

Satanic Crime: A Serious Threat in the New Millennium - Part 2 of 3

***Continued from Part 1, and this is the third time I have put this one up.  They gutted it after I had already posted it and scheduled it out and I confirmed all was ok.  When I came back it was completely gone.  I had done a very comprehensive vatic note about who Aquino is in the military and what division he was assigned to (psycho ops, if you can even imagine, now I am wondering about the entire upper eschelon of the pentagon) which makes it extremely interesting given the full embrace of Satanism in the military since he started the Temple of Set.  I think HE IS WHY THEY GUTTED IT.  I found out more about him that I will add as soon as I confirm.  How did he work for so long doing what he does, pedophiling children, satanizing, mind control using psych ops?  Why is it he is only being outted now instead of years ago.  I will try to reconstruct it and send it out to others to hold for me in case they do this again.  IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO OPEN THESE ARTICLES ON SATANIC CRIME, PLEASE NOTIFY US BY EMAIL LOCATED ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BLOG.  THANKS.  

Vatic Note:  This is definitely not FAST FOOD READING.  Be prepared to learn more than anyone you know, when it comes to satanism and how infested it is in all governments across the globe.  The head of the Church of Satan as you know, was Anton Le Vey, or originally Levey,  as he was a KHAZAR.  When you read the Babylonian Talmud, you could not help yourself but think its the Church of Satans Bible.   To cut to the chase, let me first say that Aquino is a lt.colonel in the Military and has been with psychological Operations for a long time and is considered an expert. So The combination of satanism and psych ops is dangerous as heck in the field of mind control, assassinations, and other acts someone might not otherwise do.  Is that how those 14 year old Iraqi girls got raped and our soldiers got arrested for it??   Further, he got the military to accept his Temple of Set and satanism officially as a religion without delving into the satanic ritual sex abuse and blood letting that accompanies such official standing.  I was disappointed that the author below did not connect these two facts which I consider to be not only memorable, but crucial to the type of military we end up with.  

Not only did he get the military to accept Satanism, but they now have a written description of the religion officially in military documents for all to see.  Chaplins' have been assigned, and the military laws have been changed to allow sodomy as legal.  It used to be illegal.  Now soldiers can torture prisoners using Sodomy where before they could not legally do so and that is how the soldiers in Abu Ghraib in Iraq ended up in jail when it was illegal.   Remember, khazars are phallic worshippers and it shows in their constant use of sodomy as we saw with Gadaffi and our Libyan ambassador.  And that was done by those working for the CIA and Mossad.

Remember they sodomized Iraqi children in front of their parents to make them talk as reported by Seymour Hersh who said he could not stand the screams of the children, now how could any human do that to a child?  They couldn't, so it had to be something out of the ordinary and that is what makes this satanism so dangerous to our military.  This is our new Satanic Military.  Get used to it.  

Now add that to what we read in Part I that drugs were an integral part of Satanic worship and ritual and that now the military is using soldiers as subjects for experimentation on mind altering drugs.  Add to that the record number of suicides in the military and we begin to see a definite pattern emerging... that is beyond coincidence.  Its also our children we entrusted to the military that we need to protect and defend.  No more sending our children to the military, let them use and "abuse" their own.   

Prior to this satanism, America did not engage in torture of any kind much less the horrible torture that we are now very much aware of that is beyond the pale.  Read this and see what I mean.  This is not my America at all.  This has to be the khazar Zionist Israel, since they do this to palestinian children all the time.  We posted blogs on this proving it.   Aquino is among the worst of them.   Well, this below tells you exactly  who we are dealing with here. 

Satanic Crime: A Threat in the New Millennium - Part 2 of 3
by Whale

Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set

The largest Satanic church to spin-off from the Church of Satan is undoubtedly the Temple of Set, formed by The Black Pope’s number-one disciple, Dr. Michael Aquino. Aquino joined up in 1969 while he was a U.S. army officer and psychological operations expert at the Presidio Army base in San Francisco. 

A highly educated and sophisticated man with a Ph.D. from UC Santa Barbara, Aquino was the polar opposite of the high school drop-out and street hustler LaVey. 
The class difference was bound to cause tension between the two men.

This came to a head in 1975 when, as mentioned earlier, LaVey tried to pull a con job on his devotees and drain them of whatever wealth they had in order to receive the higher initiation rites of The Black Pope’s organization. 

The final rupture came when LaVey accepted money for the rites and proffered little or no instruction on the tenets of Satanism to the attention seeking dilettantes who handed cash to The Black Pope. (38)

Aquino took his diabolical beliefs seriously. He undertook a long and detailed
study of occultism and the rites of the Church of Satan. This academic Devil
worshiper just could not stomach the fact that LaVey gave away the very advanced
degrees he worked hard to attain. He stated the church was attracting too many
“fad followers, egomaniacs and assorted oddballs whose interest in becoming
Satanists was to flash their membership cards for cocktail party notoriety.” (39)

Nor did Aquino appreciate LaVey’s notion of atheism and self-assertion. For
Aquino, Satan was a real metaphysical being whose devotees were meant to
worship and serve as their diabolical deity. This constitutes the first break between
atheistic Satanists and theistic Satanists -- a rift which has little meaning when
considering that either way is consistent with Crowley’s notion of inversion. It
does not matter if a Satanist replaces God with himself or the Devil -- the ultimate
end result serves the same agenda of overturning Christianity and replacing it with
Devil worship. (VN:  I have inserted this video here so you can hear from the mans own words and you can see how he does his eyebrows to try and make himself into the personification of Satan.   Think about this man running the psychops of our military.... and the implications of that fact.  Its crimes that would result and have resulted, with soldiers losing either their lives or freedoms in prison for committing crimes against the civilian populations of their occupied countries.... now he is Jewish or Khazar I should say and that reflects in how they treat the civilian population of palestinians,  that is what we are seeing here in American that we never saw before.  That is why this is important. PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO OF AQUINO, its important for understanding the rest of this presentation.  Watch his eyes blinking rapidly, which means he is lying.  Well, of course he is lying, he is a satanist, it goes with the job. )

Whether the individual Satanist prefers atheistic or theistic Satanism is
irrelevant. Some spin-off groups of theistic Satanists believe this rift will be
settled with the emergence of the Anti-Christ in global affairs. (40)(10 Satanic Crime)

Aquino not only claims to have Faith in the Fallen Angel but believes the Prince of
Darkness spoke to him and gave him a further revelation from Hell. This
communication from the Devil was eventually written down in Aquino’s treatise
The Book of Coming Forth by Night (1985). 

In this text, the archfiend identified himself as Set -- the ancient Egyptian name for Satan -- 
and instructed Aquino to form a new organization called the Temple of Set (with members 
referred to as Setians) which was to act as a vehicle for the emergence of a new and bold
Satanic Age. (41)
The trend of self-promotion and eclipsing the Christian God still survived the
break from the Church of Satan as evinced in the statement of leading Setian Don
Webb, “The mission of the Temple of Set is to recreate a tradition of self-deification.” (42)
For all of Aqunio’s squabbling over the years, he retained the key element of both
LaVey and Crowley’s ultimate concern -- to replace the Christian God with
something else. In Aqunio’s theology, it is valid to replace the Christian God with
oneself and/or Satan (Set). From a Christian perspective, adopting either of these
nefarious concepts eclipses God.

Aquino’s Temple of Set became fairly popular and even converted Zeena LaVey
and her husband, Nicholas Schreck, for a time. Although they espouse Setian
views, the Schrecks have also adopted Crowleyanity, having experimented with
and written about various forms of sex magick. The Schrecks founded their own
order called The Storm, which seeks to include ancient Indo-European sex themes
into their greater purview. 
Like many Satanists, they have incorporated neo-Nazi occultism and racism as part and parcel of their diabolical practices. The Schrecks recorded a CD under the group name of Radio Werewolf - a name borrowed from Himmler’s underground broadcasting network which sent out pro-Nazi messages after the Third Reich surrendered. The Schrecks moved to Germany and are directly associated with neo-Fascist Skin Head groups. 

They also produced a movie entitled Charles Manson Superstar (1989), a documentary which afforded Manson a chance to rant away concerning his murderous intentions from inside
the maximum-security prison from which he shall never emerge. The Schrecks also produced a series of quite interesting books, one of which is on the history of Satanism in the cinema.

Many Temple of Set members are Jewish  (VN:  Khazar Zionists) yet Aquino still hails Himmler as a great Satanic initiate. He even performed a series of rituals at the old SS headquarters at Wewelsburg Castle in Germany, where Himmler’s occult priests once tried to
resurrect several severed heads and make them speak. Aquino believed Wewelsburg Castle was a major earthly nexus of nefarious powers and sought to tap into this diabolical goldmine. 

It was at this High Temple of Nazism that Aquino claimed to achieve an even higher initiation and further merged with his malevolent god Set. He set down his experiences with Nazi mysticism in The Wewelsburg Working (1982). (How any Jew  (VN: Khazar Zionist) could join the Temple of Set is beyond reason.)

Although Aquino is a master at media manipulation and various forms of mind
control from his years as a U.S. Army PSI-OP officer, he still could not avoid a
series of law suites which seriously damaged his reputation. The New Religious
(A Brief History of Modern Satanism 11) Movements page, an academic site which 
chronicles novel spiritual practices, best sums up the troubles Aquino faced. It should 
be noted that he was never charged with any crime:

A scandal that broke out in 1986 did much to hurt the credibility of Michael
Aquino and the Temple of Set. Charges of child molestation surfaced at the day-care
center at Presidio Army Base, where Lt. Col. Aquino was assigned. Gary Hambright, a
day-care worker, was charged with 12 counts of sodomy, oral copulation, and
lewd conduct. Aquino, along with his wife Lilith, were identified by some of the
children as possibly being another man who had participated in the molestations.
However, no formal charges were ever brought against Aquino, and the case
against Hambright was later dismissed.  (VN:  Now tell me you don't mind these people running the world.... over their dead bodies).

In 1994, Aquino sued Linda Blood, a former member of the Temple of Set, for libel in
her book The New Satanist. The book, Aquino's lawyers said, depicted him and his
fellow Setians as “pedophiles, child abusers, murderers and the masterminds
behind a nationwide satanic conspiracy”. This was settled out of court, with details of
the settlement kept confidential.

The latest lawsuit, in 1997, was brought against an internet provider for failing to
block defamatory posts from an anonymous user. A person using the name "Curio"
had posted over 500 messages that accused Aquino of "having participated in
heinous crimes, sexual perversions and acts of moral turpitude," according to
Aquino's lawyers. That case against the internet company ElectriCiti was thrown
out of court. (43)

From 1980 to 1986 he worked as an adjunct professor of political science at Golden
Gate University. The various scandals took their toll and Aquino retired from
public life and turned over the operations of the Temple of Set to Don Webb and he
lives in semi-retirement.

The Process Church of the Final Judgment

Although it is now defunct, no discussion of modern Satanism would be complete
without reviewing the strange saga of the Process Church of the Final Judgment.
The lineage of this Church can be directly traced to Aleister Crowley via Jack
Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard. 

The Process Church was started by two former Church of Scientology members named Robert and Mary Anne Moore DeGrimston in England in 1965. They soon began recruiting rich young people into their cult.

The Process Church of the Final Judgment had a Satanic theology in which Jesus
and Satan were different aspects of the same Divine Being. In their apocalyptic
purview, the DeGrimstons believed the world would erupt into global war which
would be ended by a return of Jesus and Satan. Jesus would judge the Living and
the Dead and his other aspect Satan would inflict punishment on the unjust.

Members were encouraged to worship both Jesus and Lucifer in their clearly
diabolic belief system. The Process Church also began to adopt Nazi-style
symbols and language in their diabolic theology of death and destruction. The
primary symbol of DeGrimston’s organization looks very much like Hitler’s
swastika. (44)(12 Satanic Crime)

As the cult spread to the New World, they encountered Charles Manson and The
Family in San Francisco. Manson was also a former Scientologist who claimed that he
and Robert Moore DeGrimston were “one and the same” at his trial in 1970.

Manson claimed to be Jesus and Satan at the same time and wrote an article for
the Process Church magazine. Author Ed Saunders was sued by the Process
Church for suggesting that members were somehow involved in Manson’s Helter
Skelter program of murder and mayhem. Saunders conceded and removed the
offensive passage from his book The Family (1971). (45)

Researcher Maury Terry was likewise sued by the OTO for claiming links between
them, the Process Church, The Family and Son of Sam serial killer David
Berkowitz in his book The Ultimate Evil. No OTO or Process Church member was
charged with any crime while being active members of these groups. Bobby
Beausoleil was no longer involved with Ken Anger or LaVey when he butchered
Gary Hinman. 

Likewise, no Process Church member was ever charged with murder in relation 
to the Son of Sam shootings. However, Berkowitz claims to this day he was part 
of a Process Church offshoot, but no one takes his claims seriously as he originally 
said his neighbor’s dog Sam ordered him to kill those people. Terry settled out of 
court but still promotes his book, which makes the same assertions. (46)

Eventually, Robert Moore DeGrimston suffered from sexual problems with his wife
and requested she allow him to bring another woman to their bed for a
threesome. Mary Anne refused and this led to the entire collapse of the Process
Church. It formally disbanded in 1975 and destroyed all of its records. (47)

Satanic Groups Today

After Anton LaVey’s death in 1997, his common-law wife Blanche Barton and his
two daughters fought for his personal belongings and rights to continue operating
the Church of Satan. His estate was settled and his property divided among the
three. (48) 

Barton retained the official Church of Satan logos and a follower named
Peter Gilmore was made the new “High Priest.” (49) Zeena joined the Temple of
Set and eventually formed her own group. Karla went on to form a rival
organization. Some of LaVey’s ordained priests went on to spread his doctrines in a
less-organized way and only address those Satanists who knew LaVey
personally. It must be kept in mind that there exists a plethora of Devil
worshiping organizations and individuals.

Boyd Rice - who once sat on the council of the Church of Satan - continues to
spread Satanism via his web site, although he combines it with other forms of
occultism. As will be demonstrated, Rice has promoted some very disturbing
messages via the Internet. (50)

Michael Moynihan, another Church of Satan priest, went on to join the Asatru
Alliance and currently promotes the work of Italian Fascist Ideologue Julius Evola
(A Brief History of Modern Satanism 13) who worked for Mussolini and eventually was employed by Himmler’s SS research division.

Shane Bugbee, a Church of Satan priest who was one of the last people to
interview LaVey, maintains a Satanic website and has a weekly program on Radio
Free Satan - a web-based radio network he purchased and which commenced
broadcasting on the Internet in 2000 and spreads the teachings of Satanism to the

There is no way to determine how many Satanist organizations exist or how many
practitioners of this movement are active. As mentioned earlier there are theistic,
atheistic and individualistic Satanist groups and individuals. Many have a web
presence and there are a good many solitary practitioners. Satanic groups are
inclined to be small and splintering tends to occur.

The Rise in Satanic Crime

A philosophy of life that centers on selfishness and disregard for all forms of
authority will inevitably lead to criminal activity. LaVey had ties to organized crime
and claimed Las Vegas gangsters were his role models. 

He pimped women in San Francisco’s red light district throughout his whole adult life. It is no wonder that his disciples like Susan Atkins went on to perform heinous murders. The Black
Pope’s Satanic teaching has influenced a variety of criminals who also claimed to be
Satanists. This is not to say that the Church of Satan or any of its offshoots are responsible for the criminal actions of others, but their publications and related media certainly encourage illicit activities.

There are also other Satanic groups which espouse violence and criminal activities
behind the veil of free speech. Several groups seek to unify Satanists in a final
battle against Christians. Radio Free Satan has broadcast shows which encourages
teenagers to commit suicide.

LaVey’s former followers have also faced legal problems. Boyd Rice was
questioned by the United States Secret Service because of his relationship with
Charles Manson. Rice actually visited Manson on many occasions but was banned
from doing so when he was caught attempting to smuggle a bullet into the prison
where Manson was being held. Charlie had access to an arts and crafts shop
where he could easily have fashioned a zip gun and used Rice’s bullet to either
attempt an escape or kill a guard or fellow inmate.

In a documentary called Speak of the Devil (1993) -- a biography of Anton LaVey -
Boyd Rice, a high-ranking priest in the Church of Satan and mentor of shock
rocker Marilyn Manson, can be seen in a bowling alley dressed all in black like the
Columbine shooters. He speaks of how most Satanists meet in bowling alleys
“working on their scores.” This segment is quite eerie when one considers that
Harris and Klebold bowled for almost two hours before they began their
murderous rampage. 14 Satanic Crime

In a 2002 remake of the CD Music Martinis and Misanthropy by Boyd Rice and
Friends a bonus song is included where Rice addresses the Columbine shootings
and has the line:

Boyd Rice is the one who did it -- now I've heard the secret news.”

Rice has expressed support for President George W. Bush and, despite his
confession of complicity in the Columbine shootings, was invited to speak at

Shane Bugbee was investigated by the Secret Service when a guest on his radio
show threatened the life of the President. Even after the Secret Service visited his
home, Bugbee still commented on the 2004 election by stating that “If you're not
voting with lead, it’s not worth a fucking vote.” (51)

With these sorts of exemplars it is no wonder that Satanic crime is on the rise.
The constitutionally protected Religious Satanists like Rice and Bugbee are
encouraging and celebrating violent acts to the Self-styled Satanists who most often do
not belong to any formal organization and tend to form small cults, many of
whom engage in illegal activities and use the literature and teachings of LaVey and his
acolytes as ideological justification for crime.

The case studies which appear in the following pages trace cases wherein selfproclaimed
Satanists committed acts of murder as part and parcel of their religious
Chapter Two deals with Charles Manson and his unhinged band of
Devil-worshiping maniacs. 
Chapter Three covers the case of “Son of Sam” serial
killer David Berkowitz. 
Chapter Four reviews the “Night Stalker” Richard Ramirez
and his fiendish murders. 
Chapter Five looks at the case of Ricky Kasso, who
ritually killed his friend in 1985. 
Chapter Six relates the career of Norway’s “Wolfman” Varg Vikernes, who was sent to prison in 1993. 
Chapter Seven covers
the sick crimes of Satanic killer Joe Fiorella and his coven who performed an act
of ritual necrophilia. 
Chapter Eight assesses the crimes of Columbine shooters
Harris and Klebold and their relationship to Satanism. (VN: Yes, and lets not forget they were also on psychotropic drugs.  Told ya, they are satanizing our children and the school is part of the problem with drug distribution of mind altering drugs for a bogus disease called ADD) 
Chapter Nine addresses the
case of Satanist Jeff Weise, who shot up his high school in 2005. 
Chapter Ten deals with the case of Rodrigo Orias, who decapitated a Catholic priest as a tribute to Lucifer in 2004. 
Chapter Eleven tells the true story of Andrea Volpe, who butchered a girl in a Satanic ritual wherein she was considered an embodiment of the Virgin Mary. 
Chapter Twelve delves into the case of Mark Dutroux -- Belgium’s Satanic child pornographer.  (VN: Belgium, home of the European Union, figures)
Chapter Thirteen reviews groups like the Skull and Bones Society and its off-shoots--and seeks to determine if there exists any links between these exclusive groups and the more grass roots variety of Satanic criminals.

Be prepared for the shock of your life!
A Brief History of Modern Satanism 15

End Notes
1-2) Drury, Neville, The History of Magic in the Modern Age, Carrol & Graf, (2000) p. 89.
3) Wilson, Colin, Rogue Messiahs, Hampton Roads (2000) p. 206.
4) Gardner, Martin, On the Wild Side, Prometheus Books (1992) p. 198.
5) Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas, Black Sun, NYU Press (2002) p. 216.
6) Wilson Colin, Aleister Crowley: The Nature of the Beast, Aquarian Press (1989) p. 137.
8) Goodrick-Clarke: p. 213.
9) Wilson: 1987 p. 132.
10) Gardner: p. 198.
11) Koenig, P. R., XI° Anal Intercourse and the OTO, online article:
12) Drury: p. 108.
13-16) Wilson: 1987 pp. 140 – 152.
17) Goodrick-Clarke: p. 214.
18) T.O.P.Y, An interview with Kenneth Anger, 1/22/05 online article:
19) BBC, BBC reveals 100 great British heroes, 8/22/02
21) Goodrick-Clarke: p. 214.
22) Schreck, Nicholas and Zeena, Anton LaVey: Legend and Reality, 2/2/98 online article:
23-24) Goodrick-Clarke: pp. 214-215.
25) Schreck 2/2/98:
26-28) Schreck, Nicholas, Charles Manson Superstar, DVD Screen Edge (2002).
29), Whose Who, online article:
30) Moore, John, Prison has a lock on Manson, most of family, Denver Post 2/9/03.
31) Goodrick-Clarke: P. 215.
32) Drury: pp. 195-196.
33) Garcia, Ken, End Near for Ex Devil Church, San Francisco Chronicle 3/22/01.
34-35) Schreck, Nicholas and Zeena, Anton LaVey: Legend and Reality, 2/2/98 online article:
36) Bougas, Nick, Speak of the Devil, Feral House (1993) Video & San Francisco Chronicle
37) Boyd Rice Web Page:
16 Satanic Crime
38-39) Drury: p. 195.
40) Corbin Michael, A Closer Look, airdate 9/17/04.
41) Goodrick-Clarke: pp. 214-215.
42) Drury: p. 209.
43) New Religious Movements, Temple of Set::
44-47) Lachman Gary, Sympathy for the Devil, Fortean Times:
48) San Francisco Chronicle 3/22/01.
49) Church of Satan web page:
50) Boyd Rice web page:
51) Radio Free Satan airdate: 11/26/04.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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