rights and they are committing criminal acts when they foundle our children and should be prosecuted using state criminal law.  

Read this on the zionists belief that they are now calling all the  shots where we are concerned and in those protocols are sections on how to begin the sexualizing of the goyim children by those zionists that control everything that makes our society what it is, through social engineering.

I could do a whole blog just on how they progressively got control of our children away from us.  We have parents in jail who tried to protect their children from school authorized drugs, based on no doctors prescription, rather only on the word of a school minion, and drugs dispensed from the school and not a pharmacy.   Is that part of the preparation for pedophiling our children? etc.

Since posting this I just read that a court ruled that the state can force vaccines on children without parents permission.... its happening folks). Rent the movie "The Soldier" since that is how they always tell us what their plan is.  It shows how they intend to raise our children into what kind of adults they want them to become and I can see a little of it happening already.

Why are we not suing in court?  We are not the society we once were... where we cared about escoteric issues such as survival of the species, Human that is.  And what kind of world will we leave to our children to try and navigate and our grandchildren.   We used to think generationally and now we think to the next football game or reality TV show or when is dinner ready.  I can remember when a father would die defending his child, same with a mother.  They took their responsibility for protecting the tiny thing that cannot protect him/herself, and that was a given when I grew up.  I do not see that today or no one would allow a TSA agent to touch the genitals of their children without a firm and direct reaction.

We certainly  don't want to deal with reality or truth. I keep thinking of Jon Bennett Ramsey.  Have they succeeded in their planned demise and moral decay of our society?  Its one way to bring us down.   Only we, the people can stop it, but they believe we are too unorganized to do anything about it now.  This was back in 1976 that they said all this.  And he was right.  Look at where we are now 40 years later.

Its mind bloggling to contemplate and I have had to lately, when trying to call upon our power from our hearts and what has happened is,  "when I acknowledge what is being done globally and in the US, in the American peoples  name to the helpless,  the infirmed, elderly, and babies (Pesticides/arsenic in their formula), I can conjure up the love and feeling for those who are helpless, that I need to access my power. This reminds me of how everyone thought about the German people and how they could put up with what was going on in their country, which was EXACTLY the same as what is going on here.    

The German people had an excuse, they did not have the net to educate them nor the truth, which would have been too horrible for them to accept.  But we do have the information and absolutely no excuse for doing nothing about all this.  Remember, the nazi fascist bankers goal was the same then as now.  A global fascist NWO.  At that point, you will not be able to say anything since your right to free speech and control of your government will be gone.

I finally started doing facing all this and it made me realize our problem isn't the  evil satanic inbred insane ones alone, its also us.  Yes, they socially engineered us into what we have become, but we still have choices about whether we want to buy into it or not.  We have allowed this for a long time now.  Did you ever wonder "WHEN" did Americans accept torture as an ok thing to do?

Do we remember the date and time when that happened? Part of that torture we were told was pedophiling Iraqi children in front of their captive parents.  WHAT? When did Americans ever do anything like that???   Did it just sneak up on us or did we simply not register or care when it did happen and so we don't really remember.    When did Americans accept invading another nation for their natural resources?

Sure, our government did it behind our backs  for a long time, as did our corporations, and banks, but when we found out,  what did we say or do to show our absolute outrage that they did such things in our name???  We  didn't.  What about what we have allowed to be done to our soldiers WHO ARE OUR CHILDREN, SPOUSES, ETC. that we would never have accepted by our government.

First Agent Orange that ruined the lives of young men forever and even killed many of our soldiers far more than the enemy ever did.  Then there was A mystery FATAL CHEMICAL POISONING in the first Iraq invasion under Bush Sr.   He was right,  if we had known what they were doing,  we would have  chased them down the streets and made short work of them.

The latest is our soldiers suffering from the brain eating DU poisoning as are the Iraqi people.  Then after Fukishima, what did CIA owned Drug running Evergreen airways contract to do for the bankers???  DUMP  DU POISONING ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE across the nation.  What we are seeing is their attempt to make us weakened so that when the designated loser, us, of WW III gets occupied, we will be too weak, sick and unable to defend ourselves, and the same with our military.  Its no accident we have record numbers of suicides.

We reported it and did we stand up as one and demand answers?  NO, we did nothing.   So, why in the world do I think all these blogs are going to make any difference?  If our hearts are healthy and vibrant and full of love for those most helpless, then it will make a difference, if not, then we are as guilty as those doing  these things. 

Our power will come from our hearts unless there is a wall around it.  If we feel nothing when we read all this, then we have a very big heart wall and we need to face it and tear it down, so we can be Americans again like we used to be and also be the powerful beings that we are.  This below is the greatest insult and perversion these abjectly insane zionists have done to date. So, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?  Sorry for the rant.  It just gets to me sometimes. You know how I am about children.  I absolutely love their pure spirit and abundant love of life and most of all their innocence which is soon lost anyway.

That innocence is what is offered up to Satan by these  insane animals.

Child porn and pedophilia to be legal soon,

by Pandora Pushkin (Not satire),

Posted on December 8, 2012 by Montecristo, Darkmoon site

In which Pandora Pushkin discusses the latest push to legalize pedophilia and make it a trendy new “alternative lifestyle”.


ALICE: Help! I’ve just been raped by Jimmy Savile disguised as the Mad Hatter!

MAD QUEEN: Too many complaints—off with her head!

If Jimmy Savile had lived a few more years—say ten at the most—he could have found himself living in a world in which pedophilia was legal. Instead of being vilified for his creepy sexual activities, Jimmy could have found himself a national hero. (VN:  Notice his medal on his chest from the Queen for services rendered, now we know what those were.  These insane inbred wealthy monarchs are sick and they want to rule the world with the sick zionists?  No way! Its time for an Iceland purging)

(Photo of Jimmy Savile)                                                           
Resorting to the same tactics used by gay rights activists, pedophiles have begun to seek a similar legal status, arguing that their sexual desire for children is just a natural “sexual orientation”. If homosexuals like going to bed with their own sex and that’s okay, why is it so wrong if a 70-year-old man wants to go to bed with a 7-year-old girl?

“If a guy offers the kid candy and she consents to sex, what’s the big deal?” it’s now being asked. It’s not like he’s forcing her, is it? Shouldn’t the child have a choice to say Yes or No? (VN:  She does not have the brain fully developed yet, and thus has no capacity/maturity to exercise such a decision.  Her sexual development does not even begin until she is through puberty.)

Critics of the homosexual lifestyle have long claimed that once it became acceptable to identify homosexuality as simply an “alternative lifestyle” or sexual orientation, logically nothing would be off limits. Gay advocates have taken offense at such a position, insisting this would never happen.

Well, it’s happened.

Pedophiles are using exactly the same brand of logic as homosexuals once used to get their preferred form of sex legalized. Sodomy is just an alternative lifestyle. Gay sex is cool. Sure, we all know that. Like the world is round, gay sex is cool. Nothing wrong with gay sex. Gays are made like that. They can’t help it.

It follows from this argument that if a guy in his seventies fancies a 7-year-old girl, or boy, there’s nothing wrong with that, either. Heck, that’s how he’s made! It’s his sexual orientation. And what harm is he doing if the 7-year-old girl (or boy) doesn’t mind being specially nice to him for a little extra pocket money?

Calling him a “dirty old man” is sooo wrong! It shouldn’t be allowed. That’s hate speech, like calling someone a “kike” or “nigger”.

Come to think of it, what’s so wrong if this same guy is into corpses, like Jimmy Savile is reported to have been? Corpses can’t say “No”. So there’s no question about getting cadaveral consent.

Let’s consider necrophilia for a moment. This is not off-topic. It’s highly relevant.
I guess it’s possible to argue that sex with corpses can also be pretty cool and awesome. Like it’s just an alternative lifestyle. I mean, if you happen to be born with a natural sexual orientation for sex with the dead, maybe society should be a bit more tolerant and not start making moral judgments.

Maybe necrophiliacs ought to put in for protected minority status, just like pedophiles and homosexuals…?

I guess one way to settle this vexed question about necrophilia, if it’s right or wrong, is to ask yourself: if YOU were a corpse, how would you like someone to make use of your dead body for sexual purposes? It can easily be argued that most people are not going to mind, for no other reason than this: they’re going to be dead!

How can you mind if you’re dead? When you’re dead, what do you care? If you don’t mind being burned to ashes or put six feet under, why should you mind being used as a sex object that gives pleasure to a necrophiliac?

Thus the smooth casuist will be able to argue.

I foresee certain problems of course with legalized necrophilia, but I am sure these can be overcome easily enough with advertizing campaigns on TV assuring the public that sex with corpses is just fine and dandy — just like killing innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan and Palestine is fine and dandy, if you can con people into thinking these people are very wicked.

I mean, if torture is okay — and torture IS perfectly legal in America and Israel — there’s absolutely no reason why necrophilia (or pedophilia with dead children) shouldn’t be legal too, is there?

I can understand that the relatives of the corpse might get a bit upset. That’s to be expected. Relatives can be like that. Uncooperative. But the responsible necrophiliac is never going to misbehave with a corpse, is he? If he’s got any self-respect, he’s going to check it out with the deceased’s relatives first. To ask if they mind. To get their compassionate consent.

                                     “I’m dead and in the cooler
                                       But I wanna come back
                                       As a serial killer
                                       Or a necrophiliac.”
                                       — Anon, Kinky Graffiti

Psychiatrists are now beginning to advocate redefining pedophilia in the same way homosexuality was redefined several years ago.

In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. A group of psychiatrists recently held a symposium proposing a new definition of pedophilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders of the APA.

They decided that pedophiles were to be called “minor-attracted people” from now on. “Pedophile” was thought to be too harsh a word. It had negative connotations. So a clear attempt is now being made to “prettify” pedophilia and make it not only socially acceptable but a harmless and trendy “alternative lifestyle.”  Just like homosexuality.

The idea is this: if people can be brainwashed into thinking homosexuality is nice and normal, why can’t they be brainwashed into thinking pedophilia is nice and normal too?

In ten years time, it is hoped, the public will be ready for the legalization of pedophilia. In the meantime, they need to be softened up. The stigma attached to pedophilia needs to be removed.

Not only this, but the same stigma will need to be subtly transferred to those who oppose pedophilia and feel pedophilia is morally wrong and repugnant.

These child protectors will need to be portrayed as desperately out-of-touch cranks, as reactionary crackpots hostile to the child’s right to free sexual expression.

Will a new word of abuse and contempt, like “homophobe” and “anti-Semite”, have to be invented for the nasty people who disapprove of pedophilia? I don’t think so. There’s already a word that will do beautifully: PEDOPHOBE.
Loosely translated, this means “child hater”. By extension, it also means “pedophile hater”. The word can be applied to anyone who opposes pedophilia and thinks it is disgusting.

The word “pedophobe”, in other words, will soon be applied as a term of abuse to anyone who opposes pedophilia. If you don’t like pedophila, you will soon find yourself labeled a “pedophobe” — an object of disgust and contempt which will put you into the same category as a “homophobe” or “anti-Semite”.

As far back as 1998, the APA issued a report claiming that “the negative potential of adult sex with children was ‘overstated’ and that the vast majority of both men and women reported no negative sexual effects from childhood sexual abuse experiences.”

Only earlier this year two psychologists in Canada declared that pedophilia was a sexual orientation just like homosexuality. So there was nothing to worry about. It ought to be accepted.

Mr Van Gijseghem, psychologist and retired professor of the University of Montreal, told members of Parliament, “Pedophiles are not simply people who commit a small offense from time to time but rather are grappling with what is equivalent to a sexual orientation just like another individual may be grappling with homosexuality.”

Dr. Quinsey, professor emeritus of psychology at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, agreed with Van Gijseghem. Quinsey said that pedophiles have a definite sexual preference for children. “There is no evidence that this sort of preference can be changed through treatment or through anything else,” he said. (See here)

In July, 2010, Harvard Health Publications chipped in and gave pedophilia another boost. “Pedophilia is a sexual orientation and is unlikely to change,” they said. Harvard is now 25 percent Jewish, and the most influential part too, so one can expect a trendy contempt for Christian values to emanate from this ivory tower. Indeed, it was only last week that a sex bondage club, catering for student sadists and masochists, was set up at this august university. (See here and here)

Linda Harvey, of Mission America, said the push for pedophiles to have equal rights will become more and more common as LGBT [Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender] groups continue to assert themselves. “It’s all part of a plan to introduce sex to children at younger and younger ages.” (See here)

It’s only a matter of time before Harvard university and its Ivy League imitators begin to set up student clubs for pedophiles and child porn enthusiasts, provided they can first give the whole enterprise a veneer of academic respectability—which of course they will be able to do, given all that khazar zionist talent at their disposal.


Children like this are being deliberately groomed for pedophilia. Toxic hormones are being surreptitiously introduced into (VN: Milk with hormones: its why organic RAW MILK is banned, so you know this below is why they are banning it.) junk foods, soft drinks, and the water supply (VN: Find river water, lake water etc and get it filtered and use that since its better than tap water) so as to produce early puberty and sexual precocity on an epidemic scale.

Milton Diamond, a University of Hawaii professor and director of the Pacific Center for Sex and Society, stated that child pornography could be beneficial to society because, “Potential sex offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex against children.”

I am not surprised that a man with a name like “Milton Diamond” should put in a good word for child pornography.  He obviously belongs to the Zionist elite group of cultural Marxists who would like to see the entire world take up compulsive masturbation as a hobby.

(VN:  when you read this paragraph, it conjures up the 1897 Protocols that outline this as a way to destroy society and make it vulnerable for take over by them)
Dr Diamond is a distinguished lecturer for the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco. The same institute lists, on its website, a list of “basic sexual rights” that include “the right to engage in sexual acts or activities of any kind whatsoever, providing they do not involve nonconsensual acts, violence, constraint, coercion or fraud.” Another thing they praise is “the freedom of any sexual thought, fantasy or desire.” The Institute also states, significantly, that “no one should be disadvantaged because of age.”

Dr Diamond makes it crystal clear what kind of brave new world he would like to see us all living in. It is reassuring to know that no one will be left behind — that “no one should be disadvantaged because of age.”

Dr Diamond sees the protection now extended to toddlers as a “disadvantage”. Why are these adorable little creatures, full of life’s promise, being denied the pleasures of sexual intercourse with wise old coots ten times their senior?

Just think what a 7-year-old child could learn from entering into intimate relations with a 70-year-old senior citizen! To deprive the child of the benefits of his superior wisdom is positively cruel!

Penis size will of course have to be taken into account, and men with exceptionally large penises will obviously have to be disqualified from intercourse with toddlers. Or maybe they can be encouraged to use vaseline and special lubricants which will help to anaesthetize the three sexual orifices likely to be utilized.

In any case, it’s early days. Not to worry. The experts will work it all out. Leave it to the boffins.

Here’s more good news for you if you happen to be a pedophile: Dr Diamond says he would like to legalize child porn so that you can enjoy the innocent pleasure of masturbating over children. Isn’t that kind of him? He thinks this will stop you raping and killing children.

Gosh, why didn’t someone think of this before? For more information on this fascinating topic, click on:   "Legalizing Child Pornography reduces child sex abuse crimes (Scientific study by Dr. Milton Diamond, U. Hawaii)"

Sex offender laws protecting children have been challenged in several states including California, Georgia and Iowa. Sex offenders claim that the laws prohibiting them from living near schools or parks, for example, are unfair because it penalizes them for life.

“Why’s that pedo flashing at me from behind that tree? Hmm, I guess flashing at kids is pretty cool… an awesome alternative lifestyle.”

 Let’s face it, friends: perversion is cool. I mean, anything can be perceived as cool — even eating shit. If you’re born a perv, you need respect and understanding from the community. You need special facilities laid on for you so that you can indulge your perversion as a human right.
Child porn is just a stepping stone toward even greater liberties. Child brothels, regulated by the state, will obviously be the next step on the Noble Eightfold Path. Even cannibalism and murder, provided you get the written consent of your victim, ought not to be ruled out.

As they say in New Zion or USreal, every option should be kept on the table.
This is the way the word ends…not with a bang but a whimper…as one pushes beyond the borderlines of the banal in the ultimate quest for mystical union with the divine — or diabolical.



Beautiful 6-year-old Jersey Bridgeman, from Arkansas, was found raped and murdered last week a few doors from her mother’s home. She is here seen wearing LIPSTICK. Why has this child been so needlessly sexualized and made to look more like an adult? If her mother hadn’t bought her that lipstick, would she still be alive today? (See here)

(VN:  From the look on her face,  she was abused before, or her parents made her into an adult before she was even into puberty.  The parents should be in jail right along side the murderer)                                                                                                                                      
Is this little girl “asking” for it?
Is she being groomed for pedophilia?
If you have time to watch this 10-minute video
about the sexualization of young children,

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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