

Was Sandy a War Game for the "ABC" Announced Alien False Flag Coming ?

*** Something I just picked up and noticed that is very "telling" about the planning of this bogus event. First of all listen to this video news report about alien invasion and what happens on the ground. Then see if it doesn't sound like what happened with Sandy.  (Sorry about the length, but this triggered and completed a much bigger picture than I had thought at first.)

FEMA document is for training "FIREFIGHTERS" for this national happening nationwide. Right? Why firefighters??? Are they planning a giant fire that would cover the nation? Or at the least all the cities??? Does the Gulf Rig giant fire from two lasers ring a bell? How about 9-11 molten fires in the hole of burning steel for weeks if not months??? Does that ring a bell? WHAT ABOUT THE CON ED EXPLOSIONS THAT DID NOT LOOK LIKE EXPLOSIONS?

So they intend to use those lasers on us. Interesting. Sandy was a war game for this scenario. HOW DOES FEMA KNOW THEY NEED FIREFIGHTERS AND NOT NATIONAL GUARD OR RESCUE WORKERS???? Its time to use our heads.

Its because they know in advance what they plan on doing to us, remember, they are anal retentive control freaks and that is how they work, practice, practice, practice and that tells us what they are going to do, they have no choice, since they have no spirit life, so no creativity.

More evidence and hints of a false flag they know about in advance. Then they can rebuild into ant colonies or those "SMART CITIES WITH MASSIVE SURVEILLANCE TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED INTO OUR LIVING SPACES, Smart meters, street lamps etc?"

Remember we covered their plans on this on another blog recently. I just didn't put it together til now. These smart cities they want us to invest in as an investment are to take all population out of the rural areas, off farms and ranches, and into cities to control them better and surveillence would be much easier with a much reduced population living in concentrated ant colonies to serve our majesties easier.

 A GIANT CONCENTRATION CAMP WHILE CONVINCING US WE ARE STILL FREE. WHAT A JOKE.  This is important....THEY NEED US TO BELIEVE WE ARE FREE FOR ANY OF THIS TO WORK FOR THEM.  They do not want to use their resources they would have to spend to force us into compliance and to produce quality work for them without force since you cannot force someone to do good work if they do not want to do so.  I believe that is a problem they are having in other slave work force situations overseas and why they want Americans as slaves, but to believe they are free since they have always produced good quality products. 

They intend to make the living units very small to discourage building families. With no room, no children, and no real life at all or future. They intend to take over reproductive control of the Human Race.  Keeps the population down to the Georgia Guidestone guidelines so they can retain control over us and control over raising the children fully by the state. They then get the rest of the nation as their safe playground to golf in, hunt domesticated and fenced-in elk and deer... They are so obvious and barbaric. (Sustainable agenda 21) Hmmmm. THIS IS YOUR NWO, HOW DO YOU LIKE IT SO FAR? THE CRAZIES ARE IN CHARGE OF THE MENTAL WARD. DO NOT KID YOURSELVES, THEY ARE FULLY INSANE. And so are we for letting them get this far.

Vatic note: We intend to try and do this subject with an indepth view of this so called threat by our Government and the illums/khazars, decades long preparation for this false flag about to be presented to us for our consideration, fear and mindless support for a global world order to fight them. It was recommended as far back as 1966 in the Iron Mountain report, to use this false flag to globalize, along with "ecodisasters" which we have already had that were also false flags and in fact not real, rather manufactured and told to us in advance.

 Remember, their deal with Satan is they have to tell us in advance what they intend to do and this is one of those. I believe the movie 2012 was just such a disclosure. I do not know that for a fact since I did not see that movie to personally support what I was told. So take that for what its worth.

This is about the "Breaking News" the MAINSTREAM, neocon/neolib owned press, Disney's ABC, (and you already know about Disney from our series on them) has disclosed to the public, along with a huge dollop of fear, that aliens may well be on the way and that it is so credible that FEMA has written up 600 pages of plans for that eventuality, setting us up for the beginnings of this new false flag that really isn't new, just new to us and fully on the books as part of their agenda. Its clever what they have done..... Once it was out there for all to see, they then "pulled" the document from the public.

So that was either their way to secure our conviction that the aliens are real, or it was to hide the fact they were treating this as a false flag. In any case, nothing is working at all. You can tell by the comments to this particular blog on the subject.

PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP BIG TIME. It shows the commitment they have to sell us on this as a viable threat to us and to pump us full of fear, since fear is the WMD they intend to use to get us to act like idiots and accept their manipulated agenda of Globalizing.

Since we planned and researched this, much has happened. It appears that FEMA has now pulled that document from the public. Apparently the comments section of this blog did not go as planned, LOL. I guess the goyim are not quite as stupid as the neocons/libs assumed. JUST PAY ATTENTION TO THE TONE OF THIS ARTICLE. Its full of fear and danger, oooh, boogy man. IF THERE ARE ALIENS, I BET THEY ARE THE GOOD GUYS ON OUR SIDE, AND THE EVIL ONES WANT US TO FIGHT THEM.  (Remember, we proved on a 6 part series that the evil aliens are already here and working with our evil counter parts. They have no need to invade.)

The remaining blogs are more indepth info and proof of the contrivance this really is,  using our incredible space division to false flag this along with plum Island cloning and genetically manipulating aliens for our consumption.  We did a blog on the long fingered tall person found floating off the coast of NY, Long Island to be exact.

Then there is the cooperation of the press, the UN, NATO and other neocon leaders of other nations. Enemies will become friends, Russia, China and the USA will come together as enemies and decide to fight this alien threat as a United globe and put aside our WW III DIFFERENCES. Yeah, right. LOL The parts we will put up will expose all the lies involved in making this work for them. Now you know why they first had to pass that Bill of Rights gutting legislation, NDAA and sections 1021 and 1022 before they could begin this phase of their plan. Stay tuned. Lots to learn and see for yourselves in order for you to decide the truth.

ABC NEWS: FEMA Guide: Space Aliens Could Attack U.S. - Part I
by Terrence Aym, Before Its News
Saturday, December 24, 2011

(VN: Watch this video and then read the article.  Then watch parts 2 & 3. What is good about this is we can identify who are the disinfo agents now who were hidden until now. Notice they even tell us its not important "That aliens exist, its important that they are "perceived" to exist, and that is an in your face quote saying "do something about it if you can!")

Uploaded by AntG72 on Feb 9, 2011
News report showing FEMA manual which gives instruction to first responders for dealing with possible UFO attack.

An incredible ABC News story blows the lid off the government's real position on UFOs. ETs exist and may be hostile and FEMA tells how to deal with it all. (VN: This photo looks like a laser beam attack to me,  how about you?  Remember, we now have real saucer space ships in space. We also finished testing a space laser weapon as well.)

Could UFOs be hostile? Might they invade, attack an American city and leave it powerless with countless casualties? How should injured aliens be treated? (VN:  is that why all the coffins in Louisiana and Georgia being transported? Oooh, Nuremberg trials for sure... no doubt about it. )

These are some of the issues raised in Chapter 13 of FEMA's 2011 600-page disaster guide manual: The Fire Officer's Guide to Disaster Control. Chapter 13's astounding title?—"Enemy Attack and UFO Potential."

The chapter discusses how firefighters and other emergency responders may have engine trouble as they approach alien craft. Radio contact may be lost. (VN:  Just like in the gulf according to survivors.... yup, its lasers in space, and they are ours.)  Firefighters may find themselves having to treat injured aliens (VN: That we created probably at Plum Island, stafford County did autopsy on the long fingered human experiment and never released the cause of death)…and the chapter goes on from there.

Jim Mann of MUFON agrees that aliens can be hostile. "This is a real phenomenon that we should deal with and deal with seriously. This is something that could happen in our lifetime."

                 (VN: This PHOTO is suppose to be an attack on Wa DC, is that why they prepared Denver to be the new White House?  What about Congress?  No such preparations have been made.   See?  THEY KNOW ALL ABOUT THIS AND HOW ITS TO TURN OUT BECAUSE THEY PLANNED IT THAT WAY.  It appears we will only have a  White House and Congress will be done away with in the attack.  I wonder if the congressmen know they are doomed for ever, either death or permanent disappearance from this planet. )

UFOs are hostile

Recently, Brazilians were attacked by a UFO hovering over their town.

Brazilian woman with radiation burns from alleged UFO attack
A better documented case comes from Africa.

Annihilation of an African village by a UFO

According to case files and official reports, a young boy named Laili Thindu who lived in a small, rural village in Kenya, witnessed an unearthly atrocity. During June of 1954, the eleven year old and several friends tended flocks of sheep and goats outside the village of Kirimukuyu.

Over several nights the boys spotted strange lights darting about the summit of Mt. Kenya. Having never seen such an unusual sight, the boys speculated on the nature of the lights. First, they decided that the lights must be from huge torches carried by mountain climbers ascending the peak in the darkness.

Later, when the lights began to leave the mountainside and soar into space, Laili and his companions discarded their torches theory and guessed they were seeing the spirits of the dead.

Several nights later as Laili lay in bed he heard the sound of tribal drums pounding out a marriage rhythm.

The tribe celebrated the marriage of a young couple that had taken place earlier that day. The throbbing drumbeat penetrated the walls of his crude hut. As he listened to them, without warning the drums suddenly stopped and outside his hut strange colors played over the countryside.
Benevolent 'space brothers' or beings with hostile intent? (VN: The hostile intent ones are already here and kidnapping our people according to a Grenaeda treaty signed in 1954, these are the ones in Dulce that killed Phil Schneider, or their American puppets did it for them)

Stepping outdoors he noticed the odd lights that had been appearing every night had left Mt. Kenya and now flew above Kirimukuyu. The saucer shaped lights and glowing orange balls lit up the village with intense multi-colored rays.

The next morning, Laili learned from devastated survivors that most of the villagers—the men and women, dancers and children—had been roasted alive by the searing beams of light that had pulsed in waves from the mysterious glowing objects. (VN: Sounds like space lasers to me. In fact, the pre explosion in the gulf was similar, laser beams came down and all electronics quit and lights went out and then the explosion from lasers hitting the platform and forming two separate holes.... so at least we know the lasers can roast humans, given what they did to fish in water and crabs and birds with feathers and lets not forget maybe even the twin towers.)

Weeks later the authorities in Nairobi learned of the incident from the boy and the few survivors of the conflagration. The incident was duly recorded in the government and police records and remains today in its archives of the unexplained…the decimation of an entire village by a UFO. [From Brad Steiger's and Joan Whritenour's account in, Flying Saucers are Hostile.]

ABC takes threat seriously too (VN: If Eisners ABC takes it seriously, then we know its a false flag, don't we? LOL)

Could UFOs and aliens really be a threat? Mann says: "This is a real threat to our planet."

ABC News video report link.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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